
     1  import { AxiosError } from "axios";
     3  // toErrorStringWithHttpStatus returns a string representaion of axios error with HTTP status.
     4  export function toErrorStringWithHttpStatus(error: AxiosError<string>): string {
     5    const { response } = error;
     6    if (!response) {
     7      return "error: no error response data available";
     8    }
     9    return `${response.status} (${response.statusText}): ${}`;
    10  }
    12  // toErrorString returns a string representaion of axios error.
    13  export function toErrorString(error: AxiosError<string>): string {
    14    const { response } = error;
    15    if (!response) {
    16      return "Unknown error occurred. See the logs for details.";
    17    }
    18    return;
    19  }
    21  interface Duration {
    22    hour: number;
    23    minute: number;
    24    second: number;
    25    totalSeconds: number;
    26  }
    28  // Returns a duration from the number of seconds provided.
    29  export function durationFromSeconds(totalSeconds: number): Duration {
    30    const hour = Math.floor(totalSeconds / 3600);
    31    const minute = Math.floor((totalSeconds - 3600 * hour) / 60);
    32    const second = totalSeconds - 3600 * hour - 60 * minute;
    33    return { hour, minute, second, totalSeconds };
    34  }
    36  // start and end are in milliseconds.
    37  function durationBetween(start: number, end: number): Duration {
    38    const durationInMillisec = start - end;
    39    const totalSeconds = Math.floor(durationInMillisec / 1000);
    40    return durationFromSeconds(totalSeconds);
    41  }
    43  export function stringifyDuration(d: Duration): string {
    44    if (d.hour > 24) {
    45      const n = Math.floor(d.hour / 24);
    46      return n + (n === 1 ? " day" : " days");
    47    }
    48    return (
    49      (d.hour !== 0 ? `${d.hour}h` : "") +
    50      (d.minute !== 0 ? `${d.minute}m` : "") +
    51      `${d.second}s`
    52    );
    53  }
    55  export function durationBefore(timestamp: string): string {
    56    try {
    57      const duration = durationBetween(Date.parse(timestamp),;
    58      if (duration.totalSeconds < 1) {
    59        return "now";
    60      }
    61      return "in " + stringifyDuration(duration);
    62    } catch {
    63      return "-";
    64    }
    65  }
    67  const zeroTimestamp = "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z";
    68  export function timeAgo(timestamp: string): string {
    69    if (timestamp === zeroTimestamp) {
    70      return "-";
    71    }
    72    try {
    73      return timeAgoUnix(Date.parse(timestamp) / 1000);
    74    } catch (error) {
    75      console.error("Could not parse timestamp: ", timestamp, error);
    76      return "-";
    77    }
    78  }
    80  export function timeAgoUnix(unixtime: number): string {
    81    if (unixtime === 0) {
    82      return "";
    83    }
    84    const duration = durationBetween(, unixtime * 1000);
    85    return stringifyDuration(duration) + " ago";
    86  }
    88  export function getCurrentUTCDate(): string {
    89    const today = new Date();
    90    const dd = today.getUTCDate().toString().padStart(2, "0");
    91    const mm = (today.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, "0");
    92    const yyyy = today.getFullYear();
    93    return `${yyyy}-${mm}-${dd}`;
    94  }
    96  export function uuidPrefix(uuid: string): string {
    97    const idx = uuid.indexOf("-");
    98    if (idx === -1) {
    99      return uuid;
   100    }
   101    return uuid.substr(0, idx);
   102  }
   104  export function percentage(numerator: number, denominator: number): string {
   105    if (denominator === 0) return "0.00%";
   106    const perc = ((numerator / denominator) * 100).toFixed(2);
   107    return `${perc} %`;
   108  }
   110  export function isJsonPayload(p: string) {
   111    try {
   112      JSON.parse(p);
   113    } catch (error) {
   114      return false;
   115    }
   116    return true;
   117  }
   119  export function prettifyPayload(p: string) {
   120    if (isJsonPayload(p)) {
   121      return JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(p), null, 2);
   122    }
   123    return p;
   124  }
   126  // Returns the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
   127  export function currentUnixtime(): number {
   128    return Math.floor( / 1000);
   129  }
   131  const durationRegex = /([0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?)[s|m|h]/;
   132  // Parses the given string and returns the number of seconds if the input is valid.
   133  // Otherwise, it throws an error
   134  // Supported time units are "s", "m", "h"
   135  export function parseDuration(s: string): number {
   136    if (!durationRegex.test(s)) {
   137      throw new Error("invalid duration");
   138    }
   139    const val = parseFloat(s.slice(0, -1));
   140    switch (s.slice(-1)) {
   141      case "s":
   142        return val;
   143      case "m":
   144        return val * 60;
   145      case "h":
   146        return val * 60 * 60;
   147      default:
   148        throw new Error("invalid duration unit");
   149    }
   150  }