
     1  pipeline {
     2      agent {
     3          label "jenkins-go"
     4      }
     5      stages {
     6          stage('CI Build and Test') {
     7              when {
     8                  branch 'PR-*'
     9              }
    10              steps {
    11                  dir ('/home/jenkins/go/src/') {
    12                      checkout scm
    13                      container('go') {
    14                          sh "./hack/"
    15                      }
    16                  }
    17              }
    18          }
    20          stage('Build and Release') {
    21              when {
    22                  branch 'master'
    23              }
    24              steps {
    25                  dir ('/home/jenkins/go/src/') {
    26                      checkout scm
    27                      container('go') {
    28                          sh "git config --global credential.helper store"
    29                          sh "jx step git credentials"
    30                          sh "jx step next-version --use-git-tag-only --tag"
    31                          sh "./hack/"
    32                          sh "./hack/ \$(cat VERSION)"
    33                      }
    34                  }
    35              }
    36          }
    37      }
    38  }