
     1  package cmd
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"io/ioutil"
     6  	"os"
     7  	"testing"
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  )
    14  func TestCheckoutBranchStep(t *testing.T) {
    15  	t.Run("Run Step Successful - repositoryName and branchName config", func(t *testing.T) {
    17  		var autils = abaputils.AUtilsMock{}
    18  		defer autils.Cleanup()
    19  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.Password = "password"
    20  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.User = "user"
    21  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.URL = ""
    22  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.XCsrfToken = "xcsrftoken"
    24  		config := abapEnvironmentCheckoutBranchOptions{
    25  			CfAPIEndpoint:     "",
    26  			CfOrg:             "testOrg",
    27  			CfSpace:           "testSpace",
    28  			CfServiceInstance: "testInstance",
    29  			CfServiceKeyName:  "testServiceKey",
    30  			Username:          "testUser",
    31  			Password:          "testPassword",
    32  			RepositoryName:    "testRepo1",
    33  			BranchName:        "testBranch",
    34  		}
    36  		logResultSuccess := fmt.Sprintf(`{"d": { "sc_name": "/DMO/SWC", "status": "S", "to_Log_Overview": { "results": [ { "log_index": 1, "log_name": "Main Import", "type_of_found_issues": "Success", "timestamp": "/Date(1644332299000+0000)/", "to_Log_Protocol": { "results": [ { "log_index": 1, "index_no": "1", "log_name": "", "type": "Info", "descr": "Main import", "timestamp": null, "criticality": 0 } ] } } ] } } }`)
    37  		client := &abaputils.ClientMock{
    38  			BodyList: []string{
    39  				logResultSuccess,
    40  				`{"d" : { "EntitySets" : [ "LogOverviews" ] } }`,
    41  				`{"d" : { "status" : "S" } }`,
    42  				`{"d" : { "status" : "S" } }`,
    43  				`{"d" : { "status" : "S" } }`,
    44  			},
    45  			Token:      "myToken",
    46  			StatusCode: 200,
    47  		}
    49  		err := runAbapEnvironmentCheckoutBranch(&config, &autils, client)
    50  		assert.NoError(t, err, "Did not expect error")
    51  	})
    52  	t.Run("Run Step Failure - empty config", func(t *testing.T) {
    53  		expectedErrorMessage := "Something failed during the checkout: Checking configuration failed: You have not specified any repository or branch configuration to be checked out in the ABAP Environment System. Please make sure that you specified the repositories with their branches that should be checked out either in a dedicated file or via the parameters 'repositoryName' and 'branchName'. For more information please read the User documentation"
    55  		var autils = abaputils.AUtilsMock{}
    56  		defer autils.Cleanup()
    57  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.Password = "password"
    58  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.User = "user"
    59  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.URL = ""
    60  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.XCsrfToken = "xcsrftoken"
    62  		config := abapEnvironmentCheckoutBranchOptions{}
    64  		logResultError := fmt.Sprintf(`{"d": { "sc_name": "/DMO/SWC", "status": "S", "to_Log_Overview": { "results": [ { "log_index": 1, "log_name": "Main Import", "type_of_found_issues": "Error", "timestamp": "/Date(1644332299000+0000)/", "to_Log_Protocol": { "results": [ { "log_index": 1, "index_no": "1", "log_name": "", "type": "Info", "descr": "Main import", "timestamp": null, "criticality": 0 } ] } } ] } } }`)
    65  		client := &abaputils.ClientMock{
    66  			BodyList: []string{
    67  				logResultError,
    68  				`{"d" : { "EntitySets" : [ "LogOverviews" ] } }`,
    69  				`{"d" : { "status" : "E" } }`,
    70  				`{"d" : { "status" : "E" } }`,
    71  				`{"d" : { "status" : "E" } }`,
    72  			},
    73  			Token:      "myToken",
    74  			StatusCode: 200,
    75  		}
    77  		err := runAbapEnvironmentCheckoutBranch(&config, &autils, client)
    78  		assert.EqualError(t, err, expectedErrorMessage)
    79  	})
    80  	t.Run("Run Step Failure - wrong status", func(t *testing.T) {
    81  		expectedErrorMessage := "Something failed during the checkout: Checkout failed: Checkout of branch testBranch failed on the ABAP System"
    83  		var autils = abaputils.AUtilsMock{}
    84  		defer autils.Cleanup()
    85  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.Password = "password"
    86  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.User = "user"
    87  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.URL = ""
    88  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.XCsrfToken = "xcsrftoken"
    90  		config := abapEnvironmentCheckoutBranchOptions{
    91  			CfAPIEndpoint:     "",
    92  			CfOrg:             "testOrg",
    93  			CfSpace:           "testSpace",
    94  			CfServiceInstance: "testInstance",
    95  			CfServiceKeyName:  "testServiceKey",
    96  			Username:          "testUser",
    97  			Password:          "testPassword",
    98  			RepositoryName:    "testRepo1",
    99  			BranchName:        "testBranch",
   100  		}
   102  		logResultError := fmt.Sprintf(`{"d": { "sc_name": "/DMO/SWC", "status": "S", "to_Log_Overview": { "results": [ { "log_index": 1, "log_name": "Main Import", "type_of_found_issues": "Error", "timestamp": "/Date(1644332299000+0000)/", "to_Log_Protocol": { "results": [ { "log_index": 1, "index_no": "1", "log_name": "", "type": "Info", "descr": "Main import", "timestamp": null, "criticality": 0 } ] } } ] } } }`)
   103  		client := &abaputils.ClientMock{
   104  			BodyList: []string{
   105  				logResultError,
   106  				`{"d" : { "EntitySets" : [ "LogOverviews" ] } }`,
   107  				`{"d" : { "status" : "E" } }`,
   108  				`{"d" : { "status" : "E" } }`,
   109  				`{"d" : { "status" : "E" } }`,
   110  			},
   111  			Token:      "myToken",
   112  			StatusCode: 200,
   113  		}
   115  		err := runAbapEnvironmentCheckoutBranch(&config, &autils, client)
   116  		assert.EqualError(t, err, expectedErrorMessage)
   117  	})
   118  	t.Run("Success case: checkout Branches from file config", func(t *testing.T) {
   119  		var autils = abaputils.AUtilsMock{}
   120  		defer autils.Cleanup()
   121  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.Password = "password"
   122  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.User = "user"
   123  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.URL = ""
   124  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.XCsrfToken = "xcsrftoken"
   126  		receivedURI := ""
   127  		client := &abaputils.ClientMock{
   128  			Body:       `{"d" : { "__metadata" : { "uri" : "` + receivedURI + `" } } }`,
   129  			Token:      "myToken",
   130  			StatusCode: 200,
   131  		}
   133  		dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "test checkout branches")
   134  		if err != nil {
   135  			t.Fatal("Failed to create temporary directory")
   136  		}
   137  		oldCWD, _ := os.Getwd()
   138  		_ = os.Chdir(dir)
   139  		// clean up tmp dir
   141  		defer func() {
   142  			_ = os.Chdir(oldCWD)
   143  			_ = os.RemoveAll(dir)
   144  		}()
   146  		manifestFileString := `
   147  repositories:
   148  - name: 'testRepo'
   149    branch: 'testBranch'
   150  - name: 'testRepo2'
   151    branch: 'testBranch2'
   152  - name: 'testRepo3'
   153    branch: 'testBranch3'`
   155  		err = ioutil.WriteFile("repositoriesTest.yml", []byte(manifestFileString), 0644)
   157  		config := abapEnvironmentCheckoutBranchOptions{
   158  			CfAPIEndpoint:     "",
   159  			CfOrg:             "testOrg",
   160  			CfSpace:           "testSpace",
   161  			CfServiceInstance: "testInstance",
   162  			CfServiceKeyName:  "testServiceKey",
   163  			Username:          "testUser",
   164  			Password:          "testPassword",
   165  			Repositories:      "repositoriesTest.yml",
   166  		}
   167  		err = runAbapEnvironmentCheckoutBranch(&config, &autils, client)
   168  		assert.NoError(t, err)
   169  	})
   170  	t.Run("Failure case: checkout Branches from empty file config", func(t *testing.T) {
   171  		expectedErrorMessage := "Something failed during the checkout: Error in config file repositoriesTest.yml, AddonDescriptor doesn't contain any repositories"
   173  		var autils = abaputils.AUtilsMock{}
   174  		defer autils.Cleanup()
   175  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.Password = "password"
   176  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.User = "user"
   177  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.URL = ""
   178  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.XCsrfToken = "xcsrftoken"
   180  		receivedURI := ""
   181  		client := &abaputils.ClientMock{
   182  			Body:       `{"d" : { "__metadata" : { "uri" : "` + receivedURI + `" } } }`,
   183  			Token:      "myToken",
   184  			StatusCode: 200,
   185  		}
   187  		dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "test checkout branches")
   188  		if err != nil {
   189  			t.Fatal("Failed to create temporary directory")
   190  		}
   191  		oldCWD, _ := os.Getwd()
   192  		_ = os.Chdir(dir)
   193  		// clean up tmp dir
   194  		defer func() {
   195  			_ = os.Chdir(oldCWD)
   196  			_ = os.RemoveAll(dir)
   197  		}()
   199  		manifestFileString := ``
   201  		manifestFileStringBody := []byte(manifestFileString)
   202  		err = ioutil.WriteFile("repositoriesTest.yml", manifestFileStringBody, 0644)
   204  		config := abapEnvironmentCheckoutBranchOptions{
   205  			CfAPIEndpoint:     "",
   206  			CfOrg:             "testOrg",
   207  			CfSpace:           "testSpace",
   208  			CfServiceInstance: "testInstance",
   209  			CfServiceKeyName:  "testServiceKey",
   210  			Username:          "testUser",
   211  			Password:          "testPassword",
   212  			Repositories:      "repositoriesTest.yml",
   213  		}
   214  		err = runAbapEnvironmentCheckoutBranch(&config, &autils, client)
   215  		assert.EqualError(t, err, expectedErrorMessage)
   216  	})
   217  	t.Run("Failure case: checkout Branches from wrong file config", func(t *testing.T) {
   218  		expectedErrorMessage := "Something failed during the checkout: Could not unmarshal repositoriesTest.yml"
   220  		var autils = abaputils.AUtilsMock{}
   221  		defer autils.Cleanup()
   222  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.Password = "password"
   223  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.User = "user"
   224  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.URL = ""
   225  		autils.ReturnedConnectionDetailsHTTP.XCsrfToken = "xcsrftoken"
   227  		pollIntervall := abaputils.AUtilsMock{}
   228  		defer pollIntervall.Cleanup()
   230  		receivedURI := ""
   231  		client := &abaputils.ClientMock{
   232  			Body:       `{"d" : { "__metadata" : { "uri" : "` + receivedURI + `" } } }`,
   233  			Token:      "myToken",
   234  			StatusCode: 200,
   235  		}
   237  		dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "test checkout branches")
   238  		if err != nil {
   239  			t.Fatal("Failed to create temporary directory")
   240  		}
   241  		oldCWD, _ := os.Getwd()
   242  		_ = os.Chdir(dir)
   243  		// clean up tmp dir
   244  		defer func() {
   245  			_ = os.Chdir(oldCWD)
   246  			_ = os.RemoveAll(dir)
   247  		}()
   249  		manifestFileString := `
   250  - repo: 'testRepo'
   251  - repo: 'testRepo2'`
   253  		manifestFileStringBody := []byte(manifestFileString)
   254  		err = ioutil.WriteFile("repositoriesTest.yml", manifestFileStringBody, 0644)
   256  		config := abapEnvironmentCheckoutBranchOptions{
   257  			CfAPIEndpoint:     "",
   258  			CfOrg:             "testOrg",
   259  			CfSpace:           "testSpace",
   260  			CfServiceInstance: "testInstance",
   261  			CfServiceKeyName:  "testServiceKey",
   262  			Username:          "testUser",
   263  			Password:          "testPassword",
   264  			Repositories:      "repositoriesTest.yml",
   265  		}
   266  		err = runAbapEnvironmentCheckoutBranch(&config, &autils, client)
   267  		assert.EqualError(t, err, expectedErrorMessage)
   268  	})
   269  }
   271  func TestTriggerCheckout(t *testing.T) {
   272  	t.Run("Test trigger checkout: success case", func(t *testing.T) {
   274  		// given
   275  		receivedURI := ""
   276  		uriExpected := receivedURI
   277  		tokenExpected := "myToken"
   279  		client := &abaputils.ClientMock{
   280  			Body:       `{"d" : { "__metadata" : { "uri" : "` + receivedURI + `" } } }`,
   281  			Token:      tokenExpected,
   282  			StatusCode: 200,
   283  		}
   284  		config := abapEnvironmentCheckoutBranchOptions{
   285  			CfAPIEndpoint:     "",
   286  			CfOrg:             "testOrg",
   287  			CfSpace:           "testSpace",
   288  			CfServiceInstance: "testInstance",
   289  			CfServiceKeyName:  "testServiceKey",
   290  			Username:          "testUser",
   291  			Password:          "testPassword",
   292  			RepositoryName:    "testRepo1",
   293  			BranchName:        "feature-unit-test",
   294  		}
   295  		con := abaputils.ConnectionDetailsHTTP{
   296  			User:     "MY_USER",
   297  			Password: "MY_PW",
   298  			URL:      "",
   299  		}
   300  		// when
   301  		entityConnection, err := triggerCheckout(config.RepositoryName, config.BranchName, con, client)
   303  		// then
   304  		assert.NoError(t, err)
   305  		assert.Equal(t, uriExpected, entityConnection.URL)
   306  		assert.Equal(t, tokenExpected, entityConnection.XCsrfToken)
   307  	})
   309  	t.Run("Test trigger checkout: ABAP Error case", func(t *testing.T) {
   311  		// given
   312  		errorMessage := "ABAP Error Message"
   313  		errorCode := "ERROR/001"
   314  		HTTPErrorMessage := "HTTP Error Message"
   315  		combinedErrorMessage := "HTTP Error Message: ERROR/001 - ABAP Error Message"
   317  		client := &abaputils.ClientMock{
   318  			Body:       `{"error" : { "code" : "` + errorCode + `", "message" : { "lang" : "en", "value" : "` + errorMessage + `" } } }`,
   319  			Token:      "myToken",
   320  			StatusCode: 400,
   321  			Error:      errors.New(HTTPErrorMessage),
   322  		}
   323  		config := abapEnvironmentCheckoutBranchOptions{
   324  			CfAPIEndpoint:     "",
   325  			CfOrg:             "testOrg",
   326  			CfSpace:           "testSpace",
   327  			CfServiceInstance: "testInstance",
   328  			CfServiceKeyName:  "testServiceKey",
   329  			Username:          "testUser",
   330  			Password:          "testPassword",
   331  			RepositoryName:    "testRepo1",
   332  			BranchName:        "feature-unit-test",
   333  		}
   334  		con := abaputils.ConnectionDetailsHTTP{
   335  			User:     "MY_USER",
   336  			Password: "MY_PW",
   337  			URL:      "",
   338  		}
   340  		// when
   341  		_, err := triggerCheckout(config.RepositoryName, config.BranchName, con, client)
   343  		// then
   344  		assert.Equal(t, combinedErrorMessage, err.Error(), "Different error message expected")
   345  	})
   346  }
   348  func TestCheckoutConfigChecker(t *testing.T) {
   349  	t.Run("Success case: check config", func(t *testing.T) {
   350  		config := abapEnvironmentCheckoutBranchOptions{
   351  			RepositoryName: "testRepo1",
   352  			BranchName:     "feature-unit-test",
   353  		}
   354  		err := checkCheckoutBranchRepositoryConfiguration(config)
   355  		assert.NoError(t, err)
   356  	})
   357  	t.Run("Success case: check file config", func(t *testing.T) {
   358  		config := abapEnvironmentCheckoutBranchOptions{
   359  			Repositories: "test.file",
   360  			BranchName:   "feature-unit-test",
   361  		}
   362  		err := checkCheckoutBranchRepositoryConfiguration(config)
   363  		assert.NoError(t, err)
   364  	})
   365  	t.Run("Failure case: check empty config", func(t *testing.T) {
   366  		expectedErrorMessage := "Checking configuration failed: You have not specified any repository or branch configuration to be checked out in the ABAP Environment System. Please make sure that you specified the repositories with their branches that should be checked out either in a dedicated file or via the parameters 'repositoryName' and 'branchName'. For more information please read the User documentation"
   368  		config := abapEnvironmentCheckoutBranchOptions{}
   369  		err := checkCheckoutBranchRepositoryConfiguration(config)
   370  		assert.Equal(t, expectedErrorMessage, err.Error(), "Different error message expected")
   371  	})
   372  }