
     1  package daemon
     3  import (
     4  	"net"
     6  	""
     7  	flag ""
     8  	""
     9  )
    11  const (
    12  	defaultNetworkMtu    = 1500
    13  	disableNetworkBridge = "none"
    14  )
    16  // CommonConfig defines the configuration of a docker daemon which are
    17  // common across platforms.
    18  type CommonConfig struct {
    19  	AutoRestart bool
    20  	// Bridge holds bridge network specific configuration.
    21  	Bridge         bridgeConfig
    22  	Context        map[string][]string
    23  	CorsHeaders    string
    24  	DisableNetwork bool
    25  	Dns            []string
    26  	DnsSearch      []string
    27  	EnableCors     bool
    28  	ExecDriver     string
    29  	ExecRoot       string
    30  	GraphDriver    string
    31  	Labels         []string
    32  	LogConfig      runconfig.LogConfig
    33  	Mtu            int
    34  	Pidfile        string
    35  	Root           string
    36  	TrustKeyPath   string
    37  }
    39  // bridgeConfig stores all the bridge driver specific
    40  // configuration.
    41  type bridgeConfig struct {
    42  	EnableIPv6                  bool
    43  	EnableIPTables              bool
    44  	EnableIPForward             bool
    45  	EnableIPMasq                bool
    46  	EnableUserlandProxy         bool
    47  	DefaultIP                   net.IP
    48  	Iface                       string
    49  	IP                          string
    50  	FixedCIDR                   string
    51  	FixedCIDRv6                 string
    52  	DefaultGatewayIPv4          string
    53  	DefaultGatewayIPv6          string
    54  	InterContainerCommunication bool
    55  }
    57  // InstallCommonFlags adds command-line options to the top-level flag parser for
    58  // the current process.
    59  // Subsequent calls to `flag.Parse` will populate config with values parsed
    60  // from the command-line.
    62  func (config *Config) InstallCommonFlags() {
    63  	flag.StringVar(&config.Pidfile, []string{"p", "-pidfile"}, defaultPidFile, "Path to use for daemon PID file")
    64  	flag.StringVar(&config.Root, []string{"g", "-graph"}, defaultGraph, "Root of the Docker runtime")
    65  	flag.StringVar(&config.ExecRoot, []string{"-exec-root"}, "/var/run/docker", "Root of the Docker execdriver")
    66  	flag.BoolVar(&config.AutoRestart, []string{"#r", "#-restart"}, true, "--restart on the daemon has been deprecated in favor of --restart policies on docker run")
    67  	flag.BoolVar(&config.Bridge.EnableIPTables, []string{"#iptables", "-iptables"}, true, "Enable addition of iptables rules")
    68  	flag.BoolVar(&config.Bridge.EnableIPForward, []string{"#ip-forward", "-ip-forward"}, true, "Enable net.ipv4.ip_forward")
    69  	flag.BoolVar(&config.Bridge.EnableIPMasq, []string{"-ip-masq"}, true, "Enable IP masquerading")
    70  	flag.BoolVar(&config.Bridge.EnableIPv6, []string{"-ipv6"}, false, "Enable IPv6 networking")
    71  	flag.StringVar(&config.Bridge.IP, []string{"#bip", "-bip"}, "", "Specify network bridge IP")
    72  	flag.StringVar(&config.Bridge.Iface, []string{"b", "-bridge"}, "", "Attach containers to a network bridge")
    73  	flag.StringVar(&config.Bridge.FixedCIDR, []string{"-fixed-cidr"}, "", "IPv4 subnet for fixed IPs")
    74  	flag.StringVar(&config.Bridge.FixedCIDRv6, []string{"-fixed-cidr-v6"}, "", "IPv6 subnet for fixed IPs")
    75  	flag.StringVar(&config.Bridge.DefaultGatewayIPv4, []string{"-default-gateway"}, "", "Container default gateway IPv4 address")
    76  	flag.StringVar(&config.Bridge.DefaultGatewayIPv6, []string{"-default-gateway-v6"}, "", "Container default gateway IPv6 address")
    77  	flag.BoolVar(&config.Bridge.InterContainerCommunication, []string{"#icc", "-icc"}, true, "Enable inter-container communication")
    78  	flag.StringVar(&config.GraphDriver, []string{"s", "-storage-driver"}, "", "Storage driver to use")
    79  	flag.StringVar(&config.ExecDriver, []string{"e", "-exec-driver"}, defaultExec, "Exec driver to use")
    80  	flag.IntVar(&config.Mtu, []string{"#mtu", "-mtu"}, 0, "Set the containers network MTU")
    81  	flag.BoolVar(&config.EnableCors, []string{"#api-enable-cors", "#-api-enable-cors"}, false, "Enable CORS headers in the remote API, this is deprecated by --api-cors-header")
    82  	flag.StringVar(&config.CorsHeaders, []string{"-api-cors-header"}, "", "Set CORS headers in the remote API")
    83  	opts.IPVar(&config.Bridge.DefaultIP, []string{"#ip", "-ip"}, "", "Default IP when binding container ports")
    84  	// FIXME: why the inconsistency between "hosts" and "sockets"?
    85  	opts.IPListVar(&config.Dns, []string{"#dns", "-dns"}, "DNS server to use")
    86  	opts.DnsSearchListVar(&config.DnsSearch, []string{"-dns-search"}, "DNS search domains to use")
    87  	opts.LabelListVar(&config.Labels, []string{"-label"}, "Set key=value labels to the daemon")
    88  	flag.StringVar(&config.LogConfig.Type, []string{"-log-driver"}, "json-file", "Default driver for container logs")
    89  	opts.LogOptsVar(config.LogConfig.Config, []string{"-log-opt"}, "Set log driver options")
    90  	flag.BoolVar(&config.Bridge.EnableUserlandProxy, []string{"-userland-proxy"}, true, "Use userland proxy for loopback traffic")
    92  }