
     1  {
     2   "cells": [
     3    {
     4     "cell_type": "markdown",
     5     "metadata": {},
     6     "source": [
     7      "# <span style=\"color:green\">Fixed</span>: Can not use a method of an instance if the instance and the type are defined separately\n",
     8      "- [bug]("
     9     ]
    10    },
    11    {
    12     "cell_type": "code",
    13     "execution_count": null,
    14     "metadata": {},
    15     "outputs": [],
    16     "source": [
    17      "type Data struct {\n",
    18      "    value string\n",
    19      "}\n",
    20      "\n",
    21      "func (d Data) Value() string {\n",
    22      "    return d.value\n",
    23      "}\n",
    24      "\n",
    25      "type WithValue interface {\n",
    26      "    Value() string\n",
    27      "}"
    28     ]
    29    },
    30    {
    31     "cell_type": "code",
    32     "execution_count": null,
    33     "metadata": {},
    34     "outputs": [],
    35     "source": [
    36      "d := Data{\"hello\"}"
    37     ]
    38    },
    39    {
    40     "cell_type": "code",
    41     "execution_count": 3,
    42     "metadata": {},
    43     "outputs": [
    44      {
    45       "name": "stdout",
    46       "output_type": "stream",
    47       "text": [
    48        "hello\n"
    49       ]
    50      }
    51     ],
    52     "source": [
    53      "// Got a link error because of\n",
    54      "d.Value()"
    55     ]
    56    },
    57    {
    58     "cell_type": "code",
    59     "execution_count": null,
    60     "metadata": {},
    61     "outputs": [
    62      {
    63       "name": "stdout",
    64       "output_type": "stream",
    65       "text": [
    66        "hello\n"
    67       ]
    68      }
    69     ],
    70     "source": [
    71      "// This works without any problem.\n",
    72      "WithValue(d).Value()"
    73     ]
    74    },
    75    {
    76     "cell_type": "markdown",
    77     "metadata": {},
    78     "source": [
    79      "# <span style=\"color:green\">Fixed</span>: goroutines should be canceled when the main routine ends\n",
    80      "- [bug]("
    81     ]
    82    },
    83    {
    84     "cell_type": "code",
    85     "execution_count": null,
    86     "metadata": {},
    87     "outputs": [
    88      {
    89       "name": "stdout",
    90       "output_type": "stream",
    91       "text": [
    92        "Canceled\n"
    93       ]
    94      }
    95     ],
    96     "source": [
    97      "import (\n",
    98      "    \"fmt\"\n",
    99      ")\n",
   100      "\n",
   101      "i := 0\n",
   102      "go func() {\n",
   103      "    defer func() {\n",
   104      "        fmt.Println(\"Canceled\")\n",
   105      "    }()\n",
   106      "    for i = 0;; i++ {}\n",
   107      "}()"
   108     ]
   109    },
   110    {
   111     "cell_type": "markdown",
   112     "metadata": {},
   113     "source": [
   114      "# <span style=\"color:green\">Fixed</span>: The entire process terminated when a go routine panics\n",
   115      "- [bug]("
   116     ]
   117    },
   118    {
   119     "cell_type": "code",
   120     "execution_count": null,
   121     "metadata": {},
   122     "outputs": [
   123      {
   124       "name": "stderr",
   125       "output_type": "stream",
   126       "text": [
   127        "panic: die!\n",
   128        "\n",
   129        "goroutine 26 [running]:\n",
   130        "runtime/debug.Stack(0xc4203f9eb8, 0x7fc12a067bc0, 0xc42003a010)\n",
   131        "\t/usr/lib/go-1.8/src/runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0x7b\n",
   132        "\n",
   133        "\t/home/yunabe/local/gocode/src/ +0x64\n",
   134        "panic(0x7fc12a067bc0, 0xc42003a010)\n",
   135        "\t/usr/lib/go-1.8/src/runtime/panic.go:489 +0x2e7\n",
   136        "\n",
   137        "\t/home/yunabe/local/gocode/src/ +0x66\n",
   138        "\n",
   139        "\t/home/yunabe/local/gocode/src/ +0x40\n",
   140        "created by\n",
   141        "\t/home/yunabe/local/gocode/src/ +0x3b\n"
   142       ]
   143      },
   144      {
   145       "name": "stdout",
   146       "output_type": "stream",
   147       "text": [
   148        "main done\n",
   149        "10\n",
   150        "<nil>\n"
   151       ]
   152      }
   153     ],
   154     "source": [
   155      "import (\n",
   156      "    \"fmt\"\n",
   157      "    \"time\"\n",
   158      ")\n",
   159      "\n",
   160      "go func() {\n",
   161      "    panic(\"die!\")\n",
   162      "}()\n",
   163      "\n",
   164      "time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)\n",
   165      "fmt.Println(\"main done\")"
   166     ]
   167    },
   168    {
   169     "cell_type": "markdown",
   170     "metadata": {},
   171     "source": [
   172      "# <span style=\"color:green\">Fixed</span>: interface is not working\n",
   173      "If you invoke a method through an interface in lgo, it crashes with `runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference` ([bug]("
   174     ]
   175    },
   176    {
   177     "cell_type": "code",
   178     "execution_count": null,
   179     "metadata": {},
   180     "outputs": [
   181      {
   182       "name": "stdout",
   183       "output_type": "stream",
   184       "text": [
   185        "---- 1 ----\n",
   186        "Hello, I'm yunabe.\n",
   187        "---- 2 ----\n",
   188        "Hello, I'm yunabe.\n"
   189       ]
   190      }
   191     ],
   192     "source": [
   193      "import (\n",
   194      "    \"fmt\"\n",
   195      ")\n",
   196      "\n",
   197      "type Hello interface {\n",
   198      "    SayHello()\n",
   199      "}\n",
   200      "\n",
   201      "type person struct {\n",
   202      "    name string\n",
   203      "}\n",
   204      "\n",
   205      "func (p *person) SayHello() {\n",
   206      "    fmt.Printf(\"Hello, I'm %s.\\n\",\n",
   207      "}\n",
   208      "\n",
   209      "p := person{\"yunabe\"}\n",
   210      "fmt.Println(\"---- 1 ----\")\n",
   211      "p.SayHello()\n",
   212      "\n",
   213      "var h Hello = &p\n",
   214      "fmt.Println(\"---- 2 ----\")\n",
   215      "h.SayHello()"
   216     ]
   217    },
   218    {
   219     "cell_type": "markdown",
   220     "metadata": {},
   221     "source": [
   222      "# <span style=\"color:green\">Fixed</span>: GC crashes with a fatal error\n",
   223      "The following crashes with `fatal error: found bad pointer in Go heap (incorrect use of unsafe or cgo?)` message ([bug]("
   224     ]
   225    },
   226    {
   227     "cell_type": "code",
   228     "execution_count": null,
   229     "metadata": {
   230      "collapsed": true
   231     },
   232     "outputs": [],
   233     "source": [
   234      "import (\n",
   235      "    \"fmt\"\n",
   236      "    \"log\"\n",
   237      "    \"runtime\"\n",
   238      "    \"runtime/debug\"\n",
   239      ")\n",
   240      "\n",
   241      "type MyData struct {\n",
   242      "    b []byte\n",
   243      "}\n",
   244      "\n",
   245      "func (m *MyData) Size() int {\n",
   246      "    return len(m.b)\n",
   247      "}\n",
   248      "\n",
   249      "func NewMyData() *MyData {\n",
   250      "    return &MyData{\n",
   251      "        b: make([]byte, 10 * (1 << 20)),\n",
   252      "    }\n",
   253      "}\n",
   254      "\n",
   255      "var l []*MyData\n",
   256      "for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {\n",
   257      "    d := NewMyData()\n",
   258      "    l = append(l, d)\n",
   259      "}\n",
   260      "l = nil\n",
   261      "debug.FreeOSMemory()\n",
   262      "runtime.GC()"
   263     ]
   264    },
   265    {
   266     "cell_type": "markdown",
   267     "metadata": {},
   268     "source": [
   269      "# <span style=\"color:green\">Fixed</span>: functions and arguments in go statement are not bound immediately\n",
   270      "The following code must output `goroutine: 0`, `goroutine: 1` and `goroutine: 2` in a random order.\n",
   271      "But `lgo` shows `goroutine: 3` three times ([bug]("
   272     ]
   273    },
   274    {
   275     "cell_type": "code",
   276     "execution_count": null,
   277     "metadata": {},
   278     "outputs": [
   279      {
   280       "name": "stdout",
   281       "output_type": "stream",
   282       "text": [
   283        "goroutine: 2\n",
   284        "goroutine: 1\n",
   285        "goroutine: 0\n"
   286       ]
   287      }
   288     ],
   289     "source": [
   290      "import (\n",
   291      "    \"fmt\"\n",
   292      ")\n",
   293      "\n",
   294      "for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {\n",
   295      "    go func(id int) {\n",
   296      "        fmt.Println(\"goroutine:\", id)\n",
   297      "    }(i)\n",
   298      "}"
   299     ]
   300    }
   301   ],
   302   "metadata": {
   303    "kernelspec": {
   304     "display_name": "Go (lgo)",
   305     "language": "go",
   306     "name": "lgo"
   307    },
   308    "language_info": {
   309     "file_extension": "",
   310     "mimetype": "",
   311     "name": "go",
   312     "version": ""
   313    }
   314   },
   315   "nbformat": 4,
   316   "nbformat_minor": 2
   317  }