
     1  package cmd
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"io"
     7  	"io/ioutil"
     8  	"net/http"
     9  	"os"
    10  	"path/filepath"
    11  	"testing"
    13  	bd ""
    14  	piperGithub ""
    15  	piperhttp ""
    16  	""
    18  	""
    19  )
    21  type detectTestUtilsBundle struct {
    22  	expectedError   error
    23  	downloadedFiles map[string]string // src, dest
    24  	*mock.ShellMockRunner
    25  	*mock.FilesMock
    26  	customEnv []string
    27  }
    29  type httpMockClient struct {
    30  	responseBodyForURL map[string]string
    31  	errorMessageForURL map[string]string
    32  	header             map[string]http.Header
    33  }
    35  func (c *httpMockClient) SetOptions(opts piperhttp.ClientOptions) {}
    36  func (c *httpMockClient) SendRequest(method, url string, body io.Reader, header http.Header, cookies []*http.Cookie) (*http.Response, error) {
    37  	c.header[url] = header
    38  	response := http.Response{
    39  		StatusCode: 200,
    40  		Body:       ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte(""))),
    41  	}
    43  	if c.errorMessageForURL[url] != "" {
    44  		response.StatusCode = 400
    45  		return &response, fmt.Errorf(c.errorMessageForURL[url])
    46  	}
    48  	if c.responseBodyForURL[url] != "" {
    49  		response.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte(c.responseBodyForURL[url])))
    50  		return &response, nil
    51  	}
    53  	return &response, nil
    54  }
    56  func newBlackduckMockSystem(config detectExecuteScanOptions) blackduckSystem {
    57  	myTestClient := httpMockClient{
    58  		responseBodyForURL: map[string]string{
    59  			"https://my.blackduck.system/api/tokens/authenticate":                                                                               authContent,
    60  			"https://my.blackduck.system/api/projects?q=name%3ASHC-PiperTest":                                                                   projectContent,
    61  			"https://my.blackduck.system/api/projects/5ca86e11-1983-4e7b-97d4-eb1a0aeffbbf/versions":                                            projectVersionContent,
    62  			"https://my.blackduck.system/api/projects/5ca86e11/versions/a6c94786/components?limit=999&offset=0":                                 componentsContent,
    63  			"https://my.blackduck.system/api/projects/5ca86e11/versions/a6c94786/vunlerable-bom-components?limit=999&offset=0":                  vulnerabilitiesContent,
    64  			"https://my.blackduck.system/api/projects/5ca86e11/versions/a6c94786/components?filter=policyCategory%3Alicense&limit=999&offset=0": componentsContent,
    65  			"https://my.blackduck.system/api/projects/5ca86e11/versions/a6c94786/policy-status":                                                 policyStatusContent,
    66  		},
    67  		header: map[string]http.Header{},
    68  	}
    69  	sys := blackduckSystem{
    70  		Client: bd.NewClient(config.Token, config.ServerURL, &myTestClient),
    71  	}
    72  	return sys
    73  }
    75  const (
    76  	authContent = `{
    77  		"bearerToken":"bearerTestToken",
    78  		"expiresInMilliseconds":7199997
    79  	}`
    80  	projectContent = `{
    81  		"totalCount": 1,
    82  		"items": [
    83  			{
    84  				"name": "SHC-PiperTest",
    85  				"_meta": {
    86  					"href": "https://my.blackduck.system/api/projects/5ca86e11-1983-4e7b-97d4-eb1a0aeffbbf",
    87  					"links": [
    88  						{
    89  							"rel": "versions",
    90  							"href": "https://my.blackduck.system/api/projects/5ca86e11-1983-4e7b-97d4-eb1a0aeffbbf/versions"
    91  						}
    92  					]
    93  				}
    94  			}
    95  		]
    96  	}`
    97  	projectVersionContent = `{
    98  		"totalCount": 1,
    99  		"items": [
   100  			{
   101  				"versionName": "1.0",
   102  				"_meta": {
   103  					"href": "https://my.blackduck.system/api/projects/5ca86e11-1983-4e7b-97d4-eb1a0aeffbbf/versions/a6c94786-0ee6-414f-9054-90d549c69c36",
   104  					"links": [
   105  						{
   106  							"rel": "components",
   107  							"href": "https://my.blackduck.system/api/projects/5ca86e11/versions/a6c94786/components"
   108  						},
   109  						{
   110  							"rel": "vulnerable-components",
   111  							"href": "https://my.blackduck.system/api/projects/5ca86e11/versions/a6c94786/vunlerable-bom-components"
   112  						},
   113  						{
   114  							"rel": "policy-status",
   115  							"href": "https://my.blackduck.system/api/projects/5ca86e11/versions/a6c94786/policy-status"
   116  						}
   117  					]
   118  				}
   119  			}
   120  		]
   121  	}`
   122  	componentsContent = `{
   123  		"totalCount": 2,
   124  		"items" : [
   125  			{
   126  				"componentName": "Spring Framework",
   127  				"componentVersionName": "5.3.9",
   128  				"policyStatus": "IN_VIOLATION"
   129  			}, {
   130  				"componentName": "Apache Tomcat",
   131  				"componentVersionName": "9.0.52",
   132  				"policyStatus": "IN_VIOLATION"
   133  			}
   134  		]
   135  	}`
   136  	vulnerabilitiesContent = `{
   137  		"totalCount": 1,
   138  		"items": [
   139  			{
   140  				"componentName": "Spring Framework",
   141  				"componentVersionName": "5.3.2",
   142  				"vulnerabilityWithRemediation" : {
   143  					"vulnerabilityName" : "BDSA-2019-2021",
   144  					"baseScore" : 7.5,
   145  					"overallScore" : 7.5,
   146  					"severity" : "HIGH",
   147  					"remediationStatus" : "IGNORED",
   148  					"description" : "description"
   149  				}
   150  			}
   151  		]
   152  	}`
   153  	policyStatusContent = `{
   154  		"overallStatus": "IN_VIOLATION",
   155  		"componentVersionPolicyViolationDetails": {
   156  			"name": "IN_VIOLATION",
   157  			"severityLevels": [{"name":"BLOCKER", "value": 1}, {"name": "CRITICAL", "value": 1}]
   158  		}
   159  	}`
   160  )
   162  func (c *detectTestUtilsBundle) RunExecutable(string, ...string) error {
   163  	panic("not expected to be called in test")
   164  }
   166  func (c *detectTestUtilsBundle) SetOptions(piperhttp.ClientOptions) {
   168  }
   170  func (c *detectTestUtilsBundle) GetOsEnv() []string {
   171  	return c.customEnv
   172  }
   174  func (c *detectTestUtilsBundle) DownloadFile(url, filename string, _ http.Header, _ []*http.Cookie) error {
   176  	if c.expectedError != nil {
   177  		return c.expectedError
   178  	}
   180  	if c.downloadedFiles == nil {
   181  		c.downloadedFiles = make(map[string]string)
   182  	}
   183  	c.downloadedFiles[url] = filename
   184  	return nil
   185  }
   187  func (w *detectTestUtilsBundle) CreateIssue(ghCreateIssueOptions *piperGithub.CreateIssueOptions) error {
   188  	return nil
   189  }
   191  func newDetectTestUtilsBundle() *detectTestUtilsBundle {
   192  	utilsBundle := detectTestUtilsBundle{
   193  		ShellMockRunner: &mock.ShellMockRunner{},
   194  		FilesMock:       &mock.FilesMock{},
   195  	}
   196  	return &utilsBundle
   197  }
   199  func TestRunDetect(t *testing.T) {
   200  	t.Parallel()
   201  	t.Run("success case", func(t *testing.T) {
   202  		t.Parallel()
   203  		utilsMock := newDetectTestUtilsBundle()
   204  		utilsMock.AddFile("", []byte(""))
   205  		err := runDetect(detectExecuteScanOptions{}, utilsMock, &detectExecuteScanInflux{})
   207  		assert.Equal(t, utilsMock.downloadedFiles[""], "")
   208  		assert.True(t, utilsMock.HasRemovedFile(""))
   209  		assert.NoError(t, err)
   210  		assert.Equal(t, ".", utilsMock.Dir, "Wrong execution directory used")
   211  		assert.Equal(t, "/bin/bash", utilsMock.Shell[0], "Bash shell expected")
   212  		expectedScript := "./ --blackduck.url= --blackduck.api.token= \"''\" \"''\" \"''\" --detect.source.path='.'"
   213  		assert.Equal(t, expectedScript, utilsMock.Calls[0])
   214  	})
   216  	t.Run("success case detect 6", func(t *testing.T) {
   217  		t.Parallel()
   218  		utilsMock := newDetectTestUtilsBundle()
   219  		utilsMock.AddFile("", []byte(""))
   220  		options := detectExecuteScanOptions{
   221  			CustomEnvironmentVariables: []string{"DETECT_LATEST_RELEASE_VERSION=6.8.0"},
   222  		}
   223  		err := runDetect(options, utilsMock, &detectExecuteScanInflux{})
   225  		assert.Equal(t, utilsMock.downloadedFiles[""], "")
   226  		assert.True(t, utilsMock.HasRemovedFile(""))
   227  		assert.NoError(t, err)
   228  		assert.Equal(t, ".", utilsMock.Dir, "Wrong execution directory used")
   229  		assert.Equal(t, "/bin/bash", utilsMock.Shell[0], "Bash shell expected")
   230  		expectedScript := "./ --blackduck.url= --blackduck.api.token= \"''\" \"''\" \"''\" --detect.source.path='.'"
   231  		assert.Equal(t, expectedScript, utilsMock.Calls[0])
   232  	})
   234  	t.Run("success case detect 6 from OS env", func(t *testing.T) {
   235  		t.Parallel()
   236  		utilsMock := newDetectTestUtilsBundle()
   237  		utilsMock.AddFile("", []byte(""))
   238  		utilsMock.customEnv = []string{"DETECT_LATEST_RELEASE_VERSION=6.8.0"}
   239  		err := runDetect(detectExecuteScanOptions{}, utilsMock, &detectExecuteScanInflux{})
   241  		assert.Equal(t, utilsMock.downloadedFiles[""], "")
   242  		assert.True(t, utilsMock.HasRemovedFile(""))
   243  		assert.NoError(t, err)
   244  		assert.Equal(t, ".", utilsMock.Dir, "Wrong execution directory used")
   245  		assert.Equal(t, "/bin/bash", utilsMock.Shell[0], "Bash shell expected")
   246  		expectedScript := "./ --blackduck.url= --blackduck.api.token= \"''\" \"''\" \"''\" --detect.source.path='.'"
   247  		assert.Equal(t, expectedScript, utilsMock.Calls[0])
   248  	})
   250  	t.Run("failure case", func(t *testing.T) {
   251  		t.Parallel()
   252  		utilsMock := newDetectTestUtilsBundle()
   253  		utilsMock.ShouldFailOnCommand = map[string]error{"./ --blackduck.url= --blackduck.api.token= \"''\" \"''\" \"''\" --detect.source.path='.'": fmt.Errorf("")}
   254  		utilsMock.ExitCode = 3
   255  		utilsMock.AddFile("", []byte(""))
   256  		err := runDetect(detectExecuteScanOptions{}, utilsMock, &detectExecuteScanInflux{})
   257  		assert.Equal(t, utilsMock.ExitCode, 3)
   258  		assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "FAILURE_POLICY_VIOLATION => Detect found policy violations.")
   259  		assert.True(t, utilsMock.HasRemovedFile(""))
   260  	})
   262  	t.Run("maven parameters", func(t *testing.T) {
   263  		t.Parallel()
   264  		utilsMock := newDetectTestUtilsBundle()
   265  		utilsMock.CurrentDir = "root_folder"
   266  		utilsMock.AddFile("", []byte(""))
   267  		err := runDetect(detectExecuteScanOptions{
   268  			M2Path:              ".pipeline/local_repo",
   269  			ProjectSettingsFile: "project-settings.xml",
   270  			GlobalSettingsFile:  "global-settings.xml",
   271  		}, utilsMock, &detectExecuteScanInflux{})
   273  		assert.NoError(t, err)
   274  		assert.Equal(t, ".", utilsMock.Dir, "Wrong execution directory used")
   275  		assert.Equal(t, "/bin/bash", utilsMock.Shell[0], "Bash shell expected")
   276  		absoluteLocalPath := string(os.PathSeparator) + filepath.Join("root_folder", ".pipeline", "local_repo")
   278  		expectedParam := "\"'--global-settings global-settings.xml --settings project-settings.xml -Dmaven.repo.local=" + absoluteLocalPath + "'\""
   279  		assert.Contains(t, utilsMock.Calls[0], expectedParam)
   280  	})
   281  }
   283  func TestAddDetectArgs(t *testing.T) {
   284  	t.Parallel()
   285  	testData := []struct {
   286  		args     []string
   287  		options  detectExecuteScanOptions
   288  		expected []string
   289  	}{
   290  		{
   291  			args: []string{"--testProp1=1"},
   292  			options: detectExecuteScanOptions{
   293  				ScanProperties:  []string{"--scan1=1", "--scan2=2"},
   294  				ServerURL:       "https://server.url",
   295  				Token:           "apiToken",
   296  				ProjectName:     "testName",
   297  				Version:         "1.0",
   298  				VersioningModel: "major-minor",
   299  				CodeLocation:    "",
   300  				Scanners:        []string{"signature"},
   301  				ScanPaths:       []string{"path1", "path2"},
   302  			},
   303  			expected: []string{
   304  				"--testProp1=1",
   305  				"--scan1=1",
   306  				"--scan2=2",
   307  				"--blackduck.url=https://server.url",
   308  				"--blackduck.api.token=apiToken",
   309  				"\"'testName'\"",
   310  				"\"'1.0'\"",
   311  				"\"'testName/1.0'\"",
   312  				"--detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.paths=path1,path2",
   313  				"--detect.source.path='.'",
   314  			},
   315  		},
   316  		{
   317  			args: []string{"--testProp1=1"},
   318  			options: detectExecuteScanOptions{
   319  				ServerURL:       "https://server.url",
   320  				Token:           "apiToken",
   321  				ProjectName:     "testName",
   322  				Version:         "1.0",
   323  				VersioningModel: "major-minor",
   324  				CodeLocation:    "testLocation",
   325  				FailOn:          []string{"BLOCKER", "MAJOR"},
   326  				Scanners:        []string{"source"},
   327  				ScanPaths:       []string{"path1", "path2"},
   328  				Groups:          []string{"testGroup"},
   329  			},
   330  			expected: []string{
   331  				"--testProp1=1",
   332  				"--blackduck.url=https://server.url",
   333  				"--blackduck.api.token=apiToken",
   334  				"\"'testName'\"",
   335  				"\"'1.0'\"",
   336  				"\"--detect.project.user.groups='testGroup'\"",
   337  				",MAJOR",
   338  				"\"'testLocation'\"",
   339  				"--detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.paths=path1,path2",
   340  				"--detect.source.path='.'",
   341  			},
   342  		},
   343  		{
   344  			args: []string{"--testProp1=1"},
   345  			options: detectExecuteScanOptions{
   346  				ServerURL:       "https://server.url",
   347  				Token:           "apiToken",
   348  				ProjectName:     "testName",
   349  				CodeLocation:    "testLocation",
   350  				FailOn:          []string{"BLOCKER", "MAJOR"},
   351  				Scanners:        []string{"source"},
   352  				ScanPaths:       []string{"path1", "path2"},
   353  				Groups:          []string{"testGroup", "testGroup2"},
   354  				Version:         "1.0",
   355  				VersioningModel: "major-minor",
   356  			},
   357  			expected: []string{
   358  				"--testProp1=1",
   359  				"--blackduck.url=https://server.url",
   360  				"--blackduck.api.token=apiToken",
   361  				"\"'testName'\"",
   362  				"\"'1.0'\"",
   363  				"\"--detect.project.user.groups='testGroup,testGroup2'\"",
   364  				",MAJOR",
   365  				"\"'testLocation'\"",
   366  				"--detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.paths=path1,path2",
   367  				"--detect.source.path='.'",
   368  			},
   369  		},
   370  		{
   371  			args: []string{"--testProp1=1"},
   372  			options: detectExecuteScanOptions{
   373  				ServerURL:       "https://server.url",
   374  				Token:           "apiToken",
   375  				ProjectName:     "testName",
   376  				CodeLocation:    "testLocation",
   377  				FailOn:          []string{"BLOCKER", "MAJOR"},
   378  				Scanners:        []string{"source"},
   379  				ScanPaths:       []string{"path1", "path2"},
   380  				Groups:          []string{"testGroup", "testGroup2"},
   381  				Version:         "1.0",
   382  				VersioningModel: "major-minor",
   383  				DependencyPath:  "pathx",
   384  			},
   385  			expected: []string{
   386  				"--testProp1=1",
   387  				"--blackduck.url=https://server.url",
   388  				"--blackduck.api.token=apiToken",
   389  				"\"'testName'\"",
   390  				"\"'1.0'\"",
   391  				"\"--detect.project.user.groups='testGroup,testGroup2'\"",
   392  				",MAJOR",
   393  				"\"'testLocation'\"",
   394  				"--detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.paths=path1,path2",
   395  				"--detect.source.path=pathx",
   396  			},
   397  		},
   398  		{
   399  			args: []string{"--testProp1=1"},
   400  			options: detectExecuteScanOptions{
   401  				ServerURL:       "https://server.url",
   402  				Token:           "apiToken",
   403  				ProjectName:     "testName",
   404  				CodeLocation:    "testLocation",
   405  				FailOn:          []string{"BLOCKER", "MAJOR"},
   406  				Scanners:        []string{"source"},
   407  				ScanPaths:       []string{"path1", "path2"},
   408  				Groups:          []string{"testGroup", "testGroup2"},
   409  				Version:         "1.0",
   410  				VersioningModel: "major-minor",
   411  				DependencyPath:  "pathx",
   412  				Unmap:           true,
   413  			},
   414  			expected: []string{
   415  				"--testProp1=1",
   416  				"--detect.project.codelocation.unmap=true",
   417  				"--blackduck.url=https://server.url",
   418  				"--blackduck.api.token=apiToken",
   419  				"\"'testName'\"",
   420  				"\"'1.0'\"",
   421  				"\"--detect.project.user.groups='testGroup,testGroup2'\"",
   422  				",MAJOR",
   423  				"\"'testLocation'\"",
   424  				"--detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.paths=path1,path2",
   425  				"--detect.source.path=pathx",
   426  			},
   427  		},
   428  		{
   429  			args: []string{"--testProp1=1"},
   430  			options: detectExecuteScanOptions{
   431  				ServerURL:               "https://server.url",
   432  				Token:                   "apiToken",
   433  				ProjectName:             "testName",
   434  				CodeLocation:            "testLocation",
   435  				FailOn:                  []string{"BLOCKER", "MAJOR"},
   436  				Scanners:                []string{"source"},
   437  				ScanPaths:               []string{"path1", "path2"},
   438  				Groups:                  []string{"testGroup", "testGroup2"},
   439  				Version:                 "1.0",
   440  				VersioningModel:         "major-minor",
   441  				DependencyPath:          "pathx",
   442  				Unmap:                   true,
   443  				IncludedPackageManagers: []string{"maven", "GRADLE"},
   444  				ExcludedPackageManagers: []string{"npm", "NUGET"},
   445  				MavenExcludedScopes:     []string{"TEST", "compile"},
   446  				DetectTools:             []string{"DETECTOR"},
   447  			},
   448  			expected: []string{
   449  				"--testProp1=1",
   450  				"--detect.project.codelocation.unmap=true",
   451  				"--blackduck.url=https://server.url",
   452  				"--blackduck.api.token=apiToken",
   453  				"\"'testName'\"",
   454  				"\"'1.0'\"",
   455  				"\"--detect.project.user.groups='testGroup,testGroup2'\"",
   456  				",MAJOR",
   457  				"\"'testLocation'\"",
   458  				"--detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.paths=path1,path2",
   459  				"--detect.source.path=pathx",
   460  				"--detect.included.detector.types=MAVEN,GRADLE",
   461  				"--detect.excluded.detector.types=NPM,NUGET",
   462  				"--detect.maven.excluded.scopes=test,compile",
   463  				"",
   464  			},
   465  		},
   466  		{
   467  			args: []string{"--testProp1=1"},
   468  			options: detectExecuteScanOptions{
   469  				ServerURL:               "https://server.url",
   470  				Token:                   "apiToken",
   471  				ProjectName:             "testName",
   472  				CodeLocation:            "testLocation",
   473  				FailOn:                  []string{"BLOCKER", "MAJOR"},
   474  				Scanners:                []string{"source"},
   475  				ScanPaths:               []string{"path1", "path2"},
   476  				Groups:                  []string{"testGroup", "testGroup2"},
   477  				Version:                 "1.0",
   478  				VersioningModel:         "major-minor",
   479  				DependencyPath:          "pathx",
   480  				Unmap:                   true,
   481  				IncludedPackageManagers: []string{"maven", "GRADLE"},
   482  				ExcludedPackageManagers: []string{"npm", "NUGET"},
   483  				MavenExcludedScopes:     []string{"TEST", "compile"},
   484  				DetectTools:             []string{"DETECTOR"},
   485  				ScanOnChanges:           true,
   486  			},
   487  			expected: []string{
   488  				"--testProp1=1",
   489  				"--report",
   490  				"--blackduck.url=https://server.url",
   491  				"--blackduck.api.token=apiToken",
   492  				"\"'testName'\"",
   493  				"\"'1.0'\"",
   494  				"\"--detect.project.user.groups='testGroup,testGroup2'\"",
   495  				",MAJOR",
   496  				"\"'testLocation'\"",
   497  				"--detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.paths=path1,path2",
   498  				"--detect.source.path=pathx",
   499  				"--detect.included.detector.types=MAVEN,GRADLE",
   500  				"--detect.excluded.detector.types=NPM,NUGET",
   501  				"--detect.maven.excluded.scopes=test,compile",
   502  				"",
   503  			},
   504  		},
   505  		{
   506  			args: []string{"--testProp1=1"},
   507  			options: detectExecuteScanOptions{
   508  				ServerURL:               "https://server.url",
   509  				Token:                   "apiToken",
   510  				ProjectName:             "testName",
   511  				CodeLocation:            "testLocation",
   512  				FailOn:                  []string{"BLOCKER", "MAJOR"},
   513  				Scanners:                []string{"source"},
   514  				ScanPaths:               []string{"path1", "path2"},
   515  				Groups:                  []string{"testGroup", "testGroup2"},
   516  				Version:                 "1.0",
   517  				VersioningModel:         "major-minor",
   518  				DependencyPath:          "pathx",
   519  				Unmap:                   true,
   520  				IncludedPackageManagers: []string{"maven", "GRADLE"},
   521  				ExcludedPackageManagers: []string{"npm", "NUGET"},
   522  				MavenExcludedScopes:     []string{"TEST", "compile"},
   523  				DetectTools:             []string{"DETECTOR"},
   524  				ScanOnChanges:           true,
   525  			},
   526  			expected: []string{
   527  				"--testProp1=1",
   528  				"--report",
   529  				"--blackduck.url=https://server.url",
   530  				"--blackduck.api.token=apiToken",
   531  				"\"'testName'\"",
   532  				"\"'1.0'\"",
   533  				"\"--detect.project.user.groups='testGroup,testGroup2'\"",
   534  				",MAJOR",
   535  				"\"'testLocation'\"",
   536  				"--detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.paths=path1,path2",
   537  				"--detect.source.path=pathx",
   538  				"--detect.included.detector.types=MAVEN,GRADLE",
   539  				"--detect.excluded.detector.types=NPM,NUGET",
   540  				"--detect.maven.excluded.scopes=test,compile",
   541  				"",
   542  			},
   543  		},
   544  		{
   545  			args: []string{"--testProp1=1"},
   546  			options: detectExecuteScanOptions{
   547  				ScanProperties:          []string{"--scan=1", "--detect.project.codelocation.unmap=true"},
   548  				ServerURL:               "https://server.url",
   549  				Token:                   "apiToken",
   550  				ProjectName:             "testName",
   551  				CodeLocation:            "testLocation",
   552  				FailOn:                  []string{"BLOCKER", "MAJOR"},
   553  				Scanners:                []string{"source"},
   554  				ScanPaths:               []string{"path1", "path2"},
   555  				Groups:                  []string{"testGroup", "testGroup2"},
   556  				Version:                 "1.0",
   557  				VersioningModel:         "major-minor",
   558  				DependencyPath:          "pathx",
   559  				Unmap:                   true,
   560  				IncludedPackageManagers: []string{"maven", "GRADLE"},
   561  				ExcludedPackageManagers: []string{"npm", "NUGET"},
   562  				MavenExcludedScopes:     []string{"TEST", "compile"},
   563  				DetectTools:             []string{"DETECTOR"},
   564  				ScanOnChanges:           true,
   565  			},
   566  			expected: []string{
   567  				"--testProp1=1",
   568  				"--report",
   569  				"--scan=1",
   570  				"--blackduck.url=https://server.url",
   571  				"--blackduck.api.token=apiToken",
   572  				"\"'testName'\"",
   573  				"\"'1.0'\"",
   574  				"\"--detect.project.user.groups='testGroup,testGroup2'\"",
   575  				",MAJOR",
   576  				"\"'testLocation'\"",
   577  				"--detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.paths=path1,path2",
   578  				"--detect.source.path=pathx",
   579  				"--detect.included.detector.types=MAVEN,GRADLE",
   580  				"--detect.excluded.detector.types=NPM,NUGET",
   581  				"--detect.maven.excluded.scopes=test,compile",
   582  				"",
   583  			},
   584  		},
   585  	}
   587  	for k, v := range testData {
   588  		v := v
   589  		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("run %v", k), func(t *testing.T) {
   590  			t.Parallel()
   591  			got, err := addDetectArgs(v.args, v.options, newDetectTestUtilsBundle())
   592  			assert.NoError(t, err)
   593  			assert.Equal(t, v.expected, got)
   594  		})
   595  	}
   596  }
   598  // Testing exit code mapping method
   599  func TestExitCodeMapping(t *testing.T) {
   601  	cases := []struct {
   602  		exitCode int
   603  		expected string
   604  	}{
   606  		{-1, "Not known exit code key"},
   607  		{8, "Not known exit code key"},
   608  		{100, "FAILURE_UNKNOWN_ERROR"},
   609  	}
   611  	for _, c := range cases {
   612  		response := exitCodeMapping(c.exitCode)
   613  		assert.Contains(t, response, c.expected)
   614  	}
   615  }
   617  func TestPostScanChecksAndReporting(t *testing.T) {
   618  	t.Parallel()
   619  	t.Run("Reporting after scan", func(t *testing.T) {
   620  		config := detectExecuteScanOptions{Token: "token", ServerURL: "https://my.blackduck.system", ProjectName: "SHC-PiperTest", Version: "", CustomScanVersion: "1.0"}
   621  		utils := newDetectTestUtilsBundle()
   622  		sys := newBlackduckMockSystem(config)
   623  		err := postScanChecksAndReporting(config, &detectExecuteScanInflux{}, utils, &sys)
   625  		assert.EqualError(t, err, "License Policy Violations found")
   626  		content, err := utils.FileRead("blackduck-ip.json")
   627  		assert.NoError(t, err)
   628  		assert.Contains(t, string(content), `"policyViolations":2`)
   629  	})
   630  }
   632  func TestIsMajorVulnerability(t *testing.T) {
   633  	t.Parallel()
   634  	t.Run("Case True", func(t *testing.T) {
   635  		vr := bd.VulnerabilityWithRemediation{
   636  			OverallScore: 7.5,
   637  			Severity:     "HIGH",
   638  		}
   639  		v := bd.Vulnerability{
   640  			Name:                         "",
   641  			VulnerabilityWithRemediation: vr,
   642  		}
   643  		assert.True(t, isMajorVulnerability(v))
   644  	})
   645  	t.Run("Case False", func(t *testing.T) {
   646  		vr := bd.VulnerabilityWithRemediation{
   647  			OverallScore: 7.5,
   648  			Severity:     "MEDIUM",
   649  		}
   650  		v := bd.Vulnerability{
   651  			Name:                         "",
   652  			VulnerabilityWithRemediation: vr,
   653  		}
   654  		assert.False(t, isMajorVulnerability(v))
   655  	})
   656  }
   658  func TestIsActiveVulnerability(t *testing.T) {
   659  	t.Parallel()
   660  	t.Run("Case true", func(t *testing.T) {
   661  		vr := bd.VulnerabilityWithRemediation{
   662  			OverallScore:      7.5,
   663  			Severity:          "HIGH",
   664  			RemediationStatus: "NEW",
   665  		}
   666  		v := bd.Vulnerability{
   667  			Name:                         "",
   668  			VulnerabilityWithRemediation: vr,
   669  		}
   670  		assert.True(t, isActiveVulnerability(v))
   671  	})
   672  	t.Run("Case False", func(t *testing.T) {
   673  		vr := bd.VulnerabilityWithRemediation{
   674  			OverallScore:      7.5,
   675  			Severity:          "HIGH",
   676  			RemediationStatus: "IGNORED",
   677  		}
   678  		v := bd.Vulnerability{
   679  			Name:                         "",
   680  			VulnerabilityWithRemediation: vr,
   681  		}
   682  		assert.False(t, isActiveVulnerability(v))
   683  	})
   684  }
   686  func TestIsActivePolicyViolation(t *testing.T) {
   687  	t.Parallel()
   688  	t.Run("Case true", func(t *testing.T) {
   689  		assert.True(t, isActivePolicyViolation("IN_VIOLATION"))
   690  	})
   691  	t.Run("Case False", func(t *testing.T) {
   692  		assert.False(t, isActivePolicyViolation("NOT_IN_VIOLATION"))
   693  	})
   694  }
   696  func TestGetActivePolicyViolations(t *testing.T) {
   697  	t.Parallel()
   698  	t.Run("Case true", func(t *testing.T) {
   699  		config := detectExecuteScanOptions{Token: "token", ServerURL: "https://my.blackduck.system", ProjectName: "SHC-PiperTest", Version: "", CustomScanVersion: "1.0"}
   700  		sys := newBlackduckMockSystem(config)
   702  		components, err := sys.Client.GetComponents("SHC-PiperTest", "1.0")
   703  		assert.NoError(t, err)
   704  		assert.Equal(t, getActivePolicyViolations(components), 2)
   705  	})
   706  }