
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "Command: refresh"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-commands-refresh"
     5  description: |-
     6    The `terraform refresh` command is used to reconcile the state Terraform knows about (via its state file) with the real-world infrastructure. This can be used to detect any drift from the last-known state, and to update the state file.
     7  ---
     9  # Command: refresh
    11  The `terraform refresh` command is used to reconcile the state Terraform
    12  knows about (via its state file) with the real-world infrastructure.
    13  This can be used to detect any drift from the last-known state, and to
    14  update the state file.
    16  This does not modify infrastructure, but does modify the state file.
    17  If the state is changed, this may cause changes to occur during the next
    18  plan or apply.
    20  ## Usage
    22  Usage: `terraform refresh [options] [dir]`
    24  By default, `refresh` requires no flags and looks in the current directory
    25  for the configuration and state file to refresh.
    27  The command-line flags are all optional. The list of available flags are:
    29  * `-backup=path` - Path to the backup file. Defaults to `-state-out` with
    30    the ".backup" extension. Disabled by setting to "-".
    32  * `-input=true` - Ask for input for variables if not directly set.
    34  * `-lock=true` - Lock the state file when locking is supported.
    36  * `-lock-timeout=0s` - Duration to retry a state lock.
    38  * `-no-color` - If specified, output won't contain any color.
    40  * `-state=path` - Path to read and write the state file to. Defaults to "terraform.tfstate".
    41    Ignored when [remote state](/docs/state/remote.html) is used.
    43  * `-state-out=path` - Path to write updated state file. By default, the
    44    `-state` path will be used. Ignored when
    45    [remote state](/docs/state/remote.html) is used.
    47  * `-target=resource` - A [Resource
    48    Address](/docs/internals/resource-addressing.html) to target. Operation will
    49    be limited to this resource and its dependencies. This flag can be used
    50    multiple times.
    52  * `-var 'foo=bar'` - Set a variable in the Terraform configuration. This flag
    53    can be set multiple times. Variable values are interpreted as
    54    [HCL](/docs/configuration/syntax.html#HCL), so list and map values can be
    55    specified via this flag.
    57  * `-var-file=foo` - Set variables in the Terraform configuration from
    58    a [variable file](/docs/configuration/variables.html#variable-files). If
    59    a `terraform.tfvars` or any `.auto.tfvars` files are present in the current
    60    directory, they will be automatically loaded. `terraform.tfvars` is loaded
    61    first and the `.auto.tfvars` files after in alphabetical order. Any files
    62    specified by `-var-file` override any values set automatically from files in
    63    the working directory. This flag can be used multiple times.