
     1  // Copyright (c) 2012-2016 The Revel Framework Authors, All rights reserved.
     2  // Revel Framework source code and usage is governed by a MIT style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package parser_test
     7  import (
     8  	"go/ast"
     9  	"go/parser"
    10  	"go/token"
    11  	"reflect"
    12  	"strings"
    13  	"testing"
    15  	""
    16  	revelParser ""
    17  )
    19  const validationKeysSource = `
    20  package test
    22  func (c *Application) testFunc(a, b int, user models.User) revel.Result {
    23  	// Line 5
    24  	c.Validation.Required(a)
    25  	c.Validation.Required(a).Message("Error message")
    26  	c.Validation.Required(a).
    27  		Message("Error message")
    29  	// Line 11
    30  	c.Validation.Required(user.Name)
    31  	c.Validation.Required(user.Name).Message("Error message")
    33  	// Line 15
    34  	c.Validation.MinSize(b, 12)
    35  	c.Validation.MinSize(b, 12).Message("Error message")
    36  	c.Validation.MinSize(b,
    37  		12)
    39  	// Line 21
    40  	c.Validation.Required(b == 5)
    41  }
    43  func (m Model) Validate(v *revel.Validation) {
    44  	// Line 26
    45  	v.Required(
    46  	v.Required( == "something").
    47  		Message("Error Message")
    48  	v.Required(!m.bool)
    49  }
    50  `
    52  var expectedValidationKeys = []map[int]string{
    53  	{
    54  		6:  "a",
    55  		7:  "a",
    56  		8:  "a",
    57  		12: "user.Name",
    58  		13: "user.Name",
    59  		16: "b",
    60  		17: "b",
    61  		19: "b",
    62  		22: "b",
    63  	}, {
    64  		27: "",
    65  		28: "",
    66  		30: "m.bool",
    67  	},
    68  }
    70  // This tests the recording of line number to validation key of the preceding
    71  // example source.
    72  func TestGetValidationKeys(t *testing.T) {
    73  	fset := token.NewFileSet()
    75  	file, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "validationKeysSource", validationKeysSource, 0)
    76  	if err != nil {
    77  		t.Fatal(err)
    78  	}
    79  	if len(file.Decls) != 2 {
    80  		t.Fatal("Expected 2 decl in the source, found", len(file.Decls))
    81  	}
    83  	for i, decl := range file.Decls {
    84  		lineKeys := revelParser.GetValidationKeys("test", fset, decl.(*ast.FuncDecl), map[string]string{"revel": model.RevelImportPath})
    85  		for k, v := range expectedValidationKeys[i] {
    86  			if lineKeys[k] != v {
    87  				t.Errorf("Not found - %d: %v - Actual Map: %v", k, v, lineKeys)
    88  			}
    89  		}
    91  		if len(lineKeys) != len(expectedValidationKeys[i]) {
    92  			t.Error("Validation key map not the same size as expected:", lineKeys)
    93  		}
    94  	}
    95  }
    97  var TypeExprs = map[string]model.TypeExpr{
    98  	"int":             model.NewTypeExprFromData("int", "", 0, true),
    99  	"*int":            model.NewTypeExprFromData("*int", "", 1, true),
   100  	"[]int":           model.NewTypeExprFromData("[]int", "", 2, true),
   101  	"":          model.NewTypeExprFromData("[]int", "", 2, true),
   102  	"[]*int":          model.NewTypeExprFromData("[]*int", "", 3, true),
   103  	"...*int":         model.NewTypeExprFromData("[]*int", "", 3, true),
   104  	"MyType":          model.NewTypeExprFromData("MyType", "pkg", 0, true),
   105  	"*MyType":         model.NewTypeExprFromData("*MyType", "pkg", 1, true),
   106  	"[]MyType":        model.NewTypeExprFromData("[]MyType", "pkg", 2, true),
   107  	"...MyType":       model.NewTypeExprFromData("[]MyType", "pkg", 2, true),
   108  	"[]*MyType":       model.NewTypeExprFromData("[]*MyType", "pkg", 3, true),
   109  	"...*MyType":      model.NewTypeExprFromData("[]*MyType", "pkg", 3, true),
   110  	"map[int]MyType":  model.NewTypeExprFromData("map[int]MyType", "pkg", 8, true),
   111  	"map[int]*MyType": model.NewTypeExprFromData("map[int]*MyType", "pkg", 9, true),
   112  }
   114  func TestTypeExpr(t *testing.T) {
   115  	for typeStr, expected := range TypeExprs {
   116  		// Handle arrays and ... myself, since ParseExpr() does not.
   117  		array := strings.HasPrefix(typeStr, "[]")
   118  		if array {
   119  			typeStr = typeStr[2:]
   120  		}
   122  		ellipsis := strings.HasPrefix(typeStr, "...")
   123  		if ellipsis {
   124  			typeStr = typeStr[3:]
   125  		}
   127  		expr, err := parser.ParseExpr(typeStr)
   128  		if err != nil {
   129  			t.Error("Failed to parse test expr:", typeStr)
   130  			continue
   131  		}
   133  		if array {
   134  			expr = &ast.ArrayType{Lbrack: expr.Pos(), Len: nil, Elt: expr}
   135  		}
   136  		if ellipsis {
   137  			expr = &ast.Ellipsis{Ellipsis: expr.Pos(), Elt: expr}
   138  		}
   140  		actual := model.NewTypeExprFromAst("pkg", expr)
   141  		if !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, actual) {
   142  			t.Error("Fail, expected", expected, ", was", actual)
   143  		}
   144  	}
   145  }