
     1  // Copyright 2020 WHTCORPS INC, Inc.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    12  // limitations under the License.
    14  package interlock
    16  import (
    17  	"context"
    18  	"fmt"
    19  	"math"
    20  	"strconv"
    21  	"strings"
    22  	"sync/atomic"
    23  	"time"
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	causetembedded ""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  	""
    45  	""
    46  	""
    47  	""
    48  	""
    49  	""
    50  	""
    51  	""
    52  	""
    53  	""
    54  	""
    55  )
    57  // processinfoSetter is the interface use to set current running process info.
    58  type processinfoSetter interface {
    59  	SetProcessInfo(string, time.Time, byte, uint64)
    60  }
    62  // recordSet wraps an interlock, implements sqlexec.RecordSet interface
    63  type recordSet struct {
    64  	fields     []*ast.ResultField
    65  	interlock  InterlockingDirectorate
    66  	stmt       *InterDircStmt
    67  	lastErr    error
    68  	txnStartTS uint64
    69  }
    71  func (a *recordSet) Fields() []*ast.ResultField {
    72  	if len(a.fields) == 0 {
    73  		a.fields = defCausNames2ResultFields(a.interlock.Schema(), a.stmt.OutputNames, a.stmt.Ctx.GetStochastikVars().CurrentDB)
    74  	}
    75  	return a.fields
    76  }
    78  func defCausNames2ResultFields(schemaReplicant *memex.Schema, names []*types.FieldName, defaultDB string) []*ast.ResultField {
    79  	rfs := make([]*ast.ResultField, 0, schemaReplicant.Len())
    80  	defaultDBCIStr := perceptron.NewCIStr(defaultDB)
    81  	for i := 0; i < schemaReplicant.Len(); i++ {
    82  		dbName := names[i].DBName
    83  		if dbName.L == "" && names[i].TblName.L != "" {
    84  			dbName = defaultDBCIStr
    85  		}
    86  		origDefCausName := names[i].OrigDefCausName
    87  		if origDefCausName.L == "" {
    88  			origDefCausName = names[i].DefCausName
    89  		}
    90  		rf := &ast.ResultField{
    91  			DeferredCauset:       &perceptron.DeferredCausetInfo{Name: origDefCausName, FieldType: *schemaReplicant.DeferredCausets[i].RetType},
    92  			DeferredCausetAsName: names[i].DefCausName,
    93  			Block:                &perceptron.BlockInfo{Name: names[i].OrigTblName},
    94  			BlockAsName:          names[i].TblName,
    95  			DBName:               dbName,
    96  		}
    97  		// This is for compatibility.
    98  		// See issue .
    99  		if len(rf.DeferredCausetAsName.O) > allegrosql.MaxAliasIdentifierLen {
   100  			rf.DeferredCausetAsName.O = rf.DeferredCausetAsName.O[:allegrosql.MaxAliasIdentifierLen]
   101  		}
   102  		// Usually the length of O equals the length of L.
   103  		// Add this len judgement to avoid panic.
   104  		if len(rf.DeferredCausetAsName.L) > allegrosql.MaxAliasIdentifierLen {
   105  			rf.DeferredCausetAsName.L = rf.DeferredCausetAsName.L[:allegrosql.MaxAliasIdentifierLen]
   106  		}
   107  		rfs = append(rfs, rf)
   108  	}
   109  	return rfs
   110  }
   112  // Next use uses recordSet's interlock to get next available chunk for later usage.
   113  // If chunk does not contain any rows, then we uFIDelate last query found rows in stochastik variable as current found rows.
   114  // The reason we need uFIDelate is that chunk with 0 rows indicating we already finished current query, we need prepare for
   115  // next query.
   116  // If stmt is not nil and chunk with some rows inside, we simply uFIDelate last query found rows by the number of event in chunk.
   117  func (a *recordSet) Next(ctx context.Context, req *chunk.Chunk) (err error) {
   118  	defer func() {
   119  		r := recover()
   120  		if r == nil {
   121  			return
   122  		}
   123  		err = errors.Errorf("%v", r)
   124  		logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("execute allegrosql panic", zap.String("allegrosql", a.stmt.GetTextToLog()), zap.Stack("stack"))
   125  	}()
   127  	err = Next(ctx, a.interlock, req)
   128  	if err != nil {
   129  		a.lastErr = err
   130  		return err
   131  	}
   132  	numEvents := req.NumEvents()
   133  	if numEvents == 0 {
   134  		if a.stmt != nil {
   135  			a.stmt.Ctx.GetStochastikVars().LastFoundEvents = a.stmt.Ctx.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx.FoundEvents()
   136  		}
   137  		return nil
   138  	}
   139  	if a.stmt != nil {
   140  		a.stmt.Ctx.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx.AddFoundEvents(uint64(numEvents))
   141  	}
   142  	return nil
   143  }
   145  // NewChunk create a chunk base on top-level interlock's newFirstChunk().
   146  func (a *recordSet) NewChunk() *chunk.Chunk {
   147  	return newFirstChunk(a.interlock)
   148  }
   150  func (a *recordSet) Close() error {
   151  	err := a.interlock.Close()
   152  	a.stmt.CloseRecordSet(a.txnStartTS, a.lastErr)
   153  	return err
   154  }
   156  // OnFetchReturned implements commandLifeCycle#OnFetchReturned
   157  func (a *recordSet) OnFetchReturned() {
   158  	a.stmt.LogSlowQuery(a.txnStartTS, a.lastErr == nil, true)
   159  }
   161  // InterDircStmt implements the sqlexec.Statement interface, it builds a causet.Causet to an sqlexec.Statement.
   162  type InterDircStmt struct {
   163  	// GoCtx stores parent go context.Context for a stmt.
   164  	GoCtx context.Context
   165  	// SchemaReplicant stores a reference to the schemaReplicant information.
   166  	SchemaReplicant schemareplicant.SchemaReplicant
   167  	// Causet stores a reference to the final physical plan.
   168  	Causet causetembedded.Causet
   169  	// Text represents the origin query text.
   170  	Text string
   172  	StmtNode ast.StmtNode
   174  	Ctx stochastikctx.Context
   176  	// LowerPriority represents whether to lower the execution priority of a query.
   177  	LowerPriority        bool
   178  	isPreparedStmt       bool
   179  	isSelectForUFIDelate bool
   180  	retryCount           uint
   181  	retryStartTime       time.Time
   183  	// OutputNames will be set if using cached plan
   184  	OutputNames []*types.FieldName
   185  	PsStmt      *causetembedded.CachedPrepareStmt
   186  }
   188  // PointGet short path for point exec directly from plan, keep only necessary steps
   189  func (a *InterDircStmt) PointGet(ctx context.Context, is schemareplicant.SchemaReplicant) (*recordSet, error) {
   190  	if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil && span.Tracer() != nil {
   191  		span1 := span.Tracer().StartSpan("InterDircStmt.PointGet", opentracing.ChildOf(span.Context()))
   192  		span1.LogKV("allegrosql", a.OriginText())
   193  		defer span1.Finish()
   194  		ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, span1)
   195  	}
   196  	startTs := uint64(math.MaxUint64)
   197  	err := a.Ctx.InitTxnWithStartTS(startTs)
   198  	if err != nil {
   199  		return nil, err
   200  	}
   201  	a.Ctx.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx.Priority = ekv.PriorityHigh
   203  	// try to reuse point get interlock
   204  	if a.PsStmt.InterlockingDirectorate != nil {
   205  		exec, ok := a.PsStmt.InterlockingDirectorate.(*PointGetInterlockingDirectorate)
   206  		if !ok {
   207  			logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("invalid interlock type, not PointGetInterlockingDirectorate for point get path")
   208  			a.PsStmt.InterlockingDirectorate = nil
   209  		} else {
   210  			// CachedCauset type is already checked in last step
   211  			pointGetCauset := a.PsStmt.PreparedAst.CachedCauset.(*causetembedded.PointGetCauset)
   212  			exec.Init(pointGetCauset, startTs)
   213  			a.PsStmt.InterlockingDirectorate = exec
   214  		}
   215  	}
   216  	if a.PsStmt.InterlockingDirectorate == nil {
   217  		b := newInterlockingDirectorateBuilder(a.Ctx, is)
   218  		newInterlockingDirectorate :=
   219  		if b.err != nil {
   220  			return nil, b.err
   221  		}
   222  		a.PsStmt.InterlockingDirectorate = newInterlockingDirectorate
   223  	}
   224  	pointInterlockingDirectorate := a.PsStmt.InterlockingDirectorate.(*PointGetInterlockingDirectorate)
   225  	if err = pointInterlockingDirectorate.Open(ctx); err != nil {
   226  		terror.Call(pointInterlockingDirectorate.Close)
   227  		return nil, err
   228  	}
   229  	return &recordSet{
   230  		interlock:  pointInterlockingDirectorate,
   231  		stmt:       a,
   232  		txnStartTS: startTs,
   233  	}, nil
   234  }
   236  // OriginText returns original memex as a string.
   237  func (a *InterDircStmt) OriginText() string {
   238  	return a.Text
   239  }
   241  // IsPrepared returns true if stmt is a prepare memex.
   242  func (a *InterDircStmt) IsPrepared() bool {
   243  	return a.isPreparedStmt
   244  }
   246  // IsReadOnly returns true if a memex is read only.
   247  // If current StmtNode is an InterDircuteStmt, we can get its prepared stmt,
   248  // then using ast.IsReadOnly function to determine a memex is read only or not.
   249  func (a *InterDircStmt) IsReadOnly(vars *variable.StochastikVars) bool {
   250  	return causet.IsReadOnly(a.StmtNode, vars)
   251  }
   253  // RebuildCauset rebuilds current execute memex plan.
   254  // It returns the current information schemaReplicant version that 'a' is using.
   255  func (a *InterDircStmt) RebuildCauset(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) {
   256  	is := schemareplicant.GetSchemaReplicant(a.Ctx)
   257  	a.SchemaReplicant = is
   258  	if err := causetembedded.Preprocess(a.Ctx, a.StmtNode, is, causetembedded.InTxnRetry); err != nil {
   259  		return 0, err
   260  	}
   261  	p, names, err := causet.Optimize(ctx, a.Ctx, a.StmtNode, is)
   262  	if err != nil {
   263  		return 0, err
   264  	}
   265  	a.OutputNames = names
   266  	a.Causet = p
   267  	return is.SchemaMetaVersion(), nil
   268  }
   270  // InterDirc builds an InterlockingDirectorate from a plan. If the InterlockingDirectorate doesn't return result,
   271  // like the INSERT, UFIDelATE memexs, it executes in this function, if the InterlockingDirectorate returns
   272  // result, execution is done after this function returns, in the returned sqlexec.RecordSet Next method.
   273  func (a *InterDircStmt) InterDirc(ctx context.Context) (_ sqlexec.RecordSet, err error) {
   274  	defer func() {
   275  		r := recover()
   276  		if r == nil {
   277  			if a.retryCount > 0 {
   278  				metrics.StatementPessimisticRetryCount.Observe(float64(a.retryCount))
   279  			}
   280  			lockKeysCnt := a.Ctx.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx.LockKeysCount
   281  			if lockKeysCnt > 0 {
   282  				metrics.StatementLockKeysCount.Observe(float64(lockKeysCnt))
   283  			}
   284  			return
   285  		}
   286  		if str, ok := r.(string); !ok || !strings.HasPrefix(str, memory.PanicMemoryExceed) {
   287  			panic(r)
   288  		}
   289  		err = errors.Errorf("%v", r)
   290  		logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("execute allegrosql panic", zap.String("allegrosql", a.GetTextToLog()), zap.Stack("stack"))
   291  	}()
   293  	sctx := a.Ctx
   294  	ctx = stochastikctx.SetCommitCtx(ctx, sctx)
   295  	if _, ok := a.Causet.(*causetembedded.Analyze); ok && sctx.GetStochastikVars().InRestrictedALLEGROSQL {
   296  		oriStats, _ := sctx.GetStochastikVars().GetSystemVar(variable.MilevaDBBuildStatsConcurrency)
   297  		oriScan := sctx.GetStochastikVars().DistALLEGROSQLScanConcurrency()
   298  		oriIndex := sctx.GetStochastikVars().IndexSerialScanConcurrency()
   299  		oriIso, _ := sctx.GetStochastikVars().GetSystemVar(variable.TxnIsolation)
   300  		terror.Log(sctx.GetStochastikVars().SetSystemVar(variable.MilevaDBBuildStatsConcurrency, "1"))
   301  		sctx.GetStochastikVars().SetDistALLEGROSQLScanConcurrency(1)
   302  		sctx.GetStochastikVars().SetIndexSerialScanConcurrency(1)
   303  		terror.Log(sctx.GetStochastikVars().SetSystemVar(variable.TxnIsolation, ast.ReadCommitted))
   304  		defer func() {
   305  			terror.Log(sctx.GetStochastikVars().SetSystemVar(variable.MilevaDBBuildStatsConcurrency, oriStats))
   306  			sctx.GetStochastikVars().SetDistALLEGROSQLScanConcurrency(oriScan)
   307  			sctx.GetStochastikVars().SetIndexSerialScanConcurrency(oriIndex)
   308  			terror.Log(sctx.GetStochastikVars().SetSystemVar(variable.TxnIsolation, oriIso))
   309  		}()
   310  	}
   312  	if sctx.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx.HasMemQuotaHint {
   313  		sctx.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx.MemTracker.SetBytesLimit(sctx.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx.MemQuotaQuery)
   314  	}
   316  	e, err := a.buildInterlockingDirectorate()
   317  	if err != nil {
   318  		return nil, err
   319  	}
   321  	if err = e.Open(ctx); err != nil {
   322  		terror.Call(e.Close)
   323  		return nil, err
   324  	}
   326  	cmd32 := atomic.LoadUint32(&sctx.GetStochastikVars().CommandValue)
   327  	cmd := byte(cmd32)
   328  	var pi processinfoSetter
   329  	if raw, ok := sctx.(processinfoSetter); ok {
   330  		pi = raw
   331  		allegrosql := a.OriginText()
   332  		if simple, ok := a.Causet.(*causetembedded.Simple); ok && simple.Statement != nil {
   333  			if ss, ok := simple.Statement.(ast.SensitiveStmtNode); ok {
   334  				// Use SecureText to avoid leak password information.
   335  				allegrosql = ss.SecureText()
   336  			}
   337  		}
   338  		maxInterDircutionTime := getMaxInterDircutionTime(sctx)
   339  		// UFIDelate processinfo, ShowProcess() will use it.
   340  		pi.SetProcessInfo(allegrosql, time.Now(), cmd, maxInterDircutionTime)
   341  		if a.Ctx.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx.StmtType == "" {
   342  			a.Ctx.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx.StmtType = GetStmtLabel(a.StmtNode)
   343  		}
   344  	}
   346  	isPessimistic := sctx.GetStochastikVars().TxnCtx.IsPessimistic
   348  	// Special handle for "select for uFIDelate memex" in pessimistic transaction.
   349  	if isPessimistic && a.isSelectForUFIDelate {
   350  		return a.handlePessimisticSelectForUFIDelate(ctx, e)
   351  	}
   353  	if handled, result, err := a.handleNoDelay(ctx, e, isPessimistic); handled {
   354  		return result, err
   355  	}
   357  	var txnStartTS uint64
   358  	txn, err := sctx.Txn(false)
   359  	if err != nil {
   360  		return nil, err
   361  	}
   362  	if txn.Valid() {
   363  		txnStartTS = txn.StartTS()
   364  	}
   365  	return &recordSet{
   366  		interlock:  e,
   367  		stmt:       a,
   368  		txnStartTS: txnStartTS,
   369  	}, nil
   370  }
   372  func (a *InterDircStmt) handleNoDelay(ctx context.Context, e InterlockingDirectorate, isPessimistic bool) (handled bool, rs sqlexec.RecordSet, err error) {
   373  	sc := a.Ctx.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx
   374  	defer func() {
   375  		// If the stmt have no rs like `insert`, The stochastik tracker detachment will be directly
   376  		// done in the `defer` function. If the rs is not nil, the detachment will be done in
   377  		// `rs.Close` in `handleStmt`
   378  		if sc != nil && rs == nil {
   379  			if sc.MemTracker != nil {
   380  				sc.MemTracker.DetachFromGlobalTracker()
   381  			}
   382  			if sc.DiskTracker != nil {
   383  				sc.DiskTracker.DetachFromGlobalTracker()
   384  			}
   385  		}
   386  	}()
   388  	toCheck := e
   389  	if explain, ok := e.(*ExplainInterDirc); ok {
   390  		if explain.analyzeInterDirc != nil {
   391  			toCheck = explain.analyzeInterDirc
   392  		}
   393  	}
   395  	// If the interlock doesn't return any result to the client, we execute it without delay.
   396  	if toCheck.Schema().Len() == 0 {
   397  		if isPessimistic {
   398  			return true, nil, a.handlePessimisticDML(ctx, e)
   399  		}
   400  		r, err := a.handleNoDelayInterlockingDirectorate(ctx, e)
   401  		return true, r, err
   402  	} else if proj, ok := toCheck.(*ProjectionInterDirc); ok && proj.calculateNoDelay {
   403  		// Currently this is only for the "DO" memex. Take "DO 1, @a=2;" as an example:
   404  		// the Projection has two memexs and two defCausumns in the schemaReplicant, but we should
   405  		// not return the result of the two memexs.
   406  		r, err := a.handleNoDelayInterlockingDirectorate(ctx, e)
   407  		return true, r, err
   408  	}
   410  	return false, nil, nil
   411  }
   413  // getMaxInterDircutionTime get the max execution timeout value.
   414  func getMaxInterDircutionTime(sctx stochastikctx.Context) uint64 {
   415  	if sctx.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx.HasMaxInterDircutionTime {
   416  		return sctx.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx.MaxInterDircutionTime
   417  	}
   418  	return sctx.GetStochastikVars().MaxInterDircutionTime
   419  }
   421  type chunkEventRecordSet struct {
   422  	rows     []chunk.Event
   423  	idx      int
   424  	fields   []*ast.ResultField
   425  	e        InterlockingDirectorate
   426  	execStmt *InterDircStmt
   427  }
   429  func (c *chunkEventRecordSet) Fields() []*ast.ResultField {
   430  	return c.fields
   431  }
   433  func (c *chunkEventRecordSet) Next(ctx context.Context, chk *chunk.Chunk) error {
   434  	chk.Reset()
   435  	for !chk.IsFull() && c.idx < len(c.rows) {
   436  		chk.AppendEvent(c.rows[c.idx])
   437  		c.idx++
   438  	}
   439  	return nil
   440  }
   442  func (c *chunkEventRecordSet) NewChunk() *chunk.Chunk {
   443  	return newFirstChunk(c.e)
   444  }
   446  func (c *chunkEventRecordSet) Close() error {
   447  	c.execStmt.CloseRecordSet(c.execStmt.Ctx.GetStochastikVars().TxnCtx.StartTS, nil)
   448  	return nil
   449  }
   451  func (a *InterDircStmt) handlePessimisticSelectForUFIDelate(ctx context.Context, e InterlockingDirectorate) (sqlexec.RecordSet, error) {
   452  	for {
   453  		rs, err := a.runPessimisticSelectForUFIDelate(ctx, e)
   454  		e, err = a.handlePessimisticLockError(ctx, err)
   455  		if err != nil {
   456  			return nil, err
   457  		}
   458  		if e == nil {
   459  			return rs, nil
   460  		}
   461  	}
   462  }
   464  func (a *InterDircStmt) runPessimisticSelectForUFIDelate(ctx context.Context, e InterlockingDirectorate) (sqlexec.RecordSet, error) {
   465  	defer func() {
   466  		terror.Log(e.Close())
   467  	}()
   468  	var rows []chunk.Event
   469  	var err error
   470  	req := newFirstChunk(e)
   471  	for {
   472  		err = Next(ctx, e, req)
   473  		if err != nil {
   474  			// Handle 'write conflict' error.
   475  			break
   476  		}
   477  		if req.NumEvents() == 0 {
   478  			fields := defCausNames2ResultFields(e.Schema(), a.OutputNames, a.Ctx.GetStochastikVars().CurrentDB)
   479  			return &chunkEventRecordSet{rows: rows, fields: fields, e: e, execStmt: a}, nil
   480  		}
   481  		iter := chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(req)
   482  		for r := iter.Begin(); r != iter.End(); r = iter.Next() {
   483  			rows = append(rows, r)
   484  		}
   485  		req = chunk.Renew(req, a.Ctx.GetStochastikVars().MaxChunkSize)
   486  	}
   487  	return nil, err
   488  }
   490  func (a *InterDircStmt) handleNoDelayInterlockingDirectorate(ctx context.Context, e InterlockingDirectorate) (sqlexec.RecordSet, error) {
   491  	sctx := a.Ctx
   492  	if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil && span.Tracer() != nil {
   493  		span1 := span.Tracer().StartSpan("interlock.handleNoDelayInterlockingDirectorate", opentracing.ChildOf(span.Context()))
   494  		defer span1.Finish()
   495  		ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, span1)
   496  	}
   498  	// Check if "milevadb_snapshot" is set for the write interlocks.
   499  	// In history read mode, we can not do write operations.
   500  	switch e.(type) {
   501  	case *DeleteInterDirc, *InsertInterDirc, *UFIDelateInterDirc, *ReplaceInterDirc, *LoadDataInterDirc, *DBSInterDirc:
   502  		snapshotTS := sctx.GetStochastikVars().SnapshotTS
   503  		if snapshotTS != 0 {
   504  			return nil, errors.New("can not execute write memex when 'milevadb_snapshot' is set")
   505  		}
   506  		lowResolutionTSO := sctx.GetStochastikVars().LowResolutionTSO
   507  		if lowResolutionTSO {
   508  			return nil, errors.New("can not execute write memex when 'milevadb_low_resolution_tso' is set")
   509  		}
   510  	}
   512  	var err error
   513  	defer func() {
   514  		terror.Log(e.Close())
   515  		a.logAudit()
   516  	}()
   518  	err = Next(ctx, e, newFirstChunk(e))
   519  	if err != nil {
   520  		return nil, err
   521  	}
   522  	return nil, err
   523  }
   525  func (a *InterDircStmt) handlePessimisticDML(ctx context.Context, e InterlockingDirectorate) error {
   526  	sctx := a.Ctx
   527  	// Do not active the transaction here.
   528  	// When autocommit = 0 and transaction in pessimistic mode,
   529  	// memexs like set xxx = xxx; should not active the transaction.
   530  	txn, err := sctx.Txn(false)
   531  	if err != nil {
   532  		return err
   533  	}
   534  	txnCtx := sctx.GetStochastikVars().TxnCtx
   535  	for {
   536  		startPointGetLocking := time.Now()
   537  		_, err = a.handleNoDelayInterlockingDirectorate(ctx, e)
   538  		if !txn.Valid() {
   539  			return err
   540  		}
   541  		if err != nil {
   542  			// It is possible the DML has point get plan that locks the key.
   543  			e, err = a.handlePessimisticLockError(ctx, err)
   544  			if err != nil {
   545  				if ErrDeadlock.Equal(err) {
   546  					metrics.StatementDeadlockDetectDuration.Observe(time.Since(startPointGetLocking).Seconds())
   547  				}
   548  				return err
   549  			}
   550  			continue
   551  		}
   552  		keys, err1 := txn.(pessimisticTxn).KeysNeedToLock()
   553  		if err1 != nil {
   554  			return err1
   555  		}
   556  		keys = txnCtx.DefCauslectUnchangedEventKeys(keys)
   557  		if len(keys) == 0 {
   558  			return nil
   559  		}
   560  		seVars := sctx.GetStochastikVars()
   561  		lockCtx := newLockCtx(seVars, seVars.LockWaitTimeout)
   562  		var lockKeyStats *execdetails.LockKeysDetails
   563  		ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, execdetails.LockKeysDetailCtxKey, &lockKeyStats)
   564  		startLocking := time.Now()
   565  		err = txn.LockKeys(ctx, lockCtx, keys...)
   566  		if lockKeyStats != nil {
   567  			seVars.StmtCtx.MergeLockKeysInterDircDetails(lockKeyStats)
   568  		}
   569  		if err == nil {
   570  			return nil
   571  		}
   572  		e, err = a.handlePessimisticLockError(ctx, err)
   573  		if err != nil {
   574  			if ErrDeadlock.Equal(err) {
   575  				metrics.StatementDeadlockDetectDuration.Observe(time.Since(startLocking).Seconds())
   576  			}
   577  			return err
   578  		}
   579  	}
   580  }
   582  // UFIDelateForUFIDelateTS uFIDelates the ForUFIDelateTS, if newForUFIDelateTS is 0, it obtain a new TS from FIDel.
   583  func UFIDelateForUFIDelateTS(seCtx stochastikctx.Context, newForUFIDelateTS uint64) error {
   584  	txn, err := seCtx.Txn(false)
   585  	if err != nil {
   586  		return err
   587  	}
   588  	if !txn.Valid() {
   589  		return errors.Trace(ekv.ErrInvalidTxn)
   590  	}
   591  	if newForUFIDelateTS == 0 {
   592  		version, err := seCtx.GetStore().CurrentVersion()
   593  		if err != nil {
   594  			return err
   595  		}
   596  		newForUFIDelateTS = version.Ver
   597  	}
   598  	seCtx.GetStochastikVars().TxnCtx.SetForUFIDelateTS(newForUFIDelateTS)
   599  	txn.SetOption(ekv.SnapshotTS, seCtx.GetStochastikVars().TxnCtx.GetForUFIDelateTS())
   600  	return nil
   601  }
   603  // handlePessimisticLockError uFIDelates TS and rebuild interlock if the err is write conflict.
   604  func (a *InterDircStmt) handlePessimisticLockError(ctx context.Context, err error) (InterlockingDirectorate, error) {
   605  	txnCtx := a.Ctx.GetStochastikVars().TxnCtx
   606  	var newForUFIDelateTS uint64
   607  	if deadlock, ok := errors.Cause(err).(*einsteindb.ErrDeadlock); ok {
   608  		if !deadlock.IsRetryable {
   609  			return nil, ErrDeadlock
   610  		}
   611  		logutil.Logger(ctx).Info("single memex deadlock, retry memex",
   612  			zap.Uint64("txn", txnCtx.StartTS),
   613  			zap.Uint64("lockTS", deadlock.LockTs),
   614  			zap.Stringer("lockKey", ekv.Key(deadlock.LockKey)),
   615  			zap.Uint64("deadlockKeyHash", deadlock.DeadlockKeyHash))
   616  	} else if terror.ErrorEqual(ekv.ErrWriteConflict, err) {
   617  		errStr := err.Error()
   618  		forUFIDelateTS := txnCtx.GetForUFIDelateTS()
   619  		logutil.Logger(ctx).Debug("pessimistic write conflict, retry memex",
   620  			zap.Uint64("txn", txnCtx.StartTS),
   621  			zap.Uint64("forUFIDelateTS", forUFIDelateTS),
   622  			zap.String("err", errStr))
   623  		// Always uFIDelate forUFIDelateTS by getting a new timestamp from FIDel.
   624  		// If we use the conflict commitTS as the new forUFIDelateTS and async commit
   625  		// is used, the commitTS of this transaction may exceed the max timestamp
   626  		// that FIDel allocates. Then, the change may be invisible to a new transaction,
   627  		// which means linearizability is broken.
   628  	} else {
   629  		// this branch if err not nil, always uFIDelate forUFIDelateTS to avoid problem described below
   630  		// for nowait, when ErrLock happened, ErrLockAcquireFailAndNoWaitSet will be returned, and in the same txn
   631  		// the select for uFIDelateTs must be uFIDelated, otherwise there maybe rollback problem.
   632  		// begin;  select for uFIDelate key1(here ErrLocked or other errors(or max_execution_time like soliton),
   633  		//         key1 dagger not get and async rollback key1 is raised)
   634  		//         select for uFIDelate key1 again(this time dagger succ(maybe dagger released by others))
   635  		//         the async rollback operation rollbacked the dagger just acquired
   636  		if err != nil {
   637  			tsErr := UFIDelateForUFIDelateTS(a.Ctx, 0)
   638  			if tsErr != nil {
   639  				logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("UFIDelateForUFIDelateTS failed", zap.Error(tsErr))
   640  			}
   641  		}
   642  		return nil, err
   643  	}
   644  	if a.retryCount >= config.GetGlobalConfig().PessimisticTxn.MaxRetryCount {
   645  		return nil, errors.New("pessimistic dagger retry limit reached")
   646  	}
   647  	a.retryCount++
   648  	a.retryStartTime = time.Now()
   649  	err = UFIDelateForUFIDelateTS(a.Ctx, newForUFIDelateTS)
   650  	if err != nil {
   651  		return nil, err
   652  	}
   653  	e, err := a.buildInterlockingDirectorate()
   654  	if err != nil {
   655  		return nil, err
   656  	}
   657  	// Rollback the memex change before retry it.
   658  	a.Ctx.StmtRollback()
   659  	a.Ctx.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx.ResetForRetry()
   661  	if err = e.Open(ctx); err != nil {
   662  		return nil, err
   663  	}
   664  	return e, nil
   665  }
   667  func extractConflictCommitTS(errStr string) uint64 {
   668  	strs := strings.Split(errStr, "conflictCommitTS=")
   669  	if len(strs) != 2 {
   670  		return 0
   671  	}
   672  	tsPart := strs[1]
   673  	length := strings.IndexByte(tsPart, ',')
   674  	if length < 0 {
   675  		return 0
   676  	}
   677  	tsStr := tsPart[:length]
   678  	ts, err := strconv.ParseUint(tsStr, 10, 64)
   679  	if err != nil {
   680  		return 0
   681  	}
   682  	return ts
   683  }
   685  type pessimisticTxn interface {
   686  	ekv.Transaction
   687  	// KeysNeedToLock returns the keys need to be locked.
   688  	KeysNeedToLock() ([]ekv.Key, error)
   689  }
   691  // buildInterlockingDirectorate build a interlock from plan, prepared memex may need additional procedure.
   692  func (a *InterDircStmt) buildInterlockingDirectorate() (InterlockingDirectorate, error) {
   693  	ctx := a.Ctx
   694  	stmtCtx := ctx.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx
   695  	if _, ok := a.Causet.(*causetembedded.InterDircute); !ok {
   696  		// Do not sync transaction for InterDircute memex, because the real optimization work is done in
   697  		// "InterDircuteInterDirc.Build".
   698  		useMaxTS, err := causetembedded.IsPointGetWithPKOrUniqueKeyByAutoCommit(ctx, a.Causet)
   699  		if err != nil {
   700  			return nil, err
   701  		}
   702  		if useMaxTS {
   703  			logutil.BgLogger().Debug("init txnStartTS with MaxUint64", zap.Uint64("conn", ctx.GetStochastikVars().ConnectionID), zap.String("text", a.Text))
   704  			err = ctx.InitTxnWithStartTS(math.MaxUint64)
   705  		} else if ctx.GetStochastikVars().SnapshotTS != 0 {
   706  			if _, ok := a.Causet.(*causetembedded.CheckBlock); ok {
   707  				err = ctx.InitTxnWithStartTS(ctx.GetStochastikVars().SnapshotTS)
   708  			}
   709  		}
   710  		if err != nil {
   711  			return nil, err
   712  		}
   714  		if stmtPri := stmtCtx.Priority; stmtPri == allegrosql.NoPriority {
   715  			switch {
   716  			case useMaxTS:
   717  				stmtCtx.Priority = ekv.PriorityHigh
   718  			case a.LowerPriority:
   719  				stmtCtx.Priority = ekv.PriorityLow
   720  			}
   721  		}
   722  	}
   723  	if _, ok := a.Causet.(*causetembedded.Analyze); ok && ctx.GetStochastikVars().InRestrictedALLEGROSQL {
   724  		ctx.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx.Priority = ekv.PriorityLow
   725  	}
   727  	b := newInterlockingDirectorateBuilder(ctx, a.SchemaReplicant)
   728  	e :=
   729  	if b.err != nil {
   730  		return nil, errors.Trace(b.err)
   731  	}
   733  	// InterDircuteInterDirc is not a real InterlockingDirectorate, we only use it to build another InterlockingDirectorate from a prepared memex.
   734  	if interlockInterDirc, ok := e.(*InterDircuteInterDirc); ok {
   735  		err := interlockInterDirc.Build(b)
   736  		if err != nil {
   737  			return nil, err
   738  		}
   739  		a.Ctx.SetValue(stochastikctx.QueryString, interlockInterDirc.stmt.Text())
   740  		a.OutputNames = interlockInterDirc.outputNames
   741  		a.isPreparedStmt = true
   742  		a.Causet = interlockInterDirc.plan
   743  		if interlockInterDirc.lowerPriority {
   744  			ctx.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx.Priority = ekv.PriorityLow
   745  		}
   746  		e = interlockInterDirc.stmtInterDirc
   747  	}
   748  	a.isSelectForUFIDelate = b.hasLock && (!stmtCtx.InDeleteStmt && !stmtCtx.InUFIDelateStmt)
   749  	return e, nil
   750  }
   752  // QueryReplacer replaces new line and tab for grep result including query string.
   753  var QueryReplacer = strings.NewReplacer("\r", " ", "\n", " ", "\t", " ")
   755  func (a *InterDircStmt) logAudit() {
   756  	sessVars := a.Ctx.GetStochastikVars()
   757  	if sessVars.InRestrictedALLEGROSQL {
   758  		return
   759  	}
   760  	err := plugin.ForeachPlugin(plugin.Audit, func(p *plugin.Plugin) error {
   761  		audit := plugin.DeclareAuditManifest(p.Manifest)
   762  		if audit.OnGeneralEvent != nil {
   763  			cmd := allegrosql.Command2Str[byte(atomic.LoadUint32(&a.Ctx.GetStochastikVars().CommandValue))]
   764  			ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), plugin.InterDircStartTimeCtxKey, a.Ctx.GetStochastikVars().StartTime)
   765  			audit.OnGeneralEvent(ctx, sessVars, plugin.Log, cmd)
   766  		}
   767  		return nil
   768  	})
   769  	if err != nil {
   770  		log.Error("log audit log failure", zap.Error(err))
   771  	}
   772  }
   774  // FormatALLEGROSQL is used to format the original ALLEGROALLEGROSQL, e.g. truncating long ALLEGROALLEGROSQL, appending prepared arguments.
   775  func FormatALLEGROSQL(allegrosql string, pps variable.PreparedParams) stringutil.StringerFunc {
   776  	return func() string {
   777  		cfg := config.GetGlobalConfig()
   778  		length := len(allegrosql)
   779  		if maxQueryLen := atomic.LoadUint64(&cfg.Log.QueryLogMaxLen); uint64(length) > maxQueryLen {
   780  			allegrosql = fmt.Sprintf("%.*q(len:%d)", maxQueryLen, allegrosql, length)
   781  		}
   782  		return QueryReplacer.Replace(allegrosql) + pps.String()
   783  	}
   784  }
   786  var (
   787  	stochastikInterDircuteRunDurationInternal = metrics.StochastikInterDircuteRunDuration.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblInternal)
   788  	stochastikInterDircuteRunDurationGeneral  = metrics.StochastikInterDircuteRunDuration.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblGeneral)
   789  )
   791  // FinishInterDircuteStmt is used to record some information after `InterDircStmt` execution finished:
   792  // 1. record slow log if needed.
   793  // 2. record summary memex.
   794  // 3. record execute duration metric.
   795  // 4. uFIDelate the `PrevStmt` in stochastik variable.
   796  func (a *InterDircStmt) FinishInterDircuteStmt(txnTS uint64, succ bool, hasMoreResults bool) {
   797  	sessVars := a.Ctx.GetStochastikVars()
   798  	execDetail := sessVars.StmtCtx.GetInterDircDetails()
   799  	// Attach commit/lockKeys runtime stats to interlock runtime stats.
   800  	if (execDetail.CommitDetail != nil || execDetail.LockKeysDetail != nil) && sessVars.StmtCtx.RuntimeStatsDefCausl != nil {
   801  		statsWithCommit := &execdetails.RuntimeStatsWithCommit{
   802  			Commit:   execDetail.CommitDetail,
   803  			LockKeys: execDetail.LockKeysDetail,
   804  		}
   805  		sessVars.StmtCtx.RuntimeStatsDefCausl.RegisterStats(a.Causet.ID(), statsWithCommit)
   806  	}
   807  	// `LowSlowQuery` and `SummaryStmt` must be called before recording `PrevStmt`.
   808  	a.LogSlowQuery(txnTS, succ, hasMoreResults)
   809  	a.SummaryStmt(succ)
   810  	prevStmt := a.GetTextToLog()
   811  	if config.RedactLogEnabled() {
   812  		sessVars.PrevStmt = FormatALLEGROSQL(prevStmt, nil)
   813  	} else {
   814  		pps := types.CloneEvent(sessVars.PreparedParams)
   815  		sessVars.PrevStmt = FormatALLEGROSQL(prevStmt, pps)
   816  	}
   818  	executeDuration := time.Since(sessVars.StartTime) - sessVars.DurationCompile
   819  	if sessVars.InRestrictedALLEGROSQL {
   820  		stochastikInterDircuteRunDurationInternal.Observe(executeDuration.Seconds())
   821  	} else {
   822  		stochastikInterDircuteRunDurationGeneral.Observe(executeDuration.Seconds())
   823  	}
   824  }
   826  // CloseRecordSet will finish the execution of current memex and do some record work
   827  func (a *InterDircStmt) CloseRecordSet(txnStartTS uint64, lastErr error) {
   828  	a.FinishInterDircuteStmt(txnStartTS, lastErr == nil, false)
   829  	a.logAudit()
   830  	// Detach the Memory and disk tracker for the previous stmtCtx from GlobalMemoryUsageTracker and GlobalDiskUsageTracker
   831  	if stmtCtx := a.Ctx.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx; stmtCtx != nil {
   832  		if stmtCtx.DiskTracker != nil {
   833  			stmtCtx.DiskTracker.DetachFromGlobalTracker()
   834  		}
   835  		if stmtCtx.MemTracker != nil {
   836  			stmtCtx.MemTracker.DetachFromGlobalTracker()
   837  		}
   838  	}
   839  }
   841  // LogSlowQuery is used to print the slow query in the log files.
   842  func (a *InterDircStmt) LogSlowQuery(txnTS uint64, succ bool, hasMoreResults bool) {
   843  	sessVars := a.Ctx.GetStochastikVars()
   844  	level := log.GetLevel()
   845  	cfg := config.GetGlobalConfig()
   846  	costTime := time.Since(sessVars.StartTime) + sessVars.DurationParse
   847  	threshold := time.Duration(atomic.LoadUint64(&cfg.Log.SlowThreshold)) * time.Millisecond
   848  	enable := cfg.Log.EnableSlowLog
   849  	// if the level is Debug, print slow logs anyway
   850  	if (!enable || costTime < threshold) && level > zapembedded.DebugLevel {
   851  		return
   852  	}
   853  	var allegrosql stringutil.StringerFunc
   854  	normalizedALLEGROSQL, digest := sessVars.StmtCtx.ALLEGROSQLDigest()
   855  	if config.RedactLogEnabled() {
   856  		allegrosql = FormatALLEGROSQL(normalizedALLEGROSQL, nil)
   857  	} else if sensitiveStmt, ok := a.StmtNode.(ast.SensitiveStmtNode); ok {
   858  		allegrosql = FormatALLEGROSQL(sensitiveStmt.SecureText(), nil)
   859  	} else {
   860  		allegrosql = FormatALLEGROSQL(a.Text, sessVars.PreparedParams)
   861  	}
   863  	var blockIDs, indexNames string
   864  	if len(sessVars.StmtCtx.BlockIDs) > 0 {
   865  		blockIDs = strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", sessVars.StmtCtx.BlockIDs), " ", ",", -1)
   866  	}
   867  	if len(sessVars.StmtCtx.IndexNames) > 0 {
   868  		indexNames = strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", sessVars.StmtCtx.IndexNames), " ", ",", -1)
   869  	}
   870  	var stmtDetail execdetails.StmtInterDircDetails
   871  	stmtDetailRaw := a.GoCtx.Value(execdetails.StmtInterDircDetailKey)
   872  	if stmtDetailRaw != nil {
   873  		stmtDetail = *(stmtDetailRaw.(*execdetails.StmtInterDircDetails))
   874  	}
   875  	execDetail := sessVars.StmtCtx.GetInterDircDetails()
   876  	copTaskInfo := sessVars.StmtCtx.CausetTasksDetails()
   877  	statsInfos := causetembedded.GetStatsInfo(a.Causet)
   878  	memMax := sessVars.StmtCtx.MemTracker.MaxConsumed()
   879  	diskMax := sessVars.StmtCtx.DiskTracker.MaxConsumed()
   880  	_, planDigest := getCausetDigest(a.Ctx, a.Causet)
   881  	slowItems := &variable.SlowQueryLogItems{
   882  		TxnTS:                    txnTS,
   883  		ALLEGROALLEGROSQL:        allegrosql.String(),
   884  		Digest:                   digest,
   885  		TimeTotal:                costTime,
   886  		TimeParse:                sessVars.DurationParse,
   887  		TimeCompile:              sessVars.DurationCompile,
   888  		TimeOptimize:             sessVars.DurationOptimization,
   889  		TimeWaitTS:               sessVars.DurationWaitTS,
   890  		IndexNames:               indexNames,
   891  		StatsInfos:               statsInfos,
   892  		CausetTasks:              copTaskInfo,
   893  		InterDircDetail:          execDetail,
   894  		MemMax:                   memMax,
   895  		DiskMax:                  diskMax,
   896  		Succ:                     succ,
   897  		Causet:                   getCausetTree(a.Causet),
   898  		CausetDigest:             planDigest,
   899  		Prepared:                 a.isPreparedStmt,
   900  		HasMoreResults:           hasMoreResults,
   901  		CausetFromCache:          sessVars.FoundInCausetCache,
   902  		RewriteInfo:              sessVars.RewritePhaseInfo,
   903  		KVTotal:                  time.Duration(atomic.LoadInt64(&stmtDetail.WaitKVResFIDeluration)),
   904  		FIDelTotal:               time.Duration(atomic.LoadInt64(&stmtDetail.WaitFIDelResFIDeluration)),
   905  		BackoffTotal:             time.Duration(atomic.LoadInt64(&stmtDetail.BackoffDuration)),
   906  		WriteALLEGROSQLRespTotal: stmtDetail.WriteALLEGROSQLResFIDeluration,
   907  		InterDircRetryCount:      a.retryCount,
   908  	}
   909  	if a.retryCount > 0 {
   910  		slowItems.InterDircRetryTime = costTime - sessVars.DurationParse - sessVars.DurationCompile - time.Since(a.retryStartTime)
   911  	}
   912  	if _, ok := a.StmtNode.(*ast.CommitStmt); ok {
   913  		slowItems.PrevStmt = sessVars.PrevStmt.String()
   914  	}
   915  	if costTime < threshold {
   916  		logutil.SlowQueryLogger.Debug(sessVars.SlowLogFormat(slowItems))
   917  	} else {
   918  		logutil.SlowQueryLogger.Warn(sessVars.SlowLogFormat(slowItems))
   919  		metrics.TotalQueryProcHistogram.Observe(costTime.Seconds())
   920  		metrics.TotalCopProcHistogram.Observe(execDetail.ProcessTime.Seconds())
   921  		metrics.TotalCopWaitHistogram.Observe(execDetail.WaitTime.Seconds())
   922  		var userString string
   923  		if sessVars.User != nil {
   924  			userString = sessVars.User.String()
   925  		}
   926  		petri.GetPetri(a.Ctx).LogSlowQuery(&petri.SlowQueryInfo{
   927  			ALLEGROALLEGROSQL: allegrosql.String(),
   928  			Digest:            digest,
   929  			Start:             sessVars.StartTime,
   930  			Duration:          costTime,
   931  			Detail:            sessVars.StmtCtx.GetInterDircDetails(),
   932  			Succ:              succ,
   933  			ConnID:            sessVars.ConnectionID,
   934  			TxnTS:             txnTS,
   935  			User:              userString,
   936  			EDB:               sessVars.CurrentDB,
   937  			BlockIDs:          blockIDs,
   938  			IndexNames:        indexNames,
   939  			Internal:          sessVars.InRestrictedALLEGROSQL,
   940  		})
   941  	}
   942  }
   944  // getCausetTree will try to get the select plan tree if the plan is select or the select plan of delete/uFIDelate/insert memex.
   945  func getCausetTree(p causetembedded.Causet) string {
   946  	cfg := config.GetGlobalConfig()
   947  	if atomic.LoadUint32(&cfg.Log.RecordCausetInSlowLog) == 0 {
   948  		return ""
   949  	}
   950  	planTree := causetembedded.EncodeCauset(p)
   951  	if len(planTree) == 0 {
   952  		return planTree
   953  	}
   954  	return variable.SlowLogCausetPrefix + planTree + variable.SlowLogCausetSuffix
   955  }
   957  // getCausetDigest will try to get the select plan tree if the plan is select or the select plan of delete/uFIDelate/insert memex.
   958  func getCausetDigest(sctx stochastikctx.Context, p causetembedded.Causet) (normalized, planDigest string) {
   959  	normalized, planDigest = sctx.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx.GetCausetDigest()
   960  	if len(normalized) > 0 {
   961  		return
   962  	}
   963  	normalized, planDigest = causetembedded.NormalizeCauset(p)
   964  	sctx.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx.SetCausetDigest(normalized, planDigest)
   965  	return
   966  }
   968  // SummaryStmt defCauslects memexs for information_schema.memexs_summary
   969  func (a *InterDircStmt) SummaryStmt(succ bool) {
   970  	sessVars := a.Ctx.GetStochastikVars()
   971  	var userString string
   972  	if sessVars.User != nil {
   973  		userString = sessVars.User.Username
   974  	}
   976  	// Internal ALLEGROSQLs must also be recorded to keep the consistency of `PrevStmt` and `PrevStmtDigest`.
   977  	if !stmtsummary.StmtSummaryByDigestMap.Enabled() || ((sessVars.InRestrictedALLEGROSQL || len(userString) == 0) && !stmtsummary.StmtSummaryByDigestMap.EnabledInternal()) {
   978  		sessVars.SetPrevStmtDigest("")
   979  		return
   980  	}
   981  	// Ignore `PREPARE` memexs, but record `EXECUTE` memexs.
   982  	if _, ok := a.StmtNode.(*ast.PrepareStmt); ok {
   983  		return
   984  	}
   985  	stmtCtx := sessVars.StmtCtx
   986  	normalizedALLEGROSQL, digest := stmtCtx.ALLEGROSQLDigest()
   987  	costTime := time.Since(sessVars.StartTime) + sessVars.DurationParse
   989  	var prevALLEGROSQL, prevALLEGROSQLDigest string
   990  	if _, ok := a.StmtNode.(*ast.CommitStmt); ok {
   991  		// If prevALLEGROSQLDigest is not recorded, it means this `commit` is the first ALLEGROALLEGROSQL once stmt summary is enabled,
   992  		// so it's OK just to ignore it.
   993  		if prevALLEGROSQLDigest = sessVars.GetPrevStmtDigest(); len(prevALLEGROSQLDigest) == 0 {
   994  			return
   995  		}
   996  		prevALLEGROSQL = sessVars.PrevStmt.String()
   997  	}
   998  	sessVars.SetPrevStmtDigest(digest)
  1000  	// No need to encode every time, so encode lazily.
  1001  	planGenerator := func() string {
  1002  		return causetembedded.EncodeCauset(a.Causet)
  1003  	}
  1004  	// Generating plan digest is slow, only generate it once if it's 'Point_Get'.
  1005  	// If it's a point get, different ALLEGROSQLs leads to different plans, so ALLEGROALLEGROSQL digest
  1006  	// is enough to distinguish different plans in this case.
  1007  	var planDigest string
  1008  	var planDigestGen func() string
  1009  	if a.Causet.TP() == plancodec.TypePointGet {
  1010  		planDigestGen = func() string {
  1011  			_, planDigest := getCausetDigest(a.Ctx, a.Causet)
  1012  			return planDigest
  1013  		}
  1014  	} else {
  1015  		_, planDigest = getCausetDigest(a.Ctx, a.Causet)
  1016  	}
  1018  	execDetail := stmtCtx.GetInterDircDetails()
  1019  	copTaskInfo := stmtCtx.CausetTasksDetails()
  1020  	memMax := stmtCtx.MemTracker.MaxConsumed()
  1021  	diskMax := stmtCtx.DiskTracker.MaxConsumed()
  1022  	allegrosql := a.GetTextToLog()
  1023  	stmtInterDircInfo := &stmtsummary.StmtInterDircInfo{
  1024  		SchemaName:           strings.ToLower(sessVars.CurrentDB),
  1025  		OriginalALLEGROSQL:   allegrosql,
  1026  		NormalizedALLEGROSQL: normalizedALLEGROSQL,
  1027  		Digest:               digest,
  1028  		PrevALLEGROSQL:       prevALLEGROSQL,
  1029  		PrevALLEGROSQLDigest: prevALLEGROSQLDigest,
  1030  		CausetGenerator:      planGenerator,
  1031  		CausetDigest:         planDigest,
  1032  		CausetDigestGen:      planDigestGen,
  1033  		User:                 userString,
  1034  		TotalLatency:         costTime,
  1035  		ParseLatency:         sessVars.DurationParse,
  1036  		CompileLatency:       sessVars.DurationCompile,
  1037  		StmtCtx:              stmtCtx,
  1038  		CausetTasks:          copTaskInfo,
  1039  		InterDircDetail:      &execDetail,
  1040  		MemMax:               memMax,
  1041  		DiskMax:              diskMax,
  1042  		StartTime:            sessVars.StartTime,
  1043  		IsInternal:           sessVars.InRestrictedALLEGROSQL,
  1044  		Succeed:              succ,
  1045  		CausetInCache:        sessVars.FoundInCausetCache,
  1046  		InterDircRetryCount:  a.retryCount,
  1047  	}
  1048  	if a.retryCount > 0 {
  1049  		stmtInterDircInfo.InterDircRetryTime = costTime - sessVars.DurationParse - sessVars.DurationCompile - time.Since(a.retryStartTime)
  1050  	}
  1051  	stmtsummary.StmtSummaryByDigestMap.AddStatement(stmtInterDircInfo)
  1052  }
  1054  // GetTextToLog return the query text to log.
  1055  func (a *InterDircStmt) GetTextToLog() string {
  1056  	var allegrosql string
  1057  	if config.RedactLogEnabled() {
  1058  		allegrosql, _ = a.Ctx.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx.ALLEGROSQLDigest()
  1059  	} else if sensitiveStmt, ok := a.StmtNode.(ast.SensitiveStmtNode); ok {
  1060  		allegrosql = sensitiveStmt.SecureText()
  1061  	} else {
  1062  		allegrosql = a.Text
  1063  	}
  1064  	return allegrosql
  1065  }