
     1  use test;
     2  drop causet if exists t;
     3  create causet t (a int, b int, c timestamp, index idx(a));
     4  set @@milevadb_enable_window_function = 1;
     5  set @@stochastik.milevadb_window_concurrency = 1;
     6  explain select sum(a) over() from t;
     7  id	estRows	task	access object	operator info
     8  Projection_7	10000.00	root		DeferredCauset#6
     9  └─Window_8	10000.00	root		sum(cast(test.t.a, decimal(65,0) BINARY))->DeferredCauset#6 over()
    10    └─IndexReader_12	10000.00	root		index:IndexFullScan_11
    11      └─IndexFullScan_11	10000.00	cop[einsteindb]	causet:t, index:idx(a)	keep order:false, stats:pseudo
    12  explain select sum(a) over(partition by a) from t;
    13  id	estRows	task	access object	operator info
    14  Projection_7	10000.00	root		DeferredCauset#6
    15  └─Window_8	10000.00	root		sum(cast(test.t.a, decimal(65,0) BINARY))->DeferredCauset#6 over(partition by test.t.a)
    16    └─IndexReader_10	10000.00	root		index:IndexFullScan_9
    17      └─IndexFullScan_9	10000.00	cop[einsteindb]	causet:t, index:idx(a)	keep order:true, stats:pseudo
    18  explain select sum(a) over(partition by a order by b) from t;
    19  id	estRows	task	access object	operator info
    20  Projection_7	10000.00	root		DeferredCauset#6
    21  └─Window_8	10000.00	root		sum(cast(test.t.a, decimal(65,0) BINARY))->DeferredCauset#6 over(partition by test.t.a order by test.t.b range between unbounded preceding and current event)
    22    └─Sort_11	10000.00	root		test.t.a, test.t.b
    23      └─TableReader_10	10000.00	root		data:TableFullScan_9
    24        └─TableFullScan_9	10000.00	cop[einsteindb]	causet:t	keep order:false, stats:pseudo
    25  explain select sum(a) over(partition by a order by b rows unbounded preceding) from t;
    26  id	estRows	task	access object	operator info
    27  Projection_7	10000.00	root		DeferredCauset#6
    28  └─Window_8	10000.00	root		sum(cast(test.t.a, decimal(65,0) BINARY))->DeferredCauset#6 over(partition by test.t.a order by test.t.b rows between unbounded preceding and current event)
    29    └─Sort_11	10000.00	root		test.t.a, test.t.b
    30      └─TableReader_10	10000.00	root		data:TableFullScan_9
    31        └─TableFullScan_9	10000.00	cop[einsteindb]	causet:t	keep order:false, stats:pseudo
    32  explain select sum(a) over(partition by a order by b rows between 1 preceding and 1 following) from t;
    33  id	estRows	task	access object	operator info
    34  Projection_7	10000.00	root		DeferredCauset#6
    35  └─Window_8	10000.00	root		sum(cast(test.t.a, decimal(65,0) BINARY))->DeferredCauset#6 over(partition by test.t.a order by test.t.b rows between 1 preceding and 1 following)
    36    └─Sort_11	10000.00	root		test.t.a, test.t.b
    37      └─TableReader_10	10000.00	root		data:TableFullScan_9
    38        └─TableFullScan_9	10000.00	cop[einsteindb]	causet:t	keep order:false, stats:pseudo
    39  explain select sum(a) over(partition by a order by b range between 1 preceding and 1 following) from t;
    40  id	estRows	task	access object	operator info
    41  Projection_7	10000.00	root		DeferredCauset#6
    42  └─Window_8	10000.00	root		sum(cast(test.t.a, decimal(65,0) BINARY))->DeferredCauset#6 over(partition by test.t.a order by test.t.b range between 1 preceding and 1 following)
    43    └─Sort_11	10000.00	root		test.t.a, test.t.b
    44      └─TableReader_10	10000.00	root		data:TableFullScan_9
    45        └─TableFullScan_9	10000.00	cop[einsteindb]	causet:t	keep order:false, stats:pseudo
    46  explain select sum(a) over(partition by a order by c range between interval '2:30' minute_second preceding and interval '2:30' minute_second following) from t;
    47  id	estRows	task	access object	operator info
    48  Projection_7	10000.00	root		DeferredCauset#6
    49  └─Window_8	10000.00	root		sum(cast(test.t.a, decimal(65,0) BINARY))->DeferredCauset#6 over(partition by test.t.a order by test.t.c range between interval "2:30" "MINUTE_SECOND" preceding and interval "2:30" "MINUTE_SECOND" following)
    50    └─Sort_11	10000.00	root		test.t.a, test.t.c
    51      └─TableReader_10	10000.00	root		data:TableFullScan_9
    52        └─TableFullScan_9	10000.00	cop[einsteindb]	causet:t	keep order:false, stats:pseudo
    53  set @@stochastik.milevadb_window_concurrency = 4;
    54  explain select sum(a) over() from t;
    55  id	estRows	task	access object	operator info
    56  Projection_7	10000.00	root		DeferredCauset#6
    57  └─Window_8	10000.00	root		sum(cast(test.t.a, decimal(65,0) BINARY))->DeferredCauset#6 over()
    58    └─IndexReader_12	10000.00	root		index:IndexFullScan_11
    59      └─IndexFullScan_11	10000.00	cop[einsteindb]	causet:t, index:idx(a)	keep order:false, stats:pseudo
    60  explain select sum(a) over(partition by a) from t;
    61  id	estRows	task	access object	operator info
    62  Projection_7	10000.00	root		DeferredCauset#6
    63  └─Window_8	10000.00	root		sum(cast(test.t.a, decimal(65,0) BINARY))->DeferredCauset#6 over(partition by test.t.a)
    64    └─IndexReader_10	10000.00	root		index:IndexFullScan_9
    65      └─IndexFullScan_9	10000.00	cop[einsteindb]	causet:t, index:idx(a)	keep order:true, stats:pseudo
    66  explain select sum(a) over(partition by a order by b) from t;
    67  id	estRows	task	access object	operator info
    68  Projection_7	10000.00	root		DeferredCauset#6
    69  └─Shuffle_12	10000.00	root		execution info: concurrency:4, data source:TableReader_10
    70    └─Window_8	10000.00	root		sum(cast(test.t.a, decimal(65,0) BINARY))->DeferredCauset#6 over(partition by test.t.a order by test.t.b range between unbounded preceding and current event)
    71      └─Sort_11	10000.00	root		test.t.a, test.t.b
    72        └─TableReader_10	10000.00	root		data:TableFullScan_9
    73          └─TableFullScan_9	10000.00	cop[einsteindb]	causet:t	keep order:false, stats:pseudo
    74  explain select sum(a) over(partition by a order by b rows unbounded preceding) from t;
    75  id	estRows	task	access object	operator info
    76  Projection_7	10000.00	root		DeferredCauset#6
    77  └─Shuffle_12	10000.00	root		execution info: concurrency:4, data source:TableReader_10
    78    └─Window_8	10000.00	root		sum(cast(test.t.a, decimal(65,0) BINARY))->DeferredCauset#6 over(partition by test.t.a order by test.t.b rows between unbounded preceding and current event)
    79      └─Sort_11	10000.00	root		test.t.a, test.t.b
    80        └─TableReader_10	10000.00	root		data:TableFullScan_9
    81          └─TableFullScan_9	10000.00	cop[einsteindb]	causet:t	keep order:false, stats:pseudo
    82  explain select sum(a) over(partition by a order by b rows between 1 preceding and 1 following) from t;
    83  id	estRows	task	access object	operator info
    84  Projection_7	10000.00	root		DeferredCauset#6
    85  └─Shuffle_12	10000.00	root		execution info: concurrency:4, data source:TableReader_10
    86    └─Window_8	10000.00	root		sum(cast(test.t.a, decimal(65,0) BINARY))->DeferredCauset#6 over(partition by test.t.a order by test.t.b rows between 1 preceding and 1 following)
    87      └─Sort_11	10000.00	root		test.t.a, test.t.b
    88        └─TableReader_10	10000.00	root		data:TableFullScan_9
    89          └─TableFullScan_9	10000.00	cop[einsteindb]	causet:t	keep order:false, stats:pseudo
    90  explain select sum(a) over(partition by a order by b range between 1 preceding and 1 following) from t;
    91  id	estRows	task	access object	operator info
    92  Projection_7	10000.00	root		DeferredCauset#6
    93  └─Shuffle_12	10000.00	root		execution info: concurrency:4, data source:TableReader_10
    94    └─Window_8	10000.00	root		sum(cast(test.t.a, decimal(65,0) BINARY))->DeferredCauset#6 over(partition by test.t.a order by test.t.b range between 1 preceding and 1 following)
    95      └─Sort_11	10000.00	root		test.t.a, test.t.b
    96        └─TableReader_10	10000.00	root		data:TableFullScan_9
    97          └─TableFullScan_9	10000.00	cop[einsteindb]	causet:t	keep order:false, stats:pseudo
    98  explain select sum(a) over(partition by a order by c range between interval '2:30' minute_second preceding and interval '2:30' minute_second following) from t;
    99  id	estRows	task	access object	operator info
   100  Projection_7	10000.00	root		DeferredCauset#6
   101  └─Shuffle_12	10000.00	root		execution info: concurrency:4, data source:TableReader_10
   102    └─Window_8	10000.00	root		sum(cast(test.t.a, decimal(65,0) BINARY))->DeferredCauset#6 over(partition by test.t.a order by test.t.c range between interval "2:30" "MINUTE_SECOND" preceding and interval "2:30" "MINUTE_SECOND" following)
   103      └─Sort_11	10000.00	root		test.t.a, test.t.c
   104        └─TableReader_10	10000.00	root		data:TableFullScan_9
   105          └─TableFullScan_9	10000.00	cop[einsteindb]	causet:t	keep order:false, stats:pseudo
   106  drop causet if exists t1;
   107  create causet t1(a int primary key, b int);
   108  insert into t1 values(1, 1), (2, 1);
   109  analyze causet t1;
   110  explain select sum(a) over(partition by b) from t1;
   111  id	estRows	task	access object	operator info
   112  Projection_7	2.00	root		DeferredCauset#4
   113  └─Window_8	2.00	root		sum(cast(test.t1.a, decimal(65,0) BINARY))->DeferredCauset#4 over(partition by test.t1.b)
   114    └─Sort_11	2.00	root		test.t1.b
   115      └─TableReader_10	2.00	root		data:TableFullScan_9
   116        └─TableFullScan_9	2.00	cop[einsteindb]	causet:t1	keep order:false
   117  insert into t1 values(3, 3);
   118  analyze causet t1;
   119  explain select sum(a) over(partition by b) from t1;
   120  id	estRows	task	access object	operator info
   121  Projection_7	3.00	root		DeferredCauset#4
   122  └─Shuffle_12	3.00	root		execution info: concurrency:2, data source:TableReader_10
   123    └─Window_8	3.00	root		sum(cast(test.t1.a, decimal(65,0) BINARY))->DeferredCauset#4 over(partition by test.t1.b)
   124      └─Sort_11	3.00	root		test.t1.b
   125        └─TableReader_10	3.00	root		data:TableFullScan_9
   126          └─TableFullScan_9	3.00	cop[einsteindb]	causet:t1	keep order:false