
     1  [
     2    {
     3      "Name": "TestClusterIndexCBOPointGet",
     4      "Cases": [
     5        {
     6          "ALLEGROALLEGROSQL": "select * from t1 where a = 1 and b = 1 and c = 1",
     7          "Causet": [
     8            "Selection_6 0.33 root  eq(test.t1.c, 1)",
     9            "└─Point_Get_5 1.00 root causet:t1, clustered index:PRIMARY(a, b) "
    10          ],
    11          "Res": [
    12            "1 1 1"
    13          ]
    14        },
    15        {
    16          "ALLEGROALLEGROSQL": "select * from t2 where t2.a = '111' and t2.b = 1",
    17          "Causet": [
    18            "Selection_6 0.33 root  eq(test.t2.b, 1)",
    19            "└─Point_Get_5 1.00 root causet:t2, clustered index:PRIMARY(a) "
    20          ],
    21          "Res": [
    22            "111 1"
    23          ]
    24        },
    25        {
    26          "ALLEGROALLEGROSQL": "select * from t1 join t2 on t1.a = t2.b where t1.a = 1",
    27          "Causet": [
    28            "HashJoin_8 1.00 root  CARTESIAN inner join",
    29            "├─Point_Get_12(Build) 1.00 root causet:t2, index:b(b) ",
    30            "└─BlockReader_11(Probe) 1.00 root  data:BlockRangeScan_10",
    31            "  └─BlockRangeScan_10 1.00 cop[einsteindb] causet:t1 range:[1,1], keep order:false"
    32          ],
    33          "Res": [
    34            "1 1 1 111 1"
    35          ]
    36        },
    37        {
    38          "ALLEGROALLEGROSQL": "select * from t1 where (a,b) in ((1,1),(2,2)) and c = 2",
    39          "Causet": [
    40            "Selection_6 0.67 root  eq(test.t1.c, 2)",
    41            "└─Batch_Point_Get_5 2.00 root causet:t1, clustered index:PRIMARY(a, b) keep order:false, desc:false"
    42          ],
    43          "Res": [
    44            "2 2 2"
    45          ]
    46        },
    47        {
    48          "ALLEGROALLEGROSQL": "select * from t2 where a in ('111','222') and b = 2",
    49          "Causet": [
    50            "Selection_6 0.67 root  eq(test.t2.b, 2)",
    51            "└─Batch_Point_Get_5 2.00 root causet:t2, clustered index:PRIMARY(a) keep order:false, desc:false"
    52          ],
    53          "Res": [
    54            "222 2"
    55          ]
    56        },
    57        {
    58          "ALLEGROALLEGROSQL": "select * from t2 where a in ('111','222') union all select a,c from t1 where (a,b) in ((1,1),(2,2))",
    59          "Causet": [
    60            "Union_10 4.00 root  ",
    61            "├─Batch_Point_Get_12 2.00 root causet:t2, clustered index:PRIMARY(a) keep order:false, desc:false",
    62            "└─Projection_13 2.00 root  cast(test.t1.a, varchar(20) BINARY CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin)->DeferredCauset#6, test.t1.c",
    63            "  └─Batch_Point_Get_14 2.00 root causet:t1, clustered index:PRIMARY(a, b) keep order:false, desc:false"
    64          ],
    65          "Res": [
    66            "1 1",
    67            "111 1",
    68            "2 2",
    69            "222 2"
    70          ]
    71        }
    72      ]
    73    }
    74  ]