
     1  package getter
     3  import (
     4  	"testing"
     5  )
     7  func TestGitDetector(t *testing.T) {
     8  	cases := []struct {
     9  		Input  string
    10  		Output string
    11  	}{
    12  		{
    13  			"",
    14  			"git::ssh://",
    15  		},
    16  		{
    17  			"",
    18  			"git::ssh://",
    19  		},
    20  		{
    21  			"",
    22  			"git::ssh://",
    23  		},
    24  		{
    25  			"",
    26  			"git::ssh://",
    27  		},
    28  		{
    29  			"",
    30  			"git::ssh://",
    31  		},
    32  		{
    33  			"",
    34  			"git::ssh://",
    35  		},
    36  		{
    37  			"",
    38  			"git::ssh://",
    39  		},
    40  		{
    41  			"",
    42  			"git::ssh://",
    43  		},
    44  		{
    45  			// Already in the canonical form, so no rewriting required
    46  			// When the ssh: protocol is used explicitly, we recognize it as
    47  			// URL form rather than SCP-like form, so the part after the colon
    48  			// is a port number, not part of the path.
    49  			"git::ssh://",
    50  			"git::ssh://",
    51  		},
    52  	}
    54  	pwd := "/pwd"
    55  	f := new(GitDetector)
    56  	ds := []Detector{f}
    57  	for _, tc := range cases {
    58  		t.Run(tc.Input, func(t *testing.T) {
    59  			output, err := Detect(tc.Input, pwd, ds)
    60  			if err != nil {
    61  				t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err)
    62  			}
    64  			if output != tc.Output {
    65  				t.Errorf("wrong result\ninput: %s\ngot:   %s\nwant:  %s", tc.Input, output, tc.Output)
    66  			}
    67  		})
    68  	}
    69  }