
     1  ;; result-offset/wasm defines Wasm functions that illustrate multiple results
     2  ;; using a technique compatible with any WebAssembly 1.0 runtime.
     3  ;;
     4  ;; To return a value in WASM written to a result parameter, you have to define
     5  ;; memory and pass a location to write the result. At the end of your function,
     6  ;; you load that location.
     7  (module $result-offset/wasm
     8    ;; To use result parameters, we need scratch memory. Allocate the least
     9    ;; possible: 1 page (64KB).
    10    (memory 1 1)
    12    ;; get_age returns a result, while a second result is written to memory.
    13    (func $get_age (param $result_offset.age i32) (result (;errno;) i32)
    14      local.get 0   ;; stack = [$result_offset.age]
    15      i64.const 37  ;; stack = [$result_offset.age, 37]
    16     ;; stack = []
    17      i32.const 0   ;; stack = [0]
    18    )
    20    ;; Now, define a function that shows the Wasm mechanics returning something
    21    ;; written to a result parameter.
    22    ;; The caller provides a memory offset to the callee, so that it knows where
    23    ;; to write the second result.
    24    (func (export "call_get_age") (result i64)
    25      i32.const 8   ;; stack = [8] arbitrary $result_offset.age param to get_age
    26      call $get_age ;; stack = [errno] result of get_age
    27      drop          ;; stack = []
    29      i32.const 8   ;; stack = [8] same value as the $result_offset.age parameter
    30      i64.load      ;; stack = [age]
    31    )
    32  )