
     1  package main
     3  // TODO: Use a different syntax highlighting package, with support for many different programming languages
     4  import (
     5  	"strings"
     7  	""
     8  	""
     9  )
    11  var (
    12  	// Assembly
    13  	asmWords = []string{"A0", "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "A6", "A7", "AC", "ADDWATCH", "ALIGN", "AUTO", "BAC0", "BAC1", "BAC2", "BAC3", "BAC4", "BAC5", "BAC6", "BAC7", "BAD0", "BAD1", "BAD2", "BAD3", "BAD4", "BAD5", "BAD6", "BAD7", "BASEREG", "BLK.B", "BLK.D", "BLK.L", "BLK.P", "BLK.S", "BLK.W", "BLK.X", "BUSCR", "CAAR", "CACR", "CAL", "CCR", "CMEXIT", "CNOP", "CRP", "D0", "D1", "D2", "D3", "D4", "D5", "D6", "D7", "DACR0", "DACR1", "DC.B", "DC.D", "DC.L", "DC.P", "DC.S", "DC.W", "DC.X", "DCB.B", "DCB.D", "DCB.L", "DCB.P", "DCB.S", "DCB.W", "DCB.X", "DFC", "DR.B", "DR.L", "DR.W", "DRP", "DS.B", "DS.D", "DS.L", "DS.P", "DS.S", "DS.W", "DS.X", "DTT0", "DTT1", "ELSE", "END", "ENDB", "ENDC", "ENDIF", "ENDM", "ENDOFF", "ENDR", "ENTRY", "EQU", "EQUC", "EQUD", "EQUP", "EQUR", "EQUS", "EQUX", "EREM", "ETEXT", "EVEN", "EXTERN", "EXTRN", "FAIL", "FILESIZE", "FP0", "FP1", "FP2", "FP3", "FP4", "FP5", "FP6", "FP7", "FPCR", "FPIAR", "FPSR", "FileSize", "GLOBAL", "IACR0", "IACR1", "IDNT", "IF1", "IF2", "IFB", "IFC", "IFD", "IFEQ", "IFGE", "IFGT", "IFLE", "IFLT", "IFNB", "IFNC", "IFND", "IFNE", "IMAGE", "INCBIN", "INCDIR", "INCIFF", "INCIFFP", "INCLUDE", "INCSRC", "ISP", "ITT0", "ITT1", "JUMPERR", "JUMPPTR", "LINEA", "LINEF", "LINE_A", "LINE_F", "LIST", "LLEN", "LOAD", "MACRO", "MASK2", "MEXIT", "MMUSR", "MSP", "NOLIST", "NOPAGE", "ODD", "OFFSET", "ORG", "PAGE", "PCR", "PCSR", "PLEN", "PRINTT", "PRINTV", "PSR", "REG", "REGF", "REM", "REPT", "RORG", "RS.B", "RS.L", "RS.W", "RSRESET", "RSSET", "SCC", "SECTION", "SET", "SETCPU", "SETFPU", "SETMMU", "SFC", "SP", "SPC", "SR", "SRP", "TC", "TEXT", "TT0", "TT1", "TTL", "URP", "USP", "VAL", "VBR", "XDEF", "XREF", "ZPC", "_start", "a0", "a1", "a2", "a3", "a4", "a5", "a6", "a7", "abcd", "add", "add", "adda", "addi", "addq", "addx", "and", "andi", "asl", "asr", "bcc", "bchg", "bclr", "bcs", "beq", "bge", "bgt", "bhi", "bhs", "bits", "ble", "blo", "bls", "blt", "bmi", "bne", "bpl", "bra", "bset", "bsr", "btst", "bvc", "bvs", "chk", "clr", "cmp", "cmpa", "cmpi", "cmpm", "d0", "d1", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5", "d6", "d7", "db", "dbcc", "dbeq", "dbf", "dbra", "dd", "div", "divs", "divu", "dq", "dw", "eor", "eori", "equ", "exg", "ext", "global", "illegal", "inc", "int", "jmp", "jsr", "lea", "lea", "link", "lsl", "lsr", "mov", "move", "movea", "movem", "movep", "moveq", "muls", "mulu", "nbcd", "neg", "negx", "nop", "not", "or", "org", "ori", "out", "pea", "pop", "push", "reset", "rol", "rol", "ror", "ror", "roxl", "roxr", "rte", "rtr", "rts", "sbcd", "scc", "scs", "section", "seq", "sf", "sge", "sgt", "shi", "shl", "shr", "sle", "sls", "slt", "smi", "sne", "sp", "spl", "st", "stop", "sub", "sub", "suba", "subi", "subq", "subx", "svc", "svs", "swap", "syscall", "tas", "trap", "trapv", "tst", "unlk", "xor"}
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    21  	// CMake, based on /usr/share/nvim/runtime/syntax/cmake.vim
    22  	cmakeWords = []string{"add_compile_options", "add_custom_command", "add_custom_target", "add_definitions", "add_dependencies", "add_executable", "add_library", "add_subdirectory", "add_test", "build_command", "build_name", "cmake_host_system_information", "cmake_minimum_required", "cmake_parse_arguments", "cmake_policy", "configure_file", "create_test_sourcelist", "ctest_build", "ctest_configure", "ctest_coverage", "ctest_memcheck", "ctest_run_script", "ctest_start", "ctest_submit", "ctest_test", "ctest_update", "ctest_upload", "define_property", "enable_language", "enable_testing", "endforeach", "endfunction", "endif", "exec_program", "execute_process", "export", "export_library_dependencies", "file", "find_file", "find_library", "find_package", "find_path", "find_program", "fltk_wrap_ui", "foreach", "function", "get_cmake_property", "get_directory_property", "get_filename_component", "get_property", "get_source_file_property", "get_target_property", "get_test_property", "if", "include", "include_directories", "include_external_msproject", "include_guard", "install", "install_files", "install_programs", "install_targets", "list", "load_cache", "load_command", "macro", "make_directory", "mark_as_advanced", "math", "message", "option", "project", "remove", "separate_arguments", "set", "set_directory_properties", "set_package_properties", "set_property", "set_source_files_properties", "set_target_properties", "set_tests_properties", "source_group", "string", "subdirs", "target_compile_definitions", "target_compile_features", "target_compile_options", "target_include_directories", "target_link_libraries", "target_sources", "try_compile", "try_run", "unset", "use_mangled_mesa", "variable_requires", "variable_watch", "while", "write_file"}
    24  	// C#
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    30  	// Dart + some FFI classes
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    33  	// Elisp
    34  	emacsWords = []string{"add-to-list", "defconst", "defun", "defvar", "if", "lambda", "let", "load", "nil", "require", "setq", "when"} // this should do it
    36  	// Fortran77
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    39  	// Fortran90
    40  	fortran90Words = []string{"allocatable", "allocate", "assign", "backspace", "block data", "call", "case", "close", "common", "contains", "continue", "cycle", "data", "deallocate", "dimension", "do", "else", "else if", "elsewhere", "end", "endfile", "endif", "entry", "equivalence", "exit", "external", "format", "function", "goto", "if", "implicit", "include", "inquire", "intent", "interface", "intrinsic", "module", "namelist", "nullify", "only", "open", "operator", "optional", "parameter", "pause", "pointer", "print", "private", "procedure", "program", "public", "read", "recursive", "result", "return", "rewind", "rewrite", "save", "select", "sequence", "stop", "subroutine", "target", "then", "use", "where", "while", "write"}
    42  	// F#
    43  	fsharpWords = []string{"abstract", "and", "as", "asr", "assert", "base", "begin", "break", "checked", "class", "component", "const", "const", "constraint", "continue", "default", "delegate", "do", "done", "downcast", "downto", "elif", "else", "end", "event", "exception", "extern", "external", "false", "finally", "fixed", "for", "fun", "function", "global", "if", "in", "include", "inherit", "inline", "interface", "internal", "land", "lazy", "let!", "let", "lor", "lsl", "lsr", "lxor", "match!", "match", "member", "mixin", "mod", "module", "mutable", "namespace", "new", "not", "null", "of", "open", "or", "override", "parallel", "private", "process", "protected", "public", "pure", "rec", "return!", "return", "sealed", "select", "sig", "static", "struct", "tailcall", "then", "to", "trait", "true", "try", "type", "upcast", "use!", "use", "val", "virtual", "void", "when", "while", "with", "yield!", "yield"}
    45  	// GDScript
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    48  	// Haxe
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    51  	// Hardware Interface Description Language. Keywords from
    52  	hidlWords = []string{"constexpr", "enum", "extends", "generates", "import", "interface", "oneway", "package", "safe_union", "struct", "typedef", "union"}
    54  	// Inko
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    57  	// Just
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    60  	// Koka
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    63  	// Kotlin
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    91  	dWords = []string{"abstract", "alias", "align", "asm", "assert", "auto", "body", "bool", "break", "byte", "case", "cast", "catch", "cdouble", "cent", "cfloat", "char", "class", "const", "continue", "creal", "dchar", "debug", "default", "delegate", "delete", "deprecated", "do", "double", "else", "enum", "export", "extern", "false", "__FILE__", "__FILE_FULL_PATH__", "final", "finally", "float", "for", "foreach", "foreach_reverse", "__FUNCTION__", "function", "goto", "__gshared", "idouble", "if", "ifloat", "immutable", "import", "in", "inout", "int", "interface", "invariant", "ireal", "is", "lazy", "__LINE__", "long", "macro", "mixin", "__MODULE__", "module", "new", "nothrow", "null", "out", "override", "package", "__parameters", "pragma", "__PRETTY_FUNCTION__", "private", "protected", "public", "pure", "real", "ref", "return", "scope", "shared", "short", "static", "struct", "super", "switch", "synchronized", "template", "this", "throw", "__traits", "true", "try", "typeid", "typeof", "ubyte", "ucent", "uint", "ulong", "union", "unittest", "ushort", "__vector", "version", "void", "wchar", "while", "with"}
    93  	// Standard ML
    94  	smlWords = []string{"abstype", "and", "andalso", "as", "case", "do", "datatype", "else", "end", "eqtype", "exception", "fn", "fun", "functor", "handle", "if", "in", "include", "infix", "infixr", "let", "local", "nonfix", "of", "op", "open", "orelse", "raise", "rec", "sharing", "sig", "signature", "struct", "structure", "then", "type", "val", "where", "with", "withtype", "while"}
    96  	// Erlang
    97  	erlangWords = []string{"after", "and", "andalso", "band", "begin", "bnot", "bor", "bsl", "bsr", "bxor", "case", "catch", "cond", "div", "end", "fun", "if", "let", "not", "of", "or", "orelse", "receive", "rem", "try", "when", "xor"}
    99  	// Docker
   100  	dockerWords = []string{"arg", "attach", "build", "cmd", "commit", "container", "copy", "cp", "create", "diff", "entrypoint", "env", "events", "exec", "export", "expose", "from", "history", "image", "images", "import", "info", "inspect", "kill", "load", "login", "logout", "logs", "network", "pause", "port", "ps", "pull", "push", "rename", "repository", "restart", "rm", "rmi", "run", "save", "search", "start", "stats", "stop", "tag", "top", "unpause", "update", "version", "volume", "wait", "workdir"}
   102  	// Ollama
   103  	ollamaWords = []string{"from", "parameter", "template", "system", "adapter", "license"}
   105  	// Swift
   106  	swiftWords = []string{"associatedtype", "class", "deinit", "enum", "extension", "fileprivate", "func", "import", "init", "inout", "internal", "let", "open", "operator", "private", "precedencegroup", "protocol", "public", "rethrows", "static", "struct", "subscript", "typealias", "var", "break", "case", "catch", "continue", "default", "defer", "do", "else", "fallthrough", "for", "guard", "if", "in", "repeat", "return", "throw", "switch", "where", "while", "Any", "as", "await", "catch", "false", "is", "nil", "rethrows", "self", "Self", "super", "throw", "throws", "true", "try", "#available", "#colorLiteral", "#elseif", "#else", "#endif", "#fileLiteral", "#if", "#imageLiteral", "#keyPath", "#selector", "#sourceLocation", "associativity", "convenience", "didSet", "dynamic", "final", "get", "indirect", "infix", "lazy", "left", "mutating", "none", "nonmutating", "optional", "override", "postfix", "precedence", "prefix", "Protocol", "required", "right", "set", "some", "Type", "unowned", "weak", "willSet"}
   107  )
   109  func clearKeywords() {
   110  	syntax.Keywords = make(map[string]struct{})
   111  }
   113  func addKeywords(addKeywords []string) {
   114  	// Add the keywords that are to be syntax highlighted
   115  	for _, kw := range addKeywords {
   116  		syntax.Keywords[kw] = struct{}{}
   117  	}
   118  }
   120  func addKeywordsAsUppercase(xs []string) {
   121  	uppercase := []string{}
   122  	for _, word := range xs {
   123  		uppercase = append(uppercase, strings.ToUpper(word))
   124  	}
   125  	addKeywords(uppercase)
   126  }
   128  func removeKeywords(delKeywords []string) {
   129  	// Remove keywords that should not be syntax highlighted
   130  	for _, kw := range delKeywords {
   131  		delete(syntax.Keywords, kw)
   132  	}
   133  }
   135  func addAndRemoveKeywords(addAndDelKeywords ...[]string) {
   136  	l := len(addAndDelKeywords)
   137  	if l > 0 {
   138  		addKeywords(addAndDelKeywords[0])
   139  	}
   140  	if l > 1 {
   141  		removeKeywords(addAndDelKeywords[1])
   142  	}
   143  }
   145  func setKeywords(addAndDelKeywords ...[]string) {
   146  	clearKeywords()
   147  	addAndRemoveKeywords(addAndDelKeywords...)
   148  }
   150  // cLikeSwitch checks if the given mode is a language with C-like for expressions
   151  func cLikeFor(m mode.Mode) bool {
   152  	return m == mode.Arduino || m == mode.C || m == mode.Cpp || m == mode.ObjC || m == mode.Shader || m == mode.Zig || m == mode.Java || m == mode.JavaScript || m == mode.Kotlin || m == mode.TypeScript || m == mode.D || m == mode.Dart || m == mode.Hare || m == mode.Jakt || m == mode.Scala
   153  }
   155  // cLikeSwitch checks if the given mode is a language with C-like switch/case expressions
   156  func cLikeSwitch(m mode.Mode) bool {
   157  	return m == mode.Arduino || m == mode.C || m == mode.Cpp || m == mode.ObjC || m == mode.Shader || m == mode.Go || m == mode.Java || m == mode.JavaScript || m == mode.Kotlin || m == mode.TypeScript || m == mode.D || m == mode.Dart || m == mode.Hare || m == mode.Jakt || m == mode.Scala
   158  }
   160  // adjustSyntaxHighlightingKeywords contains per-language adjustments to highlighting of keywords
   161  func adjustSyntaxHighlightingKeywords(m mode.Mode) {
   162  	switch m {
   163  	case mode.Ada:
   164  		addKeywords([]string{"constant", "loop", "procedure", "project"})
   165  	case mode.Assembly:
   166  		setKeywords(asmWords)
   167  	case mode.Battlestar:
   168  		setKeywords(battlestarWords)
   169  	case mode.Clojure:
   170  		setKeywords(clojureWords)
   171  	case mode.CMake:
   172  		addAndRemoveKeywords(cmakeWords, []string{"build", "package"})
   173  	case mode.Config:
   174  		removeKeywords([]string{"auto", "build", "default", "for", "from", "get", "install", "int", "local", "no", "not", "package", "super", "type", "var", "with"})
   175  		addKeywords([]string{"DB_PASSWORD", "PASSWORD", "POSTGRES_PASSWORD", "PWD", "Password", "Pwd", "SECRET", "SECRETS", "Secret", "Secrets", "bind", "password", "pwd", "secret", "secrets", "set-option", "set-window-option", "unbind", "uses"})
   176  	case mode.CS:
   177  		setKeywords(csWords)
   178  	case mode.CSS:
   179  		setKeywords(cssWords)
   180  	case mode.D:
   181  		setKeywords(dWords)
   182  	case mode.Dart:
   183  		setKeywords(dartWords)
   184  	case mode.Docker:
   185  		removeKeywords([]string{"auto", "default", "from", "install", "int", "local", "no", "not", "pull", "type", "var"})
   186  		addKeywords(dockerWords)
   187  		addKeywordsAsUppercase(dockerWords)
   188  		removeKeywords([]string{"copy", "entrypoint", "env", "from", "pull", "run"}) // remove the lowercase variety of these
   189  	case mode.Erlang:
   190  		setKeywords(erlangWords)
   191  	case mode.Fortran77:
   192  		setKeywords(fortran77Words)
   193  		addKeywordsAsUppercase(fortran77Words)
   194  	case mode.Fortran90:
   195  		setKeywords(fortran90Words)
   196  	case mode.FSharp:
   197  		setKeywords(fsharpWords)
   198  	case mode.GDScript:
   199  		setKeywords(gdscriptWords)
   200  	case mode.Go:
   201  		// TODO: Define goWords and use setKeywords instead
   202  		addKeywords := []string{"defer", "error", "fallthrough", "func", "go", "import", "package", "print", "println", "range", "rune", "string", "uint", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64", "uint8"}
   203  		delKeywords := []string{"False", "None", "True", "assert", "auto", "build", "char", "class", "def", "def", "del", "die", "done", "end", "fi", "final", "finally", "fn", "foreach", "from", "get", "in", "include", "is", "last", "let", "match", "mut", "next", "no", "pass", "redo", "rescue", "ret", "retry", "set", "static", "template", "then", "this", "when", "where", "while", "yes"}
   204  		addAndRemoveKeywords(addKeywords, delKeywords)
   205  	case mode.Haxe:
   206  		setKeywords(haxeWords)
   207  	case mode.HIDL:
   208  		setKeywords(hidlWords)
   209  	case mode.Inko:
   210  		setKeywords(inkoWords)
   211  	case mode.AIDL:
   212  		addKeywords(append([]string{"interface"}, hidlWords...))
   213  		fallthrough // continue to mode.Java
   214  	case mode.Java:
   215  		addKeywords := []string{"package"}
   216  		delKeywords := []string{"add", "bool", "get", "in", "local", "sub"}
   217  		addAndRemoveKeywords(addKeywords, delKeywords)
   218  	case mode.JavaScript:
   219  		kws := []string{"super"}
   220  		addKeywords(kws)
   221  	case mode.JSON:
   222  		removeKeywords([]string{"install"})
   223  	case mode.Koka:
   224  		setKeywords(kokaWords)
   225  	case mode.Kotlin:
   226  		setKeywords(kotlinWords)
   227  	case mode.Lilypond:
   228  		setKeywords(lilypondWords)
   229  	case mode.Lisp:
   230  		setKeywords(emacsWords)
   231  	case mode.Lua, mode.Teal, mode.Terra: // use the Lua mode for Teal and Terra, for now
   232  		setKeywords(luaWords)
   233  	case mode.Nroff:
   234  		addKeywords := []string{"B", "BR", "PP", "SH", "TP", "fB", "fI", "fP", "RB", "TH", "IR", "IP", "fI", "fR"}
   235  		delKeywords := []string{"class"}
   236  		setKeywords(addKeywords, delKeywords)
   237  	case mode.ManPage:
   238  		clearKeywords()
   239  	case mode.ObjectPascal:
   240  		addKeywords(objPasWords)
   241  	case mode.Oak:
   242  		addAndRemoveKeywords([]string{"fn"}, []string{"from", "new", "print"})
   243  	case mode.Python, mode.Nim, mode.Mojo:
   244  		removeKeywords([]string{"append", "exit", "fn", "get", "package", "print"})
   245  	case mode.Odin:
   246  		setKeywords(odinWords)
   247  	case mode.Ollama:
   248  		removeKeywords([]string{"auto", "default", "from", "install", "int", "local", "no", "not", "type", "var"})
   249  		addKeywords(ollamaWords)
   250  		addKeywordsAsUppercase(ollamaWords)
   251  	case mode.PolicyLanguage: // SE Linux
   252  		setKeywords(policyLanguageWords)
   253  	case mode.Garnet, mode.Hare, mode.Jakt, mode.Rust: // Originally only for Rust, split up as needed
   254  		addKeywords := []string{"String", "assert_eq", "char", "fn", "i16", "i32", "i64", "i8", "impl", "loop", "mod", "out", "panic", "u16", "u32", "u64", "u8", "usize"}
   255  		// "as" and "mut" are treated as special cases in the syntax package
   256  		delKeywords := []string{"as", "build", "byte", "done", "foreach", "get", "int", "int16", "int32", "int64", "last", "map", "mut", "next", "pass", "print", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64", "var"}
   257  		if m != mode.Garnet {
   258  			delKeywords = append(delKeywords, "end")
   259  		}
   260  		addAndRemoveKeywords(addKeywords, delKeywords)
   261  	case mode.Scala:
   262  		setKeywords(scalaWords)
   263  	case mode.OCaml:
   264  		setKeywords(ocamlWords)
   265  	case mode.Elm, mode.StandardML:
   266  		setKeywords(smlWords)
   267  	case mode.SQL:
   268  		addKeywords([]string{"NOT"})
   269  	case mode.Swift:
   270  		setKeywords(swiftWords)
   271  	case mode.Vim:
   272  		addKeywords([]string{"call", "echo", "elseif", "endfunction", "map", "nmap", "redraw"})
   273  	case mode.Zig:
   274  		setKeywords(zigWords, []string{"log"})
   275  	case mode.GoAssembly:
   276  		// Only highlight some words, to make them stand out
   277  		addKeywords := []string{"cap", "close", "complex", "complex128", "complex64", "copy", "db", "dd", "dw", "imag", "int", "len", "panic", "real", "recover", "resb", "resd", "resw", "section", "syscall", "uintptr"}
   278  		setKeywords(addKeywords)
   279  	case mode.Just:
   280  		addKeywords(justWords)
   281  		fallthrough // Continue to Make and shell
   282  	case mode.Make, mode.Shell:
   283  		addKeywords := []string{"--force", "-f", "checkout", "configure", "dd", "do", "doas", "done", "endif", "exec", "fdisk", "for", "gdisk", "ifeq", "ifneq", "in", "make", "mv", "ninja", "rm", "rmdir", "setopt", "su", "sudo", "while"}
   284  		delKeywords := []string{"#else", "#endif", "as", "build", "default", "del", "double", "exec", "finally", "float", "fn", "generic", "get", "long", "new", "no", "package", "pass", "print", "property", "require", "ret", "set", "super", "super", "template", "type", "var", "with"}
   285  		if m == mode.Shell { // Only for shell scripts, not for Makefiles
   286  			delKeywords = append(delKeywords, "install")
   287  		}
   288  		addAndRemoveKeywords(addKeywords, delKeywords)
   289  	case mode.Shader:
   290  		addKeywords([]string{"buffer", "bvec2", "bvec3", "bvec4", "coherent", "dvec2", "dvec3", "dvec4", "flat", "in", "inout", "invariant", "ivec2", "ivec3", "ivec4", "layout", "mat", "mat2", "mat3", "mat4", "noperspective", "out", "precision", "readonly", "restrict", "smooth", "uniform", "uvec2", "uvec3", "uvec4", "vec2", "vec3", "vec4", "volatile", "writeonly"})
   291  		fallthrough // Continue to C/C++ and then to the default
   292  	case mode.Arduino, mode.C, mode.Cpp, mode.ObjC:
   293  		addKeywords := []string{"int8_t", "uint8_t", "int16_t", "uint16_t", "int32_t", "uint32_t", "int64_t", "uint64_t", "size_t"}
   294  		delKeywords := []string{"ret", "static"} // static is treated separately, as a special keyword
   295  		addAndRemoveKeywords(addKeywords, delKeywords)
   296  		fallthrough // Continue to the default
   297  	default:
   298  		addKeywords := []string{"elif", "endif", "ifeq", "ifneq"}
   299  		delKeywords := []string{"build", "done", "package", "require", "set", "super", "type", "when"}
   300  		addAndRemoveKeywords(addKeywords, delKeywords)
   301  	}
   302  }
   304  // SingleLineCommentMarker will return the string that starts a single-line
   305  // comment for the current language mode the editor is in.
   306  func (e *Editor) SingleLineCommentMarker() string {
   307  	switch e.mode {
   308  	case mode.Amber:
   309  		return "!!"
   310  	case mode.Assembly:
   311  		return ";"
   312  	case mode.Basic:
   313  		return "'"
   314  	case mode.Bat:
   315  		return "@rem" // or rem or just ":" ...
   316  	case mode.Algol68, mode.Bazel, mode.CMake, mode.Config, mode.Crystal, mode.Docker, mode.GDScript, mode.Just, mode.Make, mode.Nim, mode.Mojo, mode.PolicyLanguage, mode.Python, mode.R, mode.Ruby, mode.Shell:
   317  		return "#"
   318  	case mode.Clojure, mode.Lisp:
   319  		return ";;"
   320  	case mode.Email:
   321  		return "GIT:"
   322  	case mode.Fortran77:
   323  		return "*" // TODO: Also add "C", "c" and all the others
   324  	case mode.Fortran90:
   325  		return "!" // TODO: Only at the start of lines
   326  	case mode.OCaml, mode.StandardML:
   327  		// Not applicable, just return the multiline comment start marker
   328  		return "(*"
   329  	case mode.Ada, mode.Agda, mode.Elm, mode.Garnet, mode.Haskell, mode.Lua, mode.SQL, mode.Teal, mode.Terra:
   330  		return "--"
   331  	case mode.M4:
   332  		return "dnl"
   333  	case mode.Nroff:
   334  		return `.\"`
   335  	case mode.ObjectPascal:
   336  		return "{"
   337  	case mode.Lilypond, mode.Perl, mode.Prolog:
   338  		return "%"
   339  	case mode.ReStructured:
   340  		return "["
   341  	case mode.Vim:
   342  		return "\""
   343  	default:
   344  		return "//"
   345  	}
   346  }