
     1  name: Test
     2  on:
     3    pull_request:
     4      branches: [main]
     5      paths-ignore:  # ignore docs as they are built with Netlify.
     6        - '**/*.md'
     7        - 'site/**'
     8        - 'netlify.toml'
     9    push:
    10      branches: [main]
    11      paths-ignore:  # ignore docs as they are built with Netlify.
    12        - '**/*.md'
    13        - 'site/**'
    14        - 'netlify.toml'
    16  env:  # Update this prior to requiring a higher minor version in go.mod
    17    GO_VERSION: "1.21"  # 1.xx == latest patch of 1.xx
    19  defaults:
    20    run:  # use bash for all operating systems unless overridden
    21      shell: bash
    23  concurrency:
    24    #
    25    group: ${{ github.ref }}-${{ github.workflow }}-${{ }}
    26    cancel-in-progress: true
    28  jobs:
    29    check:
    30      name: Pre-commit check
    31      # wabt requires a later version of libc than what's installed on ubuntu-22.04.
    32      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    33      steps:
    34        - name: Install latest wast2json
    35          run: |  # Needed for build.spectest. wabt includes wast2json.
    36            wabt_version=1.0.33
    37            wabt_url=${wabt_version}/wabt-${wabt_version}-ubuntu.tar.gz
    38            curl -sSL ${wabt_url} | tar --strip-components 2 -C /usr/local/bin -xzf - wabt-${wabt_version}/bin/wast2json
    40        - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    42        - uses: actions/setup-go@v4
    43          with:  # not cache: true as we also need to cache golint
    44            cache: false
    45            go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
    47        - uses: actions/cache@v3
    48          with:
    49            path: |
    50              ~/.cache/go-build
    51              ~/.cache/golangci-lint
    52              ~/go/pkg/mod
    53              ~/go/bin
    54            key: check-${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ matrix.go-version }}-${{ hashFiles('**/go.sum', 'Makefile') }}
    56        - run: make build.spectest
    58        - run: make check
    60    test_amd64:
    61      name: amd64, ${{ matrix.os }}, Go-${{ matrix.go-version }}
    62      runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
    63      strategy:
    64        fail-fast: false  # don't fail fast as sometimes failures are arch/OS specific
    65        matrix:  # Use versions consistent with wazero's Go support policy.
    66          os: [ubuntu-22.04, macos-12, windows-2022]
    67          go-version:
    68            - "1.21"  # Current Go version
    69            - "1.19"  # Floor Go version of wazero (current - 2)
    71      steps:
    73        - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    75        - uses: actions/setup-go@v4
    76          with:
    77            go-version: ${{ matrix.go-version }}
    79        # Ensure the pagefile is large enough to execute tests like TestStore_hammer_close on Windows.
    80        - name: configure Pagefile
    81          uses: al-cheb/configure-pagefile-action@v1.2
    82          if: runner.os == 'Windows'
    83          with:
    84            minimum-size: 8GB
    85            maximum-size: 16GB
    86            disk-root: "D:"
    88        # Run -race could be really slow without -short, so run them together on this workflow.
    89        # Since -short is not added in the scratch tests, all the tests are run in CI in practice.
    90        - run: make test go_test_options='-timeout 10m -race -short'
    92        - name: "Generate coverage report"  # only once (not per OS)
    93          if: runner.os == 'Linux'
    94          run: make coverage
    96        - name: "Upload coverage report"  # only on main push and only once (not per OS)
    97          if: github.event_name == 'push' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' && runner.os == 'Linux'
    98          env:
    99            CODECOV_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}
   100          run: bash <(curl -s
   102    test_scratch:
   103      name: ${{ matrix.arch }}, Linux (scratch), Go-${{ matrix.go-version }}
   104      runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
   105      strategy:
   106        fail-fast: false  # don't fail fast as sometimes failures are arch/OS specific
   107        matrix:  # Use versions consistent with wazero's Go support policy.
   108          go-version:
   109            - "1.21"  # Current Go version
   110            - "1.19"  # Floor Go version of wazero (current - 2)
   111          arch:
   112            - "amd64"
   113            - "arm64"
   114            - "riscv64"
   116      steps:
   118        - uses: actions/checkout@v3
   120        - uses: actions/setup-go@v4
   121          with:
   122            go-version: ${{ matrix.go-version }}
   124        - name: Build test binaries
   125          # Exclude benchmarks as we don't run those in Docker
   126          run: |
   127            go list -f '{{.Dir}}' ./... | egrep -v '(bench|vs|spectest)' | xargs -Ipkg go test pkg -c -o pkg.test
   128            go build -o wazerocli ./cmd/wazero
   129          env:
   130            GOARCH: ${{ matrix.arch }}
   131            CGO_ENABLED: 0
   133        - name: Set up QEMU
   134          if: ${{ matrix.arch != 'amd64' }}
   135          uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v2
   136          with:  # Avoid rate-limits; built with internal-images.yml
   137            image:
   138            platforms: ${{ matrix.arch }}
   140        - name: Build scratch container
   141          run: |
   142            echo 'FROM scratch' >> Dockerfile
   143            echo 'CMD ["/test"]' >> Dockerfile
   144            docker buildx build -t wazero:test --platform linux/${{ matrix.arch }} .
   146        - name: Run built test binaries
   147          # This runs all tests compiled above in sequence. Note: This mounts /tmp to allow t.TempDir() in tests.
   148          run: find . -name "*.test" | xargs -Itestbin docker run --platform linux/${{ matrix.arch }} -v $(pwd)/testbin:/test -v $(pwd)/wazerocli:/wazero -e WAZEROCLI=/wazero --tmpfs /tmp --rm -t wazero:test
   150    bench:
   151      name: Benchmark
   152      runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
   154      steps:
   155        # Unlike the other CGO libraries, WasmEdge requires offline installation.
   156        - name: Install WasmEdge
   157          run: |
   158            wget -qO- | sudo bash -s -- -p /usr/local -v ${WASMEDGE_VERSION}
   159          # The version here is coupled to internal/integration_test/go.mod, but it
   160          # isn't always the same as sometimes the Go layer has a broken release.
   161          env:
   162            WASMEDGE_VERSION: 0.12.1
   164        - uses: actions/checkout@v3
   166        - uses: actions/setup-go@v4
   167          with:
   168            go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
   170        - run: make bench
   172    # This ensures that internal/integration_test/fuzz is runnable, and is not intended to
   173    # run full-length fuzzing while trying to find low-hanging frontend bugs.
   174    fuzz:
   175      name: Minimal Fuzzing
   176      runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
   178      steps:
   179        - uses: actions/checkout@v3
   180        - uses: actions/setup-go@v4
   181          with:
   182            go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
   184        - uses: actions/cache@v3
   185          id: cache
   186          with:
   187            # Cache corpus and artifacts so that we don't start from scratch but rather with a meaningful corpus
   188            # in the subsequent CI jobs.
   189            path: |
   190              ~/.cargo
   191              ~/.cache/go-build
   192              ~/go/pkg/mod
   193              ~/.rustup/toolchains/
   194              internal/integration_test/fuzz/target
   195              internal/integration_test/fuzz/fuzz/artifacts
   196              internal/integration_test/fuzz/fuzz/corpus
   197            key: build-fuzzer-${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ env.GO_VERSION }}-${{ hashFiles('**/go.sum', 'Makefile', '**/Cargo.lock', '**/Cargo.toml', '**/*.rs') }}
   199        # Fuzzer requires nightly rustc.
   200        - run: rustup default nightly
   201        - run: cargo install cargo-fuzz
   202          if: steps.cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
   203        # Run fuzzing only for a minute, not a full-length intensive one, but 60 seconds seems enough to find minor "front-end"
   204        # bugs which might exist in binary parser, validation, or instantiation phase while not pressuring CI jobs.
   205        - run: make fuzz fuzz_timeout_seconds=60
   206          if: ${{ github.event_name  == 'pull_request' }}
   207        # Run a bit longer on main branch push!
   208        - run: make fuzz fuzz_timeout_seconds=180
   209          if: ${{ github.event_name  == 'push' }}