
     1  version: 2
     2  updates:
     3  - package-ecosystem: "pip"
     4    directory: "/results-processor"
     5    schedule:
     6      interval: "weekly"
     7  - package-ecosystem: "gomod"
     8    directory: "/"
     9    schedule:
    10      interval: "weekly"
    11    ignore:
    12    #
    13    - dependency-name: ""
    14  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    15    directory: "/webapp"
    16    schedule:
    17      interval: "weekly"
    18    ignore:
    19    #
    20    - dependency-name: "@vaadin/vaadin-grid"
    21    - dependency-name: "@vaadin/vaadin-date-picker"
    22    - dependency-name: "@vaadin/vaadin-context-menu"
    23  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    24    directory: "/webdriver"
    25    schedule:
    26      interval: "weekly"
    27    ignore:
    28    #
    29    - dependency-name: "@vaadin/vaadin-grid"
    30    - dependency-name: "@vaadin/vaadin-date-picker"
    31    - dependency-name: "@vaadin/vaadin-context-menu"
    32  - package-ecosystem: "docker"
    33    directory: "/results-processor"
    34    schedule:
    35      interval: "weekly"
    36    # Results Processor Docker image should ignore major and minor updates to Docker Python Image
    37    # There may be deprecations moving between minor vesrions that we need to
    38    # test.
    39    ignore:
    40      - dependency-name: "*"
    41        update-types:
    42          - "version-update:semver-major"
    43          - "version-update:semver-minor"
    44  - package-ecosystem: "docker"
    45    directory: "/"
    46    schedule:
    47      interval: "weekly"
    48    # Webapp/Developer Docker image should ignore major and minor updates to Docker Go Image.
    49    # Go versions are backwards compatible but we want to stay with the
    50    # major.minor version supported by App Engine Standard. That should be
    51    # updated manually.
    52    ignore:
    53      - dependency-name: "*"
    54        update-types:
    55          - "version-update:semver-major"
    56          - "version-update:semver-minor"
    57  - package-ecosystem: "docker"
    58    directory: "/api/query/cache/service"
    59    schedule:
    60      interval: "weekly"
    61    # Searchcache Docker image should ignore major and minor updates to Docker Go Image
    62    # Searchcache follows the bring-your-own-container paradigm because it uses
    63    # App Engine Flex. While we could use the latest version, we want this Go
    64    # version to follow the same version used in the webapp above (which uses
    65    # App Engine Standard).
    66    ignore:
    67      - dependency-name: "*"
    68        update-types:
    69          - "version-update:semver-major"
    70          - "version-update:semver-minor"