
     1  ---
     2  run:
     3    concurrency: 6
     4    deadline: 5m
     5  issues:
     6    exclude-rules:
     7      # counterfeiter fakes are usually named 'fake_<something>.go'
     8      - path: fake_.*\.go
     9        linters:
    10          - gocritic
    11          - golint
    12          - dupl
    14    # Maximum issues count per one linter. Set to 0 to disable. Default is 50.
    15    max-issues-per-linter: 0
    17    # Maximum count of issues with the same text. Set to 0 to disable. Default is 3.
    18    max-same-issues: 0
    19  linters:
    20    disable-all: true
    21    enable:
    22      - asciicheck
    23      - bodyclose
    24      # - depguard is disabled because I didn't see us using it (e.g. defining our allowed deps), but it's causing lint errors locally. If we want to use it, we should define our allowed deps.
    25      - dogsled
    26      - dupl
    27      - durationcheck
    28      - errcheck
    29      - gocritic
    30      - gocyclo
    31      - godox
    32      - gofmt
    33      - goheader
    34      - goimports
    35      # - gomoddirectives is disabled because it wasn't allowing the 'replace' directive, and it didn't look possible to exempt a single line of a go.mod. I'm not a fan of replaces, but they're useful as temporary measures.
    36      - gomodguard
    37      - goprintffuncname
    38      - gosec
    39      - gosimple
    40      - govet
    41      - importas
    42      - ineffassign
    43      - makezero
    44      # - misspell
    45      - nakedret
    46      - nolintlint
    47      # - prealloc is disabled because it is terrible. Following this rule doesn't necessarily improve the readability or performance of the code, and it can encourage wasteful allocations depending on the circumstance.
    48      - predeclared
    49      - promlinter
    50      - revive
    51      # - rowserrcheck is disabled because of generics. You can track the evolution of the generics support by following the
    52      # - sqlclosecheck is disabled because of generics. You can track the evolution of the generics support by following the
    53      - staticcheck
    54      - stylecheck
    55      - typecheck
    56      - unconvert
    57      - unparam
    58      - unused
    59      - whitespace
    60      # - cyclop
    61      # - errorlint
    62      # - exhaustive
    63      # - exhaustivestruct
    64      # - exportloopref
    65      # - forbidigo
    66      # - forcetypeassert
    67      # - funlen
    68      # - gci
    69      # - gochecknoglobals
    70      # - gochecknoinits
    71      # - gocognit
    72      # - godot
    73      # - goerr113
    74      # - gomnd
    75      # - ifshort
    76      # - lll
    77      # - nestif
    78      # - nilerr
    79      # - nlreturn
    80      # - noctx
    81      # - paralleltest
    82      # - scopelint
    83      # - tagliatelle
    84      # - testpackage
    85      # - thelper
    86      # - tparallel
    87      # - wastedassign
    88      # - wrapcheck
    89      # - wsl
    90  linters-settings:
    91    godox:
    92      keywords:
    93        - BUG
    94        - FIXME
    95        - HACK
    96    errcheck:
    97      check-type-assertions: true
    98      check-blank: true
    99    gocritic:
   100      enabled-checks:
   101        # Diagnostic
   102        - appendAssign
   103        - argOrder
   104        - badCond
   105        - caseOrder
   106        - codegenComment
   107        - commentedOutCode
   108        - deprecatedComment
   109        - dupArg
   110        - dupBranchBody
   111        - dupCase
   112        - dupSubExpr
   113        - exitAfterDefer
   114        - flagDeref
   115        - flagName
   116        - nilValReturn
   117        - offBy1
   118        - sloppyReassign
   119        - weakCond
   120        - octalLiteral
   122        # Performance
   123        - appendCombine
   124        - equalFold
   125        # - hugeParam is disabled because it's not always worthwhile to favor a pointer over a value for "large" data types. Pointers can create footguns and create the need for additional nil checks to keep the code safe..
   126        - indexAlloc
   127        - rangeExprCopy
   128        - rangeValCopy
   130        # Style
   131        - assignOp
   132        - boolExprSimplify
   133        - captLocal
   134        - commentFormatting
   135        - commentedOutImport
   136        - defaultCaseOrder
   137        - docStub
   138        - elseif
   139        - emptyFallthrough
   140        - emptyStringTest
   141        - hexLiteral
   142        - methodExprCall
   143        - regexpMust
   144        - singleCaseSwitch
   145        - sloppyLen
   146        - stringXbytes
   147        - switchTrue
   148        - typeAssertChain
   149        - typeSwitchVar
   150        - underef
   151        - unlabelStmt
   152        - unlambda
   153        - unslice
   154        - valSwap
   155        - wrapperFunc
   156        - yodaStyleExpr
   157        # - ifElseChain
   159        # Opinionated
   160        - builtinShadow
   161        - importShadow
   162        - initClause
   163        - nestingReduce
   164        - paramTypeCombine
   165        - ptrToRefParam
   166        - typeUnparen
   167        - unnamedResult
   168        - unnecessaryBlock
   169    nolintlint:
   170      # Enable to ensure that nolint directives are all used. Default is true.
   171      allow-unused: false
   172      # Disable to ensure that nolint directives don't have a leading space. Default is true.
   173      # TODO(lint): Enforce machine-readable `nolint` directives
   174      allow-leading-space: true
   175      # Exclude following linters from requiring an explanation.  Default is [].
   176      allow-no-explanation: []
   177      # Enable to require an explanation of nonzero length after each nolint directive. Default is false.
   178      # TODO(lint): Enforce explanations for `nolint` directives
   179      require-explanation: false
   180      # Enable to require nolint directives to mention the specific linter being suppressed. Default is false.
   181      require-specific: true
   182    gomoddirectives:
   183      replace-allow-list:
   184        -
   185        -
   186        -
   187        -