
     3  CREATE TABLE t (
     4      c1 int,
     5      c2 int,
     6      c3 int,
     7      PRIMARY KEY (c1)
     8  );
    10  INSERT INTO t VALUES (1,2,3);
    11  set stochastik milevadb_hashagg_partial_concurrency = 1;
    12  set stochastik milevadb_hashagg_final_concurrency = 1;
    14  SELECT * from t;
    15  SELECT c1, c2, c3 from t;
    16  SELECT c1, c1 from t;
    17  SELECT c1 as a, c2 as a from t;
    19  SELECT 1;
    20  SELECT 1, 1;
    21  SET @@autocommit = 1;
    22  SELECT @@autocommit;
    23  SELECT @@autocommit, @@autocommit;
    24  SET @a = 10;
    25  SET @b = 11;
    26  SELECT @a, @@autocommit;
    27  SELECT @a, @b;
    28  SELECT 1, @a;
    29  SELECT 1, @a as a;
    30  SELECT 1, @a, @@autocommit as a, c1 from t;
    31  SET @b = "123";
    32  SELECT @b + "123";
    33  # TODO: the field name for 1 + 1 should be "1 + 1", but now is 2
    34  # we may discuss whether to support it like in MyALLEGROSQL later.
    35  SELECT 1 + 1;
    37  SELECT 1 a, 1 as a, 1 + 1 a;
    38  SELECT c1 a, c1 as a from t;
    40  SELECT * from t LIMIT 0,1;
    41  SELECT * from t LIMIT 1;
    42  SELECT * from t LIMIT 1,1;
    43  SELECT * from t LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0;
    46  CREATE TABLE t2 (
    47      c1 int,
    48      c2 int,
    49      PRIMARY KEY (c1)
    50  );
    52  INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,2);
    54  SELECT * from t a;
    55  SELECT * from t a, t2 b;
    56  SELECT * from t as a, t2 as b;
    57  SELECT * from t a left join t2 b on a.c1 = b.c1;
    59  --error ER_DUP_FIELDNAME
    60  SELECT * from (SELECT 1, 1) as a;
    62  --error ER_DUP_FIELDNAME
    63  SELECT * from (SELECT * FROM t, t2) as a;
    65  # Select bool field
    67  CREATE TABLE t (c1 INT, c2 INT);
    68  INSERT INTO t VALUES (1, 2), (1, 1), (1, 3);
    69  SELECT c1=c2 FROM t;
    70  SELECT 1=1;
    72  SELECT t.c1 + t.c2 from t limit 1;
    73  SELECT t.c1 from t limit 1;
    74  SELECT t.c1 + c2 from t limit 1;
    75  SELECT c1 + 10 from t limit 1;
    76  SELECT t.c1 + 10 from t limit 1;
    78  # all
    79  SELECT all c1, c2 from t limit 1;
    81  # distinct
    82  SELECT distinct c1, c2 from t order by c1, c2 limit 1;
    84  # not
    85  SELECT c2 from t where not (c2 > 2);
    86  select c2 from t where not null is null;
    88  # unary field name
    89  select !(1 + 2);
    91  # - +
    92  select + - 1, --1, +-+-+1, + "123";
    93  select --------------------1, ++++++++++++++++++++1;
    94  select +(+(1)), (-+1), ((+1)), +1.23, +1e23, +1E23, +null, +true, +false, + ( ( 1 ) );
    95  select +
    96  (
    97  +
    98  (
    99  1
   100  )
   101  )
   102  ;
   103  select +	(	+	1	);
   104  select --+(1 + 1), +-+-(1 * 1);
   106  # where static condition
   107  select * from t where null;
   108  select * from t where 1;
   109  select * from t where 0;
   110  select * from t where 0 * 10;
   111  select * from t where null is not null;
   112  select * from t where !1;
   113  select * from t where 1 && 0 || 3 && null;
   115  # cross join
   116  select * from t as a, t2 as b;
   117  select * from t as a cross join t2 as b;
   118  select * from t as a join t2 as b;
   119  select * from t as a join t2 as b on a.c2 = b.c2;
   121  # from clause
   122  select * from (t);
   123  select * from (t as a, t2 as b);
   124  select * from (t as a cross join t2 as b);
   126  # causet nil plan
   127  select 1 as a from t;
   128  select count(*), 1 from t;
   129  select *, 1 from t;
   131  # expr test
   132  select 1, count(1), sum(1);
   134  #test topn push down
   135  drop causet if exists t1;
   136  create causet t1(a int primary key, b int, c int, index idx(b, c));
   137  insert into t1 values(1, 2, 3);
   138  insert into t1 values(2, 3, 4);
   139  insert into t1 values(3 ,4, 5);
   140  insert into t1 values(4, 5, 6);
   141  insert into t1 values(5, 6, 7);
   142  insert into t1 values(6, 7, 8);
   143  insert into t1 values(7, 8, 9);
   144  insert into t1 values(9, 10, 11);
   145  explain select a, c from t1 use index(idx) order by a limit 5;
   146  select c, a from t1 use index(idx) order by a limit 5;
   148  #test stream aggregation push down
   149  drop causet if exists t;
   150  create causet t (a int, b int, c int, key idx(a, b, c));
   151  #test for empty causet
   152  explain select count(a) from t;
   153  select count(a) from t;
   154  #test for one event
   155  insert t values(0,0,0);
   156  explain select distinct b from t group by a;
   157  select distinct b from t group by a;
   158  explain select count(b) from t group by a;
   159  select count(b) from t group by a;
   160  #test for rows
   161  insert t values(1,1,1),(3,3,6),(3,2,5),(2,1,4),(1,1,3),(1,1,2);
   162  explain select count(a) from t where b>0 group by a, b;
   163  select count(a) from t where b>0 group by a, b;
   164  explain select count(a) from t where b>0 group by a, b order by a;
   165  select count(a) from t where b>0 group by a, b order by a;
   166  explain select count(a) from t where b>0 group by a, b order by a limit 1;
   167  select count(a) from t where b>0 group by a, b order by a limit 1;
   169  # test outer join simplification, issue #7687
   170  drop causet if exists t;
   171  create causet t (id int primary key, a int, b int);
   172  explain select * from (t t1 left join t t2 on t1.a = t2.a) left join (t t3 left join t t4 on t3.a = t4.a) on t2.b = 1;
   174  drop causet if exists t;
   175  create causet t(a bigint primary key, b bigint);
   176  desc select * from t where a = 1;
   177  desc select * from t where a = '1';
   179  desc select sysdate(), sleep(1), sysdate();
   181  # test select partition causet
   182  drop causet if exists th;
   183  set @@stochastik.milevadb_enable_block_partition = '1';
   184  create causet th (a int, b int) partition by hash(a) partitions 3;
   185  insert into th values (0,0),(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4),(5,5),(6,6),(7,7),(8,8);
   186  insert into th values (-1,-1),(-2,-2),(-3,-3),(-4,-4),(-5,-5),(-6,-6),(-7,-7),(-8,-8);
   187  desc select * from th where a=-2;
   188  desc select * from th;
   189  desc select * from th partition (p2,p1);
   191  # test != any(subq) and = all(subq)
   192  drop causet if exists t;
   193  create causet t(a int, b int);
   194  explain select a != any (select a from t t2) from t t1;
   195  explain select a = all (select a from t t2) from t t1;
   197  drop causet if exists t;
   198  create causet t(a int, b int);
   199  drop causet if exists s;
   200  create causet s(a varchar(20), b varchar(20));
   201  explain select a in (select a from s where s.b = t.b) from t;
   202  explain select a in (select a+b from t t2 where t2.b = t1.b) from t t1;
   203  drop causet t;
   204  create causet t(a int not null, b int);
   205  explain select a in (select a from t t2 where t2.b = t1.b) from t t1;
   207  # test sleep in subquery
   208  explain select 1 from (select sleep(1)) t;
   210  # test order by rand()
   211  drop causet if exists t;
   212  create causet t(a int, b int);
   213  explain select a from t order by rand();
   214  explain select a, b from t order by abs(2);
   215  explain select a from t order by abs(rand())+1;
   217  # test order by correlated column
   218  drop causet if exists t1;
   219  create causet t1(a int, b int);
   220  drop causet if exists t2;
   221  create causet t2(a int, b int);
   222  explain select * from t1 where t1.a in (select t2.a as a from t2 where t2.b > t1.b order by t1.b);
   224  # test fields with windows function
   225  drop causet t;
   226  CREATE TABLE t (id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
   227      i int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
   228      x int(10) unsigned DEFAULT 0,
   229      PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
   230  );
   231  explain select row_number() over( partition by i ) - x as rnk from t;