
     1  // Copyright 2011 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package main
     7  import (
     8  	"bytes"
     9  	"errors"
    10  	"fmt"
    11  	"go/build"
    12  	"go/scanner"
    13  	"go/token"
    14  	"os"
    15  	pathpkg "path"
    16  	"path/filepath"
    17  	"runtime"
    18  	"sort"
    19  	"strings"
    20  	"time"
    21  	"unicode"
    22  )
    24  // A Package describes a single package found in a directory.
    25  type Package struct {
    26  	// Note: These fields are part of the go command's public API.
    27  	// See list.go.  It is okay to add fields, but not to change or
    28  	// remove existing ones.  Keep in sync with list.go
    29  	Dir           string `json:",omitempty"` // directory containing package sources
    30  	ImportPath    string `json:",omitempty"` // import path of package in dir
    31  	ImportComment string `json:",omitempty"` // path in import comment on package statement
    32  	Name          string `json:",omitempty"` // package name
    33  	Doc           string `json:",omitempty"` // package documentation string
    34  	Target        string `json:",omitempty"` // install path
    35  	Goroot        bool   `json:",omitempty"` // is this package found in the Go root?
    36  	Standard      bool   `json:",omitempty"` // is this package part of the standard Go library?
    37  	Stale         bool   `json:",omitempty"` // would 'go install' do anything for this package?
    38  	Root          string `json:",omitempty"` // Go root or Go path dir containing this package
    39  	ConflictDir   string `json:",omitempty"` // Dir is hidden by this other directory
    41  	// Source files
    42  	GoFiles        []string `json:",omitempty"` // .go source files (excluding CgoFiles, TestGoFiles, XTestGoFiles)
    43  	CgoFiles       []string `json:",omitempty"` // .go sources files that import "C"
    44  	IgnoredGoFiles []string `json:",omitempty"` // .go sources ignored due to build constraints
    45  	CFiles         []string `json:",omitempty"` // .c source files
    46  	CXXFiles       []string `json:",omitempty"` // .cc, .cpp and .cxx source files
    47  	MFiles         []string `json:",omitempty"` // .m source files
    48  	HFiles         []string `json:",omitempty"` // .h, .hh, .hpp and .hxx source files
    49  	SFiles         []string `json:",omitempty"` // .s source files
    50  	SwigFiles      []string `json:",omitempty"` // .swig files
    51  	SwigCXXFiles   []string `json:",omitempty"` // .swigcxx files
    52  	SysoFiles      []string `json:",omitempty"` // .syso system object files added to package
    54  	// Cgo directives
    55  	CgoCFLAGS    []string `json:",omitempty"` // cgo: flags for C compiler
    56  	CgoCPPFLAGS  []string `json:",omitempty"` // cgo: flags for C preprocessor
    57  	CgoCXXFLAGS  []string `json:",omitempty"` // cgo: flags for C++ compiler
    58  	CgoLDFLAGS   []string `json:",omitempty"` // cgo: flags for linker
    59  	CgoPkgConfig []string `json:",omitempty"` // cgo: pkg-config names
    61  	// Dependency information
    62  	Imports []string `json:",omitempty"` // import paths used by this package
    63  	Deps    []string `json:",omitempty"` // all (recursively) imported dependencies
    65  	// Error information
    66  	Incomplete bool            `json:",omitempty"` // was there an error loading this package or dependencies?
    67  	Error      *PackageError   `json:",omitempty"` // error loading this package (not dependencies)
    68  	DepsErrors []*PackageError `json:",omitempty"` // errors loading dependencies
    70  	// Test information
    71  	TestGoFiles  []string `json:",omitempty"` // _test.go files in package
    72  	TestImports  []string `json:",omitempty"` // imports from TestGoFiles
    73  	XTestGoFiles []string `json:",omitempty"` // _test.go files outside package
    74  	XTestImports []string `json:",omitempty"` // imports from XTestGoFiles
    76  	// Unexported fields are not part of the public API.
    77  	build        *build.Package
    78  	pkgdir       string // overrides build.PkgDir
    79  	imports      []*Package
    80  	deps         []*Package
    81  	gofiles      []string // GoFiles+CgoFiles+TestGoFiles+XTestGoFiles files, absolute paths
    82  	sfiles       []string
    83  	allgofiles   []string             // gofiles + IgnoredGoFiles, absolute paths
    84  	target       string               // installed file for this package (may be executable)
    85  	fake         bool                 // synthesized package
    86  	forceBuild   bool                 // this package must be rebuilt
    87  	forceLibrary bool                 // this package is a library (even if named "main")
    88  	cmdline      bool                 // defined by files listed on command line
    89  	local        bool                 // imported via local path (./ or ../)
    90  	localPrefix  string               // interpret ./ and ../ imports relative to this prefix
    91  	exeName      string               // desired name for temporary executable
    92  	coverMode    string               // preprocess Go source files with the coverage tool in this mode
    93  	coverVars    map[string]*CoverVar // variables created by coverage analysis
    94  	omitDWARF    bool                 // tell linker not to write DWARF information
    95  }
    97  // CoverVar holds the name of the generated coverage variables targeting the named file.
    98  type CoverVar struct {
    99  	File string // local file name
   100  	Var  string // name of count struct
   101  }
   103  func (p *Package) copyBuild(pp *build.Package) {
   104 = pp
   106  	p.Dir = pp.Dir
   107  	p.ImportPath = pp.ImportPath
   108  	p.ImportComment = pp.ImportComment
   109  	p.Name = pp.Name
   110  	p.Doc = pp.Doc
   111  	p.Root = pp.Root
   112  	p.ConflictDir = pp.ConflictDir
   113  	// TODO? Target
   114  	p.Goroot = pp.Goroot
   115  	p.Standard = p.Goroot && p.ImportPath != "" && !strings.Contains(p.ImportPath, ".")
   116  	p.GoFiles = pp.GoFiles
   117  	p.CgoFiles = pp.CgoFiles
   118  	p.IgnoredGoFiles = pp.IgnoredGoFiles
   119  	p.CFiles = pp.CFiles
   120  	p.CXXFiles = pp.CXXFiles
   121  	p.MFiles = pp.MFiles
   122  	p.HFiles = pp.HFiles
   123  	p.SFiles = pp.SFiles
   124  	p.SwigFiles = pp.SwigFiles
   125  	p.SwigCXXFiles = pp.SwigCXXFiles
   126  	p.SysoFiles = pp.SysoFiles
   127  	p.CgoCFLAGS = pp.CgoCFLAGS
   128  	p.CgoCPPFLAGS = pp.CgoCPPFLAGS
   129  	p.CgoCXXFLAGS = pp.CgoCXXFLAGS
   130  	p.CgoLDFLAGS = pp.CgoLDFLAGS
   131  	p.CgoPkgConfig = pp.CgoPkgConfig
   132  	p.Imports = pp.Imports
   133  	p.TestGoFiles = pp.TestGoFiles
   134  	p.TestImports = pp.TestImports
   135  	p.XTestGoFiles = pp.XTestGoFiles
   136  	p.XTestImports = pp.XTestImports
   137  }
   139  // A PackageError describes an error loading information about a package.
   140  type PackageError struct {
   141  	ImportStack   []string // shortest path from package named on command line to this one
   142  	Pos           string   // position of error
   143  	Err           string   // the error itself
   144  	isImportCycle bool     // the error is an import cycle
   145  	hard          bool     // whether the error is soft or hard; soft errors are ignored in some places
   146  }
   148  func (p *PackageError) Error() string {
   149  	// Import cycles deserve special treatment.
   150  	if p.isImportCycle {
   151  		return fmt.Sprintf("%s\npackage %s\n", p.Err, strings.Join(p.ImportStack, "\n\timports "))
   152  	}
   153  	if p.Pos != "" {
   154  		// Omit import stack.  The full path to the file where the error
   155  		// is the most important thing.
   156  		return p.Pos + ": " + p.Err
   157  	}
   158  	if len(p.ImportStack) == 0 {
   159  		return p.Err
   160  	}
   161  	return "package " + strings.Join(p.ImportStack, "\n\timports ") + ": " + p.Err
   162  }
   164  // An importStack is a stack of import paths.
   165  type importStack []string
   167  func (s *importStack) push(p string) {
   168  	*s = append(*s, p)
   169  }
   171  func (s *importStack) pop() {
   172  	*s = (*s)[0 : len(*s)-1]
   173  }
   175  func (s *importStack) copy() []string {
   176  	return append([]string{}, *s...)
   177  }
   179  // shorterThan returns true if sp is shorter than t.
   180  // We use this to record the shortest import sequence
   181  // that leads to a particular package.
   182  func (sp *importStack) shorterThan(t []string) bool {
   183  	s := *sp
   184  	if len(s) != len(t) {
   185  		return len(s) < len(t)
   186  	}
   187  	// If they are the same length, settle ties using string ordering.
   188  	for i := range s {
   189  		if s[i] != t[i] {
   190  			return s[i] < t[i]
   191  		}
   192  	}
   193  	return false // they are equal
   194  }
   196  // packageCache is a lookup cache for loadPackage,
   197  // so that if we look up a package multiple times
   198  // we return the same pointer each time.
   199  var packageCache = map[string]*Package{}
   201  // reloadPackage is like loadPackage but makes sure
   202  // not to use the package cache.
   203  func reloadPackage(arg string, stk *importStack) *Package {
   204  	p := packageCache[arg]
   205  	if p != nil {
   206  		delete(packageCache, p.Dir)
   207  		delete(packageCache, p.ImportPath)
   208  	}
   209  	return loadPackage(arg, stk)
   210  }
   212  // dirToImportPath returns the pseudo-import path we use for a package
   213  // outside the Go path.  It begins with _/ and then contains the full path
   214  // to the directory.  If the package lives in c:\home\gopher\my\pkg then
   215  // the pseudo-import path is _/c_/home/gopher/my/pkg.
   216  // Using a pseudo-import path like this makes the ./ imports no longer
   217  // a special case, so that all the code to deal with ordinary imports works
   218  // automatically.
   219  func dirToImportPath(dir string) string {
   220  	return pathpkg.Join("_", strings.Map(makeImportValid, filepath.ToSlash(dir)))
   221  }
   223  func makeImportValid(r rune) rune {
   224  	// Should match Go spec, compilers, and ../../go/parser/parser.go:/isValidImport.
   225  	const illegalChars = `!"#$%&'()*,:;<=>?[\]^{|}` + "`\uFFFD"
   226  	if !unicode.IsGraphic(r) || unicode.IsSpace(r) || strings.ContainsRune(illegalChars, r) {
   227  		return '_'
   228  	}
   229  	return r
   230  }
   232  // loadImport scans the directory named by path, which must be an import path,
   233  // but possibly a local import path (an absolute file system path or one beginning
   234  // with ./ or ../).  A local relative path is interpreted relative to srcDir.
   235  // It returns a *Package describing the package found in that directory.
   236  func loadImport(path string, srcDir string, stk *importStack, importPos []token.Position) *Package {
   237  	stk.push(path)
   238  	defer stk.pop()
   240  	// Determine canonical identifier for this package.
   241  	// For a local import the identifier is the pseudo-import path
   242  	// we create from the full directory to the package.
   243  	// Otherwise it is the usual import path.
   244  	importPath := path
   245  	isLocal := build.IsLocalImport(path)
   246  	if isLocal {
   247  		importPath = dirToImportPath(filepath.Join(srcDir, path))
   248  	}
   249  	if p := packageCache[importPath]; p != nil {
   250  		if perr := disallowInternal(srcDir, p, stk); perr != p {
   251  			return perr
   252  		}
   253  		return reusePackage(p, stk)
   254  	}
   256  	p := new(Package)
   257  	p.local = isLocal
   258  	p.ImportPath = importPath
   259  	packageCache[importPath] = p
   261  	// Load package.
   262  	// Import always returns bp != nil, even if an error occurs,
   263  	// in order to return partial information.
   264  	//
   265  	// TODO: After Go 1, decide when to pass build.AllowBinary here.
   266  	// See issue 3268 for mistakes to avoid.
   267  	bp, err := buildContext.Import(path, srcDir, build.ImportComment)
   268  	bp.ImportPath = importPath
   269  	if gobin != "" {
   270  		bp.BinDir = gobin
   271  	}
   272  	if err == nil && !isLocal && bp.ImportComment != "" && bp.ImportComment != path {
   273  		err = fmt.Errorf("code in directory %s expects import %q", bp.Dir, bp.ImportComment)
   274  	}
   275  	p.load(stk, bp, err)
   276  	if p.Error != nil && len(importPos) > 0 {
   277  		pos := importPos[0]
   278  		pos.Filename = shortPath(pos.Filename)
   279  		p.Error.Pos = pos.String()
   280  	}
   282  	if perr := disallowInternal(srcDir, p, stk); perr != p {
   283  		return perr
   284  	}
   286  	return p
   287  }
   289  // reusePackage reuses package p to satisfy the import at the top
   290  // of the import stack stk.  If this use causes an import loop,
   291  // reusePackage updates p's error information to record the loop.
   292  func reusePackage(p *Package, stk *importStack) *Package {
   293  	// We use p.imports==nil to detect a package that
   294  	// is in the midst of its own loadPackage call
   295  	// (all the recursion below happens before p.imports gets set).
   296  	if p.imports == nil {
   297  		if p.Error == nil {
   298  			p.Error = &PackageError{
   299  				ImportStack:   stk.copy(),
   300  				Err:           "import cycle not allowed",
   301  				isImportCycle: true,
   302  			}
   303  		}
   304  		p.Incomplete = true
   305  	}
   306  	// Don't rewrite the import stack in the error if we have an import cycle.
   307  	// If we do, we'll lose the path that describes the cycle.
   308  	if p.Error != nil && !p.Error.isImportCycle && stk.shorterThan(p.Error.ImportStack) {
   309  		p.Error.ImportStack = stk.copy()
   310  	}
   311  	return p
   312  }
   314  // disallowInternal checks that srcDir is allowed to import p.
   315  // If the import is allowed, disallowInternal returns the original package p.
   316  // If not, it returns a new package containing just an appropriate error.
   317  func disallowInternal(srcDir string, p *Package, stk *importStack) *Package {
   318  	//
   319  	// An import of a path containing the element “internal”
   320  	// is disallowed if the importing code is outside the tree
   321  	// rooted at the parent of the “internal” directory.
   322  	//
   323  	// ... For Go 1.4, we will implement the rule first for $GOROOT, but not $GOPATH.
   325  	// Only applies to $GOROOT.
   326  	if !p.Standard {
   327  		return p
   328  	}
   330  	// The stack includes p.ImportPath.
   331  	// If that's the only thing on the stack, we started
   332  	// with a name given on the command line, not an
   333  	// import. Anything listed on the command line is fine.
   334  	if len(*stk) == 1 {
   335  		return p
   336  	}
   338  	// Check for "internal" element: four cases depending on begin of string and/or end of string.
   339  	i, ok := findInternal(p.ImportPath)
   340  	if !ok {
   341  		return p
   342  	}
   344  	// Internal is present.
   345  	// Map import path back to directory corresponding to parent of internal.
   346  	if i > 0 {
   347  		i-- // rewind over slash in ".../internal"
   348  	}
   349  	parent := p.Dir[:i+len(p.Dir)-len(p.ImportPath)]
   350  	if hasPathPrefix(filepath.ToSlash(srcDir), filepath.ToSlash(parent)) {
   351  		return p
   352  	}
   354  	// Internal is present, and srcDir is outside parent's tree. Not allowed.
   355  	perr := *p
   356  	perr.Error = &PackageError{
   357  		ImportStack: stk.copy(),
   358  		Err:         "use of internal package not allowed",
   359  	}
   360  	perr.Incomplete = true
   361  	return &perr
   362  }
   364  // findInternal looks for the final "internal" path element in the given import path.
   365  // If there isn't one, findInternal returns ok=false.
   366  // Otherwise, findInternal returns ok=true and the index of the "internal".
   367  func findInternal(path string) (index int, ok bool) {
   368  	// Four cases, depending on internal at start/end of string or not.
   369  	// The order matters: we must return the index of the final element,
   370  	// because the final one produces the most restrictive requirement
   371  	// on the importer.
   372  	switch {
   373  	case strings.HasSuffix(path, "/internal"):
   374  		return len(path) - len("internal"), true
   375  	case strings.Contains(path, "/internal/"):
   376  		return strings.LastIndex(path, "/internal/") + 1, true
   377  	case path == "internal", strings.HasPrefix(path, "internal/"):
   378  		return 0, true
   379  	}
   380  	return 0, false
   381  }
   383  type targetDir int
   385  const (
   386  	toRoot    targetDir = iota // to bin dir inside package root (default)
   387  	toTool                     // GOROOT/pkg/tool
   388  	toBin                      // GOROOT/bin
   389  	stalePath                  // the old import path; fail to build
   390  )
   392  // goTools is a map of Go program import path to install target directory.
   393  var goTools = map[string]targetDir{
   394  	"cmd/addr2line":                        toTool,
   395  	"cmd/api":                              toTool,
   396  	"cmd/cgo":                              toTool,
   397  	"cmd/fix":                              toTool,
   398  	"cmd/link":                             toTool,
   399  	"cmd/nm":                               toTool,
   400  	"cmd/objdump":                          toTool,
   401  	"cmd/pack":                             toTool,
   402  	"cmd/pprof":                            toTool,
   403  	"cmd/yacc":                             toTool,
   404  	"":         toTool,
   405  	"":         toBin,
   406  	"":           toTool,
   407  	"": stalePath,
   408  	"": stalePath,
   409  	"":   stalePath,
   410  }
   412  // expandScanner expands a scanner.List error into all the errors in the list.
   413  // The default Error method only shows the first error.
   414  func expandScanner(err error) error {
   415  	// Look for parser errors.
   416  	if err, ok := err.(scanner.ErrorList); ok {
   417  		// Prepare error with \n before each message.
   418  		// When printed in something like context: %v
   419  		// this will put the leading file positions each on
   420  		// its own line.  It will also show all the errors
   421  		// instead of just the first, as err.Error does.
   422  		var buf bytes.Buffer
   423  		for _, e := range err {
   424  			e.Pos.Filename = shortPath(e.Pos.Filename)
   425  			buf.WriteString("\n")
   426  			buf.WriteString(e.Error())
   427  		}
   428  		return errors.New(buf.String())
   429  	}
   430  	return err
   431  }
   433  var raceExclude = map[string]bool{
   434  	"runtime/race": true,
   435  	"runtime/cgo":  true,
   436  	"cmd/cgo":      true,
   437  	"syscall":      true,
   438  	"errors":       true,
   439  }
   441  var cgoExclude = map[string]bool{
   442  	"runtime/cgo": true,
   443  }
   445  var cgoSyscallExclude = map[string]bool{
   446  	"runtime/cgo":  true,
   447  	"runtime/race": true,
   448  }
   450  // load populates p using information from bp, err, which should
   451  // be the result of calling build.Context.Import.
   452  func (p *Package) load(stk *importStack, bp *build.Package, err error) *Package {
   453  	p.copyBuild(bp)
   455  	// The localPrefix is the path we interpret ./ imports relative to.
   456  	// Synthesized main packages sometimes override this.
   457  	p.localPrefix = dirToImportPath(p.Dir)
   459  	if err != nil {
   460  		p.Incomplete = true
   461  		err = expandScanner(err)
   462  		p.Error = &PackageError{
   463  			ImportStack: stk.copy(),
   464  			Err:         err.Error(),
   465  		}
   466  		return p
   467  	}
   469  	if p.Name == "main" {
   470  		// Report an error when the old paths are used.
   471  		if goTools[p.ImportPath] == stalePath {
   472  			newPath := strings.Replace(p.ImportPath, "", "", 1)
   473  			e := fmt.Sprintf("the %v command has moved; use %v instead.", p.ImportPath, newPath)
   474  			p.Error = &PackageError{Err: e}
   475  			return p
   476  		}
   477  		_, elem := filepath.Split(p.Dir)
   478  		full := buildContext.GOOS + "_" + buildContext.GOARCH + "/" + elem
   479  		if buildContext.GOOS != toolGOOS || buildContext.GOARCH != toolGOARCH {
   480  			// Install cross-compiled binaries to subdirectories of bin.
   481  			elem = full
   482  		}
   483  		if != gobin && goTools[p.ImportPath] == toBin {
   484  			// Override BinDir.
   485  			// This is from a subrepo but installs to $GOROOT/bin
   486  			// by default anyway (like godoc).
   487 = filepath.Join(gorootBin, elem)
   488  		} else if != "" {
   489  			// Install to GOBIN or bin of GOPATH entry.
   490 = filepath.Join(, elem)
   491  		}
   492  		if goTools[p.ImportPath] == toTool {
   493  			// This is for 'go tool'.
   494  			// Override all the usual logic and force it into the tool directory.
   495 = filepath.Join(gorootPkg, "tool", full)
   496  		}
   497  		if != "" && buildContext.GOOS == "windows" {
   498 += ".exe"
   499  		}
   500  	} else if p.local {
   501  		// Local import turned into absolute path.
   502  		// No permanent install target.
   503 = ""
   504  	} else {
   505 =
   506  	}
   508  	importPaths := p.Imports
   509  	// Packages that use cgo import runtime/cgo implicitly.
   510  	// Packages that use cgo also import syscall implicitly,
   511  	// to wrap errno.
   512  	// Exclude certain packages to avoid circular dependencies.
   513  	if len(p.CgoFiles) > 0 && (!p.Standard || !cgoExclude[p.ImportPath]) {
   514  		importPaths = append(importPaths, "runtime/cgo")
   515  	}
   516  	if len(p.CgoFiles) > 0 && (!p.Standard || !cgoSyscallExclude[p.ImportPath]) {
   517  		importPaths = append(importPaths, "syscall")
   518  	}
   519  	// Everything depends on runtime, except runtime and unsafe.
   520  	if !p.Standard || (p.ImportPath != "runtime" && p.ImportPath != "unsafe") {
   521  		importPaths = append(importPaths, "runtime")
   522  		// When race detection enabled everything depends on runtime/race.
   523  		// Exclude certain packages to avoid circular dependencies.
   524  		if buildRace && (!p.Standard || !raceExclude[p.ImportPath]) {
   525  			importPaths = append(importPaths, "runtime/race")
   526  		}
   527  	}
   529  	// Build list of full paths to all Go files in the package,
   530  	// for use by commands like go fmt.
   531  	p.gofiles = stringList(p.GoFiles, p.CgoFiles, p.TestGoFiles, p.XTestGoFiles)
   532  	for i := range p.gofiles {
   533  		p.gofiles[i] = filepath.Join(p.Dir, p.gofiles[i])
   534  	}
   535  	sort.Strings(p.gofiles)
   537  	p.sfiles = stringList(p.SFiles)
   538  	for i := range p.sfiles {
   539  		p.sfiles[i] = filepath.Join(p.Dir, p.sfiles[i])
   540  	}
   541  	sort.Strings(p.sfiles)
   543  	p.allgofiles = stringList(p.IgnoredGoFiles)
   544  	for i := range p.allgofiles {
   545  		p.allgofiles[i] = filepath.Join(p.Dir, p.allgofiles[i])
   546  	}
   547  	p.allgofiles = append(p.allgofiles, p.gofiles...)
   548  	sort.Strings(p.allgofiles)
   550  	// Check for case-insensitive collision of input files.
   551  	// To avoid problems on case-insensitive files, we reject any package
   552  	// where two different input files have equal names under a case-insensitive
   553  	// comparison.
   554  	f1, f2 := foldDup(stringList(
   555  		p.GoFiles,
   556  		p.CgoFiles,
   557  		p.IgnoredGoFiles,
   558  		p.CFiles,
   559  		p.CXXFiles,
   560  		p.MFiles,
   561  		p.HFiles,
   562  		p.SFiles,
   563  		p.SysoFiles,
   564  		p.SwigFiles,
   565  		p.SwigCXXFiles,
   566  		p.TestGoFiles,
   567  		p.XTestGoFiles,
   568  	))
   569  	if f1 != "" {
   570  		p.Error = &PackageError{
   571  			ImportStack: stk.copy(),
   572  			Err:         fmt.Sprintf("case-insensitive file name collision: %q and %q", f1, f2),
   573  		}
   574  		return p
   575  	}
   577  	// Build list of imported packages and full dependency list.
   578  	imports := make([]*Package, 0, len(p.Imports))
   579  	deps := make(map[string]*Package)
   580  	for i, path := range importPaths {
   581  		if path == "C" {
   582  			continue
   583  		}
   584  		p1 := loadImport(path, p.Dir, stk,[path])
   585  		if p1.local {
   586  			if !p.local && p.Error == nil {
   587  				p.Error = &PackageError{
   588  					ImportStack: stk.copy(),
   589  					Err:         fmt.Sprintf("local import %q in non-local package", path),
   590  				}
   591  				pos :=[path]
   592  				if len(pos) > 0 {
   593  					p.Error.Pos = pos[0].String()
   594  				}
   595  			}
   596  			path = p1.ImportPath
   597  			importPaths[i] = path
   598  		}
   599  		deps[path] = p1
   600  		imports = append(imports, p1)
   601  		for _, dep := range p1.deps {
   602  			deps[dep.ImportPath] = dep
   603  		}
   604  		if p1.Incomplete {
   605  			p.Incomplete = true
   606  		}
   607  	}
   608  	p.imports = imports
   610  	p.Deps = make([]string, 0, len(deps))
   611  	for dep := range deps {
   612  		p.Deps = append(p.Deps, dep)
   613  	}
   614  	sort.Strings(p.Deps)
   615  	for _, dep := range p.Deps {
   616  		p1 := deps[dep]
   617  		if p1 == nil {
   618  			panic("impossible: missing entry in package cache for " + dep + " imported by " + p.ImportPath)
   619  		}
   620  		p.deps = append(p.deps, p1)
   621  		if p1.Error != nil {
   622  			p.DepsErrors = append(p.DepsErrors, p1.Error)
   623  		}
   624  	}
   626  	// unsafe is a fake package.
   627  	if p.Standard && (p.ImportPath == "unsafe" || buildContext.Compiler == "gccgo") {
   628 = ""
   629  	}
   630  	p.Target =
   632  	// The gc toolchain only permits C source files with cgo.
   633  	if len(p.CFiles) > 0 && !p.usesCgo() && buildContext.Compiler == "gc" {
   634  		p.Error = &PackageError{
   635  			ImportStack: stk.copy(),
   636  			Err:         fmt.Sprintf("C source files not allowed when not using cgo: %s", strings.Join(p.CFiles, " ")),
   637  		}
   638  		return p
   639  	}
   641  	// In the absence of errors lower in the dependency tree,
   642  	// check for case-insensitive collisions of import paths.
   643  	if len(p.DepsErrors) == 0 {
   644  		dep1, dep2 := foldDup(p.Deps)
   645  		if dep1 != "" {
   646  			p.Error = &PackageError{
   647  				ImportStack: stk.copy(),
   648  				Err:         fmt.Sprintf("case-insensitive import collision: %q and %q", dep1, dep2),
   649  			}
   650  			return p
   651  		}
   652  	}
   654  	return p
   655  }
   657  // usesSwig reports whether the package needs to run SWIG.
   658  func (p *Package) usesSwig() bool {
   659  	return len(p.SwigFiles) > 0 || len(p.SwigCXXFiles) > 0
   660  }
   662  // usesCgo reports whether the package needs to run cgo
   663  func (p *Package) usesCgo() bool {
   664  	return len(p.CgoFiles) > 0
   665  }
   667  // packageList returns the list of packages in the dag rooted at roots
   668  // as visited in a depth-first post-order traversal.
   669  func packageList(roots []*Package) []*Package {
   670  	seen := map[*Package]bool{}
   671  	all := []*Package{}
   672  	var walk func(*Package)
   673  	walk = func(p *Package) {
   674  		if seen[p] {
   675  			return
   676  		}
   677  		seen[p] = true
   678  		for _, p1 := range p.imports {
   679  			walk(p1)
   680  		}
   681  		all = append(all, p)
   682  	}
   683  	for _, root := range roots {
   684  		walk(root)
   685  	}
   686  	return all
   687  }
   689  // computeStale computes the Stale flag in the package dag that starts
   690  // at the named pkgs (command-line arguments).
   691  func computeStale(pkgs ...*Package) {
   692  	topRoot := map[string]bool{}
   693  	for _, p := range pkgs {
   694  		topRoot[p.Root] = true
   695  	}
   697  	for _, p := range packageList(pkgs) {
   698  		p.Stale = isStale(p, topRoot)
   699  	}
   700  }
   702  // The runtime version string takes one of two forms:
   703  // "go1.X[.Y]" for Go releases, and "devel +hash" at tip.
   704  // Determine whether we are in a released copy by
   705  // inspecting the version.
   706  var isGoRelease = strings.HasPrefix(runtime.Version(), "go1")
   708  // isStale reports whether package p needs to be rebuilt.
   709  func isStale(p *Package, topRoot map[string]bool) bool {
   710  	if p.Standard && (p.ImportPath == "unsafe" || buildContext.Compiler == "gccgo") {
   711  		// fake, builtin package
   712  		return false
   713  	}
   714  	if p.Error != nil {
   715  		return true
   716  	}
   718  	// A package without Go sources means we only found
   719  	// the installed .a file.  Since we don't know how to rebuild
   720  	// it, it can't be stale, even if -a is set.  This enables binary-only
   721  	// distributions of Go packages, although such binaries are
   722  	// only useful with the specific version of the toolchain that
   723  	// created them.
   724  	if len(p.gofiles) == 0 && !p.usesSwig() {
   725  		return false
   726  	}
   728  	// If we are running a release copy of Go, do not rebuild the standard packages.
   729  	// They may not be writable anyway, but they are certainly not changing.
   730  	// This makes 'go build -a' skip the standard packages when using an official release.
   731  	// See issue 4106 and issue 8290.
   732  	pkgBuildA := buildA
   733  	if p.Standard && isGoRelease {
   734  		pkgBuildA = false
   735  	}
   737  	if pkgBuildA || == "" || p.Stale {
   738  		return true
   739  	}
   741  	// Package is stale if completely unbuilt.
   742  	var built time.Time
   743  	if fi, err := os.Stat(; err == nil {
   744  		built = fi.ModTime()
   745  	}
   746  	if built.IsZero() {
   747  		return true
   748  	}
   750  	olderThan := func(file string) bool {
   751  		fi, err := os.Stat(file)
   752  		return err != nil || fi.ModTime().After(built)
   753  	}
   755  	// Package is stale if a dependency is, or if a dependency is newer.
   756  	for _, p1 := range p.deps {
   757  		if p1.Stale || != "" && olderThan( {
   758  			return true
   759  		}
   760  	}
   762  	// As a courtesy to developers installing new versions of the compiler
   763  	// frequently, define that packages are stale if they are
   764  	// older than the compiler, and commands if they are older than
   765  	// the linker.  This heuristic will not work if the binaries are
   766  	// back-dated, as some binary distributions may do, but it does handle
   767  	// a very common case.
   768  	// See issue 3036.
   769  	// Assume code in $GOROOT is up to date, since it may not be writeable.
   770  	// See issue 4106.
   771  	if p.Root != goroot {
   772  		if olderThan(buildToolchain.compiler()) {
   773  			return true
   774  		}
   775  		if && olderThan(buildToolchain.linker()) {
   776  			return true
   777  		}
   778  	}
   780  	// Have installed copy, probably built using current compilers,
   781  	// and built after its imported packages.  The only reason now
   782  	// that we'd have to rebuild it is if the sources were newer than
   783  	// the package.   If a package p is not in the same tree as any
   784  	// package named on the command-line, assume it is up-to-date
   785  	// no matter what the modification times on the source files indicate.
   786  	// This avoids rebuilding $GOROOT packages when people are
   787  	// working outside the Go root, and it effectively makes each tree
   788  	// listed in $GOPATH a separate compilation world.
   789  	// See issue 3149.
   790  	if p.Root != "" && !topRoot[p.Root] {
   791  		return false
   792  	}
   794  	srcs := stringList(p.GoFiles, p.CFiles, p.CXXFiles, p.MFiles, p.HFiles, p.SFiles, p.CgoFiles, p.SysoFiles, p.SwigFiles, p.SwigCXXFiles)
   795  	for _, src := range srcs {
   796  		if olderThan(filepath.Join(p.Dir, src)) {
   797  			return true
   798  		}
   799  	}
   801  	return false
   802  }
   804  var cwd, _ = os.Getwd()
   806  var cmdCache = map[string]*Package{}
   808  // loadPackage is like loadImport but is used for command-line arguments,
   809  // not for paths found in import statements.  In addition to ordinary import paths,
   810  // loadPackage accepts pseudo-paths beginning with cmd/ to denote commands
   811  // in the Go command directory, as well as paths to those directories.
   812  func loadPackage(arg string, stk *importStack) *Package {
   813  	if build.IsLocalImport(arg) {
   814  		dir := arg
   815  		if !filepath.IsAbs(dir) {
   816  			if abs, err := filepath.Abs(dir); err == nil {
   817  				// interpret relative to current directory
   818  				dir = abs
   819  			}
   820  		}
   821  		if sub, ok := hasSubdir(gorootSrc, dir); ok && strings.HasPrefix(sub, "cmd/") && !strings.Contains(sub[4:], "/") {
   822  			arg = sub
   823  		}
   824  	}
   825  	if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "cmd/") && !strings.Contains(arg[4:], "/") {
   826  		if p := cmdCache[arg]; p != nil {
   827  			return p
   828  		}
   829  		stk.push(arg)
   830  		defer stk.pop()
   832  		bp, err := buildContext.ImportDir(filepath.Join(gorootSrc, arg), 0)
   833  		bp.ImportPath = arg
   834  		bp.Goroot = true
   835  		bp.BinDir = gorootBin
   836  		if gobin != "" {
   837  			bp.BinDir = gobin
   838  		}
   839  		bp.Root = goroot
   840  		bp.SrcRoot = gorootSrc
   841  		p := new(Package)
   842  		cmdCache[arg] = p
   843  		p.load(stk, bp, err)
   844  		if p.Error == nil && p.Name != "main" {
   845  			p.Error = &PackageError{
   846  				ImportStack: stk.copy(),
   847  				Err:         fmt.Sprintf("expected package main but found package %s in %s", p.Name, p.Dir),
   848  			}
   849  		}
   850  		return p
   851  	}
   853  	// Wasn't a command; must be a package.
   854  	// If it is a local import path but names a standard package,
   855  	// we treat it as if the user specified the standard package.
   856  	// This lets you run go test ./ioutil in package io and be
   857  	// referring to io/ioutil rather than a hypothetical import of
   858  	// "./ioutil".
   859  	if build.IsLocalImport(arg) {
   860  		bp, _ := buildContext.ImportDir(filepath.Join(cwd, arg), build.FindOnly)
   861  		if bp.ImportPath != "" && bp.ImportPath != "." {
   862  			arg = bp.ImportPath
   863  		}
   864  	}
   866  	return loadImport(arg, cwd, stk, nil)
   867  }
   869  // packages returns the packages named by the
   870  // command line arguments 'args'.  If a named package
   871  // cannot be loaded at all (for example, if the directory does not exist),
   872  // then packages prints an error and does not include that
   873  // package in the results.  However, if errors occur trying
   874  // to load dependencies of a named package, the named
   875  // package is still returned, with p.Incomplete = true
   876  // and details in p.DepsErrors.
   877  func packages(args []string) []*Package {
   878  	var pkgs []*Package
   879  	for _, pkg := range packagesAndErrors(args) {
   880  		if pkg.Error != nil {
   881  			errorf("can't load package: %s", pkg.Error)
   882  			continue
   883  		}
   884  		pkgs = append(pkgs, pkg)
   885  	}
   886  	return pkgs
   887  }
   889  // packagesAndErrors is like 'packages' but returns a
   890  // *Package for every argument, even the ones that
   891  // cannot be loaded at all.
   892  // The packages that fail to load will have p.Error != nil.
   893  func packagesAndErrors(args []string) []*Package {
   894  	if len(args) > 0 && strings.HasSuffix(args[0], ".go") {
   895  		return []*Package{goFilesPackage(args)}
   896  	}
   898  	args = importPaths(args)
   899  	var pkgs []*Package
   900  	var stk importStack
   901  	var set = make(map[string]bool)
   903  	for _, arg := range args {
   904  		if !set[arg] {
   905  			pkgs = append(pkgs, loadPackage(arg, &stk))
   906  			set[arg] = true
   907  		}
   908  	}
   909  	computeStale(pkgs...)
   911  	return pkgs
   912  }
   914  // packagesForBuild is like 'packages' but fails if any of
   915  // the packages or their dependencies have errors
   916  // (cannot be built).
   917  func packagesForBuild(args []string) []*Package {
   918  	pkgs := packagesAndErrors(args)
   919  	printed := map[*PackageError]bool{}
   920  	for _, pkg := range pkgs {
   921  		if pkg.Error != nil {
   922  			errorf("can't load package: %s", pkg.Error)
   923  		}
   924  		for _, err := range pkg.DepsErrors {
   925  			// Since these are errors in dependencies,
   926  			// the same error might show up multiple times,
   927  			// once in each package that depends on it.
   928  			// Only print each once.
   929  			if !printed[err] {
   930  				printed[err] = true
   931  				errorf("%s", err)
   932  			}
   933  		}
   934  	}
   935  	exitIfErrors()
   936  	return pkgs
   937  }
   939  // hasSubdir reports whether dir is a subdirectory of
   940  // (possibly multiple levels below) root.
   941  // If so, it sets rel to the path fragment that must be
   942  // appended to root to reach dir.
   943  func hasSubdir(root, dir string) (rel string, ok bool) {
   944  	if p, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(root); err == nil {
   945  		root = p
   946  	}
   947  	if p, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(dir); err == nil {
   948  		dir = p
   949  	}
   950  	const sep = string(filepath.Separator)
   951  	root = filepath.Clean(root)
   952  	if !strings.HasSuffix(root, sep) {
   953  		root += sep
   954  	}
   955  	dir = filepath.Clean(dir)
   956  	if !strings.HasPrefix(dir, root) {
   957  		return "", false
   958  	}
   959  	return filepath.ToSlash(dir[len(root):]), true
   960  }