(about) 1 #!/usr/bin/env bash 2 set -e 3 4 GOIMPORTS="goimports" 5 if [ "appveyor" = "$USERNAME" ]; then 6 GOIMPORTS="C:\\Users\\appveyor\\go\\bin\\goimports" 7 fi 8 9 GOCACHE=off make GOIMPORTS="$GOIMPORTS" && make GOIMPORTS="$GOIMPORTS" test 10 11 # re-run test to ensure GIT_TRACE output doesn't leak into the git package 12 GIT_TRACE=1 GOCACHE=off make GOIMPORTS="$GOIMPORTS" PKGS=git test 13 14 pushd t >/dev/null 15 UNAME=$(uname -s) 16 X="" 17 if [[ $UNAME == MINGW* || $UNAME == MSYS* || $UNAME == CYGWIN* ]]; then 18 X=".exe" 19 fi 20 21 PROVE="prove" 22 PROVE_EXTRA_ARGS="-j9" 23 if [ "appveyor" = "$USERNAME" ]; then 24 export PATH="/c/Strawberry/perl/bin:.:$PATH" 25 PROVE="prove.bat" 26 PROVE_EXTRA_ARGS="$PROVE_EXTRA_ARGS --exec bash" 27 fi 28 29 VERBOSE_LOGS=1 make X="$X" clean 30 VERBOSE_LOGS=1 make X="$X" PROVE="$PROVE" PROVE_EXTRA_ARGS="$PROVE_EXTRA_ARGS" 31 popd >/dev/null