
     1  // Code generated by piper's step-generator. DO NOT EDIT.
     3  package cmd
     5  import (
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"os"
     8  	"time"
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  )
    18  type cloudFoundryCreateServiceOptions struct {
    19  	CfAPIEndpoint          string   `json:"cfApiEndpoint,omitempty"`
    20  	Username               string   `json:"username,omitempty"`
    21  	Password               string   `json:"password,omitempty"`
    22  	CfOrg                  string   `json:"cfOrg,omitempty"`
    23  	CfSpace                string   `json:"cfSpace,omitempty"`
    24  	CfService              string   `json:"cfService,omitempty"`
    25  	CfServicePlan          string   `json:"cfServicePlan,omitempty"`
    26  	CfServiceInstanceName  string   `json:"cfServiceInstanceName,omitempty"`
    27  	CfServiceBroker        string   `json:"cfServiceBroker,omitempty"`
    28  	CfCreateServiceConfig  string   `json:"cfCreateServiceConfig,omitempty"`
    29  	CfServiceTags          string   `json:"cfServiceTags,omitempty"`
    30  	ServiceManifest        string   `json:"serviceManifest,omitempty"`
    31  	ManifestVariables      []string `json:"manifestVariables,omitempty"`
    32  	ManifestVariablesFiles []string `json:"manifestVariablesFiles,omitempty"`
    33  }
    35  // CloudFoundryCreateServiceCommand Creates one or multiple Services in Cloud Foundry
    36  func CloudFoundryCreateServiceCommand() *cobra.Command {
    37  	const STEP_NAME = "cloudFoundryCreateService"
    39  	metadata := cloudFoundryCreateServiceMetadata()
    40  	var stepConfig cloudFoundryCreateServiceOptions
    41  	var startTime time.Time
    42  	var logCollector *log.CollectorHook
    43  	var splunkClient *splunk.Splunk
    44  	telemetryClient := &telemetry.Telemetry{}
    46  	var createCloudFoundryCreateServiceCmd = &cobra.Command{
    47  		Use:   STEP_NAME,
    48  		Short: "Creates one or multiple Services in Cloud Foundry",
    49  		Long: `Creates one or multiple Cloud Foundry Services in Cloud Foundry
    50  Mandatory:
    51  * Cloud Foundry API endpoint, Organization, Space and user are available
    53  Please provide either of the following options:
    54  * If you chose to create a single Service the Service Instance Name, Service Plan and Service Broker of the Service to be created have to be available. You can set the optional ` + "`" + `cfCreateServiceConfig` + "`" + ` flag to configure the Service creation with your respective JSON configuration. The JSON configuration can either be an in-line JSON string or the path a dedicated JSON configuration file containing the JSON configuration. If you chose a dedicated config file, you must store the file in the same folder as your ` + "`" + `Jenkinsfile` + "`" + ` that starts the Pipeline in order for the Pipeline to be able to find the file. Most favourable SCM is Git. If you want the service to be created from a particular broker you can set the optional ` + "`" + `cfServiceBroker` + "`" + `flag. You can set user provided tags for the Service creation using a flat list as the value for the optional ` + "`" + `cfServiceTags` + "`" + ` flag. The optional ` + "`" + `cfServiceBroker` + "`" + ` flag can be used when the service name is ambiguous.
    55  * For creating one or multiple Cloud Foundry Services at once with the Cloud Foundry Create-Service-Push Plugin using the optional ` + "`" + `serviceManifest` + "`" + ` flag. If you chose to set this flag, the Create-Service-Push Plugin will be used for all Service creations in this step and you will need to provide a ` + "`" + `serviceManifest.yml` + "`" + ` file. In that case, above described flags and options will not be used for the Service creations, since you chose to use the Create-Service-Push Plugin. Please see below examples for more information on how to make use of the plugin with the appropriate step configuation. Additionally the Plugin provides the option to make use of variable substitution for the Service creations. You can find further information regarding the functionality of the Cloud Foundry Create-Service-Push Plugin in the respective documentation: [Cloud Foundry Create-Service-Push Plugin](`,
    56  		PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
    57  			startTime = time.Now()
    58  			log.SetStepName(STEP_NAME)
    59  			log.SetVerbose(GeneralConfig.Verbose)
    61  			GeneralConfig.GitHubAccessTokens = ResolveAccessTokens(GeneralConfig.GitHubTokens)
    63  			path, _ := os.Getwd()
    64  			fatalHook := &log.FatalHook{CorrelationID: GeneralConfig.CorrelationID, Path: path}
    65  			log.RegisterHook(fatalHook)
    67  			err := PrepareConfig(cmd, &metadata, STEP_NAME, &stepConfig, config.OpenPiperFile)
    68  			if err != nil {
    69  				log.SetErrorCategory(log.ErrorConfiguration)
    70  				return err
    71  			}
    72  			log.RegisterSecret(stepConfig.Username)
    73  			log.RegisterSecret(stepConfig.Password)
    75  			if len(GeneralConfig.HookConfig.SentryConfig.Dsn) > 0 {
    76  				sentryHook := log.NewSentryHook(GeneralConfig.HookConfig.SentryConfig.Dsn, GeneralConfig.CorrelationID)
    77  				log.RegisterHook(&sentryHook)
    78  			}
    80  			if len(GeneralConfig.HookConfig.SplunkConfig.Dsn) > 0 {
    81  				splunkClient = &splunk.Splunk{}
    82  				logCollector = &log.CollectorHook{CorrelationID: GeneralConfig.CorrelationID}
    83  				log.RegisterHook(logCollector)
    84  			}
    86  			validation, err := validation.New(validation.WithJSONNamesForStructFields(), validation.WithPredefinedErrorMessages())
    87  			if err != nil {
    88  				return err
    89  			}
    90  			if err = validation.ValidateStruct(stepConfig); err != nil {
    91  				log.SetErrorCategory(log.ErrorConfiguration)
    92  				return err
    93  			}
    95  			return nil
    96  		},
    97  		Run: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
    98  			stepTelemetryData := telemetry.CustomData{}
    99  			stepTelemetryData.ErrorCode = "1"
   100  			handler := func() {
   101  				config.RemoveVaultSecretFiles()
   102  				stepTelemetryData.Duration = fmt.Sprintf("%v", time.Since(startTime).Milliseconds())
   103  				stepTelemetryData.ErrorCategory = log.GetErrorCategory().String()
   104  				stepTelemetryData.PiperCommitHash = GitCommit
   105  				telemetryClient.SetData(&stepTelemetryData)
   106  				telemetryClient.Send()
   107  				if len(GeneralConfig.HookConfig.SplunkConfig.Dsn) > 0 {
   108  					splunkClient.Send(telemetryClient.GetData(), logCollector)
   109  				}
   110  			}
   111  			log.DeferExitHandler(handler)
   112  			defer handler()
   113  			telemetryClient.Initialize(GeneralConfig.NoTelemetry, STEP_NAME)
   114  			if len(GeneralConfig.HookConfig.SplunkConfig.Dsn) > 0 {
   115  				splunkClient.Initialize(GeneralConfig.CorrelationID,
   116  					GeneralConfig.HookConfig.SplunkConfig.Dsn,
   117  					GeneralConfig.HookConfig.SplunkConfig.Token,
   118  					GeneralConfig.HookConfig.SplunkConfig.Index,
   119  					GeneralConfig.HookConfig.SplunkConfig.SendLogs)
   120  			}
   121  			cloudFoundryCreateService(stepConfig, &stepTelemetryData)
   122  			stepTelemetryData.ErrorCode = "0"
   123  			log.Entry().Info("SUCCESS")
   124  		},
   125  	}
   127  	addCloudFoundryCreateServiceFlags(createCloudFoundryCreateServiceCmd, &stepConfig)
   128  	return createCloudFoundryCreateServiceCmd
   129  }
   131  func addCloudFoundryCreateServiceFlags(cmd *cobra.Command, stepConfig *cloudFoundryCreateServiceOptions) {
   132  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.CfAPIEndpoint, "cfApiEndpoint", ``, "Cloud Foundry API endpoint")
   133  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.Username, "username", os.Getenv("PIPER_username"), "User or E-Mail for CF")
   134  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.Password, "password", os.Getenv("PIPER_password"), "Password for Cloud Foundry User")
   135  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.CfOrg, "cfOrg", os.Getenv("PIPER_cfOrg"), "Cloud Foundry org")
   136  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.CfSpace, "cfSpace", os.Getenv("PIPER_cfSpace"), "Cloud Foundry Space")
   137  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.CfService, "cfService", os.Getenv("PIPER_cfService"), "Parameter for Cloud Foundry Service to be used for creating Cloud Foundry Service")
   138  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.CfServicePlan, "cfServicePlan", os.Getenv("PIPER_cfServicePlan"), "Parameter for Cloud Foundry Service Plan to be used when creating a Cloud Foundry Service")
   139  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.CfServiceInstanceName, "cfServiceInstanceName", os.Getenv("PIPER_cfServiceInstanceName"), "Parameter for naming the Service Instance when creating a Cloud Foundry Service")
   140  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.CfServiceBroker, "cfServiceBroker", os.Getenv("PIPER_cfServiceBroker"), "Parameter for Service Broker to be used when creating a Cloud Foundry Service")
   141  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.CfCreateServiceConfig, "cfCreateServiceConfig", os.Getenv("PIPER_cfCreateServiceConfig"), "Path to JSON file or JSON in-line string for a Cloud Foundry Service creation")
   142  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.CfServiceTags, "cfServiceTags", os.Getenv("PIPER_cfServiceTags"), "Flat list of Tags to be used when creating a Cloud Foundry Service in a single string")
   143  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.ServiceManifest, "serviceManifest", `service-manifest.yml`, "Path to Cloud Foundry Service Manifest in YAML format for multiple service creations that are being passed to a Create-Service-Push Cloud Foundry cli plugin")
   144  	cmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&stepConfig.ManifestVariables, "manifestVariables", []string{}, "Defines a List of variables as key-value Map objects used for variable substitution within the file given by the Manifest. Defaults to an empty list, if not specified otherwise. This can be used to set variables like it is provided by `cf push --var key=value`. The order of the maps of variables given in the list is relevant in case there are conflicting variable names and values between maps contained within the list. In case of conflicts, the last specified map in the list will win. Though each map entry in the list can contain more than one key-value pair for variable substitution, it is recommended to stick to one entry per map, and rather declare more maps within the list. The reason is that if a map in the list contains more than one key-value entry, and the entries are conflicting, the conflict resolution behavior is undefined (since map entries have no sequence). Variables defined via `manifestVariables` always win over conflicting variables defined via any file given by `manifestVariablesFiles` - no matter what is declared before. This is the same behavior as can be observed when using `cf push --var` in combination with `cf push --vars-file`")
   145  	cmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&stepConfig.ManifestVariablesFiles, "manifestVariablesFiles", []string{}, "Defines the manifest variables Yaml files to be used to replace variable references in manifest. This parameter is optional and will default to `manifest-variables.yml`. This can be used to set variable files like it is provided by `cf push --vars-file <file>`. If the manifest is present and so are all variable files, a variable substitution will be triggered that uses the `cfManifestSubstituteVariables` step before deployment. The format of variable references follows the Cloud Foundry standard in ``")
   147  	cmd.MarkFlagRequired("cfApiEndpoint")
   148  	cmd.MarkFlagRequired("username")
   149  	cmd.MarkFlagRequired("password")
   150  	cmd.MarkFlagRequired("cfOrg")
   151  	cmd.MarkFlagRequired("cfSpace")
   152  }
   154  // retrieve step metadata
   155  func cloudFoundryCreateServiceMetadata() config.StepData {
   156  	var theMetaData = config.StepData{
   157  		Metadata: config.StepMetadata{
   158  			Name:        "cloudFoundryCreateService",
   159  			Aliases:     []config.Alias{},
   160  			Description: "Creates one or multiple Services in Cloud Foundry",
   161  		},
   162  		Spec: config.StepSpec{
   163  			Inputs: config.StepInputs{
   164  				Secrets: []config.StepSecrets{
   165  					{Name: "cfCredentialsId", Description: "Jenkins 'Username with password' credentials ID containing user and password to authenticate to the Cloud Foundry API.", Type: "jenkins", Aliases: []config.Alias{{Name: "cloudFoundry/credentialsId", Deprecated: false}}},
   166  				},
   167  				Resources: []config.StepResources{
   168  					{Name: "deployDescriptor", Type: "stash"},
   169  				},
   170  				Parameters: []config.StepParameters{
   171  					{
   172  						Name:        "cfApiEndpoint",
   173  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   174  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS", "GENERAL"},
   175  						Type:        "string",
   176  						Mandatory:   true,
   177  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{{Name: "cloudFoundry/apiEndpoint"}},
   178  						Default:     ``,
   179  					},
   180  					{
   181  						Name: "username",
   182  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{
   183  							{
   184  								Name:  "cfCredentialsId",
   185  								Param: "username",
   186  								Type:  "secret",
   187  							},
   189  							{
   190  								Name:    "cloudfoundryVaultSecretName",
   191  								Type:    "vaultSecret",
   192  								Default: "cloudfoundry-$(org)-$(space)",
   193  							},
   194  						},
   195  						Scope:     []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS"},
   196  						Type:      "string",
   197  						Mandatory: true,
   198  						Aliases:   []config.Alias{},
   199  						Default:   os.Getenv("PIPER_username"),
   200  					},
   201  					{
   202  						Name: "password",
   203  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{
   204  							{
   205  								Name:  "cfCredentialsId",
   206  								Param: "password",
   207  								Type:  "secret",
   208  							},
   210  							{
   211  								Name:    "cloudfoundryVaultSecretName",
   212  								Type:    "vaultSecret",
   213  								Default: "cloudfoundry-$(org)-$(space)",
   214  							},
   215  						},
   216  						Scope:     []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS"},
   217  						Type:      "string",
   218  						Mandatory: true,
   219  						Aliases:   []config.Alias{},
   220  						Default:   os.Getenv("PIPER_password"),
   221  					},
   222  					{
   223  						Name:        "cfOrg",
   224  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   225  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS", "GENERAL"},
   226  						Type:        "string",
   227  						Mandatory:   true,
   228  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{{Name: "cloudFoundry/org"}},
   229  						Default:     os.Getenv("PIPER_cfOrg"),
   230  					},
   231  					{
   232  						Name:        "cfSpace",
   233  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   234  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS", "GENERAL"},
   235  						Type:        "string",
   236  						Mandatory:   true,
   237  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{{Name: "cloudFoundry/space"}},
   238  						Default:     os.Getenv("PIPER_cfSpace"),
   239  					},
   240  					{
   241  						Name:        "cfService",
   242  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   243  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS", "GENERAL"},
   244  						Type:        "string",
   245  						Mandatory:   false,
   246  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{{Name: "cloudFoundry/service"}},
   247  						Default:     os.Getenv("PIPER_cfService"),
   248  					},
   249  					{
   250  						Name:        "cfServicePlan",
   251  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   252  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS", "GENERAL"},
   253  						Type:        "string",
   254  						Mandatory:   false,
   255  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{{Name: "cloudFoundry/servicePlan"}},
   256  						Default:     os.Getenv("PIPER_cfServicePlan"),
   257  					},
   258  					{
   259  						Name:        "cfServiceInstanceName",
   260  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   261  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS", "GENERAL"},
   262  						Type:        "string",
   263  						Mandatory:   false,
   264  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{{Name: "cloudFoundry/serviceInstanceName"}},
   265  						Default:     os.Getenv("PIPER_cfServiceInstanceName"),
   266  					},
   267  					{
   268  						Name:        "cfServiceBroker",
   269  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   270  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS", "GENERAL"},
   271  						Type:        "string",
   272  						Mandatory:   false,
   273  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{{Name: "cloudFoundry/serviceBroker"}},
   274  						Default:     os.Getenv("PIPER_cfServiceBroker"),
   275  					},
   276  					{
   277  						Name:        "cfCreateServiceConfig",
   278  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   279  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS", "GENERAL"},
   280  						Type:        "string",
   281  						Mandatory:   false,
   282  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{{Name: "cloudFoundry/createServiceConfig"}},
   283  						Default:     os.Getenv("PIPER_cfCreateServiceConfig"),
   284  					},
   285  					{
   286  						Name:        "cfServiceTags",
   287  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   288  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS", "GENERAL"},
   289  						Type:        "string",
   290  						Mandatory:   false,
   291  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{{Name: "cloudFoundry/serviceTags"}},
   292  						Default:     os.Getenv("PIPER_cfServiceTags"),
   293  					},
   294  					{
   295  						Name:        "serviceManifest",
   296  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   297  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS", "GENERAL"},
   298  						Type:        "string",
   299  						Mandatory:   false,
   300  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{{Name: "cloudFoundry/serviceManifest"}, {Name: "cfServiceManifest"}},
   301  						Default:     `service-manifest.yml`,
   302  					},
   303  					{
   304  						Name:        "manifestVariables",
   305  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   306  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS", "GENERAL"},
   307  						Type:        "[]string",
   308  						Mandatory:   false,
   309  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{{Name: "cloudFoundry/manifestVariables"}, {Name: "cfManifestVariables"}},
   310  						Default:     []string{},
   311  					},
   312  					{
   313  						Name:        "manifestVariablesFiles",
   314  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   315  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS", "GENERAL"},
   316  						Type:        "[]string",
   317  						Mandatory:   false,
   318  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{{Name: "cloudFoundry/manifestVariablesFiles"}, {Name: "cfManifestVariablesFiles"}},
   319  						Default:     []string{},
   320  					},
   321  				},
   322  			},
   323  			Containers: []config.Container{
   324  				{Name: "cf", Image: "ppiper/cf-cli:7"},
   325  			},
   326  		},
   327  	}
   328  	return theMetaData
   329  }