
     1  package phttp
     3  import (
     4  	""
     5  	""
     6  )
     8  type GunConfig struct {
     9  	Client         ClientConfig `config:",squash"`
    10  	Target         string       `validate:"endpoint,required"`
    11  	TargetResolved string       `config:"-"`
    12  	SSL            bool
    14  	AutoTag      AutoTagConfig   `config:"auto-tag"`
    15  	AnswLog      AnswLogConfig   `config:"answlog"`
    16  	HTTPTrace    HTTPTraceConfig `config:"httptrace"`
    17  	SharedClient struct {
    18  		ClientNumber int  `config:"client-number,omitempty"`
    19  		Enabled      bool `config:"enabled"`
    20  	} `config:"shared-client,omitempty"`
    21  }
    23  func NewHTTP1Gun(cfg GunConfig, answLog *zap.Logger) *BaseGun {
    24  	return NewBaseGun(HTTP1ClientConstructor, cfg, answLog)
    25  }
    27  func HTTP1ClientConstructor(clientConfig ClientConfig, target string) Client {
    28  	transport := NewTransport(clientConfig.Transport, NewDialer(clientConfig.Dialer).DialContext, target)
    29  	client := NewRedirectingClient(transport, clientConfig.Redirect)
    30  	return client
    31  }
    33  var _ ClientConstructor = HTTP1ClientConstructor
    35  // NewHTTP2Gun return simple HTTP/2 gun that can shoot sequentially through one connection.
    36  func NewHTTP2Gun(cfg GunConfig, answLog *zap.Logger) (*BaseGun, error) {
    37  	if !cfg.SSL {
    38  		// Open issue on github if you really need this feature.
    39  		return nil, errors.New("HTTP/2.0 over TCP is not supported. Please leave SSL option true by default.")
    40  	}
    41  	return NewBaseGun(HTTP2ClientConstructor, cfg, answLog), nil
    42  }
    44  func HTTP2ClientConstructor(clientConfig ClientConfig, target string) Client {
    45  	transport := NewHTTP2Transport(clientConfig.Transport, NewDialer(clientConfig.Dialer).DialContext, target)
    46  	client := NewRedirectingClient(transport, clientConfig.Redirect)
    47  	// Will panic and cancel shooting whet target doesn't support HTTP/2.
    48  	return &panicOnHTTP1Client{Client: client}
    49  }
    51  var _ ClientConstructor = HTTP2ClientConstructor
    53  func DefaultHTTPGunConfig() GunConfig {
    54  	return GunConfig{
    55  		SSL:    false,
    56  		Client: DefaultClientConfig(),
    57  		AutoTag: AutoTagConfig{
    58  			Enabled:     false,
    59  			URIElements: 2,
    60  			NoTagOnly:   true,
    61  		},
    62  		AnswLog: AnswLogConfig{
    63  			Enabled: false,
    64  			Path:    "answ.log",
    65  			Filter:  "error",
    66  		},
    67  		HTTPTrace: HTTPTraceConfig{
    68  			DumpEnabled:  false,
    69  			TraceEnabled: false,
    70  		},
    71  	}
    72  }
    74  func DefaultHTTP2GunConfig() GunConfig {
    75  	return GunConfig{
    76  		Client: DefaultClientConfig(),
    77  		AutoTag: AutoTagConfig{
    78  			Enabled:     false,
    79  			URIElements: 2,
    80  			NoTagOnly:   true,
    81  		},
    82  		AnswLog: AnswLogConfig{
    83  			Enabled: false,
    84  			Path:    "answ.log",
    85  			Filter:  "error",
    86  		},
    87  		HTTPTrace: HTTPTraceConfig{
    88  			DumpEnabled:  false,
    89  			TraceEnabled: false,
    90  		},
    91  		SSL: true,
    92  	}
    93  }