
     1  ## Sample configuration for the S3 data mover plugin.
     2  ##
     3  ## The S3 connection options (endpoint and keys) can be specific
     4  ## globally or for each archive individually. This allows archives
     5  ## to differnt S3 services or just different accounts in the same
     6  ## service.
     7  ##
     9  ## Set AWS region
    10  # region = "us-east-1"
    12  ## Customize the S3 endpoint to use a non-AWS S3 style interface.  The S3
    13  ## service must support Auth V4 signed authentication mechanism.
    14  ## The default value is the AWS S3 service endpoint for the current
    15  ## region or the region the bucket is in, but this can be overridden here.
    17  # endpoint = ""
    19  ## Optional access and secret keys for AWS. This is provided for convenience,
    20  ## but they can also be provided via the standard environment variables,
    21  ##  ~/.aws/credentials, or an IAM Role.
    23  # aws_access_key_id = ""
    24  # aws_secret_access_key = ""
    26  ## Files larger than this size will be sent using
    27  ## multi-part put.
    29  # update_part_size = 5242880
    32  ## Maximum number of concurrent copies.
    33  ##
    34  # num_threads = 8
    36  ##
    37  ## One or more archive definition is required.
    38  ##
    39  # archive  "s3-test" {
    40  #    id = 2                      # Must be unique to this endpoint
    41  #    endpoint = ""               # Defaults to AWS Endpoints
    42  #    region = "us-east-1"        # Always needs to be set even when
    43  #                                # not using AWS
    44  #    bucket = "test-bucket"      # S3 Bucket used for this archive
    45  #    prefix = "archive"          # Optional prefix
    46  #    aws_access_key_id = ""
    47  #    aws_secret_access_key = ""
    48  #    update_part_size = 5242880  # Size break used for multi-part upload
    49  # }