(about) 1 # This is an example Dockerfile used to show a way to integrate wasm. 2 FROM golang:1.21-alpine AS build 3 4 RUN apk add --no-cache git 5 6 WORKDIR /build 7 8 # wazero doesn't publish a Docker image or binary, yet, so build on on demand. 9 RUN git clone --depth 1 \ 10 && (cd wazero; go build -o wazero -ldflags "-w -s" ./cmd/wazero) 11 12 # wazero has no dependencies, so it can run on scratch 13 FROM scratch 14 COPY --from=build /build/wazero/wazero /bin/wazero 15 16 ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/wazero", "run", "-env-inherit", "-cachedir=/cache", "-mount=.:/"]