(about) 1 --- 2 - name: Prepare 3 hosts: k8s 4 gather_facts: no 5 vars: 6 kubeconfig: "{{ lookup('env', 'KUBECONFIG') }}" 7 tasks: 8 - name: delete the kubeconfig if present 9 file: 10 path: '{{ kubeconfig }}' 11 state: absent 12 delegate_to: localhost 13 14 - name: Fetch the kubeconfig 15 fetch: 16 dest: '{{ kubeconfig }}' 17 flat: yes 18 src: /root/.kube/config 19 20 - name: Change the kubeconfig port to the proper value 21 replace: 22 regexp: 8443 23 replace: "{{ lookup('env', 'KIND_PORT') }}" 24 path: '{{ kubeconfig }}' 25 delegate_to: localhost 26 27 - name: Wait for the Kubernetes API to become available (this could take a minute) 28 uri: 29 url: "https://localhost:8443/apis" 30 status_code: 200 31 validate_certs: no 32 register: result 33 until: (result.status|default(-1)) == 200 34 retries: 60 35 delay: 5 36 37 - name: Prepare operator resources 38 hosts: localhost 39 connection: local 40 vars: 41 ansible_python_interpreter: '{{ ansible_playbook_python }}' 42 deploy_dir: "{{ lookup('env', 'MOLECULE_PROJECT_DIRECTORY') }}/deploy" 43 tasks: 44 - name: Create Custom Resource Definition 45 k8s: 46 definition: "{{ lookup('file', '/'.join([deploy_dir, 'crds/inventory_v1alpha1_inventory_crd.yaml'])) }}" 47 48 - name: Ensure specified namespace is present 49 k8s: 50 api_version: v1 51 kind: Namespace 52 name: '{{ namespace }}' 53 54 - name: Create RBAC resources 55 k8s: 56 definition: "{{ lookup('template', '/'.join([deploy_dir, item])) }}" 57 namespace: '{{ namespace }}' 58 with_items: 59 - role.yaml 60 - role_binding.yaml 61 - service_account.yaml 62 63 - name: Dump the dev image 64 command: docker save -o /tmp/dev-operator.tar 65 66 - name: Copy the image to the kind container 67 command: docker cp /tmp/dev-operator.tar kind-test-local:/dev-operator.tar 68 69 - name: Make dev operator image available 70 hosts: k8s 71 gather_facts: no 72 tasks: 73 - name: Make dev operator available 74 command: docker load -i /dev-operator.tar 75 76 - name: Clean up 77 hosts: localhost 78 connection: local 79 gather_facts: no 80 tasks: 81 - name: remove dev-operator.tar 82 file: 83 path: /tmp/dev-operator.tar 84 state: absent