
     1  package table
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"net/url"
     7  	"strconv"
     8  	"sync"
     9  	"sync/atomic"
    10  	"time"
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    19  	""
    20  	balancerContext ""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  )
    40  // session represents a single table API session.
    41  //
    42  // session methods are not goroutine safe. Simultaneous execution of requests
    43  // are forbidden within a single session.
    44  //
    45  // Note that after session is no longer needed it should be destroyed by
    46  // Close() call.
    47  type session struct {
    48  	onClose      []func(s *session)
    49  	id           string
    50  	tableService Ydb_Table_V1.TableServiceClient
    51  	status       table.SessionStatus
    52  	config       *config.Config
    53  	lastUsage    atomic.Int64
    54  	statusMtx    sync.RWMutex
    55  	closeOnce    sync.Once
    56  	nodeID       atomic.Uint32
    57  }
    59  func (s *session) LastUsage() time.Time {
    60  	return time.Unix(s.lastUsage.Load(), 0)
    61  }
    63  func nodeID(sessionID string) (uint32, error) {
    64  	u, err := url.Parse(sessionID)
    65  	if err != nil {
    66  		return 0, err
    67  	}
    68  	id, err := strconv.ParseUint(u.Query().Get("node_id"), 10, 32)
    69  	if err != nil {
    70  		return 0, err
    71  	}
    73  	return uint32(id), err
    74  }
    76  func (s *session) NodeID() uint32 {
    77  	if s == nil {
    78  		return 0
    79  	}
    80  	if id := s.nodeID.Load(); id != 0 {
    81  		return id
    82  	}
    83  	id, err := nodeID(
    84  	if err != nil {
    85  		return 0
    86  	}
    87  	s.nodeID.Store(id)
    89  	return id
    90  }
    92  func (s *session) Status() table.SessionStatus {
    93  	if s == nil {
    94  		return table.SessionStatusUnknown
    95  	}
    96  	s.statusMtx.RLock()
    97  	defer s.statusMtx.RUnlock()
    99  	return s.status
   100  }
   102  func (s *session) SetStatus(status table.SessionStatus) {
   103  	s.statusMtx.Lock()
   104  	defer s.statusMtx.Unlock()
   105  	s.status = status
   106  }
   108  func (s *session) isClosed() bool {
   109  	return s.Status() == table.SessionClosed
   110  }
   112  func (s *session) isClosing() bool {
   113  	return s.Status() == table.SessionClosing
   114  }
   116  func newSession(ctx context.Context, cc grpc.ClientConnInterface, config *config.Config) (
   117  	s *session, err error,
   118  ) {
   119  	onDone := trace.TableOnSessionNew(config.Trace(), &ctx, stack.FunctionID(""))
   120  	defer func() {
   121  		onDone(s, err)
   122  	}()
   123  	var (
   124  		response *Ydb_Table.CreateSessionResponse
   125  		result   Ydb_Table.CreateSessionResult
   126  		c        = Ydb_Table_V1.NewTableServiceClient(cc)
   127  	)
   128  	response, err = c.CreateSession(ctx,
   129  		&Ydb_Table.CreateSessionRequest{
   130  			OperationParams: operation.Params(
   131  				ctx,
   132  				config.OperationTimeout(),
   133  				config.OperationCancelAfter(),
   134  				operation.ModeSync,
   135  			),
   136  		},
   137  	)
   138  	if err != nil {
   139  		return nil, xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   140  	}
   141  	err = response.GetOperation().GetResult().UnmarshalTo(&result)
   142  	if err != nil {
   143  		return nil, xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   144  	}
   146  	s = &session{
   147  		id:     result.GetSessionId(),
   148  		config: config,
   149  		status: table.SessionReady,
   150  	}
   151  	s.lastUsage.Store(time.Now().Unix())
   153  	s.tableService = Ydb_Table_V1.NewTableServiceClient(
   154  		conn.WithBeforeFunc(
   155  			conn.WithContextModifier(cc, func(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
   156  				return meta.WithTrailerCallback(balancerContext.WithEndpoint(ctx, s), s.checkCloseHint)
   157  			}),
   158  			func() {
   159  				s.lastUsage.Store(time.Now().Unix())
   160  			},
   161  		),
   162  	)
   164  	return s, nil
   165  }
   167  func (s *session) ID() string {
   168  	if s == nil {
   169  		return ""
   170  	}
   172  	return
   173  }
   175  func (s *session) Close(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
   176  	if s.isClosed() {
   177  		return xerrors.WithStackTrace(errSessionClosed)
   178  	}
   180  	s.closeOnce.Do(func() {
   181  		onDone := trace.TableOnSessionDelete(s.config.Trace(), &ctx,
   182  			stack.FunctionID(""),
   183  			s,
   184  		)
   185  		defer func() {
   186  			s.SetStatus(table.SessionClosed)
   187  			onDone(err)
   188  		}()
   190  		if time.Since(s.LastUsage()) < s.config.IdleThreshold() {
   191  			_, err = s.tableService.DeleteSession(ctx,
   192  				&Ydb_Table.DeleteSessionRequest{
   193  					SessionId:,
   194  					OperationParams: operation.Params(ctx,
   195  						s.config.OperationTimeout(),
   196  						s.config.OperationCancelAfter(),
   197  						operation.ModeSync,
   198  					),
   199  				},
   200  			)
   201  		}
   203  		for _, onClose := range s.onClose {
   204  			onClose(s)
   205  		}
   206  	})
   208  	if err != nil {
   209  		return xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   210  	}
   212  	return nil
   213  }
   215  func (s *session) checkCloseHint(md metadata.MD) {
   216  	for header, values := range md {
   217  		if header != meta.HeaderServerHints {
   218  			continue
   219  		}
   220  		for _, hint := range values {
   221  			if hint == meta.HintSessionClose {
   222  				s.SetStatus(table.SessionClosing)
   223  			}
   224  		}
   225  	}
   226  }
   228  // KeepAlive keeps idle session alive.
   229  func (s *session) KeepAlive(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
   230  	var (
   231  		result Ydb_Table.KeepAliveResult
   232  		onDone = trace.TableOnSessionKeepAlive(
   233  			s.config.Trace(), &ctx,
   234  			stack.FunctionID(""),
   235  			s,
   236  		)
   237  	)
   238  	defer func() {
   239  		onDone(err)
   240  	}()
   242  	resp, err := s.tableService.KeepAlive(ctx,
   243  		&Ydb_Table.KeepAliveRequest{
   244  			SessionId:,
   245  			OperationParams: operation.Params(
   246  				ctx,
   247  				s.config.OperationTimeout(),
   248  				s.config.OperationCancelAfter(),
   249  				operation.ModeSync,
   250  			),
   251  		},
   252  	)
   253  	if err != nil {
   254  		return xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   255  	}
   257  	err = resp.GetOperation().GetResult().UnmarshalTo(&result)
   258  	if err != nil {
   259  		return xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   260  	}
   262  	switch result.GetSessionStatus() {
   263  	case Ydb_Table.KeepAliveResult_SESSION_STATUS_READY:
   264  		s.SetStatus(table.SessionReady)
   265  	case Ydb_Table.KeepAliveResult_SESSION_STATUS_BUSY:
   266  		s.SetStatus(table.SessionBusy)
   267  	}
   269  	return nil
   270  }
   272  // CreateTable creates table at given path with given options.
   273  func (s *session) CreateTable(
   274  	ctx context.Context,
   275  	path string,
   276  	opts ...options.CreateTableOption,
   277  ) (err error) {
   278  	var (
   279  		request = Ydb_Table.CreateTableRequest{
   280  			SessionId:,
   281  			Path:      path,
   282  			OperationParams: operation.Params(
   283  				ctx,
   284  				s.config.OperationTimeout(),
   285  				s.config.OperationCancelAfter(),
   286  				operation.ModeSync,
   287  			),
   288  		}
   289  		a = allocator.New()
   290  	)
   291  	defer a.Free()
   292  	for _, opt := range opts {
   293  		if opt != nil {
   294  			opt.ApplyCreateTableOption((*options.CreateTableDesc)(&request), a)
   295  		}
   296  	}
   297  	_, err = s.tableService.CreateTable(ctx, &request)
   298  	if err != nil {
   299  		return xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   300  	}
   302  	return nil
   303  }
   305  // DescribeTable describes table at given path.
   306  func (s *session) DescribeTable(
   307  	ctx context.Context,
   308  	path string,
   309  	opts ...options.DescribeTableOption,
   310  ) (desc options.Description, err error) {
   311  	var (
   312  		response *Ydb_Table.DescribeTableResponse
   313  		result   Ydb_Table.DescribeTableResult
   314  	)
   315  	request := Ydb_Table.DescribeTableRequest{
   316  		SessionId:,
   317  		Path:      path,
   318  		OperationParams: operation.Params(
   319  			ctx,
   320  			s.config.OperationTimeout(),
   321  			s.config.OperationCancelAfter(),
   322  			operation.ModeSync,
   323  		),
   324  	}
   325  	for _, opt := range opts {
   326  		if opt != nil {
   327  			opt((*options.DescribeTableDesc)(&request))
   328  		}
   329  	}
   330  	response, err = s.tableService.DescribeTable(ctx, &request)
   331  	if err != nil {
   332  		return desc, xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   333  	}
   334  	err = response.GetOperation().GetResult().UnmarshalTo(&result)
   335  	if err != nil {
   336  		return desc, xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   337  	}
   339  	cs := make(
   340  		[]options.Column,
   341  		len(result.GetColumns()),
   342  	)
   343  	for i, c := range result.GetColumns() {
   344  		cs[i] = options.Column{
   345  			Name:   c.GetName(),
   346  			Type:   types.TypeFromYDB(c.GetType()),
   347  			Family: c.GetFamily(),
   348  		}
   349  	}
   351  	rs := make(
   352  		[]options.KeyRange,
   353  		len(result.GetShardKeyBounds())+1,
   354  	)
   355  	var last value.Value
   356  	for i, b := range result.GetShardKeyBounds() {
   357  		if last != nil {
   358  			rs[i].From = last
   359  		}
   361  		bound := value.FromYDB(b.GetType(), b.GetValue())
   362  		rs[i].To = bound
   364  		last = bound
   365  	}
   366  	if last != nil {
   367  		i := len(rs) - 1
   368  		rs[i].From = last
   369  	}
   371  	var stats *options.TableStats
   372  	if result.GetTableStats() != nil {
   373  		resStats := result.GetTableStats()
   374  		partStats := make(
   375  			[]options.PartitionStats,
   376  			len(result.GetTableStats().GetPartitionStats()),
   377  		)
   378  		for i, v := range result.GetTableStats().GetPartitionStats() {
   379  			partStats[i].RowsEstimate = v.GetRowsEstimate()
   380  			partStats[i].StoreSize = v.GetStoreSize()
   381  		}
   382  		var creationTime, modificationTime time.Time
   383  		if resStats.GetCreationTime().GetSeconds() != 0 {
   384  			creationTime = time.Unix(
   385  				resStats.GetCreationTime().GetSeconds(),
   386  				int64(resStats.GetCreationTime().GetNanos()),
   387  			)
   388  		}
   389  		if resStats.GetModificationTime().GetSeconds() != 0 {
   390  			modificationTime = time.Unix(
   391  				resStats.GetModificationTime().GetSeconds(),
   392  				int64(resStats.GetModificationTime().GetNanos()),
   393  			)
   394  		}
   396  		stats = &options.TableStats{
   397  			PartitionStats:   partStats,
   398  			RowsEstimate:     resStats.GetRowsEstimate(),
   399  			StoreSize:        resStats.GetStoreSize(),
   400  			Partitions:       resStats.GetPartitions(),
   401  			CreationTime:     creationTime,
   402  			ModificationTime: modificationTime,
   403  		}
   404  	}
   406  	cf := make([]options.ColumnFamily, len(result.GetColumnFamilies()))
   407  	for i, c := range result.GetColumnFamilies() {
   408  		cf[i] = options.NewColumnFamily(c)
   409  	}
   411  	attrs := make(map[string]string, len(result.GetAttributes()))
   412  	for k, v := range result.GetAttributes() {
   413  		attrs[k] = v
   414  	}
   416  	indexes := make([]options.IndexDescription, len(result.GetIndexes()))
   417  	for i, idx := range result.GetIndexes() {
   418  		var typ options.IndexType
   419  		switch idx.GetType().(type) {
   420  		case *Ydb_Table.TableIndexDescription_GlobalAsyncIndex:
   421  			typ = options.IndexTypeGlobalAsync
   422  		case *Ydb_Table.TableIndexDescription_GlobalIndex:
   423  			typ = options.IndexTypeGlobal
   424  		}
   425  		indexes[i] = options.IndexDescription{
   426  			Name:         idx.GetName(),
   427  			IndexColumns: idx.GetIndexColumns(),
   428  			DataColumns:  idx.GetDataColumns(),
   429  			Status:       idx.GetStatus(),
   430  			Type:         typ,
   431  		}
   432  	}
   434  	changeFeeds := make([]options.ChangefeedDescription, len(result.GetChangefeeds()))
   435  	for i, proto := range result.GetChangefeeds() {
   436  		changeFeeds[i] = options.NewChangefeedDescription(proto)
   437  	}
   439  	return options.Description{
   440  		Name:                 result.GetSelf().GetName(),
   441  		PrimaryKey:           result.GetPrimaryKey(),
   442  		Columns:              cs,
   443  		KeyRanges:            rs,
   444  		Stats:                stats,
   445  		ColumnFamilies:       cf,
   446  		Attributes:           attrs,
   447  		ReadReplicaSettings:  options.NewReadReplicasSettings(result.GetReadReplicasSettings()),
   448  		StorageSettings:      options.NewStorageSettings(result.GetStorageSettings()),
   449  		KeyBloomFilter:       feature.FromYDB(result.GetKeyBloomFilter()),
   450  		PartitioningSettings: options.NewPartitioningSettings(result.GetPartitioningSettings()),
   451  		Indexes:              indexes,
   452  		TimeToLiveSettings:   NewTimeToLiveSettings(result.GetTtlSettings()),
   453  		Changefeeds:          changeFeeds,
   454  		Tiering:              result.GetTiering(),
   455  	}, nil
   456  }
   458  // DropTable drops table at given path with given options.
   459  func (s *session) DropTable(
   460  	ctx context.Context,
   461  	path string,
   462  	opts ...options.DropTableOption,
   463  ) (err error) {
   464  	request := Ydb_Table.DropTableRequest{
   465  		SessionId:,
   466  		Path:      path,
   467  		OperationParams: operation.Params(
   468  			ctx,
   469  			s.config.OperationTimeout(),
   470  			s.config.OperationCancelAfter(),
   471  			operation.ModeSync,
   472  		),
   473  	}
   474  	for _, opt := range opts {
   475  		if opt != nil {
   476  			opt.ApplyDropTableOption((*options.DropTableDesc)(&request))
   477  		}
   478  	}
   479  	_, err = s.tableService.DropTable(ctx, &request)
   481  	return xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   482  }
   484  func (s *session) checkError(err error) {
   485  	if err == nil {
   486  		return
   487  	}
   488  	if m := retry.Check(err); m.MustDeleteSession() {
   489  		s.SetStatus(table.SessionClosing)
   490  	}
   491  }
   493  // AlterTable modifies schema of table at given path with given options.
   494  func (s *session) AlterTable(
   495  	ctx context.Context,
   496  	path string,
   497  	opts ...options.AlterTableOption,
   498  ) (err error) {
   499  	var (
   500  		request = Ydb_Table.AlterTableRequest{
   501  			SessionId:,
   502  			Path:      path,
   503  			OperationParams: operation.Params(
   504  				ctx,
   505  				s.config.OperationTimeout(),
   506  				s.config.OperationCancelAfter(),
   507  				operation.ModeSync,
   508  			),
   509  		}
   510  		a = allocator.New()
   511  	)
   512  	defer a.Free()
   513  	for _, opt := range opts {
   514  		if opt != nil {
   515  			opt.ApplyAlterTableOption((*options.AlterTableDesc)(&request), a)
   516  		}
   517  	}
   518  	_, err = s.tableService.AlterTable(ctx, &request)
   520  	return xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   521  }
   523  // CopyTable creates copy of table at given path.
   524  func (s *session) CopyTable(
   525  	ctx context.Context,
   526  	dst, src string,
   527  	opts ...options.CopyTableOption,
   528  ) (err error) {
   529  	request := Ydb_Table.CopyTableRequest{
   530  		SessionId:,
   531  		SourcePath:      src,
   532  		DestinationPath: dst,
   533  		OperationParams: operation.Params(
   534  			ctx,
   535  			s.config.OperationTimeout(),
   536  			s.config.OperationCancelAfter(),
   537  			operation.ModeSync,
   538  		),
   539  	}
   540  	for _, opt := range opts {
   541  		if opt != nil {
   542  			opt((*options.CopyTableDesc)(&request))
   543  		}
   544  	}
   545  	_, err = s.tableService.CopyTable(ctx, &request)
   546  	if err != nil {
   547  		return xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   548  	}
   550  	return nil
   551  }
   553  func copyTables(
   554  	ctx context.Context,
   555  	sessionID string,
   556  	operationTimeout time.Duration,
   557  	operationCancelAfter time.Duration,
   558  	service interface {
   559  		CopyTables(
   560  			ctx context.Context, in *Ydb_Table.CopyTablesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption,
   561  		) (*Ydb_Table.CopyTablesResponse, error)
   562  	},
   563  	opts ...options.CopyTablesOption,
   564  ) (err error) {
   565  	request := Ydb_Table.CopyTablesRequest{
   566  		SessionId: sessionID,
   567  		OperationParams: operation.Params(
   568  			ctx,
   569  			operationTimeout,
   570  			operationCancelAfter,
   571  			operation.ModeSync,
   572  		),
   573  	}
   574  	for _, opt := range opts {
   575  		if opt != nil {
   576  			opt((*options.CopyTablesDesc)(&request))
   577  		}
   578  	}
   579  	if len(request.GetTables()) == 0 {
   580  		return xerrors.WithStackTrace(fmt.Errorf("no CopyTablesItem: %w", errParamsRequired))
   581  	}
   582  	_, err = service.CopyTables(ctx, &request)
   583  	if err != nil {
   584  		return xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   585  	}
   587  	return nil
   588  }
   590  // CopyTables creates copy of table at given path.
   591  func (s *session) CopyTables(
   592  	ctx context.Context,
   593  	opts ...options.CopyTablesOption,
   594  ) (err error) {
   595  	err = copyTables(ctx,, s.config.OperationTimeout(), s.config.OperationCancelAfter(), s.tableService, opts...)
   596  	if err != nil {
   597  		return xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   598  	}
   600  	return nil
   601  }
   603  // Explain explains data query represented by text.
   604  func (s *session) Explain(
   605  	ctx context.Context,
   606  	query string,
   607  ) (
   608  	exp table.DataQueryExplanation,
   609  	err error,
   610  ) {
   611  	var (
   612  		result   Ydb_Table.ExplainQueryResult
   613  		response *Ydb_Table.ExplainDataQueryResponse
   614  		onDone   = trace.TableOnSessionQueryExplain(
   615  			s.config.Trace(), &ctx,
   616  			stack.FunctionID(""),
   617  			s, query,
   618  		)
   619  	)
   620  	defer func() {
   621  		if err != nil {
   622  			onDone("", "", err)
   623  		} else {
   624  			onDone(exp.AST, exp.AST, nil)
   625  		}
   626  	}()
   628  	response, err = s.tableService.ExplainDataQuery(ctx,
   629  		&Ydb_Table.ExplainDataQueryRequest{
   630  			SessionId:,
   631  			YqlText:   query,
   632  			OperationParams: operation.Params(
   633  				ctx,
   634  				s.config.OperationTimeout(),
   635  				s.config.OperationCancelAfter(),
   636  				operation.ModeSync,
   637  			),
   638  		},
   639  	)
   640  	if err != nil {
   641  		return exp, xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   642  	}
   644  	err = response.GetOperation().GetResult().UnmarshalTo(&result)
   645  	if err != nil {
   646  		return exp, xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   647  	}
   649  	return table.DataQueryExplanation{
   650  		Explanation: table.Explanation{
   651  			Plan: result.GetQueryPlan(),
   652  		},
   653  		AST: result.GetQueryAst(),
   654  	}, nil
   655  }
   657  // Prepare prepares data query within session s.
   658  func (s *session) Prepare(ctx context.Context, queryText string) (_ table.Statement, err error) {
   659  	var (
   660  		stmt     *statement
   661  		response *Ydb_Table.PrepareDataQueryResponse
   662  		result   Ydb_Table.PrepareQueryResult
   663  		onDone   = trace.TableOnSessionQueryPrepare(
   664  			s.config.Trace(), &ctx,
   665  			stack.FunctionID(""),
   666  			s, queryText,
   667  		)
   668  	)
   669  	defer func() {
   670  		if err != nil {
   671  			onDone(nil, err)
   672  		} else {
   673  			onDone(stmt.query, nil)
   674  		}
   675  	}()
   677  	response, err = s.tableService.PrepareDataQuery(ctx,
   678  		&Ydb_Table.PrepareDataQueryRequest{
   679  			SessionId:,
   680  			YqlText:   queryText,
   681  			OperationParams: operation.Params(
   682  				ctx,
   683  				s.config.OperationTimeout(),
   684  				s.config.OperationCancelAfter(),
   685  				operation.ModeSync,
   686  			),
   687  		},
   688  	)
   689  	if err != nil {
   690  		return nil, xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   691  	}
   693  	err = response.GetOperation().GetResult().UnmarshalTo(&result)
   694  	if err != nil {
   695  		return nil, xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   696  	}
   698  	stmt = &statement{
   699  		session: s,
   700  		query:   queryPrepared(result.GetQueryId(), queryText),
   701  		params:  result.GetParametersTypes(),
   702  	}
   704  	return stmt, nil
   705  }
   707  // Execute executes given data query represented by text.
   708  func (s *session) Execute(
   709  	ctx context.Context,
   710  	txControl *table.TransactionControl,
   711  	query string,
   712  	parameters *params.Parameters,
   713  	opts ...options.ExecuteDataQueryOption,
   714  ) (
   715  	txr table.Transaction, r result.Result, err error,
   716  ) {
   717  	var (
   718  		a       = allocator.New()
   719  		q       = queryFromText(query)
   720  		request = options.ExecuteDataQueryDesc{
   721  			ExecuteDataQueryRequest: a.TableExecuteDataQueryRequest(),
   722  			IgnoreTruncated:         s.config.IgnoreTruncated(),
   723  		}
   724  		callOptions []grpc.CallOption
   725  	)
   726  	defer a.Free()
   728  	request.SessionId =
   729  	request.TxControl = txControl.Desc()
   730  	request.Parameters = parameters.ToYDB(a)
   731  	request.Query = q.toYDB(a)
   732  	request.QueryCachePolicy = a.TableQueryCachePolicy()
   733  	request.QueryCachePolicy.KeepInCache = len(request.Parameters) > 0
   734  	request.OperationParams = operation.Params(ctx,
   735  		s.config.OperationTimeout(),
   736  		s.config.OperationCancelAfter(),
   737  		operation.ModeSync,
   738  	)
   740  	for _, opt := range opts {
   741  		if opt != nil {
   742  			callOptions = append(callOptions, opt.ApplyExecuteDataQueryOption(&request, a)...)
   743  		}
   744  	}
   746  	onDone := trace.TableOnSessionQueryExecute(
   747  		s.config.Trace(), &ctx,
   748  		stack.FunctionID(""),
   749  		s, q, parameters,
   750  		request.QueryCachePolicy.GetKeepInCache(),
   751  	)
   752  	defer func() {
   753  		onDone(txr, false, r, err)
   754  	}()
   756  	result, err := s.executeDataQuery(ctx, a, request.ExecuteDataQueryRequest, callOptions...)
   757  	if err != nil {
   758  		return nil, nil, xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   759  	}
   761  	return s.executeQueryResult(result, request.TxControl, request.IgnoreTruncated)
   762  }
   764  // executeQueryResult returns Transaction and result built from received
   765  // result.
   766  func (s *session) executeQueryResult(
   767  	res *Ydb_Table.ExecuteQueryResult,
   768  	txControl *Ydb_Table.TransactionControl,
   769  	ignoreTruncated bool,
   770  ) (
   771  	table.Transaction, result.Result, error,
   772  ) {
   773  	tx := &transaction{
   774  		id: res.GetTxMeta().GetId(),
   775  		s:  s,
   776  	}
   777  	if txControl.GetCommitTx() {
   778  		tx.state.Store(txStateCommitted)
   779  	} else {
   780  		tx.state.Store(txStateInitialized)
   781  		tx.control = table.TxControl(table.WithTxID(
   782  	}
   784  	return tx, scanner.NewUnary(
   785  		res.GetResultSets(),
   786  		res.GetQueryStats(),
   787  		scanner.WithIgnoreTruncated(ignoreTruncated),
   788  	), nil
   789  }
   791  // executeDataQuery executes data query.
   792  func (s *session) executeDataQuery(
   793  	ctx context.Context, a *allocator.Allocator, request *Ydb_Table.ExecuteDataQueryRequest,
   794  	callOptions ...grpc.CallOption,
   795  ) (
   796  	_ *Ydb_Table.ExecuteQueryResult,
   797  	err error,
   798  ) {
   799  	var (
   800  		result   = a.TableExecuteQueryResult()
   801  		response *Ydb_Table.ExecuteDataQueryResponse
   802  	)
   804  	response, err = s.tableService.ExecuteDataQuery(ctx, request, callOptions...)
   805  	if err != nil {
   806  		return nil, xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   807  	}
   809  	err = response.GetOperation().GetResult().UnmarshalTo(result)
   810  	if err != nil {
   811  		return nil, xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   812  	}
   814  	return result, nil
   815  }
   817  // ExecuteSchemeQuery executes scheme query.
   818  func (s *session) ExecuteSchemeQuery(
   819  	ctx context.Context,
   820  	query string,
   821  	opts ...options.ExecuteSchemeQueryOption,
   822  ) (err error) {
   823  	request := Ydb_Table.ExecuteSchemeQueryRequest{
   824  		SessionId:,
   825  		YqlText:   query,
   826  		OperationParams: operation.Params(
   827  			ctx,
   828  			s.config.OperationTimeout(),
   829  			s.config.OperationCancelAfter(),
   830  			operation.ModeSync,
   831  		),
   832  	}
   833  	for _, opt := range opts {
   834  		if opt != nil {
   835  			opt((*options.ExecuteSchemeQueryDesc)(&request))
   836  		}
   837  	}
   838  	_, err = s.tableService.ExecuteSchemeQuery(ctx, &request)
   840  	return xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   841  }
   843  // DescribeTableOptions describes supported table options.
   844  func (s *session) DescribeTableOptions(ctx context.Context) (
   845  	desc options.TableOptionsDescription,
   846  	err error,
   847  ) {
   848  	var (
   849  		response *Ydb_Table.DescribeTableOptionsResponse
   850  		result   Ydb_Table.DescribeTableOptionsResult
   851  	)
   852  	request := Ydb_Table.DescribeTableOptionsRequest{
   853  		OperationParams: operation.Params(
   854  			ctx,
   855  			s.config.OperationTimeout(),
   856  			s.config.OperationCancelAfter(),
   857  			operation.ModeSync,
   858  		),
   859  	}
   860  	response, err = s.tableService.DescribeTableOptions(ctx, &request)
   861  	if err != nil {
   862  		return desc, xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   863  	}
   865  	err = response.GetOperation().GetResult().UnmarshalTo(&result)
   866  	if err != nil {
   867  		return desc, xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
   868  	}
   870  	{
   871  		xs := make([]options.TableProfileDescription, len(result.GetTableProfilePresets()))
   872  		for i, p := range result.GetTableProfilePresets() {
   873  			xs[i] = options.TableProfileDescription{
   874  				Name:   p.GetName(),
   875  				Labels: p.GetLabels(),
   877  				DefaultStoragePolicy:      p.GetDefaultStoragePolicy(),
   878  				DefaultCompactionPolicy:   p.GetDefaultCompactionPolicy(),
   879  				DefaultPartitioningPolicy: p.GetDefaultPartitioningPolicy(),
   880  				DefaultExecutionPolicy:    p.GetDefaultExecutionPolicy(),
   881  				DefaultReplicationPolicy:  p.GetDefaultReplicationPolicy(),
   882  				DefaultCachingPolicy:      p.GetDefaultCachingPolicy(),
   884  				AllowedStoragePolicies:      p.GetAllowedStoragePolicies(),
   885  				AllowedCompactionPolicies:   p.GetAllowedCompactionPolicies(),
   886  				AllowedPartitioningPolicies: p.GetAllowedPartitioningPolicies(),
   887  				AllowedExecutionPolicies:    p.GetAllowedExecutionPolicies(),
   888  				AllowedReplicationPolicies:  p.GetAllowedReplicationPolicies(),
   889  				AllowedCachingPolicies:      p.GetAllowedCachingPolicies(),
   890  			}
   891  		}
   892  		desc.TableProfilePresets = xs
   893  	}
   894  	{
   895  		xs := make(
   896  			[]options.StoragePolicyDescription,
   897  			len(result.GetStoragePolicyPresets()),
   898  		)
   899  		for i, p := range result.GetStoragePolicyPresets() {
   900  			xs[i] = options.StoragePolicyDescription{
   901  				Name:   p.GetName(),
   902  				Labels: p.GetLabels(),
   903  			}
   904  		}
   905  		desc.StoragePolicyPresets = xs
   906  	}
   907  	{
   908  		xs := make(
   909  			[]options.CompactionPolicyDescription,
   910  			len(result.GetCompactionPolicyPresets()),
   911  		)
   912  		for i, p := range result.GetCompactionPolicyPresets() {
   913  			xs[i] = options.CompactionPolicyDescription{
   914  				Name:   p.GetName(),
   915  				Labels: p.GetLabels(),
   916  			}
   917  		}
   918  		desc.CompactionPolicyPresets = xs
   919  	}
   920  	{
   921  		xs := make(
   922  			[]options.PartitioningPolicyDescription,
   923  			len(result.GetPartitioningPolicyPresets()),
   924  		)
   925  		for i, p := range result.GetPartitioningPolicyPresets() {
   926  			xs[i] = options.PartitioningPolicyDescription{
   927  				Name:   p.GetName(),
   928  				Labels: p.GetLabels(),
   929  			}
   930  		}
   931  		desc.PartitioningPolicyPresets = xs
   932  	}
   933  	{
   934  		xs := make(
   935  			[]options.ExecutionPolicyDescription,
   936  			len(result.GetExecutionPolicyPresets()),
   937  		)
   938  		for i, p := range result.GetExecutionPolicyPresets() {
   939  			xs[i] = options.ExecutionPolicyDescription{
   940  				Name:   p.GetName(),
   941  				Labels: p.GetLabels(),
   942  			}
   943  		}
   944  		desc.ExecutionPolicyPresets = xs
   945  	}
   946  	{
   947  		xs := make(
   948  			[]options.ReplicationPolicyDescription,
   949  			len(result.GetReplicationPolicyPresets()),
   950  		)
   951  		for i, p := range result.GetReplicationPolicyPresets() {
   952  			xs[i] = options.ReplicationPolicyDescription{
   953  				Name:   p.GetName(),
   954  				Labels: p.GetLabels(),
   955  			}
   956  		}
   957  		desc.ReplicationPolicyPresets = xs
   958  	}
   959  	{
   960  		xs := make(
   961  			[]options.CachingPolicyDescription,
   962  			len(result.GetCachingPolicyPresets()),
   963  		)
   964  		for i, p := range result.GetCachingPolicyPresets() {
   965  			xs[i] = options.CachingPolicyDescription{
   966  				Name:   p.GetName(),
   967  				Labels: p.GetLabels(),
   968  			}
   969  		}
   970  		desc.CachingPolicyPresets = xs
   971  	}
   973  	return desc, nil
   974  }
   976  // StreamReadTable reads table at given path with given options.
   977  //
   978  // Note that given ctx controls the lifetime of the whole read, not only this
   979  // StreamReadTable() call; that is, the time until returned result is closed
   980  // via Close() call or fully drained by sequential NextResultSet() calls.
   981  func (s *session) StreamReadTable(
   982  	ctx context.Context,
   983  	path string,
   984  	opts ...options.ReadTableOption,
   985  ) (_ result.StreamResult, err error) {
   986  	var (
   987  		onIntermediate = trace.TableOnSessionQueryStreamRead(s.config.Trace(), &ctx,
   988  			stack.FunctionID(""),
   989  			s,
   990  		)
   991  		request = Ydb_Table.ReadTableRequest{
   992  			SessionId:,
   993  			Path:      path,
   994  		}
   995  		stream Ydb_Table_V1.TableService_StreamReadTableClient
   996  		a      = allocator.New()
   997  	)
   998  	defer func() {
   999  		a.Free()
  1000  		if err != nil {
  1001  			onIntermediate(xerrors.HideEOF(err))(xerrors.HideEOF(err))
  1002  		}
  1003  	}()
  1005  	for _, opt := range opts {
  1006  		if opt != nil {
  1007  			opt.ApplyReadTableOption((*options.ReadTableDesc)(&request), a)
  1008  		}
  1009  	}
  1011  	ctx, cancel := xcontext.WithCancel(ctx)
  1013  	stream, err = s.tableService.StreamReadTable(ctx, &request)
  1014  	if err != nil {
  1015  		cancel()
  1017  		return nil, xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
  1018  	}
  1020  	return scanner.NewStream(ctx,
  1021  		func(ctx context.Context) (
  1022  			set *Ydb.ResultSet,
  1023  			stats *Ydb_TableStats.QueryStats,
  1024  			err error,
  1025  		) {
  1026  			defer func() {
  1027  				onIntermediate(xerrors.HideEOF(err))
  1028  			}()
  1029  			select {
  1030  			case <-ctx.Done():
  1031  				return nil, nil, xerrors.WithStackTrace(ctx.Err())
  1032  			default:
  1033  				var response *Ydb_Table.ReadTableResponse
  1034  				response, err = stream.Recv()
  1035  				result := response.GetResult()
  1036  				if result == nil || err != nil {
  1037  					return nil, nil, xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
  1038  				}
  1040  				return result.GetResultSet(), nil, nil
  1041  			}
  1042  		},
  1043  		func(err error) error {
  1044  			cancel()
  1045  			onIntermediate(xerrors.HideEOF(err))(xerrors.HideEOF(err))
  1047  			return err
  1048  		},
  1049  		scanner.WithIgnoreTruncated(true), // stream read table always returns truncated flag on last result set
  1050  	)
  1051  }
  1053  func (s *session) ReadRows(
  1054  	ctx context.Context,
  1055  	path string,
  1056  	keys value.Value,
  1057  	opts ...options.ReadRowsOption,
  1058  ) (_ result.Result, err error) {
  1059  	var (
  1060  		a       = allocator.New()
  1061  		request = Ydb_Table.ReadRowsRequest{
  1062  			SessionId:,
  1063  			Path:      path,
  1064  			Keys:      value.ToYDB(keys, a),
  1065  		}
  1066  		response *Ydb_Table.ReadRowsResponse
  1067  	)
  1068  	defer func() {
  1069  		a.Free()
  1070  	}()
  1072  	for _, opt := range opts {
  1073  		if opt != nil {
  1074  			opt.ApplyReadRowsOption((*options.ReadRowsDesc)(&request), a)
  1075  		}
  1076  	}
  1078  	response, err = s.tableService.ReadRows(ctx, &request)
  1079  	if err != nil {
  1080  		return nil, xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
  1081  	}
  1083  	if response.GetStatus() != Ydb.StatusIds_SUCCESS {
  1084  		return nil, xerrors.WithStackTrace(
  1085  			xerrors.FromOperation(response),
  1086  		)
  1087  	}
  1089  	return scanner.NewUnary(
  1090  		[]*Ydb.ResultSet{response.GetResultSet()},
  1091  		nil,
  1092  		scanner.WithIgnoreTruncated(s.config.IgnoreTruncated()),
  1093  	), nil
  1094  }
  1096  // StreamExecuteScanQuery scan-reads table at given path with given options.
  1097  //
  1098  // Note that given ctx controls the lifetime of the whole read, not only this
  1099  // StreamExecuteScanQuery() call; that is, the time until returned result is closed
  1100  // via Close() call or fully drained by sequential NextResultSet() calls.
  1101  func (s *session) StreamExecuteScanQuery(
  1102  	ctx context.Context,
  1103  	query string,
  1104  	parameters *params.Parameters,
  1105  	opts ...options.ExecuteScanQueryOption,
  1106  ) (_ result.StreamResult, err error) {
  1107  	var (
  1108  		a              = allocator.New()
  1109  		q              = queryFromText(query)
  1110  		onIntermediate = trace.TableOnSessionQueryStreamExecute(
  1111  			s.config.Trace(), &ctx,
  1112  			stack.FunctionID(""),
  1113  			s, q, parameters,
  1114  		)
  1115  		request = Ydb_Table.ExecuteScanQueryRequest{
  1116  			Query:      q.toYDB(a),
  1117  			Parameters: parameters.ToYDB(a),
  1118  			Mode:       Ydb_Table.ExecuteScanQueryRequest_MODE_EXEC, // set default
  1119  		}
  1120  		stream      Ydb_Table_V1.TableService_StreamExecuteScanQueryClient
  1121  		callOptions []grpc.CallOption
  1122  	)
  1123  	defer func() {
  1124  		a.Free()
  1125  		if err != nil {
  1126  			onIntermediate(xerrors.HideEOF(err))(xerrors.HideEOF(err))
  1127  		}
  1128  	}()
  1130  	for _, opt := range opts {
  1131  		if opt != nil {
  1132  			callOptions = append(callOptions, opt.ApplyExecuteScanQueryOption((*options.ExecuteScanQueryDesc)(&request))...)
  1133  		}
  1134  	}
  1136  	ctx, cancel := xcontext.WithCancel(ctx)
  1138  	stream, err = s.tableService.StreamExecuteScanQuery(ctx, &request, callOptions...)
  1139  	if err != nil {
  1140  		cancel()
  1142  		return nil, xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
  1143  	}
  1145  	return scanner.NewStream(ctx,
  1146  		func(ctx context.Context) (
  1147  			set *Ydb.ResultSet,
  1148  			stats *Ydb_TableStats.QueryStats,
  1149  			err error,
  1150  		) {
  1151  			defer func() {
  1152  				onIntermediate(xerrors.HideEOF(err))
  1153  			}()
  1154  			select {
  1155  			case <-ctx.Done():
  1156  				return nil, nil, xerrors.WithStackTrace(ctx.Err())
  1157  			default:
  1158  				var response *Ydb_Table.ExecuteScanQueryPartialResponse
  1159  				response, err = stream.Recv()
  1160  				result := response.GetResult()
  1161  				if result == nil || err != nil {
  1162  					return nil, nil, xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
  1163  				}
  1165  				return result.GetResultSet(), result.GetQueryStats(), nil
  1166  			}
  1167  		},
  1168  		func(err error) error {
  1169  			cancel()
  1170  			onIntermediate(xerrors.HideEOF(err))(xerrors.HideEOF(err))
  1172  			return err
  1173  		},
  1174  		scanner.WithIgnoreTruncated(s.config.IgnoreTruncated()),
  1175  		scanner.WithMarkTruncatedAsRetryable(),
  1176  	)
  1177  }
  1179  // BulkUpsert uploads given list of ydb struct values to the table.
  1180  func (s *session) BulkUpsert(ctx context.Context, table string, rows value.Value,
  1181  	opts ...options.BulkUpsertOption,
  1182  ) (err error) {
  1183  	var (
  1184  		a           = allocator.New()
  1185  		callOptions []grpc.CallOption
  1186  		onDone      = trace.TableOnSessionBulkUpsert(
  1187  			s.config.Trace(), &ctx,
  1188  			stack.FunctionID(""),
  1189  			s,
  1190  		)
  1191  	)
  1192  	defer func() {
  1193  		defer a.Free()
  1194  		onDone(err)
  1195  	}()
  1197  	for _, opt := range opts {
  1198  		callOptions = append(callOptions, opt.ApplyBulkUpsertOption()...)
  1199  	}
  1201  	_, err = s.tableService.BulkUpsert(ctx,
  1202  		&Ydb_Table.BulkUpsertRequest{
  1203  			Table: table,
  1204  			Rows:  value.ToYDB(rows, a),
  1205  			OperationParams: operation.Params(
  1206  				ctx,
  1207  				s.config.OperationTimeout(),
  1208  				s.config.OperationCancelAfter(),
  1209  				operation.ModeSync,
  1210  			),
  1211  		},
  1212  		callOptions...,
  1213  	)
  1214  	if err != nil {
  1215  		return xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
  1216  	}
  1218  	return nil
  1219  }
  1221  // BeginTransaction begins new transaction within given session with given
  1222  // settings.
  1223  func (s *session) BeginTransaction(
  1224  	ctx context.Context,
  1225  	txSettings *table.TransactionSettings,
  1226  ) (x table.Transaction, err error) {
  1227  	var (
  1228  		result   Ydb_Table.BeginTransactionResult
  1229  		response *Ydb_Table.BeginTransactionResponse
  1230  		onDone   = trace.TableOnSessionTransactionBegin(
  1231  			s.config.Trace(), &ctx,
  1232  			stack.FunctionID(""),
  1233  			s,
  1234  		)
  1235  	)
  1236  	defer func() {
  1237  		onDone(x, err)
  1238  	}()
  1240  	response, err = s.tableService.BeginTransaction(ctx,
  1241  		&Ydb_Table.BeginTransactionRequest{
  1242  			SessionId:,
  1243  			TxSettings: txSettings.Settings(),
  1244  			OperationParams: operation.Params(
  1245  				ctx,
  1246  				s.config.OperationTimeout(),
  1247  				s.config.OperationCancelAfter(),
  1248  				operation.ModeSync,
  1249  			),
  1250  		},
  1251  	)
  1252  	if err != nil {
  1253  		return nil, xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
  1254  	}
  1255  	err = response.GetOperation().GetResult().UnmarshalTo(&result)
  1256  	if err != nil {
  1257  		return nil, xerrors.WithStackTrace(err)
  1258  	}
  1259  	tx := &transaction{
  1260  		id:      result.GetTxMeta().GetId(),
  1261  		s:       s,
  1262  		control: table.TxControl(table.WithTxID(result.GetTxMeta().GetId())),
  1263  	}
  1264  	tx.state.Store(txStateInitialized)
  1266  	return tx, nil
  1267  }