
     1  # How to Contribute
     3  We would love to accept your patches and contributions to this project. Here is
     4  how you can help.
     6  ## Filing issues
     8  Filing issues is an important way you can contribute to the Go Cloud Development
     9  Kit. We want your feedback on things like bugs, desired API changes, or just
    10  anything that isn't working for you.
    12  ### Bugs
    14  If your issue is a bug, open one
    15  [here]( The easiest way to file
    16  an issue with all the right information is to run `go bug`. `go bug` will print
    17  out a handy template of questions and system information that will help us get
    18  to the root of the issue quicker. Please start the title of your bug with the
    19  name of the affected package, followed by a colon, followed by a short summary
    20  of the issue, like "blob/gcsblob: not blobby enough".
    22  ### Changes
    24  Unlike the core Go project, we do not have a formal proposal process for
    25  changes. If you have a change you would like to see in the Go CDK, please file
    26  an issue with the necessary details.
    28  ### Triaging
    30  The Go CDK team triages issues at least every two weeks, but usually within two
    31  business days. Issues that we would like to address, but do not have time for
    32  are placed into the [Unplanned][] milestone.
    34  [Unplanned]:
    36  ## Contributing Code
    38  We love accepting contributions! If your change is minor, please feel free
    39  to submit a [pull request](
    40  If your change is larger, or adds a feature, please file an issue beforehand so
    41  that we can discuss the change. You're welcome to file an implementation pull
    42  request immediately as well, although we generally lean towards discussing the
    43  change and then reviewing the implementation separately.
    45  Be sure to take a look at the [internal docs][], which include more information
    46  about conventions and design patterns found in the project.
    48  [internal docs]: internal/docs/
    50  ### Finding something to work on
    52  If you want to write some code, but don't know where to start or what you might
    53  want to do, take a look at the [Good First Issue] label and our [Unplanned][]
    54  milestone. The latter is where you can find issues we would like to address, but
    55  can't currently find time for. See if any of the latest ones look interesting!
    56  If you need help before you can start work, you can comment on the issue, and we
    57  will try to help as best we can.
    59  [Good First Issue]:
    61  ### Contributor License Agreement
    63  Contributions to this project can only be made by those who have signed Google's
    64  Contributor License Agreement. You (or your employer) retain the copyright to
    65  your contribution, so this simply gives us permission to use and redistribute your
    66  contributions as part of the project. Head over to
    67  <> to see your current agreements on file or
    68  to sign a new one.
    70  As a personal contributor, you only need to sign the Google CLA once across all
    71  Google projects. If you've already signed the CLA, there is no need to do it
    72  again. If you are submitting code on behalf of your employer, there's
    73  [a separate corporate CLA that your employer manages for you](
    75  ### A Warning About Tests
    77  Tests that interact with cloud providers are written using a replay method,
    78  where the test is run and actually performs the operations, and the
    79  requests/results of the operations are stored in a replay file. This replay file
    80  is then read back in unit tests on Travis, so the tests get to operate with real
    81  data. Unfortunately, while the Go CDK team can generate these replay files
    82  against our test cloud infrastructure, it is not yet possible for external
    83  contributors to do the same. We want to improve this process in the future and
    84  are researching how we can do this. If you have any ideas, please 
    85  [file an issue](!
    87  #### Writing and running tests against a cloud environment
    89  If you can create cloud resources, setup your authentication using either `aws`
    90  or `gcloud` and set the default project as the test project. Most tests will
    91  have constants defining the resource names they use (for example, for `blob`
    92  tests, the bucket name); update the constant and then run `go test -record`. New
    93  replay files will be generated. This uses API quota and will create and delete
    94  cloud resources. Replay files scrub sensitive information.
    95  [Send your PR](#making-a-pull-request) without the replay files, and we can
    96  generate new ones to be used by others.
    98  ### Dependencies
   100  The Go CDK has a policy to depend only on code licensed under one of the
   101  [`notice`][notice licenses], [`permissive`][permissive licenses], or
   102  [`unencumbered`][unencumbered licenses] categories in the
   103  [Google Open Source Licenses][] documentation. This is enforced with a
   104  Travis build check that verifies that every dependency is in the
   105  [`alldeps` file][]. Do not add new direct or indirect dependencies to the Go CDK
   106  unless you have verified that the dependency is released under an acceptable
   107  license.
   109  [`alldeps` file]:
   110  [notice licenses]:
   111  [permissive licenses]:
   112  [unencumbered licenses]:
   113  [Google Open Source Licenses]:
   115  ## Making a pull request
   117  *   Follow the normal
   118      [pull request flow](
   119  *   Build your changes using Go 1.11 with Go modules enabled. The Go CDK's
   120      continuous integration uses Go modules in order to ensure
   121      [reproducible builds](
   122  *   Test your changes using `go test ./...`. Please add tests that show the
   123      change does what it says it does, even if there wasn't a test in the first
   124      place. Don't add the replay files to your commits.
   125  *   Feel free to make as many commits as you want; we will squash them all into
   126      a single commit before merging your change.
   127  *   Check the diffs, write a useful description (including something like
   128      `Fixes #123` if it's fixing a bug) and send the PR out. Please start the
   129      title of your pull request with the name of the affected package, followed
   130      by a colon, followed by a short summary of the change, like "blob/gcsblob:
   131      add more tests".
   132  *   [Travis CI]( will run tests against the PR. This should
   133      happen within 10 minutes or so. If a test fails, go back to the coding stage
   134      and try to fix the test and push the same branch again. You won't need to
   135      make a new pull request, the changes will be rolled directly into the PR you
   136      already opened. Wait for Travis again. There is no need to assign a reviewer
   137      to the PR, the project team will assign someone for review during the
   138      standard [triage](#triaging) process.
   140  ## Code review
   142  All submissions, including submissions by project members, require review. It is
   143  almost never the case that a pull request is accepted without some changes
   144  requested, so please do not be offended!
   146  When you have finished making requested changes to your pull request, please
   147  make a comment containing "PTAL" (Please Take Another Look) on your pull
   148  request. GitHub notifications can be noisy, and it is unfortunately easy for
   149  things to be lost in the shuffle.
   151  Once your PR is approved (hooray!), the reviewer will squash your commits into a
   152  single commit and then merge the commit onto the Go CDK master branch. Thank
   153  you!
   155  ## Github code review workflow conventions
   157  (For project members and frequent contributors.)
   159  As a contributor:
   161  -   Try hard to make each Pull Request as small and focused as possible. In
   162      particular, this means that if a reviewer asks you to do something that is
   163      beyond the scope of the Pull Request, the best practice is to file another
   164      issue and reference it from the Pull Request rather than just adding more
   165      commits to the existing PR.
   166  -   Adding someone as a Reviewer means "please feel free to look and comment";
   167      the review is optional. Choose as many Reviewers as you'd like.
   168  -   Adding someone as an Assignee means that the Pull Request should not be
   169      submitted until they approve. If you choose multiple Assignees, wait until
   170      all of them approve. It is fine to ask someone if they are OK with being
   171      removed as an Assignee.
   172      -   Note that if you don't select any assignees, ContributeBot will turn all
   173          of your Reviewers into Assignees.
   174  -   Make as many commits as you want locally, but try not to push them to Github
   175      until you've addressed comments; this allows the email notification about
   176      the push to be a signal to reviewers that the PR is ready to be looked at
   177      again.
   178  -   When there may be confusion about what should happen next for a PR, be
   179      explicit; add a "PTAL" comment if it is ready for review again, or a "Please
   180      hold off on reviewing for now" if you are still working on addressing
   182  -   "Resolve" comments that you are sure you've addressed; let your reviewers
   183      resolve ones that you're not sure about.
   184  -   Do not use `git push --force`; this can cause comments from your reviewers
   185      that are associated with a specific commit to be lost. This implies that
   186      once you've sent a Pull Request, you should use `git merge` instead of `git
   187      rebase` to incorporate commits from the master branch.
   188  -   Travis checks will fail if you haven't run `gofmt -w -s`.
   189  -   Travis checks will fail if your PR has backwards-incompatible changes,
   190      unless one of your commits has the strings `BREAKING_CHANGE_OK` in the first
   191      line of the commit message.
   193  As a reviewer:
   195  -   Be timely in your review process, especially if you are an Assignee.
   196  -   Try to use `Start a Review` instead of single comments, to reduce email
   197      spam.
   198  -   "Resolve" your own comments if they have been addressed.
   199  -   If you want your review to be blocking, and are not currently an Assignee,
   200      add yourself as an Assignee.
   202  When squashing-and-merging:
   204  -   Ensure that **all** of the Assignees have approved.
   205  -   Do a final review of the one-line PR summary, ensuring that it meets the
   206      guidelines (e.g., "blob: add more blobbing") and accurately describes the
   207      change.
   208  -   Mark breaking changes with `BREAKING_CHANGE` in the commit message (e.g.,
   209      "blob: BREAKING_CHANGE remove old blob").
   210      -   If the PR includes a breaking change, it will be declared via a commit
   211          with `BREAKING_CHANGE_OK` in it (see Contributor section above).
   212      -   You can omit the marker if the change is technically breaking, but not
   213          expected to affect users (e.g., it's a breaking change to an object that
   214          wasn't in the last tagged release, or it's a change to a portable API
   215          function that's only expected to be used by driver implementations).
   216  -   Delete the automatically added commit lines; these are generally not
   217      interesting and make commit history harder to read.