
     1  A kpt package is a bundle of configuration _data_. It is represented as a
     2  directory tree containing KRM resources using YAML as the file format.
     4  A package is explicitly declared using a file named `Kptfile` containing a KRM
     5  resource of kind `Kptfile`. The Kptfile contains metadata about the package and
     6  is just a regular resource in the YAML format.
     8  Just as directories can be nested, a package can contain another package, called
     9  a _subpackage_.
    11  Let's take a look at the wordpress package as an example:
    13  ```shell
    14  $ kpt pkg get
    15  ```
    17  View the package hierarchy using the `tree` command:
    19  ```shell
    20  $ kpt pkg tree wordpress/
    21  Package "wordpress"
    22  ├── [Kptfile]  Kptfile wordpress
    23  ├── [service.yaml]  Service wordpress
    24  ├── deployment
    25  │   ├── [deployment.yaml]  Deployment wordpress
    26  │   └── [volume.yaml]  PersistentVolumeClaim wp-pv-claim
    27  └── Package "mysql"
    28      ├── [Kptfile]  Kptfile mysql
    29      ├── [deployment.yaml]  PersistentVolumeClaim mysql-pv-claim
    30      ├── [deployment.yaml]  Deployment wordpress-mysql
    31      └── [deployment.yaml]  Service wordpress-mysql
    32  ```
    34  This _package hierarchy_ contains two packages:
    36  1. `wordpress` is the top-level package in the hierarchy declared using
    37     `wordpress/Kptfile`. This package contains 2 subdirectories.
    38     `wordpress/deployment` is a regular directory used for organizing resources
    39     that belong to the `wordpress` package itself. The `wordpress` package
    40     contains 3 direct resources in 3 files: `service.yaml`,
    41     `deployment/deployment.yaml`, and `deployment/volume.yaml`.
    42  2. `wordpress/mysql` is a subpackage of `wordpress` package since it contains a
    43     `Kptfile`. This package contains 3 resources in
    44     `wordpress/mysql/deployment.yaml` file.
    46  kpt uses Git as the underlying version control system. A typical workflow starts
    47  by fetching an _upstream_ package from a Git repository to the local filesystem
    48  using `kpt pkg` commands. All other functionality (i.e. `kpt fn` and `kpt live`)
    49  use the package from the local filesystem, not the remote Git repository. You
    50  may think of this as the _vendoring_ used by tooling for some programming
    51  languages. The main difference is that kpt is designed to enable you to modify
    52  the vendored package on the local filesystem and then later update the package
    53  by merging the local and upstream changes.
    55  There is one scenario where a Kptfile is implicit: You can use kpt to fetch any
    56  Git directory containing KRM resources, even if it does not contain a `Kptfile`.
    57  Effectively, you are telling kpt to treat that Git directory as a package. kpt
    58  automatically creates the `Kptfile` on the local filesystem to keep track of the
    59  upstream repo. This means that kpt is compatible with large corpus of existing
    60  Kubernetes configuration stored on Git today!
    62  For example, `cockroachdb` is just a vanilla directory of KRM:
    64  ```shell
    65  $ kpt pkg get
    66  ```
    68  We will go into details of how to work with packages in [Chapter 3].
    70  [chapter 3]: /book/03-packages/