(about) 1 # Code Syntax Highlighting 2 3 Verify the following code blocks render as code blocks and highlight properly. 4 5 ### Diff 6 7 ``` diff 8 *** /path/to/original ''timestamp'' 9 --- /path/to/new ''timestamp'' 10 *************** 11 *** 1 **** 12 ! This is a line. 13 --- 1 --- 14 ! This is a replacement line. 15 It is important to spell 16 -removed line 17 +new line 18 ``` 19 20 ### Makefile 21 22 ``` makefile 23 CC=gcc 24 CFLAGS=-I. 25 26 hellomake: hellomake.o hellofunc.o 27 $(CC) -o hellomake hellomake.o hellofunc.o -I. 28 ``` 29 30 ### JSON 31 32 ``` json 33 {"employees":[ 34 {"firstName":"John", "lastName":"Doe"}, 35 ]} 36 ``` 37 38 ### Markdown 39 40 ``` markdown 41 **bold** 42 *italics* 43 [link]( 44 ``` 45 46 ### JavaScript 47 48 ``` javascript 49 document.write('Hello, world!'); 50 ``` 51 52 ### CSS 53 54 ``` css 55 body { 56 background-color: red; 57 } 58 ``` 59 60 ### Objective C 61 62 ``` objectivec 63 #import <stdio.h> 64 65 int main (void) 66 { 67 printf ("Hello world!\n"); 68 } 69 ``` 70 71 ### Python 72 73 ``` python 74 print "Hello, world!" 75 ``` 76 77 ### XML 78 79 ``` xml 80 <employees> 81 <employee> 82 <firstName>John</firstName> <lastName>Doe</lastName> 83 </employee> 84 </employees> 85 ``` 86 87 ### Perl 88 89 ``` perl 90 print "Hello, World!\n"; 91 ``` 92 93 ### Bash 94 95 ``` bash 96 echo "Hello World" 97 ``` 98 99 ### PHP 100 101 ``` php 102 <?php echo '<p>Hello World</p>'; ?> 103 ``` 104 105 ### CoffeeScript 106 107 ``` coffeescript 108 console.log(“Hello world!”); 109 ``` 110 111 ### C# 112 113 ``` cs 114 using System; 115 class Program 116 { 117 public static void Main(string[] args) 118 { 119 Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!"); 120 } 121 } 122 ``` 123 124 ### C++ 125 126 ``` cpp 127 #include <iostream.h> 128 129 main() 130 { 131 cout << "Hello World!"; 132 return 0; 133 } 134 ``` 135 136 ### SQL 137 138 ``` sql 139 SELECT column_name,column_name 140 FROM table_name; 141 ``` 142 143 ### Go 144 145 ``` go 146 package main 147 import "fmt" 148 func main() { 149 fmt.Println("Hello, 世界") 150 } 151 ``` 152 153 ### Ruby 154 155 ``` ruby 156 puts "Hello, world!" 157 ``` 158 159 ### Java 160 161 ``` java 162 import javax.swing.JFrame; //Importing class JFrame 163 import javax.swing.JLabel; //Importing class JLabel 164 public class HelloWorld { 165 public static void main(String[] args) { 166 JFrame frame = new JFrame(); //Creating frame 167 frame.setTitle("Hi!"); //Setting title frame 168 frame.add(new JLabel("Hello, world!"));//Adding text to frame 169 frame.pack(); //Setting size to smallest 170 frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); //Centering frame 171 frame.setVisible(true); //Showing frame 172 } 173 } 174 ``` 175 176 ### Latex Equation 177 178 ``` latex 179 \frac{d}{dx}\left( \int_{0}^{x} f(u)\,du\right)=f(x). 180 ```