
     1  # The Chart Best Practices Guide
     3  This guide covers the Helm Team's considered best practices for creating charts.
     4  It focuses on how charts should be structured.
     6  We focus primarily on best practices for charts that may be publicly deployed.
     7  We know that many charts are for internal-use only, and authors of such charts
     8  may find that their internal interests override our suggestions here.
    10  ## Table of Contents
    12  - [General Conventions]( Learn about general chart conventions.
    13  - [Values Files]( See the best practices for structuring `values.yaml`.
    14  - [Templates]( Learn some of the best techniques for writing templates.
    15  - [Requirements]( Follow best practices for `requirements.yaml` files.
    16  - [Labels and Annotations]( Helm has a _heritage_ of labeling and annotating.
    17  - Kubernetes Resources:
    18  	- [Pods and Pod Specs]( See the best practices for working with pod specifications.
    19  	- [Role-Based Access Control]( Guidance on creating and using service accounts, roles, and role bindings.
    20  	- [Third Party Resources]( Third Party Resources (TPRs) have their own associated best practices.