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    23                      <span class="mdl-layout-title header-title">Tide Status</span>
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    27                  <span class="mdl-layout-title">Prow Dashboard</span>
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    39                          <h4 style="user-select: none">Merge Requirements: (click to expand)</h4>
    40                          <span class="hidden">
    41                              <hr>
    42                              <p><strong>All <a href="">GitHub statuses</a> on a Pull Request must be passing / green for automatic merge&nbsp;<span class="success">✓</span></strong></p>
    43                              <p><strong>Prow test results are ignored if they do not test the Pull Request against the most recent commit on the branch.</strong></p>
    44                              <p><strong>Your Pull Request must also match one of these GitHub search queries (you can click them to check):</strong></p>
    45                              <ul id="queries"></ul>
    46                          </span>
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    53                              <th>Repo</th>
    54                              <th>State</th>
    55                              <th>Batch</th>
    56                              <th>Passing</th>
    57                              <th>Pending</th>
    58                              <th>Queued for Retest</th>
    59                              </thead>
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