
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "Provider Plugins"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-plugins-provider"
     5  description: |-
     6    A provider in Terraform is responsible for the lifecycle of a resource: create, read, update, delete. An example of a provider is AWS, which can manage resources of type `aws_instance`, `aws_eip`, `aws_elb`, etc.
     7  ---
     9  # Provider Plugins
    11  ~> **Advanced topic!** Plugin development is a highly advanced
    12  topic in Terraform, and is not required knowledge for day-to-day usage.
    13  If you don't plan on writing any plugins, this section of the documentation is 
    14  not necessary to read. For general use of Terraform, please see our
    15  [Intro to Terraform](/intro/index.html) and [Getting
    16  Started](/intro/getting-started/install.html) guides.
    18  A provider in Terraform is responsible for the lifecycle of a resource:
    19  create, read, update, delete. An example of a provider is AWS, which
    20  can manage resources of type `aws_instance`, `aws_eip`, `aws_elb`, etc.
    22  The primary reasons to care about provider plugins are:
    24    * You want to add a new resource type to an existing provider.
    26    * You want to write a completely new provider for managing resource
    27      types in a system not yet supported.
    29    * You want to write a completely new provider for custom, internal
    30      systems such as a private inventory management system.
    32  If you're interested in provider development, then read on. The remainder
    33  of this page will assume you're familiar with
    34  [plugin basics](/docs/plugins/basics.html) and that you already have
    35  a basic development environment setup.
    37  ## Provider Plugin Codebases
    39  Provider plugins live outside of the Terraform core codebase in their own
    40  source code repositories. The official set of provider plugins released by
    41  HashiCorp (developed by both HashiCorp staff and community contributors)
    42  all live in repositories in
    43  [the `terraform-providers` organization](
    44  on GitHub, but third-party plugins can be maintained in any source code
    45  repository.
    47  When developing a provider plugin, it is recommended to use a common `GOPATH`
    48  that includes both the core Terraform repository and the repositories of any
    49  providers being changed. This makes it easier to use a locally-built
    50  `terraform` executable and a set of locally-built provider plugins together
    51  without further configuration.
    53  For example, to download both Terraform and the `template` provider into
    54  `GOPATH`:
    56  ```
    57  $ go get
    58  $ go get
    59  ```
    61  These two packages are both "main" packages that can be built into separate
    62  executables with `go install`:
    64  ```
    65  $ go install
    66  $ go install
    67  ```
    69  After running the above commands, both Terraform core and the `template`
    70  provider will both be installed in the current `GOPATH` and `$GOPATH/bin`
    71  will contain both `terraform` and `terraform-provider-template` executables.
    72  This `terraform` executable will find and use the `template` provider plugin
    73  alongside it in the `bin` directory in preference to downloading and installing
    74  an official release.
    76  When constructing a new provider from scratch, it's recommended to follow
    77  a similar repository structure as for the existing providers, with the main
    78  package in the repository root and a library package in a subdirectory named
    79  after the provider. For more information, see
    80  [the custom providers guide](/guides/writing-custom-terraform-providers.html).
    82  When making changes only to files within the provider repository, it is _not_
    83  necessary to re-build the main Terraform executable. Note that some packages
    84  from the Terraform repository are used as library dependencies by providers,
    85  such as ``; it is recommended to
    86  use `govendor` to create a local vendor copy of the relevant packages in the
    87  provider repository, as can be seen in the repositories within the
    88  `terraform-providers` GitHub organization.
    90  ## Low-Level Interface
    92  The interface you must implement for providers is
    93  [ResourceProvider](
    95  This interface is extremely low level, however, and we don't recommend
    96  you implement it directly. Implementing the interface directly is error
    97  prone, complicated, and difficult.
    99  Instead, we've developed some higher level libraries to help you out
   100  with developing providers. These are the same libraries we use in our
   101  own core providers.
   103  ## helper/schema
   105  The `helper/schema` library is a framework we've built to make creating
   106  providers extremely easy. This is the same library we use to build most
   107  of the core providers.
   109  To give you an idea of how productive you can become with this framework:
   110  we implemented the Google Cloud provider in about 6 hours of coding work.
   111  This isn't a simple provider, and we did have knowledge of
   112  the framework beforehand, but it goes to show how expressive the framework
   113  can be.
   115  The GoDoc for `helper/schema` can be
   116  [found here](
   117  This is API-level documentation but will be extremely important
   118  for you going forward.
   120  ## Provider
   122  The first thing to do in your plugin is to create the
   123  [schema.Provider]( structure.
   124  This structure implements the `ResourceProvider` interface. We
   125  recommend creating this structure in a function to make testing easier
   126  later. Example:
   128  ```golang
   129  func Provider() *schema.Provider {
   130  	return &schema.Provider{
   131  		...
   132  	}
   133  }
   134  ```
   136  Within the `schema.Provider`, you should initialize all the fields. They
   137  are documented within the godoc, but a brief overview is here as well:
   139    * `Schema` - This is the configuration schema for the provider itself.
   140        You should define any API keys, etc. here. Schemas are covered below.
   142    * `ResourcesMap` - The map of resources that this provider supports.
   143        All keys are resource names and the values are the
   144        [schema.Resource]( structures implementing this resource.
   146    * `ConfigureFunc` - This function callback is used to configure the
   147        provider. This function should do things such as initialize any API
   148        clients, validate API keys, etc. The `interface{}` return value of
   149        this function is the `meta` parameter that will be passed into all
   150        resource [CRUD](,_read,_update_and_delete)
   151        functions. In general, the returned value is a configuration structure
   152        or a client.
   154  As part of the unit tests, you should call `InternalValidate`. This is used
   155  to verify the structure of the provider and all of the resources, and reports
   156  an error if it is invalid. An example test is shown below:
   158  ```golang
   159  func TestProvider(t *testing.T) {
   160  	if err := Provider().(*schema.Provider).InternalValidate(); err != nil {
   161  		t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
   162  	}
   163  }
   164  ```
   166  Having this unit test will catch a lot of beginner mistakes as you build
   167  your provider.
   169  ## Resources
   171  Next, you'll want to create the resources that the provider can manage.
   172  These resources are put into the `ResourcesMap` field of the provider
   173  structure. Again, we recommend creating functions to instantiate these.
   174  An example is shown below.
   176  ```golang
   177  func resourceComputeAddress() *schema.Resource {
   178  	return &schema.Resource {
   179  		...
   180  	}
   181  }
   182  ```
   184  Resources are described using the
   185  [schema.Resource](
   186  structure. This structure has the following fields:
   188    * `Schema` - The configuration schema for this resource. Schemas are
   189        covered in more detail below.
   191    * `Create`, `Read`, `Update`, and `Delete` - These are the callback
   192        functions that implement CRUD operations for the resource. The only
   193        optional field is `Update`. If your resource doesn't support update, then
   194        you may keep that field nil.
   196    * `Importer` - If this is non-nil, then this resource is
   197      [importable](/docs/import/importability.html). It is recommended to
   198      implement this.
   200  The CRUD operations in more detail, along with their contracts:
   202    * `Create` - This is called to create a new instance of the resource.
   203        Terraform guarantees that an existing ID is not set on the resource
   204        data. That is, you're working with a new resource. Therefore, you are
   205        responsible for calling `SetId` on your `schema.ResourceData` using a
   206        value suitable for your resource. This ensures whatever resource
   207        state you set on `schema.ResourceData` will be persisted in local state.
   208        If you neglect to `SetId`, no resource state will be persisted.
   210    * `Read` - This is called to resync the local state with the remote state.
   211        Terraform guarantees that an existing ID will be set. This ID should be
   212        used to look up the resource. Any remote data should be updated into
   213        the local data. **No changes to the remote resource are to be made.**
   214        If the resource is no longer present, calling `SetId`
   215        with an empty string will signal its removal.
   217    * `Update` - This is called to update properties of an existing resource.
   218        Terraform guarantees that an existing ID will be set. Additionally,
   219        the only changed attributes are guaranteed to be those that support
   220        update, as specified by the schema. Be careful to read about partial
   221        states below.
   223    * `Delete` - This is called to delete the resource. Terraform guarantees
   224        an existing ID will be set.
   226    * `Exists` - This is called to verify a resource still exists. It is
   227        called prior to `Read`, and lowers the burden of `Read` to be able
   228        to assume the resource exists. `false` should be returned if
   229        the resources is no longer present, which has the same effect
   230        as calling `SetId("")` from `Read` (i.e. removal of the resource data
   231        from state).
   233  ## Schemas
   235  Both providers and resources require a schema to be specified. The schema
   236  is used to define the structure of the configuration, the types, etc. It is
   237  very important to get correct.
   239  In both provider and resource, the schema is a `map[string]*schema.Schema`.
   240  The key of this map is the configuration key, and the value is a schema for
   241  the value of that key.
   243  Schemas are incredibly powerful, so this documentation page won't attempt
   244  to cover the full power of them. Instead, the API docs should be referenced
   245  which cover all available settings.
   247  We recommend viewing schemas of existing or similar providers to learn
   248  best practices. A good starting place is the
   249  [core Terraform providers](
   251  ## Resource Data
   253  The parameter to provider configuration as well as all the CRUD operations
   254  on a resource is a
   255  [schema.ResourceData](
   256  This structure is used to query configurations as well as to set information
   257  about the resource such as its ID, connection information, and computed
   258  attributes.
   260  The API documentation covers ResourceData well, as well as the core providers
   261  in Terraform.
   263  **Partial state** deserves a special mention. Occasionally in Terraform, create or
   264  update operations are not atomic; they can fail halfway through. As an example,
   265  when creating an AWS security group, creating the group may succeed,
   266  but creating all the initial rules may fail. In this case, it is incredibly
   267  important that Terraform record the correct _partial state_ so that a
   268  subsequent `terraform apply` fixes this resource.
   270  Most of the time, partial state is not required. When it is, it must be
   271  specifically enabled. An example is shown below:
   273  ```golang
   274  func resourceUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
   275  	// Enable partial state mode
   276  	d.Partial(true)
   278  	if d.HasChange("tags") {
   279  		// If an error occurs, return with an error,
   280  		// we didn't finish updating
   281  		if err := updateTags(d, meta); err != nil {
   282  			return err
   283  		}
   285  		d.SetPartial("tags")
   286  	}
   288  	if d.HasChange("name") {
   289  		if err := updateName(d, meta); err != nil {
   290  			return err
   291  		}
   293  		d.SetPartial("name")
   294  	}
   296  	// We succeeded, disable partial mode
   297  	d.Partial(false)
   299  	return nil
   300  }
   301  ```
   303  In the example above, it is possible that setting the `tags` succeeds,
   304  but setting the `name` fails. In this scenario, we want to make sure
   305  that only the state of the `tags` is updated. To do this the
   306  `Partial` and `SetPartial` functions are used.
   308  `Partial` toggles partial-state mode. When disabled, all changes are merged
   309  into the state upon result of the operation. When enabled, only changes
   310  enabled with `SetPartial` are merged in.
   312  `SetPartial` tells Terraform what state changes to adopt upon completion
   313  of an operation. You should call `SetPartial` with every key that is safe
   314  to merge into the state. The parameter to `SetPartial` is a prefix, so
   315  if you have a nested structure and want to accept the whole thing,
   316  you can just specify the prefix.