
     1  #!/bin/sh
     2  set -e
     3  #
     4  # This script is meant for quick & easy install via:
     5  #   'curl -sSL | sh'
     6  # or:
     7  #   'wget -qO- | sh'
     8  #
     9  #
    10  # Docker Maintainers:
    11  #   To update this script on,
    12  #   use hack/ during a normal release,
    13  #   or the following one-liner for script hotfixes:
    14  #     s3cmd put --acl-public -P hack/ s3://
    15  #
    17  url=''
    19  command_exists() {
    20  	command -v "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1
    21  }
    23  echo_docker_as_nonroot() {
    24  	your_user=your-user
    25  	[ "$user" != 'root' ] && your_user="$user"
    26  	# intentionally mixed spaces and tabs here -- tabs are stripped by "<<-EOF", spaces are kept in the output
    27  	cat <<-EOF
    29  	If you would like to use Docker as a non-root user, you should now consider
    30  	adding your user to the "docker" group with something like:
    32  	  sudo usermod -aG docker $your_user
    34  	Remember that you will have to log out and back in for this to take effect!
    36  	EOF
    37  }
    39  do_install() {
    40  	case "$(uname -m)" in
    41  		*64)
    42  			;;
    43  		*)
    44  			cat >&2 <<-'EOF'
    45  			Error: you are not using a 64bit platform.
    46  			Docker currently only supports 64bit platforms.
    47  			EOF
    48  			exit 1
    49  			;;
    50  	esac
    52  	if command_exists docker || command_exists lxc-docker; then
    53  		cat >&2 <<-'EOF'
    54  		Warning: "docker" or "lxc-docker" command appears to already exist.
    55  		Please ensure that you do not already have docker installed.
    56  		You may press Ctrl+C now to abort this process and rectify this situation.
    57  		EOF
    58  		( set -x; sleep 20 )
    59  	fi
    61  	user="$(id -un 2>/dev/null || true)"
    63  	sh_c='sh -c'
    64  	if [ "$user" != 'root' ]; then
    65  		if command_exists sudo; then
    66  			sh_c='sudo -E sh -c'
    67  		elif command_exists su; then
    68  			sh_c='su -c'
    69  		else
    70  			cat >&2 <<-'EOF'
    71  			Error: this installer needs the ability to run commands as root.
    72  			We are unable to find either "sudo" or "su" available to make this happen.
    73  			EOF
    74  			exit 1
    75  		fi
    76  	fi
    78  	curl=''
    79  	if command_exists curl; then
    80  		curl='curl -sSL'
    81  	elif command_exists wget; then
    82  		curl='wget -qO-'
    83  	elif command_exists busybox && busybox --list-modules | grep -q wget; then
    84  		curl='busybox wget -qO-'
    85  	fi
    87  	# perform some very rudimentary platform detection
    88  	lsb_dist=''
    89  	if command_exists lsb_release; then
    90  		lsb_dist="$(lsb_release -si)"
    91  	fi
    92  	if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/lsb-release ]; then
    93  		lsb_dist="$(. /etc/lsb-release && echo "$DISTRIB_ID")"
    94  	fi
    95  	if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/debian_version ]; then
    96  		lsb_dist='debian'
    97  	fi
    98  	if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/fedora-release ]; then
    99  		lsb_dist='fedora'
   100  	fi
   101  	if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/os-release ]; then
   102  		lsb_dist="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$ID")"
   103  	fi
   105  	lsb_dist="$(echo "$lsb_dist" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
   106  	case "$lsb_dist" in
   107  		amzn|fedora|centos)
   108  			if [ "$lsb_dist" = 'amzn' ]; then
   109  				(
   110  					set -x
   111  					$sh_c 'sleep 3; yum -y -q install docker'
   112  				)
   113  			else
   114  				(
   115  					set -x
   116  					$sh_c 'sleep 3; yum -y -q install docker-io'
   117  				)
   118  			fi
   119  			if command_exists docker && [ -e /var/run/docker.sock ]; then
   120  				(
   121  					set -x
   122  					$sh_c 'docker version'
   123  				) || true
   124  			fi
   125  			echo_docker_as_nonroot
   126  			exit 0
   127  			;;
   129  		ubuntu|debian|linuxmint)
   130  			export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
   132  			did_apt_get_update=
   133  			apt_get_update() {
   134  				if [ -z "$did_apt_get_update" ]; then
   135  					( set -x; $sh_c 'sleep 3; apt-get update' )
   136  					did_apt_get_update=1
   137  				fi
   138  			}
   140  			# aufs is preferred over devicemapper; try to ensure the driver is available.
   141  			if ! grep -q aufs /proc/filesystems && ! $sh_c 'modprobe aufs'; then
   142  				if uname -r | grep -q -- '-generic' && dpkg -l 'linux-image-*-generic' | grep -q '^ii' 2>/dev/null; then
   143  					kern_extras="linux-image-extra-$(uname -r) linux-image-extra-virtual"
   145  					apt_get_update
   146  					( set -x; $sh_c 'sleep 3; apt-get install -y -q '"$kern_extras" ) || true
   148  					if ! grep -q aufs /proc/filesystems && ! $sh_c 'modprobe aufs'; then
   149  						echo >&2 'Warning: tried to install '"$kern_extras"' (for AUFS)'
   150  						echo >&2 ' but we still have no AUFS.  Docker may not work. Proceeding anyways!'
   151  						( set -x; sleep 10 )
   152  					fi
   153  				else
   154  					echo >&2 'Warning: current kernel is not supported by the linux-image-extra-virtual'
   155  					echo >&2 ' package.  We have no AUFS support.  Consider installing the packages'
   156  					echo >&2 ' linux-image-virtual kernel and linux-image-extra-virtual for AUFS support.'
   157  					( set -x; sleep 10 )
   158  				fi
   159  			fi
   161  			# install apparmor utils if they're missing and apparmor is enabled in the kernel
   162  			# otherwise Docker will fail to start
   163  			if [ "$(cat /sys/module/apparmor/parameters/enabled 2>/dev/null)" = 'Y' ]; then
   164  				if command -v apparmor_parser &> /dev/null; then
   165  					echo 'apparmor is enabled in the kernel and apparmor utils were already installed'
   166  				else
   167  					echo 'apparmor is enabled in the kernel, but apparmor_parser missing'
   168  					apt_get_update
   169  					( set -x; $sh_c 'sleep 3; apt-get install -y -q apparmor' )
   170  				fi
   171  			fi
   173  			if [ ! -e /usr/lib/apt/methods/https ]; then
   174  				apt_get_update
   175  				( set -x; $sh_c 'sleep 3; apt-get install -y -q apt-transport-https ca-certificates' )
   176  			fi
   177  			if [ -z "$curl" ]; then
   178  				apt_get_update
   179  				( set -x; $sh_c 'sleep 3; apt-get install -y -q curl ca-certificates' )
   180  				curl='curl -sSL'
   181  			fi
   182  			(
   183  				set -x
   184  				if [ "" = "$url" ]; then
   185  					$sh_c "apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 36A1D7869245C8950F966E92D8576A8BA88D21E9"
   186  				elif [ "" = "$url" ]; then
   187  					$sh_c "apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 740B314AE3941731B942C66ADF4FD13717AAD7D6"
   188  				else
   189  					$sh_c "$curl ${url}gpg | apt-key add -"
   190  				fi
   191  				$sh_c "echo deb ${url}ubuntu docker main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list"
   192  				$sh_c 'sleep 3; apt-get update; apt-get install -y -q lxc-docker'
   193  			)
   194  			if command_exists docker && [ -e /var/run/docker.sock ]; then
   195  				(
   196  					set -x
   197  					$sh_c 'docker version'
   198  				) || true
   199  			fi
   200  			echo_docker_as_nonroot
   201  			exit 0
   202  			;;
   204  		gentoo)
   205  			if [ "$url" = "" ]; then
   206  				# intentionally mixed spaces and tabs here -- tabs are stripped by "<<-'EOF'", spaces are kept in the output
   207  				cat >&2 <<-'EOF'
   209  				  You appear to be trying to install the latest nightly build in Gentoo.'
   210  				  The portage tree should contain the latest stable release of Docker, but'
   211  				  if you want something more recent, you can always use the live ebuild'
   212  				  provided in the "docker" overlay available via layman.  For more'
   213  				  instructions, please see the following URL:'
   217  				  After adding the "docker" overlay, you should be able to:'
   219  				    emerge -av =app-emulation/docker-9999'
   221  				EOF
   222  				exit 1
   223  			fi
   225  			(
   226  				set -x
   227  				$sh_c 'sleep 3; emerge app-emulation/docker'
   228  			)
   229  			exit 0
   230  			;;
   231  	esac
   233  	# intentionally mixed spaces and tabs here -- tabs are stripped by "<<-'EOF'", spaces are kept in the output
   234  	cat >&2 <<-'EOF'
   236  	  Either your platform is not easily detectable, is not supported by this
   237  	  installer script (yet - PRs welcome! [hack/]), or does not yet have
   238  	  a package for Docker.  Please visit the following URL for more detailed
   239  	  installation instructions:
   243  	EOF
   244  	exit 1
   245  }
   247  # wrapped up in a function so that we have some protection against only getting
   248  # half the file during "curl | sh"
   249  do_install