
     1  package log
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     6  	""
     7  )
     9  type Loggable interface {
    10  	Debug(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any)
    11  	Info(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any)
    12  	Warn(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any)
    13  	Error(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any)
    14  	Panic(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any)
    15  	Fatal(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any)
    16  	Level(ctx context.Context) Level
    17  	flush()
    18  }
    20  const (
    21  	ErrDuplicatedName        utils.Error = "duplicated logger name"
    22  	ErrUnknownOutput         utils.Error = "unknown logger output"
    23  	ErrDefaultLoggerNotFound utils.Error = "default logger not found"
    24  )
    26  // A Level is a logging priority. Higher levels are more important.
    27  type Level int8
    29  const (
    30  	// DebugLevel logs are typically voluminous, and are usually disabled in
    31  	// production.
    32  	DebugLevel Level = iota - 1
    33  	// InfoLevel is the default logging priority.
    34  	InfoLevel
    35  	// WarnLevel logs are more important than Info, but don't need individual
    36  	// human review.
    37  	WarnLevel
    38  	// ErrorLevel logs are high-priority. If an application is running smoothly,
    39  	// it shouldn't generate any error-level logs.
    40  	ErrorLevel
    41  	// dPanicLevel logs are particularly important errors. In development the
    42  	// logger panics after writing the message.
    43  	dPanicLevel
    44  	// PanicLevel logs a message, then panics.
    45  	PanicLevel
    46  	// FatalLevel logs a message, then calls os.Exit(1).
    47  	FatalLevel
    49  	_minLevel = DebugLevel
    50  	_maxLevel = FatalLevel
    52  	// InvalidLevel is an invalid value for Level.
    53  	//
    54  	// Core implementations may panic if they see messages of this level.
    55  	InvalidLevel = _maxLevel + 1
    56  )
    58  // Conf log configure
    59  //nolint: revive // struct tag too long issue
    60  type Conf struct {
    61  	LogLevel            string `yaml:"log_level" json:"log_level" toml:"log_level" default:"info"`
    62  	StacktraceLevel     string `yaml:"stacktrace_level" json:"stacktrace_level" toml:"stacktrace_level" default:"panic"`
    63  	EnableConsoleOutput bool   `yaml:"enable_console_output" json:"enable_console_output" toml:"enable_console_output"`
    64  	ConsoleOutputOption struct {
    65  		Layout   string `yaml:"layout" json:"layout" toml:"layout" default:"console"`
    66  		Colorful bool   `yaml:"colorful" json:"colorful" toml:"colorful" default:"false"`
    67  	} `yaml:"console_output_option" json:"console_output_option" toml:"console_output_option"`
    68  	EnableFileOutput bool `yaml:"enable_file_output" json:"enable_file_output" toml:"enable_file_output"`
    69  	FileOutputOption struct {
    70  		Layout         string `yaml:"layout" json:"layout" toml:"layout" default:"json"`
    71  		Path           string `yaml:"path" json:"path" toml:"path"` // Log save path
    72  		Name           string `yaml:"name" json:"name" toml:"name"` // Name of the saved log, defaults to random generation
    73  		RotationMaxAge string `yaml:"rotation_max_age" json:"rotation_max_age" toml:"rotation_max_age" default:"720h"`
    74  		RotationCount  int    `yaml:"rotation_count" json:"rotation_count" toml:"rotation_count"`               // Maximum number of files to keep
    75  		RotationSize   string `yaml:"rotation_size" json:"rotation_size" toml:"rotation_size" default:"100mib"` // File rotation size
    76  		Compress       bool   `yaml:"compress" json:"compress" toml:"compress" default:"false"`
    77  	} `yaml:"file_output_option" json:"file_output_option" toml:"file_output_option"`
    78  	SkipCallers     []string `yaml:"skip_callers" json:"skip_callers" toml:"skip_callers"`
    79  	ShorterFilepath bool     `yaml:"shorter_filepath" json:"shorter_filepath" toml:"shorter_filepath"`
    80  }