
     1  # End-to-end testing of kpt
     3  ## kpt live e2e tests
     5  We currently have two different solutions for running e2e tests for the kpt
     6  live functionality. We are working on reconciling this into one approach that
     7  we can use consistently.
     9  All e2e tests for live requires that kind is available.
    11  ### Testing with go
    13  We have a framework for running e2e tests based on specifying test cases
    14  under testdata/live-apply folder (tests for other kpt live commands will be
    15  added). The entry point for the test framework is in
    16  the `live_test.go` file.
    18  In order to run all the tests for live apply, there is a make target
    19  ```sh
    20  make test-live-apply
    21  ```
    23  It is possible to run a single test by specifying the name of the test case:
    24  ```sh
    25  make test-live-apply T=crd-and-cr
    26  ```
    28  #### Structure of a test case
    30  Each test case is a folder directly under `testdata/live-apply`. In the root
    31  of each test case folder there must be a `config.yaml` file that provides the
    32  configuration of the test case (like whether a clean cluster is required and
    33  the expected output). The package that will be applied with `kpt live apply` is
    34  provided in the `resources` folder.
    36  #### Configuration options
    38  These are the configuration options available in the `config.yaml` file:
    39   * `exitCode`: Defines the expected exit code after running the kpt live command. Defaults to 0.
    40   * `stdErr`: Defines the expected output to stdErr after running the command. Defaults to "".
    41   * `stdOut`: Defines the expected output to stdOut after running the command. Defaults to "".
    42   * `inventory`: Defines the expected inventory after running the command.
    43   * `requiresCleanCluster`: Defines whether a new kind cluster should be created prior to running the test.
    44   * `preinstallResourceGroup`: Defines whether the framework should make sure the RG CRD is available before running the test.
    45   * `kptArgs`: Defines the arguments that will be used with executing the kpt live command.
    47  ## Testing with bash
    49  This approach uses a bash script that runs through several scenarios for
    50  kpt live in sequence. Run it by running
    51  ```sh
    52  ./live/
    53  ```