
     1  // Code generated by gtrace. DO NOT EDIT.
     3  package trace
     5  import (
     6  	"context"
     7  )
     9  // retryComposeOptions is a holder of options
    10  type retryComposeOptions struct {
    11  	panicCallback func(e interface{})
    12  }
    14  // RetryOption specified Retry compose option
    15  type RetryComposeOption func(o *retryComposeOptions)
    17  // WithRetryPanicCallback specified behavior on panic
    18  func WithRetryPanicCallback(cb func(e interface{})) RetryComposeOption {
    19  	return func(o *retryComposeOptions) {
    20  		o.panicCallback = cb
    21  	}
    22  }
    24  // Compose returns a new Retry which has functional fields composed both from t and x.
    25  func (t *Retry) Compose(x *Retry, opts ...RetryComposeOption) *Retry {
    26  	var ret Retry
    27  	options := retryComposeOptions{}
    28  	for _, opt := range opts {
    29  		if opt != nil {
    30  			opt(&options)
    31  		}
    32  	}
    33  	{
    34  		h1 := t.OnRetry
    35  		h2 := x.OnRetry
    36  		ret.OnRetry = func(r RetryLoopStartInfo) func(RetryLoopIntermediateInfo) func(RetryLoopDoneInfo) {
    37  			if options.panicCallback != nil {
    38  				defer func() {
    39  					if e := recover(); e != nil {
    40  						options.panicCallback(e)
    41  					}
    42  				}()
    43  			}
    44  			var r1, r2 func(RetryLoopIntermediateInfo) func(RetryLoopDoneInfo)
    45  			if h1 != nil {
    46  				r1 = h1(r)
    47  			}
    48  			if h2 != nil {
    49  				r2 = h2(r)
    50  			}
    51  			return func(r RetryLoopIntermediateInfo) func(RetryLoopDoneInfo) {
    52  				if options.panicCallback != nil {
    53  					defer func() {
    54  						if e := recover(); e != nil {
    55  							options.panicCallback(e)
    56  						}
    57  					}()
    58  				}
    59  				var r3, r4 func(RetryLoopDoneInfo)
    60  				if r1 != nil {
    61  					r3 = r1(r)
    62  				}
    63  				if r2 != nil {
    64  					r4 = r2(r)
    65  				}
    66  				return func(r RetryLoopDoneInfo) {
    67  					if options.panicCallback != nil {
    68  						defer func() {
    69  							if e := recover(); e != nil {
    70  								options.panicCallback(e)
    71  							}
    72  						}()
    73  					}
    74  					if r3 != nil {
    75  						r3(r)
    76  					}
    77  					if r4 != nil {
    78  						r4(r)
    79  					}
    80  				}
    81  			}
    82  		}
    83  	}
    84  	return &ret
    85  }
    86  func (t *Retry) onRetry(r RetryLoopStartInfo) func(RetryLoopIntermediateInfo) func(RetryLoopDoneInfo) {
    87  	fn := t.OnRetry
    88  	if fn == nil {
    89  		return func(RetryLoopIntermediateInfo) func(RetryLoopDoneInfo) {
    90  			return func(RetryLoopDoneInfo) {
    91  				return
    92  			}
    93  		}
    94  	}
    95  	res := fn(r)
    96  	if res == nil {
    97  		return func(RetryLoopIntermediateInfo) func(RetryLoopDoneInfo) {
    98  			return func(RetryLoopDoneInfo) {
    99  				return
   100  			}
   101  		}
   102  	}
   103  	return func(r RetryLoopIntermediateInfo) func(RetryLoopDoneInfo) {
   104  		res := res(r)
   105  		if res == nil {
   106  			return func(RetryLoopDoneInfo) {
   107  				return
   108  			}
   109  		}
   110  		return res
   111  	}
   112  }
   113  func RetryOnRetry(t *Retry, c *context.Context, iD string, call call, label string, idempotent bool, nestedCall bool) func(error) func(attempts int, _ error) {
   114  	var p RetryLoopStartInfo
   115  	p.Context = c
   116  	p.ID = iD
   117  	p.Call = call
   118  	p.Label = label
   119  	p.Idempotent = idempotent
   120  	p.NestedCall = nestedCall
   121  	res := t.onRetry(p)
   122  	return func(e error) func(int, error) {
   123  		var p RetryLoopIntermediateInfo
   124  		p.Error = e
   125  		res := res(p)
   126  		return func(attempts int, e error) {
   127  			var p RetryLoopDoneInfo
   128  			p.Attempts = attempts
   129  			p.Error = e
   130  			res(p)
   131  		}
   132  	}
   133  }