
     1  // Code generated by msgraph.go/gen DO NOT EDIT.
     3  package msgraph
     5  // Credential undocumented
     6  type Credential struct {
     7  	// Object is the base model of Credential
     8  	Object
     9  	// FieldID undocumented
    10  	FieldID *string `json:"fieldId,omitempty"`
    11  	// Value undocumented
    12  	Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"`
    13  	// Type undocumented
    14  	Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
    15  }
    17  // CredentialSingleSignOnExtension undocumented
    18  type CredentialSingleSignOnExtension struct {
    19  	// SingleSignOnExtension is the base model of CredentialSingleSignOnExtension
    20  	SingleSignOnExtension
    21  	// ExtensionIdentifier Gets or sets the bundle ID of the app extension that performs SSO for the specified URLs.
    22  	ExtensionIdentifier *string `json:"extensionIdentifier,omitempty"`
    23  	// TeamIdentifier Gets or sets the team ID of the app extension that performs SSO for the specified URLs.
    24  	TeamIdentifier *string `json:"teamIdentifier,omitempty"`
    25  	// Domains Gets or sets a list of hosts or domain names for which the app extension performs SSO.
    26  	Domains []string `json:"domains,omitempty"`
    27  	// Realm Gets or sets the case-sensitive realm name for this profile.
    28  	Realm *string `json:"realm,omitempty"`
    29  	// Configurations Gets or sets a list of typed key-value pairs used to configure Credential-type profiles. This collection can contain a maximum of 500 elements.
    30  	Configurations []KeyTypedValuePair `json:"configurations,omitempty"`
    31  }
    33  // CredentialUsageSummary undocumented
    34  type CredentialUsageSummary struct {
    35  	// Entity is the base model of CredentialUsageSummary
    36  	Entity
    37  	// Feature undocumented
    38  	Feature *FeatureType `json:"feature,omitempty"`
    39  	// SuccessfulActivityCount undocumented
    40  	SuccessfulActivityCount *int `json:"successfulActivityCount,omitempty"`
    41  	// FailureActivityCount undocumented
    42  	FailureActivityCount *int `json:"failureActivityCount,omitempty"`
    43  	// AuthMethod undocumented
    44  	AuthMethod *UsageAuthMethod `json:"authMethod,omitempty"`
    45  }
    47  // CredentialUserRegistrationCount undocumented
    48  type CredentialUserRegistrationCount struct {
    49  	// Entity is the base model of CredentialUserRegistrationCount
    50  	Entity
    51  	// TotalUserCount undocumented
    52  	TotalUserCount *int `json:"totalUserCount,omitempty"`
    53  	// UserRegistrationCounts undocumented
    54  	UserRegistrationCounts []UserRegistrationCount `json:"userRegistrationCounts,omitempty"`
    55  }
    57  // CredentialUserRegistrationDetails undocumented
    58  type CredentialUserRegistrationDetails struct {
    59  	// Entity is the base model of CredentialUserRegistrationDetails
    60  	Entity
    61  	// UserPrincipalName undocumented
    62  	UserPrincipalName *string `json:"userPrincipalName,omitempty"`
    63  	// UserDisplayName undocumented
    64  	UserDisplayName *string `json:"userDisplayName,omitempty"`
    65  	// AuthMethods undocumented
    66  	AuthMethods []RegistrationAuthMethod `json:"authMethods,omitempty"`
    67  	// IsRegistered undocumented
    68  	IsRegistered *bool `json:"isRegistered,omitempty"`
    69  	// IsEnabled undocumented
    70  	IsEnabled *bool `json:"isEnabled,omitempty"`
    71  	// IsCapable undocumented
    72  	IsCapable *bool `json:"isCapable,omitempty"`
    73  	// IsMFARegistered undocumented
    74  	IsMFARegistered *bool `json:"isMfaRegistered,omitempty"`
    75  }