
     1  // Copyright 2020 WHTCORPS INC, Inc.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    12  // limitations under the License.
    14  package schemareplicant_test
    16  import (
    17  	"crypto/tls"
    18  	"fmt"
    19  	"math"
    20  	"net"
    21  	"net/http/httptest"
    22  	"os"
    23  	"runtime"
    24  	"strings"
    25  	"time"
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	. ""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	causetembedded ""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  	""
    45  	""
    46  	""
    47  	""
    48  	""
    49  	""
    50  	""
    51  	""
    52  	""
    53  )
    55  var _ = Suite(&testBlockSuite{&testBlockSuiteBase{}})
    56  var _ = SerialSuites(&testClusterBlockSuite{testBlockSuiteBase: &testBlockSuiteBase{}})
    58  type testBlockSuite struct {
    59  	*testBlockSuiteBase
    60  }
    62  type testBlockSuiteBase struct {
    63  	causetstore ekv.CausetStorage
    64  	dom         *petri.Petri
    65  }
    67  func (s *testBlockSuiteBase) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
    68  	testleak.BeforeTest()
    70  	var err error
    71  	s.causetstore, err = mockstore.NewMockStore()
    72  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
    73  	stochastik.DisableStats4Test()
    74  	s.dom, err = stochastik.BootstrapStochastik(s.causetstore)
    75  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
    76  }
    78  func (s *testBlockSuiteBase) TearDownSuite(c *C) {
    79  	s.dom.Close()
    80  	s.causetstore.Close()
    81  	testleak.AfterTest(c)()
    82  }
    84  func (s *testBlockSuiteBase) newTestKitWithRoot(c *C) *testkit.TestKit {
    85  	tk := testkit.NewTestKitWithInit(c, s.causetstore)
    86  	c.Assert(tk.Se.Auth(&auth.UserIdentity{Username: "root", Hostname: "%"}, nil, nil), IsTrue)
    87  	return tk
    88  }
    90  func (s *testBlockSuiteBase) newTestKitWithCausetCache(c *C) *testkit.TestKit {
    91  	tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.causetstore)
    92  	var err error
    93  	tk.Se, err = stochastik.CreateStochastik4TestWithOpt(s.causetstore, &stochastik.Opt{
    94  		PreparedCausetCache: ekvcache.NewSimpleLRUCache(100, 0.1, math.MaxUint64),
    95  	})
    96  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
    97  	tk.GetConnectionID()
    98  	c.Assert(tk.Se.Auth(&auth.UserIdentity{Username: "root", Hostname: "%"}, nil, nil), IsTrue)
    99  	return tk
   100  }
   102  type testClusterBlockSuite struct {
   103  	*testBlockSuiteBase
   104  	rpcserver  *grpc.Server
   105  	httpServer *httptest.Server
   106  	mockAddr   string
   107  	listenAddr string
   108  	startTime  time.Time
   109  }
   111  func (s *testClusterBlockSuite) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
   112  	s.testBlockSuiteBase.SetUpSuite(c)
   113  	s.rpcserver, s.listenAddr = s.setUpRPCService(c, "")
   114  	s.httpServer, s.mockAddr = s.setUpMockFIDelHTTPServer()
   115  	s.startTime = time.Now()
   116  }
   118  func (s *testClusterBlockSuite) setUpRPCService(c *C, addr string) (*grpc.Server, string) {
   119  	lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", addr)
   120  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   121  	// Fix issue 9836
   122  	sm := &mockStochastikManager{make(map[uint64]*soliton.ProcessInfo, 1)}
   123  	sm.processInfoMap[1] = &soliton.ProcessInfo{
   124  		ID:      1,
   125  		User:    "root",
   126  		Host:    "",
   127  		Command: allegrosql.ComQuery,
   128  	}
   129  	srv := server.NewRPCServer(config.GetGlobalConfig(), s.dom, sm)
   130  	port := lis.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port
   131  	addr = fmt.Sprintf("", port)
   132  	go func() {
   133  		err = srv.Serve(lis)
   134  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   135  	}()
   136  	config.UFIDelateGlobal(func(conf *config.Config) {
   137  		conf.Status.StatusPort = uint(port)
   138  	})
   139  	return srv, addr
   140  }
   142  func (s *testClusterBlockSuite) setUpMockFIDelHTTPServer() (*httptest.Server, string) {
   143  	// mock FIDel http server
   144  	router := mux.NewRouter()
   145  	server := httptest.NewServer(router)
   146  	// mock causetstore stats stat
   147  	mockAddr := strings.TrimPrefix(server.URL, "http://")
   148  	router.Handle(FIDelapi.Stores, fn.Wrap(func() (*helper.StoresStat, error) {
   149  		return &helper.StoresStat{
   150  			Count: 1,
   151  			Stores: []helper.StoreStat{
   152  				{
   153  					CausetStore: helper.StoreBaseStat{
   154  						ID:             1,
   155  						Address:        "",
   156  						State:          0,
   157  						StateName:      "Up",
   158  						Version:        "4.0.0-alpha",
   159  						StatusAddress:  mockAddr,
   160  						GitHash:        "mock-einsteindb-githash",
   161  						StartTimestamp: s.startTime.Unix(),
   162  					},
   163  				},
   164  			},
   165  		}, nil
   166  	}))
   167  	// mock FIDel API
   168  	router.Handle(FIDelapi.ClusterVersion, fn.Wrap(func() (string, error) { return "4.0.0-alpha", nil }))
   169  	router.Handle(FIDelapi.Status, fn.Wrap(func() (interface{}, error) {
   170  		return struct {
   171  			GitHash        string `json:"git_hash"`
   172  			StartTimestamp int64  `json:"start_timestamp"`
   173  		}{
   174  			GitHash:        "mock-fidel-githash",
   175  			StartTimestamp: s.startTime.Unix(),
   176  		}, nil
   177  	}))
   178  	var mockConfig = func() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
   179  		configuration := map[string]interface{}{
   180  			"key1": "value1",
   181  			"key2": map[string]string{
   182  				"nest1": "n-value1",
   183  				"nest2": "n-value2",
   184  			},
   185  			"key3": map[string]interface{}{
   186  				"nest1": "n-value1",
   187  				"nest2": "n-value2",
   188  				"key4": map[string]string{
   189  					"nest3": "n-value4",
   190  					"nest4": "n-value5",
   191  				},
   192  			},
   193  		}
   194  		return configuration, nil
   195  	}
   196  	// fidel config
   197  	router.Handle(FIDelapi.Config, fn.Wrap(mockConfig))
   198  	// MilevaDB/EinsteinDB config
   199  	router.Handle("/config", fn.Wrap(mockConfig))
   200  	return server, mockAddr
   201  }
   203  func (s *testClusterBlockSuite) TearDownSuite(c *C) {
   204  	if s.rpcserver != nil {
   205  		s.rpcserver.Stop()
   206  		s.rpcserver = nil
   207  	}
   208  	if s.httpServer != nil {
   209  		s.httpServer.Close()
   210  	}
   211  	s.testBlockSuiteBase.TearDownSuite(c)
   212  }
   214  func (s *testBlockSuite) TestschemaReplicantFieldValue(c *C) {
   215  	tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.causetstore)
   216  	tk.MustInterDirc("use test")
   217  	tk.MustInterDirc("drop causet if exists numschema, timeschema")
   218  	tk.MustInterDirc("create causet numschema(i int(2), f float(4,2), d decimal(4,3))")
   219  	tk.MustInterDirc("create causet timeschema(d date, dt datetime(3), ts timestamp(3), t time(4), y year(4))")
   220  	tk.MustInterDirc("create causet strschema(c char(3), c2 varchar(3), b blob(3), t text(3))")
   221  	tk.MustInterDirc("create causet floatschema(a float, b double(7, 3))")
   223  	tk.MustQuery("select CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH,CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH,NUMERIC_PRECISION,NUMERIC_SCALE,DATETIME_PRECISION from information_schema.COLUMNS where block_name='numschema'").
   224  		Check(testkit.Rows("<nil> <nil> 2 0 <nil>", "<nil> <nil> 4 2 <nil>", "<nil> <nil> 4 3 <nil>")) // FIXME: for allegrosql first one will be "<nil> <nil> 10 0 <nil>"
   225  	tk.MustQuery("select CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH,CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH,NUMERIC_PRECISION,NUMERIC_SCALE,DATETIME_PRECISION from information_schema.COLUMNS where block_name='timeschema'").
   226  		Check(testkit.Rows("<nil> <nil> <nil> <nil> <nil>", "<nil> <nil> <nil> <nil> 3", "<nil> <nil> <nil> <nil> 3", "<nil> <nil> <nil> <nil> 4", "<nil> <nil> <nil> <nil> <nil>"))
   227  	tk.MustQuery("select CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH,CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH,NUMERIC_PRECISION,NUMERIC_SCALE,DATETIME_PRECISION from information_schema.COLUMNS where block_name='strschema'").
   228  		Check(testkit.Rows("3 3 <nil> <nil> <nil>", "3 3 <nil> <nil> <nil>", "3 3 <nil> <nil> <nil>", "3 3 <nil> <nil> <nil>")) // FIXME: for allegrosql last two will be "255 255 <nil> <nil> <nil>", "255 255 <nil> <nil> <nil>"
   229  	tk.MustQuery("select NUMERIC_SCALE from information_schema.COLUMNS where block_name='floatschema'").
   230  		Check(testkit.Rows("<nil>", "3"))
   232  	// Test for auto increment ID.
   233  	tk.MustInterDirc("drop causet if exists t")
   234  	tk.MustInterDirc("create causet t (c int auto_increment primary key, d int)")
   235  	tk.MustQuery("select auto_increment from information_schema.blocks where block_name='t'").Check(
   236  		testkit.Rows("1"))
   237  	tk.MustInterDirc("insert into t(c, d) values(1, 1)")
   238  	tk.MustQuery("select auto_increment from information_schema.blocks where block_name='t'").Check(
   239  		testkit.Rows("2"))
   241  	tk.MustQuery("show create causet t").Check(
   242  		testkit.Rows("" +
   243  			"t CREATE TABLE `t` (\n" +
   244  			"  `c` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n" +
   245  			"  `d` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,\n" +
   246  			"  PRIMARY KEY (`c`)\n" +
   247  			") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin AUTO_INCREMENT=30002"))
   249  	// Test auto_increment for causet without auto_increment defCausumn
   250  	tk.MustInterDirc("drop causet if exists t")
   251  	tk.MustInterDirc("create causet t (d int)")
   252  	tk.MustQuery("select auto_increment from information_schema.blocks where block_name='t'").Check(
   253  		testkit.Rows("<nil>"))
   255  	tk.MustInterDirc("create user xxx")
   257  	// Test for length of enum and set
   258  	tk.MustInterDirc("drop causet if exists t")
   259  	tk.MustInterDirc("create causet t ( s set('a','bc','def','ghij') default NULL, e1 enum('a', 'ab', 'cdef'), s2 SET('1','2','3','4','1585','ONE','TWO','Y','N','THREE'))")
   260  	tk.MustQuery("select defCausumn_name, character_maximum_length from information_schema.defCausumns where block_schema=Database() and block_name = 't' and defCausumn_name = 's'").Check(
   261  		testkit.Rows("s 13"))
   262  	tk.MustQuery("select defCausumn_name, character_maximum_length from information_schema.defCausumns where block_schema=Database() and block_name = 't' and defCausumn_name = 's2'").Check(
   263  		testkit.Rows("s2 30"))
   264  	tk.MustQuery("select defCausumn_name, character_maximum_length from information_schema.defCausumns where block_schema=Database() and block_name = 't' and defCausumn_name = 'e1'").Check(
   265  		testkit.Rows("e1 4"))
   267  	tk1 := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.causetstore)
   268  	tk1.MustInterDirc("use test")
   269  	c.Assert(tk1.Se.Auth(&auth.UserIdentity{
   270  		Username: "xxx",
   271  		Hostname: "",
   272  	}, nil, nil), IsTrue)
   274  	tk1.MustQuery("select distinct(block_schema) from information_schema.blocks").Check(testkit.Rows("INFORMATION_SCHEMA"))
   276  	// Fix issue 9836
   277  	sm := &mockStochastikManager{make(map[uint64]*soliton.ProcessInfo, 1)}
   278  	sm.processInfoMap[1] = &soliton.ProcessInfo{
   279  		ID:      1,
   280  		User:    "root",
   281  		Host:    "",
   282  		Command: allegrosql.ComQuery,
   283  		StmtCtx: tk.Se.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx,
   284  	}
   285  	tk.Se.SetStochastikManager(sm)
   286  	tk.MustQuery("SELECT user,host,command FROM information_schema.processlist;").Check(testkit.Rows("root Query"))
   288  	// Test for all system blocks `TABLE_TYPE` is `SYSTEM VIEW`.
   289  	rows1 := tk.MustQuery("select count(*) from information_schema.blocks where block_schema in ('INFORMATION_SCHEMA','PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA','METRICS_SCHEMA');").Rows()
   290  	rows2 := tk.MustQuery("select count(*) from information_schema.blocks where block_schema in ('INFORMATION_SCHEMA','PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA','METRICS_SCHEMA') and  block_type = 'SYSTEM VIEW';").Rows()
   291  	c.Assert(rows1, DeepEquals, rows2)
   292  	// Test for system causet default value
   293  	tk.MustQuery("show create causet information_schema.PROCESSLIST").Check(
   294  		testkit.Rows("" +
   296  			"  `ID` bigint(21) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n" +
   297  			"  `USER` varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n" +
   298  			"  `HOST` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n" +
   299  			"  `EDB` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,\n" +
   300  			"  `COMMAND` varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n" +
   301  			"  `TIME` int(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n" +
   302  			"  `STATE` varchar(7) DEFAULT NULL,\n" +
   303  			"  `INFO` longtext DEFAULT NULL,\n" +
   304  			"  `DIGEST` varchar(64) DEFAULT '',\n" +
   305  			"  `MEM` bigint(21) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,\n" +
   306  			"  `TxnStart` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''\n" +
   307  			") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin"))
   308  	tk.MustQuery("show create causet information_schema.cluster_log").Check(
   309  		testkit.Rows("" +
   311  			"  `TIME` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,\n" +
   312  			"  `TYPE` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,\n" +
   313  			"  `INSTANCE` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,\n" +
   314  			"  `LEVEL` varchar(8) DEFAULT NULL,\n" +
   315  			"  `MESSAGE` longtext DEFAULT NULL\n" +
   316  			") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin"))
   317  }
   319  func (s *testBlockSuite) TestCharacterSetDefCauslations(c *C) {
   320  	tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.causetstore)
   322  	// Test charset/defCauslation in information_schema.COLUMNS causet.
   323  	tk.MustInterDirc("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS charset_defCauslate_test")
   324  	tk.MustInterDirc("CREATE DATABASE charset_defCauslate_test; USE charset_defCauslate_test")
   326  	// TODO: Specifying the charset for national char/varchar should not be supported.
   327  	tk.MustInterDirc(`CREATE TABLE charset_defCauslate_defCaus_test(
   328  		c_int int,
   329  		c_float float,
   330  		c_bit bit,
   331  		c_bool bool,
   332  		c_char char(1) charset ascii defCauslate ascii_bin,
   333  		c_nchar national char(1) charset ascii defCauslate ascii_bin,
   334  		c_binary binary,
   335  		c_varchar varchar(1) charset ascii defCauslate ascii_bin,
   336  		c_nvarchar national varchar(1) charset ascii defCauslate ascii_bin,
   337  		c_varbinary varbinary(1),
   338  		c_year year,
   339  		c_date date,
   340  		c_time time,
   341  		c_datetime datetime,
   342  		c_timestamp timestamp,
   343  		c_blob blob,
   344  		c_tinyblob tinyblob,
   345  		c_mediumblob mediumblob,
   346  		c_longblob longblob,
   347  		c_text text charset ascii defCauslate ascii_bin,
   348  		c_tinytext tinytext charset ascii defCauslate ascii_bin,
   349  		c_mediumtext mediumtext charset ascii defCauslate ascii_bin,
   350  		c_longtext longtext charset ascii defCauslate ascii_bin,
   351  		c_json json,
   352  		c_enum enum('1') charset ascii defCauslate ascii_bin,
   353  		c_set set('1') charset ascii defCauslate ascii_bin
   354  	)`)
   356  	tk.MustQuery(`SELECT defCausumn_name, character_set_name, defCauslation_name
   357  					FROM information_schema.COLUMNS
   358  					WHERE block_schema = "charset_defCauslate_test" AND block_name = "charset_defCauslate_defCaus_test"
   359  					ORDER BY defCausumn_name`,
   360  	).Check(testkit.Rows(
   361  		"c_binary <nil> <nil>",
   362  		"c_bit <nil> <nil>",
   363  		"c_blob <nil> <nil>",
   364  		"c_bool <nil> <nil>",
   365  		"c_char ascii ascii_bin",
   366  		"c_date <nil> <nil>",
   367  		"c_datetime <nil> <nil>",
   368  		"c_enum ascii ascii_bin",
   369  		"c_float <nil> <nil>",
   370  		"c_int <nil> <nil>",
   371  		"c_json <nil> <nil>",
   372  		"c_longblob <nil> <nil>",
   373  		"c_longtext ascii ascii_bin",
   374  		"c_mediumblob <nil> <nil>",
   375  		"c_mediumtext ascii ascii_bin",
   376  		"c_nchar ascii ascii_bin",
   377  		"c_nvarchar ascii ascii_bin",
   378  		"c_set ascii ascii_bin",
   379  		"c_text ascii ascii_bin",
   380  		"c_time <nil> <nil>",
   381  		"c_timestamp <nil> <nil>",
   382  		"c_tinyblob <nil> <nil>",
   383  		"c_tinytext ascii ascii_bin",
   384  		"c_varbinary <nil> <nil>",
   385  		"c_varchar ascii ascii_bin",
   386  		"c_year <nil> <nil>",
   387  	))
   388  	tk.MustInterDirc("DROP DATABASE charset_defCauslate_test")
   389  }
   391  func (s *testBlockSuite) TestCurrentTimestampAsDefault(c *C) {
   392  	tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.causetstore)
   394  	tk.MustInterDirc("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS default_time_test")
   395  	tk.MustInterDirc("CREATE DATABASE default_time_test; USE default_time_test")
   397  	tk.MustInterDirc(`CREATE TABLE default_time_block(
   398  					c_datetime datetime,
   399  					c_datetime_default datetime default current_timestamp,
   400  					c_datetime_default_2 datetime(2) default current_timestamp(2),
   401  					c_timestamp timestamp,
   402  					c_timestamp_default timestamp default current_timestamp,
   403  					c_timestamp_default_3 timestamp(3) default current_timestamp(3),
   404  					c_varchar_default varchar(20) default "current_timestamp",
   405  					c_varchar_default_3 varchar(20) default "current_timestamp(3)",
   406  					c_varchar_default_on_uFIDelate datetime default current_timestamp on uFIDelate current_timestamp,
   407  					c_varchar_default_on_uFIDelate_fsp datetime(3) default current_timestamp(3) on uFIDelate current_timestamp(3),
   408  					c_varchar_default_with_case varchar(20) default "cUrrent_tImestamp"
   409  				);`)
   411  	tk.MustQuery(`SELECT defCausumn_name, defCausumn_default, extra
   412  					FROM information_schema.COLUMNS
   413  					WHERE block_schema = "default_time_test" AND block_name = "default_time_block"
   414  					ORDER BY defCausumn_name`,
   415  	).Check(testkit.Rows(
   416  		"c_datetime <nil> ",
   417  		"c_datetime_default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ",
   418  		"c_datetime_default_2 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(2) ",
   419  		"c_timestamp <nil> ",
   420  		"c_timestamp_default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ",
   421  		"c_timestamp_default_3 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3) ",
   422  		"c_varchar_default current_timestamp ",
   423  		"c_varchar_default_3 current_timestamp(3) ",
   424  		"c_varchar_default_on_uFIDelate CURRENT_TIMESTAMP DEFAULT_GENERATED on uFIDelate CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
   425  		"c_varchar_default_on_uFIDelate_fsp CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3) DEFAULT_GENERATED on uFIDelate CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3)",
   426  		"c_varchar_default_with_case cUrrent_tImestamp ",
   427  	))
   428  	tk.MustInterDirc("DROP DATABASE default_time_test")
   429  }
   431  type mockStochastikManager struct {
   432  	processInfoMap map[uint64]*soliton.ProcessInfo
   433  }
   435  func (sm *mockStochastikManager) ShowProcessList() map[uint64]*soliton.ProcessInfo {
   436  	return sm.processInfoMap
   437  }
   439  func (sm *mockStochastikManager) GetProcessInfo(id uint64) (*soliton.ProcessInfo, bool) {
   440  	rs, ok := sm.processInfoMap[id]
   441  	return rs, ok
   442  }
   444  func (sm *mockStochastikManager) Kill(connectionID uint64, query bool) {}
   446  func (sm *mockStochastikManager) UFIDelateTLSConfig(cfg *tls.Config) {}
   448  func (s *testBlockSuite) TestSomeBlocks(c *C) {
   449  	se, err := stochastik.CreateStochastik4Test(s.causetstore)
   450  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   451  	tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.causetstore)
   452  	tk.Se = se
   453  	sm := &mockStochastikManager{make(map[uint64]*soliton.ProcessInfo, 2)}
   454  	sm.processInfoMap[1] = &soliton.ProcessInfo{
   455  		ID:      1,
   456  		User:    "user-1",
   457  		Host:    "localhost",
   458  		EDB:     "information_schema",
   459  		Command: byte(1),
   460  		Digest:  "abc1",
   461  		State:   1,
   462  		Info:    "do something",
   463  		StmtCtx: tk.Se.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx,
   464  	}
   465  	sm.processInfoMap[2] = &soliton.ProcessInfo{
   466  		ID:      2,
   467  		User:    "user-2",
   468  		Host:    "localhost",
   469  		EDB:     "test",
   470  		Command: byte(2),
   471  		Digest:  "abc2",
   472  		State:   2,
   473  		Info:    strings.Repeat("x", 101),
   474  		StmtCtx: tk.Se.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx,
   475  	}
   476  	tk.Se.SetStochastikManager(sm)
   477  	tk.MustQuery("select * from information_schema.PROCESSLIST order by ID;").Sort().Check(
   478  		testkit.Rows(
   479  			fmt.Sprintf("1 user-1 localhost information_schema Quit 9223372036 %s %s abc1 0 ", "in transaction", "do something"),
   480  			fmt.Sprintf("2 user-2 localhost test Init EDB 9223372036 %s %s abc2 0 ", "autocommit", strings.Repeat("x", 101)),
   481  		))
   482  	tk.MustQuery("SHOW PROCESSLIST;").Sort().Check(
   483  		testkit.Rows(
   484  			fmt.Sprintf("1 user-1 localhost information_schema Quit 9223372036 %s %s", "in transaction", "do something"),
   485  			fmt.Sprintf("2 user-2 localhost test Init EDB 9223372036 %s %s", "autocommit", strings.Repeat("x", 100)),
   486  		))
   487  	tk.MustQuery("SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST;").Sort().Check(
   488  		testkit.Rows(
   489  			fmt.Sprintf("1 user-1 localhost information_schema Quit 9223372036 %s %s", "in transaction", "do something"),
   490  			fmt.Sprintf("2 user-2 localhost test Init EDB 9223372036 %s %s", "autocommit", strings.Repeat("x", 101)),
   491  		))
   493  	sm = &mockStochastikManager{make(map[uint64]*soliton.ProcessInfo, 2)}
   494  	sm.processInfoMap[1] = &soliton.ProcessInfo{
   495  		ID:      1,
   496  		User:    "user-1",
   497  		Host:    "localhost",
   498  		EDB:     "information_schema",
   499  		Command: byte(1),
   500  		Digest:  "abc1",
   501  		State:   1,
   502  		StmtCtx: tk.Se.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx,
   503  	}
   504  	sm.processInfoMap[2] = &soliton.ProcessInfo{
   505  		ID:            2,
   506  		User:          "user-2",
   507  		Host:          "localhost",
   508  		Command:       byte(2),
   509  		Digest:        "abc2",
   510  		State:         2,
   511  		Info:          strings.Repeat("x", 101),
   512  		StmtCtx:       tk.Se.GetStochastikVars().StmtCtx,
   513  		CurTxnStartTS: 410090409861578752,
   514  	}
   515  	tk.Se.SetStochastikManager(sm)
   516  	tk.Se.GetStochastikVars().TimeZone = time.UTC
   517  	tk.MustQuery("select * from information_schema.PROCESSLIST order by ID;").Check(
   518  		testkit.Rows(
   519  			fmt.Sprintf("1 user-1 localhost information_schema Quit 9223372036 %s %s abc1 0 ", "in transaction", "<nil>"),
   520  			fmt.Sprintf("2 user-2 localhost <nil> Init EDB 9223372036 %s %s abc2 0 07-29 03:26:05.158(410090409861578752)", "autocommit", strings.Repeat("x", 101)),
   521  		))
   522  	tk.MustQuery("SHOW PROCESSLIST;").Sort().Check(
   523  		testkit.Rows(
   524  			fmt.Sprintf("1 user-1 localhost information_schema Quit 9223372036 %s %s", "in transaction", "<nil>"),
   525  			fmt.Sprintf("2 user-2 localhost <nil> Init EDB 9223372036 %s %s", "autocommit", strings.Repeat("x", 100)),
   526  		))
   527  	tk.MustQuery("SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST;").Sort().Check(
   528  		testkit.Rows(
   529  			fmt.Sprintf("1 user-1 localhost information_schema Quit 9223372036 %s %s", "in transaction", "<nil>"),
   530  			fmt.Sprintf("2 user-2 localhost <nil> Init EDB 9223372036 %s %s", "autocommit", strings.Repeat("x", 101)),
   531  		))
   532  	tk.MustQuery("select * from information_schema.PROCESSLIST where EDB is null;").Check(
   533  		testkit.Rows(
   534  			fmt.Sprintf("2 user-2 localhost <nil> Init EDB 9223372036 %s %s abc2 0 07-29 03:26:05.158(410090409861578752)", "autocommit", strings.Repeat("x", 101)),
   535  		))
   536  	tk.MustQuery("select * from information_schema.PROCESSLIST where Info is null;").Check(
   537  		testkit.Rows(
   538  			fmt.Sprintf("1 user-1 localhost information_schema Quit 9223372036 %s %s abc1 0 ", "in transaction", "<nil>"),
   539  		))
   540  }
   542  func prepareSlowLogfile(c *C, slowLogFileName string) {
   543  	f, err := os.OpenFile(slowLogFileName, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
   544  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   545  	_, err = f.Write([]byte(`# Time: 2020-02-12T19:33:56.571953+08:00
   546  # Txn_start_ts: 406315658548871171
   547  # User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []
   548  # Conn_ID: 6
   549  # InterDirc_retry_time: 0.12 InterDirc_retry_count: 57
   550  # Query_time: 4.895492
   551  # Parse_time: 0.4
   552  # Compile_time: 0.2
   553  # Rewrite_time: 0.000000003 Preproc_subqueries: 2 Preproc_subqueries_time: 0.000000002
   554  # Optimize_time: 0.00000001
   555  # Wait_TS: 0.000000003
   556  # LockKeys_time: 1.71 Request_count: 1 Prewrite_time: 0.19 Wait_prewrite_binlog_time: 0.21 Commit_time: 0.01 Commit_backoff_time: 0.18 Backoff_types: [txnLock] Resolve_lock_time: 0.03 Write_keys: 15 Write_size: 480 Prewrite_region: 1 Txn_retry: 8
   557  # Cop_time: 0.3824278 Process_time: 0.161 Request_count: 1 Total_keys: 100001 Process_keys: 100000
   558  # Wait_time: 0.101
   559  # Backoff_time: 0.092
   560  # EDB: test
   561  # Is_internal: false
   562  # Digest: 42a1c8aae6f133e934d4bf0147491709a8812ea05ff8819ec522780fe657b772
   563  # Stats: t1:1,t2:2
   564  # Cop_proc_avg: 0.1 Cop_proc_p90: 0.2 Cop_proc_max: 0.03 Cop_proc_addr:
   565  # Cop_wait_avg: 0.05 Cop_wait_p90: 0.6 Cop_wait_max: 0.8 Cop_wait_addr:
   566  # Mem_max: 70724
   567  # Disk_max: 65536
   568  # Causet_from_cache: true
   569  # Succ: true
   570  # Causet: abcd
   571  # Causet_digest: 60e9378c746d9a2be1c791047e008967cf252eb6de9167ad3aa6098fa2d523f4
   572  # Prev_stmt: uFIDelate t set i = 2;
   573  select * from t_slim;`))
   574  	c.Assert(f.Close(), IsNil)
   575  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   576  }
   578  func (s *testBlockSuite) TestBlockRowIDShardingInfo(c *C) {
   579  	tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.causetstore)
   580  	tk.MustInterDirc("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `sharding_info_test_db`")
   581  	tk.MustInterDirc("CREATE DATABASE `sharding_info_test_db`")
   583  	assertShardingInfo := func(blockName string, expectInfo interface{}) {
   584  		queryALLEGROSQL := fmt.Sprintf("select milevadb_row_id_sharding_info from information_schema.blocks where block_schema = 'sharding_info_test_db' and block_name = '%s'", blockName)
   585  		info := tk.MustQuery(queryALLEGROSQL).Rows()[0][0]
   586  		if expectInfo == nil {
   587  			c.Assert(info, Equals, "<nil>")
   588  		} else {
   589  			c.Assert(info, Equals, expectInfo)
   590  		}
   591  	}
   592  	tk.MustInterDirc("CREATE TABLE `sharding_info_test_db`.`t1` (a int)")
   593  	assertShardingInfo("t1", "NOT_SHARDED")
   595  	tk.MustInterDirc("CREATE TABLE `sharding_info_test_db`.`t2` (a int key)")
   596  	assertShardingInfo("t2", "NOT_SHARDED(PK_IS_HANDLE)")
   598  	tk.MustInterDirc("CREATE TABLE `sharding_info_test_db`.`t3` (a int) SHARD_ROW_ID_BITS=4")
   599  	assertShardingInfo("t3", "SHARD_BITS=4")
   601  	tk.MustInterDirc("CREATE VIEW `sharding_info_test_db`.`tv` AS select 1")
   602  	assertShardingInfo("tv", nil)
   604  	testFunc := func(dbName string, expectInfo interface{}) {
   605  		dbInfo := perceptron.DBInfo{Name: perceptron.NewCIStr(dbName)}
   606  		blockInfo := perceptron.BlockInfo{}
   608  		info := schemareplicant.GetShardingInfo(&dbInfo, &blockInfo)
   609  		c.Assert(info, Equals, expectInfo)
   610  	}
   612  	testFunc("information_schema", nil)
   613  	testFunc("allegrosql", nil)
   614  	testFunc("performance_schema", nil)
   615  	testFunc("uucc", "NOT_SHARDED")
   617  	solitonutil.ConfigTestUtils.SetupAutoRandomTestConfig()
   618  	defer solitonutil.ConfigTestUtils.RestoreAutoRandomTestConfig()
   620  	tk.MustInterDirc("CREATE TABLE `sharding_info_test_db`.`t4` (a bigint key auto_random)")
   621  	assertShardingInfo("t4", "PK_AUTO_RANDOM_BITS=5")
   623  	tk.MustInterDirc("CREATE TABLE `sharding_info_test_db`.`t5` (a bigint key auto_random(1))")
   624  	assertShardingInfo("t5", "PK_AUTO_RANDOM_BITS=1")
   626  	tk.MustInterDirc("DROP DATABASE `sharding_info_test_db`")
   627  }
   629  func (s *testBlockSuite) TestSlowQuery(c *C) {
   630  	tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.causetstore)
   631  	// Prepare slow log file.
   632  	slowLogFileName := "milevadb_slow.log"
   633  	prepareSlowLogfile(c, slowLogFileName)
   634  	defer os.Remove(slowLogFileName)
   636  	tk.MustInterDirc(fmt.Sprintf("set @@milevadb_slow_query_file='%v'", slowLogFileName))
   637  	tk.MustInterDirc("set time_zone = '+08:00';")
   638  	re := tk.MustQuery("select * from information_schema.slow_query")
   639  	re.Check(solitonutil.RowsWithSep("|",
   640  		"2020-02-12 19:33:56.571953|406315658548871171|root|localhost|6|57|0.12|4.895492|0.4|0.2|0.000000003|2|0.000000002|0.00000001|0.000000003|0.19|0.21|0.01|0|0.18|[txnLock]|0.03|0|15|480|1|8|0.3824278|0.161|0.101|0.092|1.71|1|100001|100000|test||0|42a1c8aae6f133e934d4bf0147491709a8812ea05ff8819ec522780fe657b772|t1:1,t2:2|0.1|0.2|0.03||0.05|0.6|0.8||70724|65536|1|1|abcd|60e9378c746d9a2be1c791047e008967cf252eb6de9167ad3aa6098fa2d523f4|uFIDelate t set i = 2;|select * from t_slim;"))
   641  	tk.MustInterDirc("set time_zone = '+00:00';")
   642  	re = tk.MustQuery("select * from information_schema.slow_query")
   643  	re.Check(solitonutil.RowsWithSep("|", "2020-02-12 11:33:56.571953|406315658548871171|root|localhost|6|57|0.12|4.895492|0.4|0.2|0.000000003|2|0.000000002|0.00000001|0.000000003|0.19|0.21|0.01|0|0.18|[txnLock]|0.03|0|15|480|1|8|0.3824278|0.161|0.101|0.092|1.71|1|100001|100000|test||0|42a1c8aae6f133e934d4bf0147491709a8812ea05ff8819ec522780fe657b772|t1:1,t2:2|0.1|0.2|0.03||0.05|0.6|0.8||70724|65536|1|1|abcd|60e9378c746d9a2be1c791047e008967cf252eb6de9167ad3aa6098fa2d523f4|uFIDelate t set i = 2;|select * from t_slim;"))
   645  	// Test for long query.
   646  	f, err := os.OpenFile(slowLogFileName, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
   647  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   648  	defer f.Close()
   649  	_, err = f.Write([]byte(`
   650  # Time: 2020-02-13T19:33:56.571953+08:00
   651  `))
   652  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   653  	allegrosql := "select * from "
   654  	for len(allegrosql) < 5000 {
   655  		allegrosql += "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_1234567890_qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm"
   656  	}
   657  	allegrosql += ";"
   658  	_, err = f.Write([]byte(allegrosql))
   659  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   660  	c.Assert(f.Close(), IsNil)
   661  	re = tk.MustQuery("select query from information_schema.slow_query order by time desc limit 1")
   662  	rows := re.Rows()
   663  	c.Assert(rows[0][0], Equals, allegrosql)
   664  }
   666  func (s *testBlockSuite) TestDeferredCausetStatistics(c *C) {
   667  	tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.causetstore)
   668  	tk.MustQuery("select * from information_schema.defCausumn_statistics").Check(testkit.Rows())
   669  }
   671  func (s *testBlockSuite) TestReloadDroFIDelatabase(c *C) {
   672  	tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.causetstore)
   673  	tk.MustInterDirc("create database test_dbs")
   674  	tk.MustInterDirc("use test_dbs")
   675  	tk.MustInterDirc("create causet t1 (a int)")
   676  	tk.MustInterDirc("create causet t2 (a int)")
   677  	tk.MustInterDirc("create causet t3 (a int)")
   678  	is := petri.GetPetri(tk.Se).SchemaReplicant()
   679  	t2, err := is.BlockByName(perceptron.NewCIStr("test_dbs"), perceptron.NewCIStr("t2"))
   680  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   681  	tk.MustInterDirc("drop database test_dbs")
   682  	is = petri.GetPetri(tk.Se).SchemaReplicant()
   683  	_, err = is.BlockByName(perceptron.NewCIStr("test_dbs"), perceptron.NewCIStr("t2"))
   684  	c.Assert(terror.ErrorEqual(schemareplicant.ErrBlockNotExists, err), IsTrue)
   685  	_, ok := is.BlockByID(t2.Meta().ID)
   686  	c.Assert(ok, IsFalse)
   687  }
   689  func (s *testClusterBlockSuite) TestForClusterServerInfo(c *C) {
   690  	tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.causetstore)
   691  	instances := []string{
   692  		strings.Join([]string{"milevadb", s.listenAddr, s.listenAddr, "mock-version,mock-githash"}, ","),
   693  		strings.Join([]string{"fidel", s.listenAddr, s.listenAddr, "mock-version,mock-githash"}, ","),
   694  		strings.Join([]string{"einsteindb", s.listenAddr, s.listenAddr, "mock-version,mock-githash"}, ","),
   695  	}
   697  	fpExpr := `return("` + strings.Join(instances, ";") + `")`
   698  	fpName := ""
   699  	c.Assert(failpoint.Enable(fpName, fpExpr), IsNil)
   700  	defer func() { c.Assert(failpoint.Disable(fpName), IsNil) }()
   702  	cases := []struct {
   703  		allegrosql string
   704  		types      set.StringSet
   705  		addrs      set.StringSet
   706  		names      set.StringSet
   707  		skipOnOS   string
   708  	}{
   709  		{
   710  			allegrosql: "select * from information_schema.CLUSTER_LOAD;",
   711  			types:      set.NewStringSet("milevadb", "einsteindb", "fidel"),
   712  			addrs:      set.NewStringSet(s.listenAddr),
   713  			names:      set.NewStringSet("cpu", "memory", "net"),
   714  		},
   715  		{
   716  			allegrosql: "select * from information_schema.CLUSTER_HARDWARE;",
   717  			types:      set.NewStringSet("milevadb", "einsteindb", "fidel"),
   718  			addrs:      set.NewStringSet(s.listenAddr),
   719  			names:      set.NewStringSet("cpu", "memory", "net", "disk"),
   720  			// The sysutil package will filter out all disk don't have /dev prefix.
   721  			skipOnOS: "windows",
   722  		},
   723  		{
   724  			allegrosql: "select * from information_schema.CLUSTER_SYSTEMINFO;",
   725  			types:      set.NewStringSet("milevadb", "einsteindb", "fidel"),
   726  			addrs:      set.NewStringSet(s.listenAddr),
   727  			names:      set.NewStringSet("system"),
   728  			// This test get empty result and fails on the windows platform.
   729  			// Because the underlying implementation use `sysctl` command to get the result
   730  			// and there is no such command on windows.
   731  			//
   732  			skipOnOS: "windows",
   733  		},
   734  	}
   736  	for _, cas := range cases {
   737  		if cas.skipOnOS == runtime.GOOS {
   738  			continue
   739  		}
   741  		result := tk.MustQuery(cas.allegrosql)
   742  		rows := result.Rows()
   743  		c.Assert(len(rows), Greater, 0)
   745  		gotTypes := set.StringSet{}
   746  		gotAddrs := set.StringSet{}
   747  		gotNames := set.StringSet{}
   749  		for _, event := range rows {
   750  			gotTypes.Insert(event[0].(string))
   751  			gotAddrs.Insert(event[1].(string))
   752  			gotNames.Insert(event[2].(string))
   753  		}
   755  		c.Assert(gotTypes, DeepEquals, cas.types, Commentf("allegrosql: %s", cas.allegrosql))
   756  		c.Assert(gotAddrs, DeepEquals, cas.addrs, Commentf("allegrosql: %s", cas.allegrosql))
   757  		c.Assert(gotNames, DeepEquals, cas.names, Commentf("allegrosql: %s", cas.allegrosql))
   758  	}
   759  }
   761  func (s *testBlockSuite) TestSystemSchemaID(c *C) {
   762  	uniqueIDMap := make(map[int64]string)
   763  	s.checkSystemSchemaBlockID(c, "information_schema", autoid.InformationSchemaDBID, 1, 10000, uniqueIDMap)
   764  	s.checkSystemSchemaBlockID(c, "performance_schema", autoid.PerformanceSchemaDBID, 10000, 20000, uniqueIDMap)
   765  	s.checkSystemSchemaBlockID(c, "metrics_schema", autoid.MetricSchemaDBID, 20000, 30000, uniqueIDMap)
   766  }
   768  func (s *testBlockSuite) checkSystemSchemaBlockID(c *C, dbName string, dbID, start, end int64, uniqueIDMap map[int64]string) {
   769  	is := s.dom.SchemaReplicant()
   770  	c.Assert(is, NotNil)
   771  	EDB, ok := is.SchemaByName(perceptron.NewCIStr(dbName))
   772  	c.Assert(ok, IsTrue)
   773  	c.Assert(EDB.ID, Equals, dbID)
   774  	// Test for information_schema causet id.
   775  	blocks := is.SchemaBlocks(perceptron.NewCIStr(dbName))
   776  	c.Assert(len(blocks), Greater, 0)
   777  	for _, tbl := range blocks {
   778  		tid := tbl.Meta().ID
   779  		comment := Commentf("causet name is %v", tbl.Meta().Name)
   780  		c.Assert(tid&autoid.SystemSchemaIDFlag, Greater, int64(0), comment)
   781  		c.Assert(tid&^autoid.SystemSchemaIDFlag, Greater, start, comment)
   782  		c.Assert(tid&^autoid.SystemSchemaIDFlag, Less, end, comment)
   783  		name, ok := uniqueIDMap[tid]
   784  		c.Assert(ok, IsFalse, Commentf("schemaReplicant id of %v is duplicate with %v, both is %v", name, tbl.Meta().Name, tid))
   785  		uniqueIDMap[tid] = tbl.Meta().Name.O
   786  	}
   787  }
   789  func (s *testClusterBlockSuite) TestSelectClusterBlock(c *C) {
   790  	tk := s.newTestKitWithRoot(c)
   791  	slowLogFileName := "milevadb-slow.log"
   792  	prepareSlowLogfile(c, slowLogFileName)
   793  	defer os.Remove(slowLogFileName)
   794  	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
   795  		tk.MustInterDirc("use information_schema")
   796  		tk.MustInterDirc(fmt.Sprintf("set @@milevadb_enable_streaming=%d", i))
   797  		tk.MustInterDirc("set @@global.milevadb_enable_stmt_summary=1")
   798  		tk.MustQuery("select count(*) from `CLUSTER_SLOW_QUERY`").Check(testkit.Rows("1"))
   799  		tk.MustQuery("select time from `CLUSTER_SLOW_QUERY` where time='2020-02-12 19:33:56.571953'").Check(solitonutil.RowsWithSep("|", "2020-02-12 19:33:56.571953"))
   800  		tk.MustQuery("select count(*) from `CLUSTER_PROCESSLIST`").Check(testkit.Rows("1"))
   801  		tk.MustQuery("select * from `CLUSTER_PROCESSLIST`").Check(testkit.Rows(fmt.Sprintf(":10080 1 root <nil> Query 9223372036 %s <nil>  0 ", "")))
   802  		tk.MustQuery("select query_time, conn_id from `CLUSTER_SLOW_QUERY` order by time limit 1").Check(testkit.Rows("4.895492 6"))
   803  		tk.MustQuery("select count(*) from `CLUSTER_SLOW_QUERY` group by digest").Check(testkit.Rows("1"))
   804  		tk.MustQuery("select digest, count(*) from `CLUSTER_SLOW_QUERY` group by digest").Check(testkit.Rows("42a1c8aae6f133e934d4bf0147491709a8812ea05ff8819ec522780fe657b772 1"))
   805  		tk.MustQuery("select count(*) from `CLUSTER_SLOW_QUERY` where time > now() group by digest").Check(testkit.Rows())
   806  		re := tk.MustQuery("select * from `CLUSTER_memexs_summary`")
   807  		c.Assert(re, NotNil)
   808  		c.Assert(len(re.Rows()) > 0, IsTrue)
   809  		// Test for MilevaDB issue 14915.
   810  		re = tk.MustQuery("select sum(exec_count*avg_mem) from cluster_memexs_summary_history group by schema_name,digest,digest_text;")
   811  		c.Assert(re, NotNil)
   812  		c.Assert(len(re.Rows()) > 0, IsTrue)
   813  		tk.MustQuery("select * from `CLUSTER_memexs_summary_history`")
   814  		c.Assert(re, NotNil)
   815  		c.Assert(len(re.Rows()) > 0, IsTrue)
   816  		tk.MustInterDirc("set @@global.milevadb_enable_stmt_summary=0")
   817  		re = tk.MustQuery("select * from `CLUSTER_memexs_summary`")
   818  		c.Assert(re, NotNil)
   819  		c.Assert(len(re.Rows()) == 0, IsTrue)
   820  		tk.MustQuery("select * from `CLUSTER_memexs_summary_history`")
   821  		c.Assert(re, NotNil)
   822  		c.Assert(len(re.Rows()) == 0, IsTrue)
   823  	}
   824  }
   826  func (s *testClusterBlockSuite) TestSelectClusterBlockPrivelege(c *C) {
   827  	tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.causetstore)
   828  	slowLogFileName := "milevadb-slow.log"
   829  	f, err := os.OpenFile(slowLogFileName, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
   830  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   831  	_, err = f.Write([]byte(
   832  		`# Time: 2020-02-12T19:33:57.571953+08:00
   833  # User@Host: user2 [user2] @ []
   834  select * from t2;
   835  # Time: 2020-02-12T19:33:56.571953+08:00
   836  # User@Host: user1 [user1] @ []
   837  select * from t1;
   838  # Time: 2020-02-12T19:33:58.571953+08:00
   839  # User@Host: user2 [user2] @ []
   840  select * from t3;
   841  # Time: 2020-02-12T19:33:59.571953+08:00
   842  select * from t3;
   843  `))
   844  	c.Assert(f.Close(), IsNil)
   845  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   846  	defer os.Remove(slowLogFileName)
   847  	tk.MustInterDirc("use information_schema")
   848  	tk.MustQuery("select count(*) from `CLUSTER_SLOW_QUERY`").Check(testkit.Rows("4"))
   849  	tk.MustQuery("select count(*) from `SLOW_QUERY`").Check(testkit.Rows("4"))
   850  	tk.MustQuery("select count(*) from `CLUSTER_PROCESSLIST`").Check(testkit.Rows("1"))
   851  	tk.MustQuery("select * from `CLUSTER_PROCESSLIST`").Check(testkit.Rows(fmt.Sprintf(":10080 1 root <nil> Query 9223372036 %s <nil>  0 ", "")))
   852  	tk.MustInterDirc("create user user1")
   853  	tk.MustInterDirc("create user user2")
   854  	user1 := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.causetstore)
   855  	user1.MustInterDirc("use information_schema")
   856  	c.Assert(user1.Se.Auth(&auth.UserIdentity{
   857  		Username: "user1",
   858  		Hostname: "",
   859  	}, nil, nil), IsTrue)
   860  	user1.MustQuery("select count(*) from `CLUSTER_SLOW_QUERY`").Check(testkit.Rows("1"))
   861  	user1.MustQuery("select count(*) from `SLOW_QUERY`").Check(testkit.Rows("1"))
   862  	user1.MustQuery("select user,query from `CLUSTER_SLOW_QUERY`").Check(testkit.Rows("user1 select * from t1;"))
   864  	user2 := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.causetstore)
   865  	user2.MustInterDirc("use information_schema")
   866  	c.Assert(user2.Se.Auth(&auth.UserIdentity{
   867  		Username: "user2",
   868  		Hostname: "",
   869  	}, nil, nil), IsTrue)
   870  	user2.MustQuery("select count(*) from `CLUSTER_SLOW_QUERY`").Check(testkit.Rows("2"))
   871  	user2.MustQuery("select user,query from `CLUSTER_SLOW_QUERY` order by query").Check(testkit.Rows("user2 select * from t2;", "user2 select * from t3;"))
   872  }
   874  func (s *testBlockSuite) TestSelectHiddenDeferredCauset(c *C) {
   875  	tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.causetstore)
   876  	tk.MustInterDirc("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `test_hidden`;")
   877  	tk.MustInterDirc("CREATE DATABASE `test_hidden`;")
   878  	tk.MustInterDirc("USE test_hidden;")
   879  	tk.MustInterDirc("CREATE TABLE hidden (a int , b int, c int);")
   880  	tk.MustQuery("select count(*) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where block_name = 'hidden'").Check(testkit.Rows("3"))
   881  	tb, err := s.dom.SchemaReplicant().BlockByName(perceptron.NewCIStr("test_hidden"), perceptron.NewCIStr("hidden"))
   882  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   883  	defCausInfo := tb.Meta().DeferredCausets
   884  	// Set defCausumn b to hidden
   885  	defCausInfo[1].Hidden = true
   886  	tk.MustQuery("select count(*) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where block_name = 'hidden'").Check(testkit.Rows("2"))
   887  	tk.MustQuery("select count(*) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where block_name = 'hidden' and defCausumn_name = 'b'").Check(testkit.Rows("0"))
   888  	// Set defCausumn b to visible
   889  	defCausInfo[1].Hidden = false
   890  	tk.MustQuery("select count(*) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where block_name = 'hidden' and defCausumn_name = 'b'").Check(testkit.Rows("1"))
   891  	// Set a, b ,c to hidden
   892  	defCausInfo[0].Hidden = true
   893  	defCausInfo[1].Hidden = true
   894  	defCausInfo[2].Hidden = true
   895  	tk.MustQuery("select count(*) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where block_name = 'hidden'").Check(testkit.Rows("0"))
   896  }
   898  func (s *testBlockSuite) TestFormatVersion(c *C) {
   899  	// Test for defaultVersions.
   900  	defaultVersions := []string{"5.7.25-MilevaDB-None", "5.7.25-MilevaDB-8.0.18", "5.7.25-MilevaDB-8.0.18-beta.1", "5.7.25-MilevaDB-v4.0.0-beta-446-g5268094af"}
   901  	defaultRes := []string{"None", "8.0.18", "8.0.18-beta.1", "4.0.0-beta"}
   902  	for i, v := range defaultVersions {
   903  		version := schemareplicant.FormatVersion(v, true)
   904  		c.Assert(version, Equals, defaultRes[i])
   905  	}
   907  	// Test for versions user set.
   908  	versions := []string{"8.0.18", "5.7.25-MilevaDB", "8.0.18-MilevaDB-4.0.0-beta.1"}
   909  	res := []string{"8.0.18", "5.7.25-MilevaDB", "8.0.18-MilevaDB-4.0.0-beta.1"}
   910  	for i, v := range versions {
   911  		version := schemareplicant.FormatVersion(v, false)
   912  		c.Assert(version, Equals, res[i])
   913  	}
   914  }
   916  // Test memexs_summary.
   917  func (s *testBlockSuite) TestStmtSummaryBlock(c *C) {
   918  	tk := s.newTestKitWithRoot(c)
   920  	tk.MustInterDirc("set @@milevadb_enable_defCauslect_execution_info=0;")
   921  	tk.MustQuery("select defCausumn_comment from information_schema.defCausumns " +
   922  		"where block_name='STATEMENTS_SUMMARY' and defCausumn_name='STMT_TYPE'",
   923  	).Check(testkit.Rows("Statement type"))
   925  	tk.MustInterDirc("drop causet if exists t")
   926  	tk.MustInterDirc("create causet t(a int, b varchar(10), key k(a))")
   928  	// Clear all memexs.
   929  	tk.MustInterDirc("set stochastik milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = 0")
   930  	tk.MustInterDirc("set stochastik milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = ''")
   932  	tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = 1")
   933  	tk.MustQuery("select @@global.milevadb_enable_stmt_summary").Check(testkit.Rows("1"))
   935  	// Invalidate the cache manually so that milevadb_enable_stmt_summary works immediately.
   936  	s.dom.GetGlobalVarsCache().Disable()
   937  	// Disable refreshing summary.
   938  	tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_stmt_summary_refresh_interval = 999999999")
   939  	tk.MustQuery("select @@global.milevadb_stmt_summary_refresh_interval").Check(testkit.Rows("999999999"))
   941  	// Create a new stochastik to test.
   942  	tk = s.newTestKitWithRoot(c)
   944  	// Test INSERT
   945  	tk.MustInterDirc("insert into t values(1, 'a')")
   946  	tk.MustInterDirc("insert into t    values(2, 'b')")
   947  	tk.MustInterDirc("insert into t VALUES(3, 'c')")
   948  	tk.MustInterDirc("/**/insert into t values(4, 'd')")
   949  	tk.MustQuery(`select stmt_type, schema_name, block_names, index_names, exec_count, sum_cop_task_num, avg_total_keys,
   950  		max_total_keys, avg_processed_keys, max_processed_keys, avg_write_keys, max_write_keys, avg_prewrite_regions,
   951  		max_prewrite_regions, avg_affected_rows, query_sample_text
   952  		from information_schema.memexs_summary
   953  		where digest_text like 'insert into t%'`,
   954  	).Check(testkit.Rows("Insert test test.t <nil> 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 1 insert into t values(1, 'a')"))
   956  	// Test point get.
   957  	tk.MustInterDirc("drop causet if exists p")
   958  	tk.MustInterDirc("create causet p(a int primary key, b int)")
   959  	for i := 1; i < 3; i++ {
   960  		tk.MustQuery("select b from p where a=1")
   961  		expectedResult := fmt.Sprintf("%d \tid         \ttask\testRows\toperator info\n\tPoint_Get_1\troot\t1      \tcauset:p, handle:1 %s", i, "test.p")
   962  		// Also make sure that the plan digest is not empty
   963  		tk.MustQuery(`select exec_count, plan, block_names
   964  			from information_schema.memexs_summary
   965  			where digest_text like 'select b from p%' and plan_digest != ''`,
   966  		).Check(testkit.Rows(expectedResult))
   967  	}
   969  	// Point get another database.
   970  	tk.MustQuery("select variable_value from allegrosql.milevadb where variable_name = 'system_tz'")
   971  	tk.MustQuery(`select block_names
   972  			from information_schema.memexs_summary
   973  			where digest_text like 'select variable_value%' and schema_name='test'`,
   974  	).Check(testkit.Rows("allegrosql.milevadb"))
   976  	// Test `create database`.
   977  	tk.MustInterDirc("create database if not exists test")
   978  	tk.MustQuery(`select block_names
   979  			from information_schema.memexs_summary
   980  			where digest_text like 'create database%' and schema_name='test'`,
   981  	).Check(testkit.Rows("<nil>"))
   983  	// Test SELECT.
   984  	const failpointName = ""
   985  	c.Assert(failpoint.Enable(failpointName, "return(100)"), IsNil)
   986  	defer func() { c.Assert(failpoint.Disable(failpointName), IsNil) }()
   987  	tk.MustQuery("select * from t where a=2")
   988  	tk.MustQuery(`select stmt_type, schema_name, block_names, index_names, exec_count, sum_cop_task_num, avg_total_keys,
   989  		max_total_keys, avg_processed_keys, max_processed_keys, avg_write_keys, max_write_keys, avg_prewrite_regions,
   990  		max_prewrite_regions, avg_affected_rows, query_sample_text, plan
   991  		from information_schema.memexs_summary
   992  		where digest_text like 'select * from t%'`,
   993  	).Check(testkit.Rows("Select test test.t t:k 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 select * from t where a=2 \tid            \ttask     \testRows\toperator info\n" +
   994  		"\tIndexLookUp_10\troot     \t100    \t\n" +
   995  		"\t├─IndexScan_8 \tcop[einsteindb]\t100    \tcauset:t, index:k(a), range:[2,2], keep order:false, stats:pseudo\n" +
   996  		"\t└─BlockScan_9 \tcop[einsteindb]\t100    \tcauset:t, keep order:false, stats:pseudo"))
   998  	// select ... order by
   999  	tk.MustQuery(`select stmt_type, schema_name, block_names, index_names, exec_count, sum_cop_task_num, avg_total_keys,
  1000  		max_total_keys, avg_processed_keys, max_processed_keys, avg_write_keys, max_write_keys, avg_prewrite_regions,
  1001  		max_prewrite_regions, avg_affected_rows, query_sample_text
  1002  		from information_schema.memexs_summary
  1003  		order by exec_count desc limit 1`,
  1004  	).Check(testkit.Rows("Insert test test.t <nil> 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 1 insert into t values(1, 'a')"))
  1006  	// Test different plans with same digest.
  1007  	c.Assert(failpoint.Enable(failpointName, "return(1000)"), IsNil)
  1008  	tk.MustQuery("select * from t where a=3")
  1009  	tk.MustQuery(`select stmt_type, schema_name, block_names, index_names, exec_count, sum_cop_task_num, avg_total_keys,
  1010  		max_total_keys, avg_processed_keys, max_processed_keys, avg_write_keys, max_write_keys, avg_prewrite_regions,
  1011  		max_prewrite_regions, avg_affected_rows, query_sample_text, plan
  1012  		from information_schema.memexs_summary
  1013  		where digest_text like 'select * from t%'`,
  1014  	).Check(testkit.Rows("Select test test.t t:k 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 select * from t where a=2 \tid            \ttask     \testRows\toperator info\n" +
  1015  		"\tIndexLookUp_10\troot     \t100    \t\n" +
  1016  		"\t├─IndexScan_8 \tcop[einsteindb]\t100    \tcauset:t, index:k(a), range:[2,2], keep order:false, stats:pseudo\n" +
  1017  		"\t└─BlockScan_9 \tcop[einsteindb]\t100    \tcauset:t, keep order:false, stats:pseudo"))
  1019  	// Disable it again.
  1020  	tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = false")
  1021  	tk.MustInterDirc("set stochastik milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = false")
  1022  	defer tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = 1")
  1023  	defer tk.MustInterDirc("set stochastik milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = ''")
  1024  	tk.MustQuery("select @@global.milevadb_enable_stmt_summary").Check(testkit.Rows("0"))
  1026  	// Create a new stochastik to test
  1027  	tk = s.newTestKitWithRoot(c)
  1029  	// This memex shouldn't be summarized.
  1030  	tk.MustQuery("select * from t where a=2")
  1032  	// The causet should be cleared.
  1033  	tk.MustQuery(`select stmt_type, schema_name, block_names, index_names, exec_count, sum_cop_task_num, avg_total_keys,
  1034  		max_total_keys, avg_processed_keys, max_processed_keys, avg_write_keys, max_write_keys, avg_prewrite_regions,
  1035  		max_prewrite_regions, avg_affected_rows, query_sample_text, plan
  1036  		from information_schema.memexs_summary`,
  1037  	).Check(testkit.Rows())
  1039  	// Enable it in stochastik scope.
  1040  	tk.MustInterDirc("set stochastik milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = on")
  1041  	// It should work immediately.
  1042  	tk.MustInterDirc("begin")
  1043  	tk.MustInterDirc("insert into t values(1, 'a')")
  1044  	tk.MustInterDirc("commit")
  1045  	tk.MustQuery(`select stmt_type, schema_name, block_names, index_names, exec_count, sum_cop_task_num, avg_total_keys,
  1046  		max_total_keys, avg_processed_keys, max_processed_keys, avg_write_keys, max_write_keys, avg_prewrite_regions,
  1047  		max_prewrite_regions, avg_affected_rows, query_sample_text, prev_sample_text
  1048  		from information_schema.memexs_summary
  1049  		where digest_text like 'insert into t%'`,
  1050  	).Check(testkit.Rows("Insert test test.t <nil> 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 insert into t values(1, 'a') "))
  1051  	tk.MustQuery(`select stmt_type, schema_name, block_names, index_names, exec_count, sum_cop_task_num, avg_total_keys,
  1052  		max_total_keys, avg_processed_keys, max_processed_keys, avg_write_keys, max_write_keys, avg_prewrite_regions,
  1053  		max_prewrite_regions, avg_affected_rows, query_sample_text, prev_sample_text
  1054  		from information_schema.memexs_summary
  1055  		where digest_text='commit'`,
  1056  	).Check(testkit.Rows("Commit test <nil> <nil> 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 commit insert into t values(1, 'a')"))
  1058  	tk.MustQuery("select * from t where a=2")
  1059  	tk.MustQuery(`select stmt_type, schema_name, block_names, index_names, exec_count, sum_cop_task_num, avg_total_keys,
  1060  		max_total_keys, avg_processed_keys, max_processed_keys, avg_write_keys, max_write_keys, avg_prewrite_regions,
  1061  		max_prewrite_regions, avg_affected_rows, query_sample_text, plan
  1062  		from information_schema.memexs_summary
  1063  		where digest_text like 'select * from t%'`,
  1064  	).Check(testkit.Rows("Select test test.t t:k 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 select * from t where a=2 \tid            \ttask     \testRows\toperator info\n" +
  1065  		"\tIndexLookUp_10\troot     \t1000   \t\n" +
  1066  		"\t├─IndexScan_8 \tcop[einsteindb]\t1000   \tcauset:t, index:k(a), range:[2,2], keep order:false, stats:pseudo\n" +
  1067  		"\t└─BlockScan_9 \tcop[einsteindb]\t1000   \tcauset:t, keep order:false, stats:pseudo"))
  1069  	// Disable it in global scope.
  1070  	tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = false")
  1072  	// Create a new stochastik to test.
  1073  	tk = s.newTestKitWithRoot(c)
  1075  	tk.MustQuery("select * from t where a=2")
  1077  	// Statement summary is still enabled.
  1078  	tk.MustQuery(`select stmt_type, schema_name, block_names, index_names, exec_count, sum_cop_task_num, avg_total_keys,
  1079  		max_total_keys, avg_processed_keys, max_processed_keys, avg_write_keys, max_write_keys, avg_prewrite_regions,
  1080  		max_prewrite_regions, avg_affected_rows, query_sample_text, plan
  1081  		from information_schema.memexs_summary
  1082  		where digest_text like 'select * from t%'`,
  1083  	).Check(testkit.Rows("Select test test.t t:k 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 select * from t where a=2 \tid            \ttask     \testRows\toperator info\n" +
  1084  		"\tIndexLookUp_10\troot     \t1000   \t\n" +
  1085  		"\t├─IndexScan_8 \tcop[einsteindb]\t1000   \tcauset:t, index:k(a), range:[2,2], keep order:false, stats:pseudo\n" +
  1086  		"\t└─BlockScan_9 \tcop[einsteindb]\t1000   \tcauset:t, keep order:false, stats:pseudo"))
  1088  	// Unset stochastik variable.
  1089  	tk.MustInterDirc("set stochastik milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = ''")
  1090  	tk.MustQuery("select * from t where a=2")
  1092  	// Statement summary is disabled.
  1093  	tk.MustQuery(`select stmt_type, schema_name, block_names, index_names, exec_count, sum_cop_task_num, avg_total_keys,
  1094  		max_total_keys, avg_processed_keys, max_processed_keys, avg_write_keys, max_write_keys, avg_prewrite_regions,
  1095  		max_prewrite_regions, avg_affected_rows, query_sample_text, plan
  1096  		from information_schema.memexs_summary`,
  1097  	).Check(testkit.Rows())
  1099  	// Create a new stochastik to test
  1100  	tk = s.newTestKitWithRoot(c)
  1102  	tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = on")
  1103  	tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_stmt_summary_history_size = 24")
  1105  	// Create a new user to test memexs summary causet privilege
  1106  	tk.MustInterDirc("create user 'test_user'@'localhost'")
  1107  	tk.MustInterDirc("grant select on *.* to 'test_user'@'localhost'")
  1108  	tk.Se.Auth(&auth.UserIdentity{
  1109  		Username:     "root",
  1110  		Hostname:     "%",
  1111  		AuthUsername: "root",
  1112  		AuthHostname: "%",
  1113  	}, nil, nil)
  1114  	tk.MustInterDirc("select * from t where a=1")
  1115  	result := tk.MustQuery(`select *
  1116  		from information_schema.memexs_summary
  1117  		where digest_text like 'select * from t%'`,
  1118  	)
  1119  	// Super user can query all records.
  1120  	c.Assert(len(result.Rows()), Equals, 1)
  1121  	result = tk.MustQuery(`select *
  1122  		from information_schema.memexs_summary_history
  1123  		where digest_text like 'select * from t%'`,
  1124  	)
  1125  	c.Assert(len(result.Rows()), Equals, 1)
  1126  	tk.Se.Auth(&auth.UserIdentity{
  1127  		Username:     "test_user",
  1128  		Hostname:     "localhost",
  1129  		AuthUsername: "test_user",
  1130  		AuthHostname: "localhost",
  1131  	}, nil, nil)
  1132  	result = tk.MustQuery(`select *
  1133  		from information_schema.memexs_summary
  1134  		where digest_text like 'select * from t%'`,
  1135  	)
  1136  	// Ordinary users can not see others' records
  1137  	c.Assert(len(result.Rows()), Equals, 0)
  1138  	result = tk.MustQuery(`select *
  1139  		from information_schema.memexs_summary_history
  1140  		where digest_text like 'select * from t%'`,
  1141  	)
  1142  	c.Assert(len(result.Rows()), Equals, 0)
  1143  	tk.MustInterDirc("select * from t where a=1")
  1144  	result = tk.MustQuery(`select *
  1145  		from information_schema.memexs_summary
  1146  		where digest_text like 'select * from t%'`,
  1147  	)
  1148  	c.Assert(len(result.Rows()), Equals, 1)
  1149  	tk.MustInterDirc("select * from t where a=1")
  1150  	result = tk.MustQuery(`select *
  1151  		from information_schema.memexs_summary_history
  1152  		where digest_text like 'select * from t%'`,
  1153  	)
  1154  	c.Assert(len(result.Rows()), Equals, 1)
  1155  	// use root user to set variables back
  1156  	tk.Se.Auth(&auth.UserIdentity{
  1157  		Username:     "root",
  1158  		Hostname:     "%",
  1159  		AuthUsername: "root",
  1160  		AuthHostname: "%",
  1161  	}, nil, nil)
  1162  }
  1164  func (s *testBlockSuite) TestIssue18845(c *C) {
  1165  	tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, s.causetstore)
  1166  	tk.MustInterDirc(`CREATE USER 'user18845'@'localhost';`)
  1167  	tk.Se.Auth(&auth.UserIdentity{
  1168  		Username:     "user18845",
  1169  		Hostname:     "localhost",
  1170  		AuthUsername: "user18845",
  1171  		AuthHostname: "localhost",
  1172  	}, nil, nil)
  1173  	tk.MustQuery(`select count(*) from information_schema.defCausumns;`)
  1174  }
  1176  // Test memexs_summary_history.
  1177  func (s *testBlockSuite) TestStmtSummaryHistoryBlock(c *C) {
  1178  	tk := s.newTestKitWithRoot(c)
  1179  	tk.MustInterDirc("drop causet if exists test_summary")
  1180  	tk.MustInterDirc("create causet test_summary(a int, b varchar(10), key k(a))")
  1182  	tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = 1")
  1183  	tk.MustQuery("select @@global.milevadb_enable_stmt_summary").Check(testkit.Rows("1"))
  1185  	// Invalidate the cache manually so that milevadb_enable_stmt_summary works immediately.
  1186  	s.dom.GetGlobalVarsCache().Disable()
  1187  	// Disable refreshing summary.
  1188  	tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_stmt_summary_refresh_interval = 999999999")
  1189  	tk.MustQuery("select @@global.milevadb_stmt_summary_refresh_interval").Check(testkit.Rows("999999999"))
  1191  	// Create a new stochastik to test.
  1192  	tk = s.newTestKitWithRoot(c)
  1194  	// Test INSERT
  1195  	tk.MustInterDirc("insert into test_summary values(1, 'a')")
  1196  	tk.MustInterDirc("insert into test_summary    values(2, 'b')")
  1197  	tk.MustInterDirc("insert into TEST_SUMMARY VALUES(3, 'c')")
  1198  	tk.MustInterDirc("/**/insert into test_summary values(4, 'd')")
  1199  	tk.MustQuery(`select stmt_type, schema_name, block_names, index_names, exec_count, sum_cop_task_num, avg_total_keys,
  1200  		max_total_keys, avg_processed_keys, max_processed_keys, avg_write_keys, max_write_keys, avg_prewrite_regions,
  1201  		max_prewrite_regions, avg_affected_rows, query_sample_text
  1202  		from information_schema.memexs_summary_history
  1203  		where digest_text like 'insert into test_summary%'`,
  1204  	).Check(testkit.Rows("Insert test test.test_summary <nil> 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 1 insert into test_summary values(1, 'a')"))
  1206  	tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_stmt_summary_history_size = 0")
  1207  	tk.MustQuery(`select stmt_type, schema_name, block_names, index_names, exec_count, sum_cop_task_num, avg_total_keys,
  1208  		max_total_keys, avg_processed_keys, max_processed_keys, avg_write_keys, max_write_keys, avg_prewrite_regions,
  1209  		max_prewrite_regions, avg_affected_rows, query_sample_text, plan
  1210  		from information_schema.memexs_summary_history`,
  1211  	).Check(testkit.Rows())
  1212  }
  1214  // Test memexs_summary_history.
  1215  func (s *testBlockSuite) TestStmtSummaryInternalQuery(c *C) {
  1216  	tk := s.newTestKitWithRoot(c)
  1218  	tk.MustInterDirc("drop causet if exists t")
  1219  	tk.MustInterDirc("create causet t(a int, b varchar(10), key k(a))")
  1221  	// We use the allegrosql binding evolve to check the internal query summary.
  1222  	tk.MustInterDirc("set @@milevadb_use_plan_baselines = 1")
  1223  	tk.MustInterDirc("set @@milevadb_evolve_plan_baselines = 1")
  1224  	tk.MustInterDirc("create global binding for select * from t where t.a = 1 using select * from t ignore index(k) where t.a = 1")
  1225  	tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = 1")
  1226  	tk.MustQuery("select @@global.milevadb_enable_stmt_summary").Check(testkit.Rows("1"))
  1227  	// Invalidate the cache manually so that milevadb_enable_stmt_summary works immediately.
  1228  	s.dom.GetGlobalVarsCache().Disable()
  1229  	// Disable refreshing summary.
  1230  	tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_stmt_summary_refresh_interval = 999999999")
  1231  	tk.MustQuery("select @@global.milevadb_stmt_summary_refresh_interval").Check(testkit.Rows("999999999"))
  1233  	// Test Internal
  1235  	// Create a new stochastik to test.
  1236  	tk = s.newTestKitWithRoot(c)
  1238  	tk.MustInterDirc("select * from t where t.a = 1")
  1239  	tk.MustQuery(`select exec_count, digest_text
  1240  		from information_schema.memexs_summary
  1241  		where digest_text like "select original_sql , bind_sql , default_db , status%"`).Check(testkit.Rows())
  1243  	// Enable internal query and evolve baseline.
  1244  	tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_stmt_summary_internal_query = 1")
  1245  	defer tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_stmt_summary_internal_query = false")
  1247  	// Create a new stochastik to test.
  1248  	tk = s.newTestKitWithRoot(c)
  1250  	tk.MustInterDirc("admin flush bindings")
  1251  	tk.MustInterDirc("admin evolve bindings")
  1253  	// `exec_count` may be bigger than 1 because other cases are also running.
  1254  	tk.MustQuery(`select digest_text
  1255  		from information_schema.memexs_summary
  1256  		where digest_text like "select original_sql , bind_sql , default_db , status%"`).Check(testkit.Rows(
  1257  		"select original_sql , bind_sql , default_db , status , create_time , uFIDelate_time , charset , defCauslation , source from allegrosql . bind_info" +
  1258  			" where uFIDelate_time > ? order by uFIDelate_time"))
  1259  }
  1261  // Test error count and warning count.
  1262  func (s *testBlockSuite) TestStmtSummaryErrorCount(c *C) {
  1263  	tk := s.newTestKitWithRoot(c)
  1265  	// Clear summaries.
  1266  	tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = 0")
  1267  	tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = 1")
  1269  	tk.MustInterDirc("use test")
  1270  	tk.MustInterDirc("drop causet if exists stmt_summary_test")
  1271  	tk.MustInterDirc("create causet stmt_summary_test(id int primary key)")
  1272  	tk.MustInterDirc("insert into stmt_summary_test values(1)")
  1273  	_, err := tk.InterDirc("insert into stmt_summary_test values(1)")
  1274  	c.Assert(err, NotNil)
  1276  	tk.MustQuery(`select exec_count, sum_errors, sum_warnings
  1277  		from information_schema.memexs_summary
  1278  		where digest_text like "insert into stmt_summary_test%"`).Check(testkit.Rows("2 1 0"))
  1280  	tk.MustInterDirc("insert ignore into stmt_summary_test values(1)")
  1281  	tk.MustQuery(`select exec_count, sum_errors, sum_warnings
  1282  		from information_schema.memexs_summary
  1283  		where digest_text like "insert ignore into stmt_summary_test%"`).Check(testkit.Rows("1 0 1"))
  1284  }
  1286  func (s *testBlockSuite) TestStmtSummaryPreparedStatements(c *C) {
  1287  	tk := s.newTestKitWithRoot(c)
  1289  	// Clear summaries.
  1290  	tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = 0")
  1291  	tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = 1")
  1293  	tk.MustInterDirc("use test")
  1294  	tk.MustInterDirc("prepare stmt from 'select ?'")
  1295  	tk.MustInterDirc("set @number=1")
  1296  	tk.MustInterDirc("execute stmt using @number")
  1298  	tk.MustQuery(`select exec_count
  1299  		from information_schema.memexs_summary
  1300  		where digest_text like "prepare%"`).Check(testkit.Rows())
  1301  	tk.MustQuery(`select exec_count
  1302  		from information_schema.memexs_summary
  1303  		where digest_text like "select ?"`).Check(testkit.Rows("1"))
  1304  }
  1306  func (s *testBlockSuite) TestStmtSummarySensitiveQuery(c *C) {
  1307  	tk := s.newTestKitWithRoot(c)
  1308  	tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = 0")
  1309  	tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = 1")
  1310  	tk.MustInterDirc("drop user if exists user_sensitive;")
  1311  	tk.MustInterDirc("create user user_sensitive identified by '123456789';")
  1312  	tk.MustInterDirc("alter user 'user_sensitive'@'%' identified by 'abcdefg';")
  1313  	tk.MustInterDirc("set password for 'user_sensitive'@'%' = 'xyzuvw';")
  1314  	tk.MustQuery("select query_sample_text from `information_schema`.`STATEMENTS_SUMMARY` " +
  1315  		"where query_sample_text like '%user_sensitive%' and " +
  1316  		"(query_sample_text like 'set password%' or query_sample_text like 'create user%' or query_sample_text like 'alter user%') " +
  1317  		"order by query_sample_text;").
  1318  		Check(testkit.Rows(
  1319  			"alter user {user_sensitive@% password = ***}",
  1320  			"create user {user_sensitive@% password = ***}",
  1321  			"set password for user user_sensitive@%",
  1322  		))
  1323  }
  1325  func (s *testBlockSuite) TestPerformanceSchemaforCausetCache(c *C) {
  1326  	orgEnable := causetembedded.PreparedCausetCacheEnabled()
  1327  	defer func() {
  1328  		causetembedded.SetPreparedCausetCache(orgEnable)
  1329  	}()
  1330  	causetembedded.SetPreparedCausetCache(true)
  1332  	tk := s.newTestKitWithCausetCache(c)
  1334  	// Clear summaries.
  1335  	tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = 0")
  1336  	tk.MustInterDirc("set global milevadb_enable_stmt_summary = 1")
  1337  	tk.MustInterDirc("use test")
  1338  	tk.MustInterDirc("drop causet if exists t")
  1339  	tk.MustInterDirc("create causet t(a int)")
  1340  	tk.MustInterDirc("prepare stmt from 'select * from t'")
  1341  	tk.MustInterDirc("execute stmt")
  1342  	tk.MustQuery("select plan_cache_hits, plan_in_cache from information_schema.memexs_summary where digest_text='select * from t'").Check(
  1343  		testkit.Rows("0 0"))
  1344  	tk.MustInterDirc("execute stmt")
  1345  	tk.MustInterDirc("execute stmt")
  1346  	tk.MustInterDirc("execute stmt")
  1347  	tk.MustQuery("select plan_cache_hits, plan_in_cache from information_schema.memexs_summary where digest_text='select * from t'").Check(
  1348  		testkit.Rows("3 1"))
  1349  }