
     1  // Code generated by msgraph.go/gen DO NOT EDIT.
     3  package msgraph
     5  import "time"
     7  // MobileApp An abstract class containing the base properties for Intune mobile apps.
     8  type MobileApp struct {
     9  	// Entity is the base model of MobileApp
    10  	Entity
    11  	// DisplayName The admin provided or imported title of the app.
    12  	DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
    13  	// Description The description of the app.
    14  	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`
    15  	// Publisher The publisher of the app.
    16  	Publisher *string `json:"publisher,omitempty"`
    17  	// LargeIcon The large icon, to be displayed in the app details and used for upload of the icon.
    18  	LargeIcon *MimeContent `json:"largeIcon,omitempty"`
    19  	// CreatedDateTime The date and time the app was created.
    20  	CreatedDateTime *time.Time `json:"createdDateTime,omitempty"`
    21  	// LastModifiedDateTime The date and time the app was last modified.
    22  	LastModifiedDateTime *time.Time `json:"lastModifiedDateTime,omitempty"`
    23  	// IsFeatured The value indicating whether the app is marked as featured by the admin.
    24  	IsFeatured *bool `json:"isFeatured,omitempty"`
    25  	// PrivacyInformationURL The privacy statement Url.
    26  	PrivacyInformationURL *string `json:"privacyInformationUrl,omitempty"`
    27  	// InformationURL The more information Url.
    28  	InformationURL *string `json:"informationUrl,omitempty"`
    29  	// Owner The owner of the app.
    30  	Owner *string `json:"owner,omitempty"`
    31  	// Developer The developer of the app.
    32  	Developer *string `json:"developer,omitempty"`
    33  	// Notes Notes for the app.
    34  	Notes *string `json:"notes,omitempty"`
    35  	// UploadState The upload state.
    36  	UploadState *int `json:"uploadState,omitempty"`
    37  	// PublishingState The publishing state for the app. The app cannot be assigned unless the app is published.
    38  	PublishingState *MobileAppPublishingState `json:"publishingState,omitempty"`
    39  	// IsAssigned The value indicating whether the app is assigned to at least one group.
    40  	IsAssigned *bool `json:"isAssigned,omitempty"`
    41  	// RoleScopeTagIDs List of scope tag ids for this mobile app.
    42  	RoleScopeTagIDs []string `json:"roleScopeTagIds,omitempty"`
    43  	// DependentAppCount The total number of dependencies the child app has.
    44  	DependentAppCount *int `json:"dependentAppCount,omitempty"`
    45  	// Categories undocumented
    46  	Categories []MobileAppCategory `json:"categories,omitempty"`
    47  	// Assignments undocumented
    48  	Assignments []MobileAppAssignment `json:"assignments,omitempty"`
    49  	// InstallSummary undocumented
    50  	InstallSummary *MobileAppInstallSummary `json:"installSummary,omitempty"`
    51  	// DeviceStatuses undocumented
    52  	DeviceStatuses []MobileAppInstallStatus `json:"deviceStatuses,omitempty"`
    53  	// UserStatuses undocumented
    54  	UserStatuses []UserAppInstallStatus `json:"userStatuses,omitempty"`
    55  	// Relationships undocumented
    56  	Relationships []MobileAppRelationship `json:"relationships,omitempty"`
    57  }
    59  // MobileAppAssignment A class containing the properties used for Group Assignment of a Mobile App.
    60  type MobileAppAssignment struct {
    61  	// Entity is the base model of MobileAppAssignment
    62  	Entity
    63  	// Intent The install intent defined by the admin.
    64  	Intent *InstallIntent `json:"intent,omitempty"`
    65  	// Target The target group assignment defined by the admin.
    66  	Target *DeviceAndAppManagementAssignmentTarget `json:"target,omitempty"`
    67  	// Settings The settings for target assignment defined by the admin.
    68  	Settings *MobileAppAssignmentSettings `json:"settings,omitempty"`
    69  	// Source The resource type which is the source for the assignment.
    70  	Source *DeviceAndAppManagementAssignmentSource `json:"source,omitempty"`
    71  	// SourceID The identifier of the source of the assignment.
    72  	SourceID *string `json:"sourceId,omitempty"`
    73  }
    75  // MobileAppAssignmentSettings undocumented
    76  type MobileAppAssignmentSettings struct {
    77  	// Object is the base model of MobileAppAssignmentSettings
    78  	Object
    79  }
    81  // MobileAppCategory Contains properties for a single Intune app category.
    82  type MobileAppCategory struct {
    83  	// Entity is the base model of MobileAppCategory
    84  	Entity
    85  	// DisplayName The name of the app category.
    86  	DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
    87  	// LastModifiedDateTime The date and time the mobileAppCategory was last modified.
    88  	LastModifiedDateTime *time.Time `json:"lastModifiedDateTime,omitempty"`
    89  }
    91  // MobileAppContent Contains content properties for a specific app version. Each mobileAppContent can have multiple mobileAppContentFile.
    92  type MobileAppContent struct {
    93  	// Entity is the base model of MobileAppContent
    94  	Entity
    95  	// Files undocumented
    96  	Files []MobileAppContentFile `json:"files,omitempty"`
    97  	// ContainedApps undocumented
    98  	ContainedApps []MobileContainedApp `json:"containedApps,omitempty"`
    99  }
   101  // MobileAppContentFile Contains properties for a single installer file that is associated with a given mobileAppContent version.
   102  type MobileAppContentFile struct {
   103  	// Entity is the base model of MobileAppContentFile
   104  	Entity
   105  	// AzureStorageURI The Azure Storage URI.
   106  	AzureStorageURI *string `json:"azureStorageUri,omitempty"`
   107  	// IsCommitted A value indicating whether the file is committed.
   108  	IsCommitted *bool `json:"isCommitted,omitempty"`
   109  	// CreatedDateTime The time the file was created.
   110  	CreatedDateTime *time.Time `json:"createdDateTime,omitempty"`
   111  	// Name the file name.
   112  	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
   113  	// Size The size of the file prior to encryption.
   114  	Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"`
   115  	// SizeEncrypted The size of the file after encryption.
   116  	SizeEncrypted *int `json:"sizeEncrypted,omitempty"`
   117  	// AzureStorageURIExpirationDateTime The time the Azure storage Uri expires.
   118  	AzureStorageURIExpirationDateTime *time.Time `json:"azureStorageUriExpirationDateTime,omitempty"`
   119  	// Manifest The manifest information.
   120  	Manifest *Binary `json:"manifest,omitempty"`
   121  	// UploadState The state of the current upload request.
   122  	UploadState *MobileAppContentFileUploadState `json:"uploadState,omitempty"`
   123  	// IsFrameworkFile A value indicating whether the file is a framework file.
   124  	IsFrameworkFile *bool `json:"isFrameworkFile,omitempty"`
   125  	// IsDependency Whether the content file is a dependency for the main content file.
   126  	IsDependency *bool `json:"isDependency,omitempty"`
   127  }
   129  // MobileAppDependency Describes a dependency type between two mobile apps.
   130  type MobileAppDependency struct {
   131  	// MobileAppRelationship is the base model of MobileAppDependency
   132  	MobileAppRelationship
   133  	// DependencyType The type of dependency relationship between the parent and child apps.
   134  	DependencyType *MobileAppDependencyType `json:"dependencyType,omitempty"`
   135  	// DependentAppCount The total number of dependencies the child app has.
   136  	DependentAppCount *int `json:"dependentAppCount,omitempty"`
   137  }
   139  // MobileAppIdentifier undocumented
   140  type MobileAppIdentifier struct {
   141  	// Object is the base model of MobileAppIdentifier
   142  	Object
   143  }
   145  // MobileAppInstallStatus Contains properties for the installation state of a mobile app for a device.
   146  type MobileAppInstallStatus struct {
   147  	// Entity is the base model of MobileAppInstallStatus
   148  	Entity
   149  	// DeviceName Device name
   150  	DeviceName *string `json:"deviceName,omitempty"`
   151  	// DeviceID Device ID
   152  	DeviceID *string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"`
   153  	// LastSyncDateTime Last sync date time
   154  	LastSyncDateTime *time.Time `json:"lastSyncDateTime,omitempty"`
   155  	// MobileAppInstallStatusValue The install state of the app.
   156  	MobileAppInstallStatusValue *ResultantAppState `json:"mobileAppInstallStatusValue,omitempty"`
   157  	// InstallState The install state of the app.
   158  	InstallState *ResultantAppState `json:"installState,omitempty"`
   159  	// InstallStateDetail The install state detail of the app.
   160  	InstallStateDetail *ResultantAppStateDetail `json:"installStateDetail,omitempty"`
   161  	// ErrorCode The error code for install or uninstall failures.
   162  	ErrorCode *int `json:"errorCode,omitempty"`
   163  	// OsVersion OS Version
   164  	OsVersion *string `json:"osVersion,omitempty"`
   165  	// OsDescription OS Description
   166  	OsDescription *string `json:"osDescription,omitempty"`
   167  	// UserName Device User Name
   168  	UserName *string `json:"userName,omitempty"`
   169  	// UserPrincipalName User Principal Name
   170  	UserPrincipalName *string `json:"userPrincipalName,omitempty"`
   171  	// DisplayVersion Human readable version of the application
   172  	DisplayVersion *string `json:"displayVersion,omitempty"`
   173  	// App undocumented
   174  	App *MobileApp `json:"app,omitempty"`
   175  }
   177  // MobileAppInstallSummary Contains properties for the installation summary of a mobile app.
   178  type MobileAppInstallSummary struct {
   179  	// Entity is the base model of MobileAppInstallSummary
   180  	Entity
   181  	// InstalledDeviceCount Number of Devices that have successfully installed this app.
   182  	InstalledDeviceCount *int `json:"installedDeviceCount,omitempty"`
   183  	// FailedDeviceCount Number of Devices that have failed to install this app.
   184  	FailedDeviceCount *int `json:"failedDeviceCount,omitempty"`
   185  	// NotApplicableDeviceCount Number of Devices that are not applicable for this app.
   186  	NotApplicableDeviceCount *int `json:"notApplicableDeviceCount,omitempty"`
   187  	// NotInstalledDeviceCount Number of Devices that does not have this app installed.
   188  	NotInstalledDeviceCount *int `json:"notInstalledDeviceCount,omitempty"`
   189  	// PendingInstallDeviceCount Number of Devices that have been notified to install this app.
   190  	PendingInstallDeviceCount *int `json:"pendingInstallDeviceCount,omitempty"`
   191  	// InstalledUserCount Number of Users whose devices have all succeeded to install this app.
   192  	InstalledUserCount *int `json:"installedUserCount,omitempty"`
   193  	// FailedUserCount Number of Users that have 1 or more device that failed to install this app.
   194  	FailedUserCount *int `json:"failedUserCount,omitempty"`
   195  	// NotApplicableUserCount Number of Users whose devices were all not applicable for this app.
   196  	NotApplicableUserCount *int `json:"notApplicableUserCount,omitempty"`
   197  	// NotInstalledUserCount Number of Users that have 1 or more devices that did not install this app.
   198  	NotInstalledUserCount *int `json:"notInstalledUserCount,omitempty"`
   199  	// PendingInstallUserCount Number of Users that have 1 or more device that have been notified to install this app and have 0 devices with failures.
   200  	PendingInstallUserCount *int `json:"pendingInstallUserCount,omitempty"`
   201  }
   203  // MobileAppInstallTimeSettings undocumented
   204  type MobileAppInstallTimeSettings struct {
   205  	// Object is the base model of MobileAppInstallTimeSettings
   206  	Object
   207  	// UseLocalTime Whether the local device time or UTC time should be used when determining the available and deadline times.
   208  	UseLocalTime *bool `json:"useLocalTime,omitempty"`
   209  	// StartDateTime The time at which the app should be available for installation.
   210  	StartDateTime *time.Time `json:"startDateTime,omitempty"`
   211  	// DeadlineDateTime The time at which the app should be installed.
   212  	DeadlineDateTime *time.Time `json:"deadlineDateTime,omitempty"`
   213  }
   215  // MobileAppIntentAndState MobileApp Intent and Install State for a given device.
   216  type MobileAppIntentAndState struct {
   217  	// Entity is the base model of MobileAppIntentAndState
   218  	Entity
   219  	// ManagedDeviceIdentifier Device identifier created or collected by Intune.
   220  	ManagedDeviceIdentifier *string `json:"managedDeviceIdentifier,omitempty"`
   221  	// UserID Identifier for the user that tried to enroll the device.
   222  	UserID *string `json:"userId,omitempty"`
   223  	// MobileAppList The list of payload intents and states for the tenant.
   224  	MobileAppList []MobileAppIntentAndStateDetail `json:"mobileAppList,omitempty"`
   225  }
   227  // MobileAppIntentAndStateDetail undocumented
   228  type MobileAppIntentAndStateDetail struct {
   229  	// Object is the base model of MobileAppIntentAndStateDetail
   230  	Object
   231  	// ApplicationID MobieApp identifier.
   232  	ApplicationID *string `json:"applicationId,omitempty"`
   233  	// DisplayName The admin provided or imported title of the app.
   234  	DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
   235  	// MobileAppIntent Mobile App Intent.
   236  	MobileAppIntent *MobileAppIntent `json:"mobileAppIntent,omitempty"`
   237  	// DisplayVersion Human readable version of the application
   238  	DisplayVersion *string `json:"displayVersion,omitempty"`
   239  	// InstallState The install state of the app.
   240  	InstallState *ResultantAppState `json:"installState,omitempty"`
   241  	// SupportedDeviceTypes The supported platforms for the app.
   242  	SupportedDeviceTypes []MobileAppSupportedDeviceType `json:"supportedDeviceTypes,omitempty"`
   243  }
   245  // MobileAppPolicySetItem A class containing the properties used for mobile app PolicySetItem.
   246  type MobileAppPolicySetItem struct {
   247  	// PolicySetItem is the base model of MobileAppPolicySetItem
   248  	PolicySetItem
   249  	// Intent Install intent of the MobileAppPolicySetItem.
   250  	Intent *InstallIntent `json:"intent,omitempty"`
   251  	// Settings Settings of the MobileAppPolicySetItem.
   252  	Settings *MobileAppAssignmentSettings `json:"settings,omitempty"`
   253  }
   255  // MobileAppProvisioningConfigGroupAssignment Contains the properties used to assign an App provisioning configuration to a group.
   256  type MobileAppProvisioningConfigGroupAssignment struct {
   257  	// Entity is the base model of MobileAppProvisioningConfigGroupAssignment
   258  	Entity
   259  	// TargetGroupID The ID of the AAD group in which the app provisioning configuration is being targeted.
   260  	TargetGroupID *string `json:"targetGroupId,omitempty"`
   261  }
   263  // MobileAppRelationship Describes the relationship for a child mobile app to its parent mobile app.
   264  type MobileAppRelationship struct {
   265  	// Entity is the base model of MobileAppRelationship
   266  	Entity
   267  	// TargetID The target child mobile app's app id.
   268  	TargetID *string `json:"targetId,omitempty"`
   269  	// TargetDisplayName The target child mobile app's display name.
   270  	TargetDisplayName *string `json:"targetDisplayName,omitempty"`
   271  }
   273  // MobileAppRelationshipState undocumented
   274  type MobileAppRelationshipState struct {
   275  	// Object is the base model of MobileAppRelationshipState
   276  	Object
   277  	// SourceIDs The collection of source mobile app's ids.
   278  	SourceIDs []string `json:"sourceIds,omitempty"`
   279  	// TargetID The related target app's id.
   280  	TargetID *string `json:"targetId,omitempty"`
   281  	// TargetDisplayName The related target app's display name.
   282  	TargetDisplayName *string `json:"targetDisplayName,omitempty"`
   283  	// DeviceID The corresponding device id.
   284  	DeviceID *string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"`
   285  	// InstallState The install state of the app of target app.
   286  	InstallState *ResultantAppState `json:"installState,omitempty"`
   287  	// InstallStateDetail The install state detail of the app.
   288  	InstallStateDetail *ResultantAppStateDetail `json:"installStateDetail,omitempty"`
   289  	// ErrorCode The error code for install or uninstall failures of target app.
   290  	ErrorCode *int `json:"errorCode,omitempty"`
   291  	// TargetLastSyncDateTime The last sync time of the target app.
   292  	TargetLastSyncDateTime *time.Time `json:"targetLastSyncDateTime,omitempty"`
   293  }
   295  // MobileAppSupportedDeviceType undocumented
   296  type MobileAppSupportedDeviceType struct {
   297  	// Object is the base model of MobileAppSupportedDeviceType
   298  	Object
   299  	// Type Device type
   300  	Type *DeviceType `json:"type,omitempty"`
   301  	// MinimumOperatingSystemVersion Minimum OS version
   302  	MinimumOperatingSystemVersion *string `json:"minimumOperatingSystemVersion,omitempty"`
   303  	// MaximumOperatingSystemVersion Maximum OS version
   304  	MaximumOperatingSystemVersion *string `json:"maximumOperatingSystemVersion,omitempty"`
   305  }
   307  // MobileAppTroubleshootingAppPolicyCreationHistory undocumented
   308  type MobileAppTroubleshootingAppPolicyCreationHistory struct {
   309  	// MobileAppTroubleshootingHistoryItem is the base model of MobileAppTroubleshootingAppPolicyCreationHistory
   310  	MobileAppTroubleshootingHistoryItem
   311  	// RunState Status of the item.
   312  	RunState *RunState `json:"runState,omitempty"`
   313  	// ErrorCode Error code for the failure, empty if no failure.
   314  	ErrorCode *string `json:"errorCode,omitempty"`
   315  }
   317  // MobileAppTroubleshootingAppStateHistory undocumented
   318  type MobileAppTroubleshootingAppStateHistory struct {
   319  	// MobileAppTroubleshootingHistoryItem is the base model of MobileAppTroubleshootingAppStateHistory
   320  	MobileAppTroubleshootingHistoryItem
   321  	// ActionType AAD security group id to which it was targeted.
   322  	ActionType *MobileAppActionType `json:"actionType,omitempty"`
   323  	// RunState Status of the item.
   324  	RunState *RunState `json:"runState,omitempty"`
   325  	// ErrorCode Error code for the failure, empty if no failure.
   326  	ErrorCode *string `json:"errorCode,omitempty"`
   327  }
   329  // MobileAppTroubleshootingAppTargetHistory undocumented
   330  type MobileAppTroubleshootingAppTargetHistory struct {
   331  	// MobileAppTroubleshootingHistoryItem is the base model of MobileAppTroubleshootingAppTargetHistory
   332  	MobileAppTroubleshootingHistoryItem
   333  	// SecurityGroupID AAD security group id to which it was targeted.
   334  	SecurityGroupID *string `json:"securityGroupId,omitempty"`
   335  	// RunState Status of the item.
   336  	RunState *RunState `json:"runState,omitempty"`
   337  	// ErrorCode Error code for the failure, empty if no failure.
   338  	ErrorCode *string `json:"errorCode,omitempty"`
   339  }
   341  // MobileAppTroubleshootingAppUpdateHistory undocumented
   342  type MobileAppTroubleshootingAppUpdateHistory struct {
   343  	// MobileAppTroubleshootingHistoryItem is the base model of MobileAppTroubleshootingAppUpdateHistory
   344  	MobileAppTroubleshootingHistoryItem
   345  }
   347  // MobileAppTroubleshootingDeviceCheckinHistory undocumented
   348  type MobileAppTroubleshootingDeviceCheckinHistory struct {
   349  	// MobileAppTroubleshootingHistoryItem is the base model of MobileAppTroubleshootingDeviceCheckinHistory
   350  	MobileAppTroubleshootingHistoryItem
   351  }
   353  // MobileAppTroubleshootingEvent Event representing a users device application install status.
   354  type MobileAppTroubleshootingEvent struct {
   355  	// DeviceManagementTroubleshootingEvent is the base model of MobileAppTroubleshootingEvent
   356  	DeviceManagementTroubleshootingEvent
   357  	// ManagedDeviceIdentifier Device identifier created or collected by Intune.
   358  	ManagedDeviceIdentifier *string `json:"managedDeviceIdentifier,omitempty"`
   359  	// UserID Identifier for the user that tried to enroll the device.
   360  	UserID *string `json:"userId,omitempty"`
   361  	// ApplicationID Intune application identifier.
   362  	ApplicationID *string `json:"applicationId,omitempty"`
   363  	// History Intune Mobile Application Troubleshooting History Item
   364  	History []MobileAppTroubleshootingHistoryItem `json:"history,omitempty"`
   365  	// AppLogCollectionRequests undocumented
   366  	AppLogCollectionRequests []AppLogCollectionRequestObject `json:"appLogCollectionRequests,omitempty"`
   367  }
   369  // MobileAppTroubleshootingHistoryItem undocumented
   370  type MobileAppTroubleshootingHistoryItem struct {
   371  	// Object is the base model of MobileAppTroubleshootingHistoryItem
   372  	Object
   373  	// OccurrenceDateTime Time when the history item occurred.
   374  	OccurrenceDateTime *time.Time `json:"occurrenceDateTime,omitempty"`
   375  }
   377  // MobileContainedApp An abstract class that represents a contained app in a mobileApp acting as a package.
   378  type MobileContainedApp struct {
   379  	// Entity is the base model of MobileContainedApp
   380  	Entity
   381  }
   383  // MobileLobApp An abstract base class containing properties for all mobile line of business apps.
   384  type MobileLobApp struct {
   385  	// MobileApp is the base model of MobileLobApp
   386  	MobileApp
   387  	// CommittedContentVersion The internal committed content version.
   388  	CommittedContentVersion *string `json:"committedContentVersion,omitempty"`
   389  	// FileName The name of the main Lob application file.
   390  	FileName *string `json:"fileName,omitempty"`
   391  	// Size The total size, including all uploaded files.
   392  	Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"`
   393  	// ContentVersions undocumented
   394  	ContentVersions []MobileAppContent `json:"contentVersions,omitempty"`
   395  }
   397  // MobileThreatDefenseConnector Entity which represents a connection to Mobile threat defense partner.
   398  type MobileThreatDefenseConnector struct {
   399  	// Entity is the base model of MobileThreatDefenseConnector
   400  	Entity
   401  	// LastHeartbeatDateTime DateTime of last Heartbeat recieved from the Data Sync Partner
   402  	LastHeartbeatDateTime *time.Time `json:"lastHeartbeatDateTime,omitempty"`
   403  	// PartnerState Data Sync Partner state for this account
   404  	PartnerState *MobileThreatPartnerTenantState `json:"partnerState,omitempty"`
   405  	// AndroidMobileApplicationManagementEnabled For Android, set whether data from the data sync partner should be used during Mobile Application Management (MAM) evaluations. Only one partner per platform may be enabled for Mobile Application Management (MAM) evaluation.
   406  	AndroidMobileApplicationManagementEnabled *bool `json:"androidMobileApplicationManagementEnabled,omitempty"`
   407  	// IOSMobileApplicationManagementEnabled For IOS, get or set whether data from the data sync partner should be used during Mobile Application Management (MAM) evaluations. Only one partner per platform may be enabled for Mobile Application Management (MAM) evaluation.
   408  	IOSMobileApplicationManagementEnabled *bool `json:"iosMobileApplicationManagementEnabled,omitempty"`
   409  	// AndroidEnabled For Android, set whether data from the data sync partner should be used during compliance evaluations
   410  	AndroidEnabled *bool `json:"androidEnabled,omitempty"`
   411  	// IOSEnabled For IOS, get or set whether data from the data sync partner should be used during compliance evaluations
   412  	IOSEnabled *bool `json:"iosEnabled,omitempty"`
   413  	// WindowsEnabled For Windows, get or set whether data from the data sync partner should be used during compliance evaluations
   414  	WindowsEnabled *bool `json:"windowsEnabled,omitempty"`
   415  	// MacEnabled For Mac, get or set whether data from the data sync partner should be used during compliance evaluations
   416  	MacEnabled *bool `json:"macEnabled,omitempty"`
   417  	// AndroidDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData For Android, set whether Intune must receive data from the data sync partner prior to marking a device compliant
   418  	AndroidDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData *bool `json:"androidDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData,omitempty"`
   419  	// IOSDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData For IOS, set whether Intune must receive data from the data sync partner prior to marking a device compliant
   420  	IOSDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData *bool `json:"iosDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData,omitempty"`
   421  	// WindowsDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData For Windows, set whether Intune must receive data from the data sync partner prior to marking a device compliant
   422  	WindowsDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData *bool `json:"windowsDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData,omitempty"`
   423  	// MacDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData For Mac, get or set whether Intune must receive data from the data sync partner prior to marking a device compliant
   424  	MacDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData *bool `json:"macDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData,omitempty"`
   425  	// PartnerUnsupportedOsVersionBlocked Get or set whether to block devices on the enabled platforms that do not meet the minimum version requirements of the Data Sync Partner
   426  	PartnerUnsupportedOsVersionBlocked *bool `json:"partnerUnsupportedOsVersionBlocked,omitempty"`
   427  	// PartnerUnresponsivenessThresholdInDays Get or Set days the per tenant tolerance to unresponsiveness for this partner integration
   428  	PartnerUnresponsivenessThresholdInDays *int `json:"partnerUnresponsivenessThresholdInDays,omitempty"`
   429  	// AllowPartnerToCollectIOSApplicationMetadata For IOS devices, allows the admin to configure whether the data sync partner may also collect metadata about installed applications from Intune
   430  	AllowPartnerToCollectIOSApplicationMetadata *bool `json:"allowPartnerToCollectIOSApplicationMetadata,omitempty"`
   431  }