
     1  /*
     2  Copyright IBM Corp. 2016 All Rights Reserved.
     4  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     5  */
     7  package cauthdsl
     9  import (
    10  	"sort"
    12  	""
    13  	cb ""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  )
    18  // AcceptAllPolicy always evaluates to true
    19  var AcceptAllPolicy *cb.SignaturePolicyEnvelope
    21  // MarshaledAcceptAllPolicy is the Marshaled version of AcceptAllPolicy
    22  var MarshaledAcceptAllPolicy []byte
    24  // RejectAllPolicy always evaluates to false
    25  var RejectAllPolicy *cb.SignaturePolicyEnvelope
    27  // MarshaledRejectAllPolicy is the Marshaled version of RejectAllPolicy
    28  var MarshaledRejectAllPolicy []byte
    30  func init() {
    31  	var err error
    33  	AcceptAllPolicy = Envelope(NOutOf(0, []*cb.SignaturePolicy{}), [][]byte{})
    34  	MarshaledAcceptAllPolicy, err = proto.Marshal(AcceptAllPolicy)
    35  	if err != nil {
    36  		panic("Error marshaling trueEnvelope")
    37  	}
    39  	RejectAllPolicy = Envelope(NOutOf(1, []*cb.SignaturePolicy{}), [][]byte{})
    40  	MarshaledRejectAllPolicy, err = proto.Marshal(RejectAllPolicy)
    41  	if err != nil {
    42  		panic("Error marshaling falseEnvelope")
    43  	}
    44  }
    46  // Envelope builds an envelope message embedding a SignaturePolicy
    47  func Envelope(policy *cb.SignaturePolicy, identities [][]byte) *cb.SignaturePolicyEnvelope {
    48  	ids := make([]*msp.MSPPrincipal, len(identities))
    49  	for i := range ids {
    50  		ids[i] = &msp.MSPPrincipal{PrincipalClassification: msp.MSPPrincipal_IDENTITY, Principal: identities[i]}
    51  	}
    53  	return &cb.SignaturePolicyEnvelope{
    54  		Version:    0,
    55  		Rule:       policy,
    56  		Identities: ids,
    57  	}
    58  }
    60  // SignedBy creates a SignaturePolicy requiring a given signer's signature
    61  func SignedBy(index int32) *cb.SignaturePolicy {
    62  	return &cb.SignaturePolicy{
    63  		Type: &cb.SignaturePolicy_SignedBy{
    64  			SignedBy: index,
    65  		},
    66  	}
    67  }
    69  // SignedByMspMember creates a SignaturePolicyEnvelope
    70  // requiring 1 signature from any member of the specified MSP
    71  func SignedByMspMember(mspId string) *cb.SignaturePolicyEnvelope {
    72  	return signedByFabricEntity(mspId, msp.MSPRole_MEMBER)
    73  }
    75  // SignedByMspClient creates a SignaturePolicyEnvelope
    76  // requiring 1 signature from any client of the specified MSP
    77  func SignedByMspClient(mspId string) *cb.SignaturePolicyEnvelope {
    78  	return signedByFabricEntity(mspId, msp.MSPRole_CLIENT)
    79  }
    81  // SignedByMspPeer creates a SignaturePolicyEnvelope
    82  // requiring 1 signature from any peer of the specified MSP
    83  func SignedByMspPeer(mspId string) *cb.SignaturePolicyEnvelope {
    84  	return signedByFabricEntity(mspId, msp.MSPRole_PEER)
    85  }
    87  // SignedByFabricEntity creates a SignaturePolicyEnvelope
    88  // requiring 1 signature from any fabric entity, having the passed role, of the specified MSP
    89  func signedByFabricEntity(mspId string, role msp.MSPRole_MSPRoleType) *cb.SignaturePolicyEnvelope {
    90  	// specify the principal: it's a member of the msp we just found
    91  	principal := &msp.MSPPrincipal{
    92  		PrincipalClassification: msp.MSPPrincipal_ROLE,
    93  		Principal:               protoutil.MarshalOrPanic(&msp.MSPRole{Role: role, MspIdentifier: mspId})}
    95  	// create the policy: it requires exactly 1 signature from the first (and only) principal
    96  	p := &cb.SignaturePolicyEnvelope{
    97  		Version:    0,
    98  		Rule:       NOutOf(1, []*cb.SignaturePolicy{SignedBy(0)}),
    99  		Identities: []*msp.MSPPrincipal{principal},
   100  	}
   102  	return p
   103  }
   105  // SignedByMspAdmin creates a SignaturePolicyEnvelope
   106  // requiring 1 signature from any admin of the specified MSP
   107  func SignedByMspAdmin(mspId string) *cb.SignaturePolicyEnvelope {
   108  	// specify the principal: it's a member of the msp we just found
   109  	principal := &msp.MSPPrincipal{
   110  		PrincipalClassification: msp.MSPPrincipal_ROLE,
   111  		Principal:               protoutil.MarshalOrPanic(&msp.MSPRole{Role: msp.MSPRole_ADMIN, MspIdentifier: mspId})}
   113  	// create the policy: it requires exactly 1 signature from the first (and only) principal
   114  	p := &cb.SignaturePolicyEnvelope{
   115  		Version:    0,
   116  		Rule:       NOutOf(1, []*cb.SignaturePolicy{SignedBy(0)}),
   117  		Identities: []*msp.MSPPrincipal{principal},
   118  	}
   120  	return p
   121  }
   123  //wrapper for generating "any of a given role" type policies
   124  func signedByAnyOfGivenRole(role msp.MSPRole_MSPRoleType, ids []string) *cb.SignaturePolicyEnvelope {
   125  	return SignedByNOutOfGivenRole(1, role, ids)
   126  }
   128  func SignedByNOutOfGivenRole(n int32, role msp.MSPRole_MSPRoleType, ids []string) *cb.SignaturePolicyEnvelope {
   129  	// we create an array of principals, one principal
   130  	// per application MSP defined on this chain
   131  	sort.Strings(ids)
   132  	principals := make([]*msp.MSPPrincipal, len(ids))
   133  	sigspolicy := make([]*cb.SignaturePolicy, len(ids))
   134  	for i, id := range ids {
   135  		principals[i] = &msp.MSPPrincipal{
   136  			PrincipalClassification: msp.MSPPrincipal_ROLE,
   137  			Principal:               protoutil.MarshalOrPanic(&msp.MSPRole{Role: role, MspIdentifier: id})}
   138  		sigspolicy[i] = SignedBy(int32(i))
   139  	}
   141  	// create the policy: it requires exactly 1 signature from any of the principals
   142  	p := &cb.SignaturePolicyEnvelope{
   143  		Version:    0,
   144  		Rule:       NOutOf(n, sigspolicy),
   145  		Identities: principals,
   146  	}
   148  	return p
   149  }
   151  // SignedByAnyMember returns a policy that requires one valid
   152  // signature from a member of any of the orgs whose ids are
   153  // listed in the supplied string array
   154  func SignedByAnyMember(ids []string) *cb.SignaturePolicyEnvelope {
   155  	return signedByAnyOfGivenRole(msp.MSPRole_MEMBER, ids)
   156  }
   158  // SignedByAnyClient returns a policy that requires one valid
   159  // signature from a client of any of the orgs whose ids are
   160  // listed in the supplied string array
   161  func SignedByAnyClient(ids []string) *cb.SignaturePolicyEnvelope {
   162  	return signedByAnyOfGivenRole(msp.MSPRole_CLIENT, ids)
   163  }
   165  // SignedByAnyPeer returns a policy that requires one valid
   166  // signature from an orderer of any of the orgs whose ids are
   167  // listed in the supplied string array
   168  func SignedByAnyPeer(ids []string) *cb.SignaturePolicyEnvelope {
   169  	return signedByAnyOfGivenRole(msp.MSPRole_PEER, ids)
   170  }
   172  // SignedByAnyAdmin returns a policy that requires one valid
   173  // signature from a admin of any of the orgs whose ids are
   174  // listed in the supplied string array
   175  func SignedByAnyAdmin(ids []string) *cb.SignaturePolicyEnvelope {
   176  	return signedByAnyOfGivenRole(msp.MSPRole_ADMIN, ids)
   177  }
   179  // And is a convenience method which utilizes NOutOf to produce And equivalent behavior
   180  func And(lhs, rhs *cb.SignaturePolicy) *cb.SignaturePolicy {
   181  	return NOutOf(2, []*cb.SignaturePolicy{lhs, rhs})
   182  }
   184  // Or is a convenience method which utilizes NOutOf to produce Or equivalent behavior
   185  func Or(lhs, rhs *cb.SignaturePolicy) *cb.SignaturePolicy {
   186  	return NOutOf(1, []*cb.SignaturePolicy{lhs, rhs})
   187  }
   189  // NOutOf creates a policy which requires N out of the slice of policies to evaluate to true
   190  func NOutOf(n int32, policies []*cb.SignaturePolicy) *cb.SignaturePolicy {
   191  	return &cb.SignaturePolicy{
   192  		Type: &cb.SignaturePolicy_NOutOf_{
   193  			NOutOf: &cb.SignaturePolicy_NOutOf{
   194  				N:     n,
   195  				Rules: policies,
   196  			},
   197  		},
   198  	}
   199  }