
     1  ## Who uses GoReleaser?
     3  As the GoReleaser Community grows, we'd like to keep a list of our users.
     5  Here's a running list of some organizations using GoReleaser[^1]:
     7  1. [Anchore](
     8  1. [Aqua Security](
     9  1. [Authzed](
    10  1. [Ayedo](
    11  1. [Banzai Cloud](
    12  1. [Bitnami](
    13  1. [Caddy](
    14  1. [Charm](
    15  1. [Comcast](
    16  1. [Compose Generator](
    17  1. [Conduit](
    18  1. [CrowdStrike](
    19  1. [Crusoe Cloud](
    20  1. [Curio](
    21  1. [Dagger](
    22  1. [DeepSource](
    23  1. [EVCC](
    24  1. [FabioLB](
    25  1. [Fleet for osquery](
    26  1. [FluxCD](
    27  1. [Gaia Pipeline](
    28  1. [GitGuardian](
    29  1. [GitHub](
    30  1. [Gitleaks](
    31  1. [Go Buffalo](
    32  1. [GolangCI](
    33  1. [Goldenhand Software](
    34  1. [Google](
    35  1. [Grafana](
    36  1. [Hashicorp](
    37  1. [Helm](
    38  1. [Hugo](
    39  1. [IRON Security](
    40  1. [KSOC](
    41  1. [Ko Build](
    42  1. [Koordinator](
    43  1. [Kubernetes SIGs](
    44  1. [KusionStack](
    45  1. [Mercure](
    46  1. [Meroxa](
    47  1. [Micro](
    48  1. [Microsoft](
    49  1. [Minio](
    50  1. [Ministry of Justice (UK)](
    51  1. [NATS](
    52  1. [NextDNS](
    53  1. [Numary](
    54  1. [Open Telemetry](
    55  1. [OpenFeature](
    56  1. [OpenSSF](
    57  1. [Optimus Mine](
    58  1. [Parca](
    59  1. [Planetscale](
    60  1. [Pulumi](
    61  1. [ReviewDog](
    62  1. [Schwarz IT](
    63  1. [SecureGo](
    64  1. [SemaphoreCI](
    65  1. [Shopify](
    66  1. [Sigstore](
    67  1. [Snyk](
    68  1. [Splunk](
    69  1. [StackExchange](
    70  1. [Sysdig](
    71  1. [TOTVS Labs](
    72  1. [Tilt](
    73  1. [Traefik](
    74  1. [Trendyol](
    75  1. [Trybe](
    76  1. [Uber](
    77  1. [Updatecli](
    78  1. [VMWare](
    79  1. [Weave Works](
    80  1. [Zitatel](
    81  1. [pdfcpu](
    82  1. [prestd](
    84  Feel free to [add yours](!
    86  <!--
    87  Hey! Thanks for looking into this file!
    88  If you're going to edit it, please:
    89  - keep a-z ordering :)
    90  - edit only the file at the repository's root folder
    91  - /www/docs/ is auto-copied from /
    92  -->
    94  [^1]:
    95      Entries were either added by the companies themselves or by the maintainers after seeing it in the wild.
    96      You can see all public repositories using GoReleaser by [searching on GitHub](