
     1  // Copyright 2016-2019 Authors of Cilium
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package main
    17  import (
    18  	"context"
    19  	"errors"
    20  	"fmt"
    21  	"net"
    22  	"net/url"
    23  	"os"
    24  	"strconv"
    25  	"sync"
    26  	"time"
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	ciliumio ""
    35  	cilium_v2 ""
    36  	clientset ""
    37  	""
    38  	k8smetrics ""
    39  	""
    40  	k8sUtils ""
    41  	k8sversion ""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  	""
    45  	""
    46  	""
    47  	bpfIPCache ""
    48  	""
    49  	""
    50  	""
    51  	""
    52  	""
    53  	""
    54  	""
    55  	""
    57  	""
    58  	v1 ""
    59  	""
    60  	networkingv1 ""
    61  	""
    62  	""
    63  	""
    64  	""
    65  	k8s_metrics ""
    66  )
    68  const (
    69  	k8sAPIGroupCRD                   = "CustomResourceDefinition"
    70  	k8sAPIGroupNodeV1Core            = "core/v1::Node"
    71  	k8sAPIGroupNamespaceV1Core       = "core/v1::Namespace"
    72  	k8sAPIGroupServiceV1Core         = "core/v1::Service"
    73  	k8sAPIGroupEndpointV1Core        = "core/v1::Endpoint"
    74  	k8sAPIGroupPodV1Core             = "core/v1::Pods"
    75  	k8sAPIGroupNetworkingV1Core      = ""
    76  	k8sAPIGroupIngressV1Beta1        = "extensions/v1beta1::Ingress"
    77  	k8sAPIGroupCiliumNetworkPolicyV2 = "cilium/v2::CiliumNetworkPolicy"
    78  	k8sAPIGroupCiliumNodeV2          = "cilium/v2::CiliumNode"
    79  	k8sAPIGroupCiliumEndpointV2      = "cilium/v2::CiliumEndpoint"
    81  	metricCNP            = "CiliumNetworkPolicy"
    82  	metricEndpoint       = "Endpoint"
    83  	metricIngress        = "Ingress"
    84  	metricKNP            = "NetworkPolicy"
    85  	metricNS             = "Namespace"
    86  	metricCiliumNode     = "CiliumNode"
    87  	metricCiliumEndpoint = "CiliumEndpoint"
    88  	metricPod            = "Pod"
    89  	metricService        = "Service"
    90  	metricCreate         = "create"
    91  	metricDelete         = "delete"
    92  	metricUpdate         = "update"
    93  )
    95  var (
    96  	k8sCM = controller.NewManager()
    98  	importMetadataCache = ruleImportMetadataCache{
    99  		ruleImportMetadataMap: make(map[string]policyImportMetadata),
   100  	}
   102  	errIPCacheOwnedByNonK8s = fmt.Errorf("ipcache entry owned by kvstore or agent")
   103  )
   105  // ruleImportMetadataCache maps the unique identifier of a CiliumNetworkPolicy
   106  // (namespace and name) to metadata about the importing of the rule into the
   107  // agent's policy repository at the time said rule was imported (revision
   108  // number, and if any error occurred while importing).
   109  type ruleImportMetadataCache struct {
   110  	mutex                 lock.RWMutex
   111  	ruleImportMetadataMap map[string]policyImportMetadata
   112  }
   114  type policyImportMetadata struct {
   115  	revision          uint64
   116  	policyImportError error
   117  }
   119  func (r *ruleImportMetadataCache) upsert(cnp *types.SlimCNP, revision uint64, importErr error) {
   120  	if cnp == nil {
   121  		return
   122  	}
   124  	meta := policyImportMetadata{
   125  		revision:          revision,
   126  		policyImportError: importErr,
   127  	}
   128  	podNSName := k8sUtils.GetObjNamespaceName(&cnp.ObjectMeta)
   130  	r.mutex.Lock()
   131  	r.ruleImportMetadataMap[podNSName] = meta
   132  	r.mutex.Unlock()
   133  }
   135  func (r *ruleImportMetadataCache) delete(cnp *types.SlimCNP) {
   136  	if cnp == nil {
   137  		return
   138  	}
   139  	podNSName := k8sUtils.GetObjNamespaceName(&cnp.ObjectMeta)
   141  	r.mutex.Lock()
   142  	delete(r.ruleImportMetadataMap, podNSName)
   143  	r.mutex.Unlock()
   144  }
   146  func (r *ruleImportMetadataCache) get(cnp *types.SlimCNP) (policyImportMetadata, bool) {
   147  	if cnp == nil {
   148  		return policyImportMetadata{}, false
   149  	}
   150  	podNSName := k8sUtils.GetObjNamespaceName(&cnp.ObjectMeta)
   151  	r.mutex.RLock()
   152  	policyImportMeta, ok := r.ruleImportMetadataMap[podNSName]
   153  	r.mutex.RUnlock()
   154  	return policyImportMeta, ok
   155  }
   157  // k8sAPIGroupsUsed is a lockable map to hold which k8s API Groups we have
   158  // enabled/in-use
   159  // Note: We can replace it with a Go 1.9 map once we require that version
   160  type k8sAPIGroupsUsed struct {
   161  	lock.RWMutex
   162  	apis map[string]bool
   163  }
   165  func (m *k8sAPIGroupsUsed) addAPI(api string) {
   166  	m.Lock()
   167  	defer m.Unlock()
   168  	if m.apis == nil {
   169  		m.apis = make(map[string]bool)
   170  	}
   171  	m.apis[api] = true
   172  }
   174  func (m *k8sAPIGroupsUsed) removeAPI(api string) {
   175  	m.Lock()
   176  	defer m.Unlock()
   177  	delete(m.apis, api)
   178  }
   180  func (m *k8sAPIGroupsUsed) getGroups() []string {
   181  	m.RLock()
   182  	defer m.RUnlock()
   183  	groups := make([]string, 0, len(m.apis))
   184  	for k := range m.apis {
   185  		groups = append(groups, k)
   186  	}
   187  	return groups
   188  }
   190  // k8sMetrics implements the LatencyMetric and ResultMetric interface from
   191  // k8s client-go package
   192  type k8sMetrics struct{}
   194  func (*k8sMetrics) Observe(verb string, u url.URL, latency time.Duration) {
   195  	metrics.KubernetesAPIInteractions.WithLabelValues(u.Path, verb).Observe(latency.Seconds())
   196  }
   198  func (*k8sMetrics) Increment(code string, method string, host string) {
   199  	metrics.KubernetesAPICalls.WithLabelValues(host, method, code).Inc()
   200  	k8smetrics.LastInteraction.Reset()
   201  }
   203  func init() {
   204  	// Replace error handler with our own
   205  	runtime.ErrorHandlers = []func(error){
   206  		k8s.K8sErrorHandler,
   207  	}
   209  	k8sMetric := &k8sMetrics{}
   210  	k8s_metrics.Register(k8sMetric, k8sMetric)
   211  }
   213  // blockWaitGroupToSyncResources ensures that anything which waits on waitGroup
   214  // waits until all objects of the specified resource stored in Kubernetes are
   215  // received by the informer and processed by controller.
   216  // Fatally exits if syncing these initial objects fails.
   217  // If the given stop channel is closed, it does not fatal.
   218  func (d *Daemon) blockWaitGroupToSyncResources(stop <-chan struct{}, informer cache.Controller, resourceName string) {
   219  	ch := make(chan struct{})
   220  	d.k8sResourceSyncedMu.Lock()
   221  	d.k8sResourceSynced[resourceName] = ch
   222  	d.k8sResourceSyncedMu.Unlock()
   223  	go func() {
   224  		scopedLog := log.WithField("kubernetesResource", resourceName)
   225  		scopedLog.Debug("waiting for cache to synchronize")
   226  		if ok := cache.WaitForCacheSync(stop, informer.HasSynced); !ok {
   227  			select {
   228  			case <-stop:
   229  				scopedLog.Debug("canceled cache synchronization")
   230  				// do not fatal if the channel was stopped
   231  			default:
   232  				// Fatally exit it resource fails to sync
   233  				scopedLog.Fatalf("failed to wait for cache to sync")
   234  			}
   235  		} else {
   236  			scopedLog.Debug("cache synced")
   237  		}
   238  		close(ch)
   239  	}()
   240  }
   242  // waitForCacheSync waits for k8s caches to be synchronized for the given
   243  // resource. Returns once all resourcesNames are synchronized with cilium-agent.
   244  func (d *Daemon) waitForCacheSync(resourceNames ...string) {
   245  	for _, resourceName := range resourceNames {
   246  		d.k8sResourceSyncedMu.RLock()
   247  		c, ok := d.k8sResourceSynced[resourceName]
   248  		d.k8sResourceSyncedMu.RUnlock()
   249  		if !ok {
   250  			continue
   251  		}
   252  		<-c
   253  	}
   254  }
   256  // initK8sSubsystem returns a channel for which it will be closed when all
   257  // caches essential for daemon are synchronized.
   258  func (d *Daemon) initK8sSubsystem() <-chan struct{} {
   259  	if err := d.EnableK8sWatcher(option.Config.K8sWatcherQueueSize); err != nil {
   260  		log.WithError(err).Fatal("Unable to establish connection to Kubernetes apiserver")
   261  	}
   263  	cachesSynced := make(chan struct{})
   265  	go func() {
   266  		log.Info("Waiting until all pre-existing resources related to policy have been received")
   267  		// Wait only for certain caches, but not all!
   268  		// We don't wait for nodes synchronization nor ingresses.
   269  		d.waitForCacheSync(
   270  			// To perform the service translation and have the BPF LB datapath
   271  			// with the right service -> backend (k8s endpoints) translation.
   272  			k8sAPIGroupServiceV1Core,
   273  			// To perform the service translation and have the BPF LB datapath
   274  			// with the right service -> backend (k8s endpoints) translation.
   275  			k8sAPIGroupEndpointV1Core,
   276  			// We need all network policies in place before restoring to make sure
   277  			// we are enforcing the correct policies for each endpoint before
   278  			// restarting.
   279  			k8sAPIGroupCiliumNetworkPolicyV2,
   280  			// We we need to know about all other nodes
   281  			k8sAPIGroupCiliumNodeV2,
   282  			// We need all network policies in place before restoring to make sure
   283  			// we are enforcing the correct policies for each endpoint before
   284  			// restarting.
   285  			k8sAPIGroupNetworkingV1Core,
   286  			// Namespaces can contain labels which are essential for endpoints
   287  			// being restored to have the right identity.
   288  			k8sAPIGroupNamespaceV1Core,
   289  			// Pods can contain labels which are essential for endpoints
   290  			// being restored to have the right identity.
   291  			k8sAPIGroupPodV1Core,
   292  		)
   293  		// CiliumEndpoint is used to synchronize the ipcache, wait for
   294  		// it unless it is disabled
   295  		if !option.Config.DisableCiliumEndpointCRD {
   296  			d.waitForCacheSync(k8sAPIGroupCiliumEndpointV2)
   297  		}
   298  		close(cachesSynced)
   299  	}()
   301  	go func() {
   302  		select {
   303  		case <-cachesSynced:
   304  			log.Info("All pre-existing resources related to policy have been received; continuing")
   305  		case <-time.After(option.Config.K8sSyncTimeout):
   306  			log.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for pre-existing resources related to policy to be received; exiting")
   307  		}
   308  	}()
   310  	return cachesSynced
   311  }
   313  // K8sEventReceived does metric accounting for each received Kubernetes event
   314  func (d *Daemon) K8sEventReceived(scope string, action string, valid, equal bool) {
   315  	metrics.EventTSK8s.SetToCurrentTime()
   316  	k8smetrics.LastInteraction.Reset()
   318  	metrics.KubernetesEventReceived.WithLabelValues(scope, action, strconv.FormatBool(valid), strconv.FormatBool(equal)).Inc()
   319  }
   321  // EnableK8sWatcher watches for policy, services and endpoint changes on the Kubernetes
   322  // api server defined in the receiver's daemon k8sClient.
   323  // queueSize specifies the queue length used to serialize k8s events.
   324  func (d *Daemon) EnableK8sWatcher(queueSize uint) error {
   325  	if !k8s.IsEnabled() {
   326  		log.Debug("Not enabling k8s event listener because k8s is not enabled")
   327  		return nil
   328  	}
   329  	log.Info("Enabling k8s event listener")
   331  	d.k8sAPIGroups.addAPI(k8sAPIGroupCRD)
   333  	ciliumNPClient := k8s.CiliumClient()
   335  	serKNPs := serializer.NewFunctionQueue(queueSize)
   336  	serSvcs := serializer.NewFunctionQueue(queueSize)
   337  	serEps := serializer.NewFunctionQueue(queueSize)
   338  	serIngresses := serializer.NewFunctionQueue(queueSize)
   339  	serCNPs := serializer.NewFunctionQueue(queueSize)
   340  	serPods := serializer.NewFunctionQueue(queueSize)
   341  	serNodes := serializer.NewFunctionQueue(queueSize)
   342  	serCiliumEndpoints := serializer.NewFunctionQueue(queueSize)
   343  	serNamespaces := serializer.NewFunctionQueue(queueSize)
   345  	_, policyController := informer.NewInformer(
   346  		cache.NewListWatchFromClient(k8s.Client().NetworkingV1().RESTClient(),
   347  			"networkpolicies", v1.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything()),
   348  		&networkingv1.NetworkPolicy{},
   349  		0,
   350  		cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
   351  			AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
   352  				var valid, equal bool
   353  				defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricKNP, metricCreate, valid, equal) }()
   354  				if k8sNP := k8s.CopyObjToV1NetworkPolicy(obj); k8sNP != nil {
   355  					valid = true
   356  					serKNPs.Enqueue(func() error {
   357  						err := d.addK8sNetworkPolicyV1(k8sNP)
   358  						d.K8sEventProcessed(metricKNP, metricCreate, err == nil)
   359  						return nil
   360  					}, serializer.NoRetry)
   361  				}
   362  			},
   363  			UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
   364  				var valid, equal bool
   365  				defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricKNP, metricUpdate, valid, equal) }()
   366  				if oldK8sNP := k8s.CopyObjToV1NetworkPolicy(oldObj); oldK8sNP != nil {
   367  					valid = true
   368  					if newK8sNP := k8s.CopyObjToV1NetworkPolicy(newObj); newK8sNP != nil {
   369  						if k8s.EqualV1NetworkPolicy(oldK8sNP, newK8sNP) {
   370  							equal = true
   371  							return
   372  						}
   374  						serKNPs.Enqueue(func() error {
   375  							err := d.updateK8sNetworkPolicyV1(oldK8sNP, newK8sNP)
   376  							d.K8sEventProcessed(metricKNP, metricUpdate, err == nil)
   377  							return nil
   378  						}, serializer.NoRetry)
   379  					}
   380  				}
   381  			},
   382  			DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
   383  				var valid, equal bool
   384  				defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricKNP, metricDelete, valid, equal) }()
   385  				k8sNP := k8s.CopyObjToV1NetworkPolicy(obj)
   386  				if k8sNP == nil {
   387  					deletedObj, ok := obj.(cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown)
   388  					if !ok {
   389  						return
   390  					}
   391  					// Delete was not observed by the watcher but is
   392  					// removed from kube-apiserver. This is the last
   393  					// known state and the object no longer exists.
   394  					k8sNP = k8s.CopyObjToV1NetworkPolicy(deletedObj.Obj)
   395  					if k8sNP == nil {
   396  						return
   397  					}
   398  				}
   400  				valid = true
   401  				serKNPs.Enqueue(func() error {
   402  					err := d.deleteK8sNetworkPolicyV1(k8sNP)
   403  					d.K8sEventProcessed(metricKNP, metricDelete, err == nil)
   404  					return nil
   405  				}, serializer.NoRetry)
   406  			},
   407  		},
   408  		k8s.ConvertToNetworkPolicy,
   409  	)
   410  	d.blockWaitGroupToSyncResources(wait.NeverStop, policyController, k8sAPIGroupNetworkingV1Core)
   411  	go policyController.Run(wait.NeverStop)
   413  	d.k8sAPIGroups.addAPI(k8sAPIGroupNetworkingV1Core)
   415  	_, svcController := informer.NewInformer(
   416  		cache.NewListWatchFromClient(k8s.Client().CoreV1().RESTClient(),
   417  			"services", v1.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything()),
   418  		&v1.Service{},
   419  		0,
   420  		cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
   421  			AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
   422  				var valid, equal bool
   423  				defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricService, metricCreate, valid, equal) }()
   424  				if k8sSvc := k8s.CopyObjToV1Services(obj); k8sSvc != nil {
   425  					valid = true
   426  					serSvcs.Enqueue(func() error {
   427  						err := d.addK8sServiceV1(k8sSvc)
   428  						d.K8sEventProcessed(metricService, metricCreate, err == nil)
   429  						return nil
   430  					}, serializer.NoRetry)
   431  				}
   432  			},
   433  			UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
   434  				var valid, equal bool
   435  				defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricService, metricUpdate, valid, equal) }()
   436  				if oldk8sSvc := k8s.CopyObjToV1Services(oldObj); oldk8sSvc != nil {
   437  					valid = true
   438  					if newk8sSvc := k8s.CopyObjToV1Services(newObj); newk8sSvc != nil {
   439  						if k8s.EqualV1Services(oldk8sSvc, newk8sSvc) {
   440  							equal = true
   441  							return
   442  						}
   444  						serSvcs.Enqueue(func() error {
   445  							err := d.updateK8sServiceV1(oldk8sSvc, newk8sSvc)
   446  							d.K8sEventProcessed(metricService, metricUpdate, err == nil)
   447  							return nil
   448  						}, serializer.NoRetry)
   449  					}
   450  				}
   451  			},
   452  			DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
   453  				var valid, equal bool
   454  				defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricService, metricDelete, valid, equal) }()
   455  				k8sSvc := k8s.CopyObjToV1Services(obj)
   456  				if k8sSvc == nil {
   457  					deletedObj, ok := obj.(cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown)
   458  					if !ok {
   459  						return
   460  					}
   461  					// Delete was not observed by the watcher but is
   462  					// removed from kube-apiserver. This is the last
   463  					// known state and the object no longer exists.
   464  					k8sSvc = k8s.CopyObjToV1Services(deletedObj.Obj)
   465  					if k8sSvc == nil {
   466  						return
   467  					}
   468  				}
   470  				valid = true
   471  				serSvcs.Enqueue(func() error {
   472  					err := d.deleteK8sServiceV1(k8sSvc)
   473  					d.K8sEventProcessed(metricService, metricDelete, err == nil)
   474  					return nil
   475  				}, serializer.NoRetry)
   476  			},
   477  		},
   478  		k8s.ConvertToK8sService,
   479  	)
   480  	d.blockWaitGroupToSyncResources(wait.NeverStop, svcController, k8sAPIGroupServiceV1Core)
   481  	go svcController.Run(wait.NeverStop)
   482  	d.k8sAPIGroups.addAPI(k8sAPIGroupServiceV1Core)
   484  	_, endpointController := informer.NewInformer(
   485  		cache.NewListWatchFromClient(k8s.Client().CoreV1().RESTClient(),
   486  			"endpoints", v1.NamespaceAll,
   487  			fields.ParseSelectorOrDie(option.Config.K8sWatcherEndpointSelector),
   488  		),
   489  		&v1.Endpoints{},
   490  		0,
   491  		cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
   492  			AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
   493  				var valid, equal bool
   494  				defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricEndpoint, metricCreate, valid, equal) }()
   495  				if k8sEP := k8s.CopyObjToV1Endpoints(obj); k8sEP != nil {
   496  					valid = true
   497  					serEps.Enqueue(func() error {
   498  						err := d.addK8sEndpointV1(k8sEP)
   499  						d.K8sEventProcessed(metricEndpoint, metricCreate, err == nil)
   500  						return nil
   501  					}, serializer.NoRetry)
   502  				}
   503  			},
   504  			UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
   505  				var valid, equal bool
   506  				defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricEndpoint, metricUpdate, valid, equal) }()
   507  				if oldk8sEP := k8s.CopyObjToV1Endpoints(oldObj); oldk8sEP != nil {
   508  					valid = true
   509  					if newk8sEP := k8s.CopyObjToV1Endpoints(newObj); newk8sEP != nil {
   510  						if k8s.EqualV1Endpoints(oldk8sEP, newk8sEP) {
   511  							equal = true
   512  							return
   513  						}
   515  						serEps.Enqueue(func() error {
   516  							err := d.updateK8sEndpointV1(oldk8sEP, newk8sEP)
   517  							d.K8sEventProcessed(metricEndpoint, metricUpdate, err == nil)
   518  							return nil
   519  						}, serializer.NoRetry)
   520  					}
   521  				}
   522  			},
   523  			DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
   524  				var valid, equal bool
   525  				defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricEndpoint, metricDelete, valid, equal) }()
   526  				k8sEP := k8s.CopyObjToV1Endpoints(obj)
   527  				if k8sEP == nil {
   528  					deletedObj, ok := obj.(cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown)
   529  					if !ok {
   530  						return
   531  					}
   532  					// Delete was not observed by the watcher but is
   533  					// removed from kube-apiserver. This is the last
   534  					// known state and the object no longer exists.
   535  					k8sEP = k8s.CopyObjToV1Endpoints(deletedObj.Obj)
   536  					if k8sEP == nil {
   537  						return
   538  					}
   539  				}
   540  				valid = true
   541  				serEps.Enqueue(func() error {
   542  					err := d.deleteK8sEndpointV1(k8sEP)
   543  					d.K8sEventProcessed(metricEndpoint, metricDelete, err == nil)
   544  					return nil
   545  				}, serializer.NoRetry)
   546  			},
   547  		},
   548  		k8s.ConvertToK8sEndpoints,
   549  	)
   550  	d.blockWaitGroupToSyncResources(wait.NeverStop, endpointController, k8sAPIGroupEndpointV1Core)
   551  	go endpointController.Run(wait.NeverStop)
   552  	d.k8sAPIGroups.addAPI(k8sAPIGroupEndpointV1Core)
   554  	if option.Config.IsLBEnabled() {
   555  		_, ingressController := informer.NewInformer(
   556  			cache.NewListWatchFromClient(k8s.Client().ExtensionsV1beta1().RESTClient(),
   557  				"ingresses", v1.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything()),
   558  			&v1beta1.Ingress{},
   559  			0,
   560  			cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
   561  				AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
   562  					var valid, equal bool
   563  					defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricEndpoint, metricCreate, valid, equal) }()
   564  					if k8sIngress := k8s.CopyObjToV1beta1Ingress(obj); k8sIngress != nil {
   565  						valid = true
   566  						serIngresses.Enqueue(func() error {
   567  							err := d.addIngressV1beta1(k8sIngress)
   568  							d.K8sEventProcessed(metricIngress, metricCreate, err == nil)
   569  							return nil
   570  						}, serializer.NoRetry)
   571  					}
   572  				},
   573  				UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
   574  					var valid, equal bool
   575  					defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricEndpoint, metricUpdate, valid, equal) }()
   576  					if oldk8sIngress := k8s.CopyObjToV1beta1Ingress(oldObj); oldk8sIngress != nil {
   577  						valid = true
   578  						if newk8sIngress := k8s.CopyObjToV1beta1Ingress(newObj); newk8sIngress != nil {
   579  							if k8s.EqualV1beta1Ingress(oldk8sIngress, newk8sIngress) {
   580  								equal = true
   581  								return
   582  							}
   584  							serIngresses.Enqueue(func() error {
   585  								err := d.updateIngressV1beta1(oldk8sIngress, newk8sIngress)
   586  								d.K8sEventProcessed(metricIngress, metricUpdate, err == nil)
   587  								return nil
   588  							}, serializer.NoRetry)
   589  						}
   590  					}
   591  				},
   592  				DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
   593  					var valid, equal bool
   594  					defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricEndpoint, metricDelete, valid, equal) }()
   595  					k8sIngress := k8s.CopyObjToV1beta1Ingress(obj)
   596  					if k8sIngress == nil {
   597  						deletedObj, ok := obj.(cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown)
   598  						if !ok {
   599  							return
   600  						}
   601  						// Delete was not observed by the watcher but is
   602  						// removed from kube-apiserver. This is the last
   603  						// known state and the object no longer exists.
   604  						k8sIngress = k8s.CopyObjToV1beta1Ingress(deletedObj.Obj)
   605  						if k8sIngress == nil {
   606  							return
   607  						}
   608  					}
   609  					valid = true
   610  					serEps.Enqueue(func() error {
   611  						err := d.deleteIngressV1beta1(k8sIngress)
   612  						d.K8sEventProcessed(metricIngress, metricDelete, err == nil)
   613  						return nil
   614  					}, serializer.NoRetry)
   615  				},
   616  			},
   617  			k8s.ConvertToIngress,
   618  		)
   619  		d.blockWaitGroupToSyncResources(wait.NeverStop, ingressController, k8sAPIGroupIngressV1Beta1)
   620  		go ingressController.Run(wait.NeverStop)
   621  		d.k8sAPIGroups.addAPI(k8sAPIGroupIngressV1Beta1)
   622  	}
   624  	var (
   625  		cnpEventStore    cache.Store
   626  		cnpConverterFunc informer.ConvertFunc
   627  	)
   628  	cnpStore := cache.NewStore(cache.DeletionHandlingMetaNamespaceKeyFunc)
   629  	switch {
   630  	case k8sversion.Capabilities().Patch:
   631  		// k8s >= 1.13 does not require a store to update CNP status so
   632  		// we don't even need to keep the status of a CNP with us.
   633  		cnpConverterFunc = k8s.ConvertToCNP
   634  	default:
   635  		cnpEventStore = cnpStore
   636  		cnpConverterFunc = k8s.ConvertToCNPWithStatus
   637  	}
   639  	ciliumV2Controller := informer.NewInformerWithStore(
   640  		cache.NewListWatchFromClient(ciliumNPClient.CiliumV2().RESTClient(),
   641  			"ciliumnetworkpolicies", v1.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything()),
   642  		&cilium_v2.CiliumNetworkPolicy{},
   643  		0,
   644  		cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
   645  			AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
   646  				var valid, equal bool
   647  				defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricCNP, metricCreate, valid, equal) }()
   648  				if cnp := k8s.CopyObjToV2CNP(obj); cnp != nil {
   649  					valid = true
   650  					serCNPs.Enqueue(func() error {
   651  						if cnp.RequiresDerivative() {
   652  							return nil
   653  						}
   654  						err := d.addCiliumNetworkPolicyV2(ciliumNPClient, cnpEventStore, cnp)
   655  						d.K8sEventProcessed(metricCNP, metricCreate, err == nil)
   656  						return nil
   657  					}, serializer.NoRetry)
   658  				}
   659  			},
   660  			UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
   661  				var valid, equal bool
   662  				defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricCNP, metricUpdate, valid, equal) }()
   663  				if oldCNP := k8s.CopyObjToV2CNP(oldObj); oldCNP != nil {
   664  					valid = true
   665  					if newCNP := k8s.CopyObjToV2CNP(newObj); newCNP != nil {
   666  						if k8s.EqualV2CNP(oldCNP, newCNP) {
   667  							equal = true
   668  							return
   669  						}
   671  						serCNPs.Enqueue(func() error {
   672  							if newCNP.RequiresDerivative() {
   673  								return nil
   674  							}
   676  							err := d.updateCiliumNetworkPolicyV2(ciliumNPClient, cnpEventStore, oldCNP, newCNP)
   677  							d.K8sEventProcessed(metricCNP, metricUpdate, err == nil)
   678  							return nil
   679  						}, serializer.NoRetry)
   680  					}
   681  				}
   682  			},
   683  			DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
   684  				var valid, equal bool
   685  				defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricCNP, metricDelete, valid, equal) }()
   686  				cnp := k8s.CopyObjToV2CNP(obj)
   687  				if cnp == nil {
   688  					deletedObj, ok := obj.(cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown)
   689  					if !ok {
   690  						return
   691  					}
   692  					// Delete was not observed by the watcher but is
   693  					// removed from kube-apiserver. This is the last
   694  					// known state and the object no longer exists.
   695  					cnp = k8s.CopyObjToV2CNP(deletedObj.Obj)
   696  					if cnp == nil {
   697  						return
   698  					}
   699  				}
   700  				valid = true
   701  				serCNPs.Enqueue(func() error {
   702  					err := d.deleteCiliumNetworkPolicyV2(cnp)
   703  					d.K8sEventProcessed(metricCNP, metricDelete, err == nil)
   704  					return nil
   705  				}, serializer.NoRetry)
   706  			},
   707  		},
   708  		cnpConverterFunc,
   709  		cnpStore,
   710  	)
   711  	d.blockWaitGroupToSyncResources(wait.NeverStop, ciliumV2Controller, k8sAPIGroupCiliumNetworkPolicyV2)
   712  	go ciliumV2Controller.Run(wait.NeverStop)
   713  	d.k8sAPIGroups.addAPI(k8sAPIGroupCiliumNetworkPolicyV2)
   715  	asyncControllers := sync.WaitGroup{}
   716  	asyncControllers.Add(1)
   718  	// CiliumNode objects are used for node discovery until the key-value
   719  	// store is connected
   720  	go func() {
   721  		var once sync.Once
   722  		for {
   723  			_, ciliumNodeInformer := informer.NewInformer(
   724  				cache.NewListWatchFromClient(ciliumNPClient.CiliumV2().RESTClient(),
   725  					"ciliumnodes", v1.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything()),
   726  				&cilium_v2.CiliumNode{},
   727  				0,
   728  				cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
   729  					AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
   730  						var valid, equal bool
   731  						defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricCiliumNode, metricCreate, valid, equal) }()
   732  						if ciliumNode, ok := obj.(*cilium_v2.CiliumNode); ok {
   733  							valid = true
   734  							n := node.ParseCiliumNode(ciliumNode)
   735  							if n.IsLocal() {
   736  								return
   737  							}
   738  							serNodes.Enqueue(func() error {
   739  								d.nodeDiscovery.Manager.NodeUpdated(n)
   740  								d.K8sEventProcessed(metricCiliumNode, metricCreate, true)
   741  								return nil
   742  							}, serializer.NoRetry)
   743  						}
   744  					},
   745  					UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
   746  						var valid, equal bool
   747  						defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricCiliumNode, metricUpdate, valid, equal) }()
   748  						if ciliumNode, ok := newObj.(*cilium_v2.CiliumNode); ok {
   749  							valid = true
   750  							n := node.ParseCiliumNode(ciliumNode)
   751  							if n.IsLocal() {
   752  								return
   753  							}
   754  							serNodes.Enqueue(func() error {
   755  								d.nodeDiscovery.Manager.NodeUpdated(n)
   756  								d.K8sEventProcessed(metricCiliumNode, metricUpdate, true)
   757  								return nil
   758  							}, serializer.NoRetry)
   759  						}
   760  					},
   761  					DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
   762  						var valid, equal bool
   763  						defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricCiliumNode, metricDelete, valid, equal) }()
   764  						ciliumNode := k8s.CopyObjToCiliumNode(obj)
   765  						if ciliumNode == nil {
   766  							deletedObj, ok := obj.(cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown)
   767  							if !ok {
   768  								return
   769  							}
   770  							// Delete was not observed by the watcher but is
   771  							// removed from kube-apiserver. This is the last
   772  							// known state and the object no longer exists.
   773  							ciliumNode = k8s.CopyObjToCiliumNode(deletedObj.Obj)
   774  							if ciliumNode == nil {
   775  								return
   776  							}
   777  						}
   778  						valid = true
   779  						n := node.ParseCiliumNode(ciliumNode)
   780  						serNodes.Enqueue(func() error {
   781  							d.nodeDiscovery.Manager.NodeDeleted(n)
   782  							return nil
   783  						}, serializer.NoRetry)
   784  					},
   785  				},
   786  				k8s.ConvertToCiliumNode,
   787  			)
   788  			isConnected := make(chan struct{})
   789  			// once isConnected is closed, it will stop waiting on caches to be
   790  			// synchronized.
   791  			d.blockWaitGroupToSyncResources(isConnected, ciliumNodeInformer, k8sAPIGroupCiliumNodeV2)
   793  			once.Do(func() {
   794  				// Signalize that we have put node controller in the wait group
   795  				// to sync resources.
   796  				asyncControllers.Done()
   797  			})
   798  			d.k8sAPIGroups.addAPI(k8sAPIGroupCiliumNodeV2)
   799  			go ciliumNodeInformer.Run(isConnected)
   801  			<-kvstore.Client().Connected()
   802  			close(isConnected)
   804  			log.Info("Connected to key-value store, stopping CiliumNode watcher")
   806  			d.k8sAPIGroups.removeAPI(k8sAPIGroupCiliumNodeV2)
   807  			// Create a new node controller when we are disconnected with the
   808  			// kvstore
   809  			<-kvstore.Client().Disconnected()
   811  			log.Info("Disconnected from key-value store, restarting CiliumNode watcher")
   812  		}
   813  	}()
   815  	asyncControllers.Add(1)
   817  	// CiliumEndpoint objects are used for ipcache discovery until the
   818  	// key-value store is connected
   819  	go func() {
   820  		var once sync.Once
   821  		for {
   822  			_, ciliumEndpointInformer := informer.NewInformer(
   823  				cache.NewListWatchFromClient(ciliumNPClient.CiliumV2().RESTClient(),
   824  					"ciliumendpoints", v1.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything()),
   825  				&cilium_v2.CiliumEndpoint{},
   826  				0,
   827  				cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
   828  					AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
   829  						var valid, equal bool
   830  						defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricCiliumEndpoint, metricCreate, valid, equal) }()
   831  						if ciliumEndpoint, ok := obj.(*types.CiliumEndpoint); ok {
   832  							valid = true
   833  							endpoint := ciliumEndpoint.DeepCopy()
   834  							serCiliumEndpoints.Enqueue(func() error {
   835  								endpointUpdated(endpoint)
   836  								d.K8sEventProcessed(metricCiliumEndpoint, metricCreate, true)
   837  								return nil
   838  							}, serializer.NoRetry)
   839  						}
   840  					},
   841  					UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
   842  						var valid, equal bool
   843  						defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricCiliumEndpoint, metricUpdate, valid, equal) }()
   844  						if ciliumEndpoint, ok := newObj.(*types.CiliumEndpoint); ok {
   845  							valid = true
   846  							endpoint := ciliumEndpoint.DeepCopy()
   847  							serCiliumEndpoints.Enqueue(func() error {
   848  								endpointUpdated(endpoint)
   849  								d.K8sEventProcessed(metricCiliumEndpoint, metricUpdate, true)
   850  								return nil
   851  							}, serializer.NoRetry)
   852  						}
   853  					},
   854  					DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
   855  						var valid, equal bool
   856  						defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricCiliumEndpoint, metricDelete, valid, equal) }()
   857  						ciliumEndpoint := k8s.CopyObjToCiliumEndpoint(obj)
   858  						if ciliumEndpoint == nil {
   859  							deletedObj, ok := obj.(cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown)
   860  							if !ok {
   861  								return
   862  							}
   863  							// Delete was not observed by the watcher but is
   864  							// removed from kube-apiserver. This is the last
   865  							// known state and the object no longer exists.
   866  							ciliumEndpoint = k8s.CopyObjToCiliumEndpoint(deletedObj.Obj)
   867  							if ciliumEndpoint == nil {
   868  								return
   869  							}
   870  						}
   871  						valid = true
   872  						serCiliumEndpoints.Enqueue(func() error {
   873  							endpointDeleted(ciliumEndpoint)
   874  							return nil
   875  						}, serializer.NoRetry)
   876  					},
   877  				},
   878  				k8s.ConvertToCiliumEndpoint,
   879  			)
   880  			isConnected := make(chan struct{})
   881  			// once isConnected is closed, it will stop waiting on caches to be
   882  			// synchronized.
   883  			d.blockWaitGroupToSyncResources(isConnected, ciliumEndpointInformer, k8sAPIGroupCiliumEndpointV2)
   885  			once.Do(func() {
   886  				// Signalize that we have put node controller in the wait group
   887  				// to sync resources.
   888  				asyncControllers.Done()
   889  			})
   890  			d.k8sAPIGroups.addAPI(k8sAPIGroupCiliumEndpointV2)
   891  			go ciliumEndpointInformer.Run(isConnected)
   893  			<-kvstore.Client().Connected()
   894  			close(isConnected)
   896  			log.Info("Connected to key-value store, stopping CiliumEndpoint watcher")
   898  			d.k8sAPIGroups.removeAPI(k8sAPIGroupCiliumEndpointV2)
   899  			// Create a new node controller when we are disconnected with the
   900  			// kvstore
   901  			<-kvstore.Client().Disconnected()
   903  			log.Info("Disconnected from key-value store, restarting CiliumEndpoint watcher")
   904  		}
   905  	}()
   907  	asyncControllers.Add(1)
   908  	go func() {
   909  		var once sync.Once
   910  		for {
   911  			createPodController := func(fieldSelector fields.Selector) cache.Controller {
   912  				_, podController := informer.NewInformer(
   913  					cache.NewListWatchFromClient(k8s.Client().CoreV1().RESTClient(),
   914  						"pods", v1.NamespaceAll, fieldSelector),
   915  					&v1.Pod{},
   916  					0,
   917  					cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
   918  						AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
   919  							var valid, equal bool
   920  							defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricPod, metricCreate, valid, equal) }()
   921  							if pod := k8s.CopyObjToV1Pod(obj); pod != nil {
   922  								valid = true
   923  								serPods.Enqueue(func() error {
   924  									err := d.addK8sPodV1(pod)
   925  									d.K8sEventProcessed(metricPod, metricCreate, err == nil)
   926  									return nil
   927  								}, serializer.NoRetry)
   928  							}
   929  						},
   930  						UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
   931  							var valid, equal bool
   932  							defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricPod, metricUpdate, valid, equal) }()
   933  							if oldPod := k8s.CopyObjToV1Pod(oldObj); oldPod != nil {
   934  								valid = true
   935  								if newPod := k8s.CopyObjToV1Pod(newObj); newPod != nil {
   936  									if k8s.EqualV1Pod(oldPod, newPod) {
   937  										equal = true
   938  										return
   939  									}
   941  									serPods.Enqueue(func() error {
   942  										err := d.updateK8sPodV1(oldPod, newPod)
   943  										d.K8sEventProcessed(metricPod, metricUpdate, err == nil)
   944  										return nil
   945  									}, serializer.NoRetry)
   946  								}
   947  							}
   948  						},
   949  						DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
   950  							var valid, equal bool
   951  							defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricPod, metricDelete, valid, equal) }()
   952  							if pod := k8s.CopyObjToV1Pod(obj); pod != nil {
   953  								valid = true
   954  								serPods.Enqueue(func() error {
   955  									err := d.deleteK8sPodV1(pod)
   956  									d.K8sEventProcessed(metricPod, metricDelete, err == nil)
   957  									return nil
   958  								}, serializer.NoRetry)
   959  							}
   960  						},
   961  					},
   962  					k8s.ConvertToPod,
   963  				)
   964  				return podController
   965  			}
   966  			podController := createPodController(fields.Everything())
   968  			isConnected := make(chan struct{})
   969  			// once isConnected is closed, it will stop waiting on caches to be
   970  			// synchronized.
   971  			d.blockWaitGroupToSyncResources(isConnected, podController, k8sAPIGroupPodV1Core)
   972  			once.Do(func() {
   973  				asyncControllers.Done()
   974  				d.k8sAPIGroups.addAPI(k8sAPIGroupPodV1Core)
   975  			})
   976  			go podController.Run(isConnected)
   978  			if !option.Config.K8sEventHandover {
   979  				return
   980  			}
   982  			// Replace pod controller by only receiving events from our own
   983  			// node once we are connected to the kvstore.
   985  			<-kvstore.Client().Connected()
   986  			close(isConnected)
   988  			log.WithField(logfields.Node, node.GetName()).Info("Connected to KVStore, watching for pod events on node")
   989  			// Only watch for pod events for our node.
   990  			podController = createPodController(fields.ParseSelectorOrDie("spec.nodeName=" + node.GetName()))
   991  			isConnected = make(chan struct{})
   992  			go podController.Run(isConnected)
   994  			// Create a new pod controller when we are disconnected with the
   995  			// kvstore
   996  			<-kvstore.Client().Disconnected()
   997  			close(isConnected)
   998  			log.Info("Disconnected from KVStore, watching for pod events all nodes")
   999  		}
  1000  	}()
  1002  	_, namespaceController := informer.NewInformer(
  1003  		cache.NewListWatchFromClient(k8s.Client().CoreV1().RESTClient(),
  1004  			"namespaces", v1.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything()),
  1005  		&v1.Namespace{},
  1006  		0,
  1007  		cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
  1008  			// AddFunc does not matter since the endpoint will fetch
  1009  			// namespace labels when the endpoint is created
  1010  			// DelFunc does not matter since, when a namespace is deleted, all
  1011  			// pods belonging to that namespace are also deleted.
  1012  			UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
  1013  				var valid, equal bool
  1014  				defer func() { d.K8sEventReceived(metricNS, metricUpdate, valid, equal) }()
  1015  				if oldNS := k8s.CopyObjToV1Namespace(oldObj); oldNS != nil {
  1016  					valid = true
  1017  					if newNS := k8s.CopyObjToV1Namespace(newObj); newNS != nil {
  1018  						if k8s.EqualV1Namespace(oldNS, newNS) {
  1019  							equal = true
  1020  							return
  1021  						}
  1023  						serNamespaces.Enqueue(func() error {
  1024  							err := d.updateK8sV1Namespace(oldNS, newNS)
  1025  							d.K8sEventProcessed(metricNS, metricUpdate, err == nil)
  1026  							return nil
  1027  						}, serializer.NoRetry)
  1028  					}
  1029  				}
  1030  			},
  1031  		},
  1032  		k8s.ConvertToNamespace,
  1033  	)
  1035  	go namespaceController.Run(wait.NeverStop)
  1036  	d.k8sAPIGroups.addAPI(k8sAPIGroupNamespaceV1Core)
  1038  	asyncControllers.Wait()
  1040  	return nil
  1041  }
  1043  func (d *Daemon) addK8sNetworkPolicyV1(k8sNP *types.NetworkPolicy) error {
  1044  	scopedLog := log.WithField(logfields.K8sAPIVersion, k8sNP.TypeMeta.APIVersion)
  1045  	rules, err := k8s.ParseNetworkPolicy(k8sNP.NetworkPolicy)
  1046  	if err != nil {
  1047  		scopedLog.WithError(err).WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1048  			logfields.CiliumNetworkPolicy: logfields.Repr(k8sNP),
  1049  		}).Error("Error while parsing k8s kubernetes NetworkPolicy")
  1050  		return err
  1051  	}
  1052  	scopedLog = scopedLog.WithField(logfields.K8sNetworkPolicyName, k8sNP.ObjectMeta.Name)
  1054  	opts := AddOptions{Replace: true, Source: metrics.LabelEventSourceK8s}
  1055  	if _, err := d.PolicyAdd(rules, &opts); err != nil {
  1056  		scopedLog.WithError(err).WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1057  			logfields.CiliumNetworkPolicy: logfields.Repr(rules),
  1058  		}).Error("Unable to add NetworkPolicy rules to policy repository")
  1059  		return err
  1060  	}
  1062  	scopedLog.Info("NetworkPolicy successfully added")
  1063  	return nil
  1064  }
  1066  func (d *Daemon) updateK8sNetworkPolicyV1(oldk8sNP, newk8sNP *types.NetworkPolicy) error {
  1067  	log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1068  		logfields.K8sAPIVersion:                 oldk8sNP.TypeMeta.APIVersion,
  1069  		logfields.K8sNetworkPolicyName + ".old": oldk8sNP.ObjectMeta.Name,
  1070  		logfields.K8sNamespace + ".old":         oldk8sNP.ObjectMeta.Namespace,
  1071  		logfields.K8sNetworkPolicyName:          newk8sNP.ObjectMeta.Name,
  1072  		logfields.K8sNamespace:                  newk8sNP.ObjectMeta.Namespace,
  1073  	}).Debug("Received policy update")
  1075  	return d.addK8sNetworkPolicyV1(newk8sNP)
  1076  }
  1078  func (d *Daemon) deleteK8sNetworkPolicyV1(k8sNP *types.NetworkPolicy) error {
  1079  	labels := k8s.GetPolicyLabelsv1(k8sNP.NetworkPolicy)
  1081  	if labels == nil {
  1082  		log.Fatalf("provided v1 NetworkPolicy is nil, so cannot delete it")
  1083  	}
  1085  	scopedLog := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1086  		logfields.K8sNetworkPolicyName: k8sNP.ObjectMeta.Name,
  1087  		logfields.K8sNamespace:         k8sNP.ObjectMeta.Namespace,
  1088  		logfields.K8sAPIVersion:        k8sNP.TypeMeta.APIVersion,
  1089  		logfields.Labels:               logfields.Repr(labels),
  1090  	})
  1091  	if _, err := d.PolicyDelete(labels); err != nil {
  1092  		scopedLog.WithError(err).Error("Error while deleting k8s NetworkPolicy")
  1093  		return err
  1094  	}
  1096  	scopedLog.Info("NetworkPolicy successfully removed")
  1097  	return nil
  1098  }
  1100  func (d *Daemon) k8sServiceHandler() {
  1101  	for {
  1102  		event, ok := <-d.k8sSvcCache.Events
  1103  		if !ok {
  1104  			return
  1105  		}
  1107  		svc := event.Service
  1109  		scopedLog := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1110  			logfields.K8sSvcName:   event.ID.Name,
  1111  			logfields.K8sNamespace: event.ID.Namespace,
  1112  		})
  1114  		scopedLog.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1115  			"action":      event.Action.String(),
  1116  			"service":     event.Service.String(),
  1117  			"old-service": event.OldService.String(),
  1118  			"endpoints":   event.Endpoints.String(),
  1119  		}).Debug("Kubernetes service definition changed")
  1121  		switch event.Action {
  1122  		case k8s.UpdateService, k8s.UpdateIngress:
  1123  			if err := d.addK8sSVCs(event.ID, event.OldService, svc, event.Endpoints); err != nil {
  1124  				scopedLog.WithError(err).Error("Unable to add/update service to implement k8s event")
  1125  			}
  1127  			if !svc.IsExternal() {
  1128  				continue
  1129  			}
  1131  			translator := k8s.NewK8sTranslator(event.ID, *event.Endpoints, false, svc.Labels, bpfIPCache.IPCache)
  1132  			result, err := d.policy.TranslateRules(translator)
  1133  			if err != nil {
  1134  				log.Errorf("Unable to repopulate egress policies from ToService rules: %v", err)
  1135  				break
  1136  			} else if result.NumToServicesRules > 0 {
  1137  				// Only trigger policy updates if ToServices rules are in effect
  1138  				d.TriggerPolicyUpdates(true, "Kubernetes service endpoint added")
  1139  			}
  1141  		case k8s.DeleteService, k8s.DeleteIngress:
  1142  			if err := d.delK8sSVCs(event.ID, event.Service, event.Endpoints); err != nil {
  1143  				scopedLog.WithError(err).Error("Unable to delete service to implement k8s event")
  1144  			}
  1146  			if !svc.IsExternal() {
  1147  				continue
  1148  			}
  1150  			translator := k8s.NewK8sTranslator(event.ID, *event.Endpoints, true, svc.Labels, bpfIPCache.IPCache)
  1151  			result, err := d.policy.TranslateRules(translator)
  1152  			if err != nil {
  1153  				log.Errorf("Unable to depopulate egress policies from ToService rules: %v", err)
  1154  				break
  1155  			} else if result.NumToServicesRules > 0 {
  1156  				// Only trigger policy updates if ToServices rules are in effect
  1157  				d.TriggerPolicyUpdates(true, "Kubernetes service endpoint deleted")
  1158  			}
  1159  		}
  1160  	}
  1161  }
  1163  func (d *Daemon) runK8sServiceHandler() {
  1164  	go d.k8sServiceHandler()
  1165  }
  1167  func (d *Daemon) addK8sServiceV1(svc *types.Service) error {
  1168  	d.k8sSvcCache.UpdateService(svc)
  1169  	return nil
  1170  }
  1172  func (d *Daemon) updateK8sServiceV1(oldSvc, newSvc *types.Service) error {
  1173  	return d.addK8sServiceV1(newSvc)
  1174  }
  1176  func (d *Daemon) deleteK8sServiceV1(svc *types.Service) error {
  1177  	d.k8sSvcCache.DeleteService(svc)
  1178  	return nil
  1179  }
  1181  func (d *Daemon) addK8sEndpointV1(ep *types.Endpoints) error {
  1182  	d.k8sSvcCache.UpdateEndpoints(ep)
  1183  	return nil
  1184  }
  1186  func (d *Daemon) updateK8sEndpointV1(oldEP, newEP *types.Endpoints) error {
  1187  	d.k8sSvcCache.UpdateEndpoints(newEP)
  1188  	return nil
  1189  }
  1191  func (d *Daemon) deleteK8sEndpointV1(ep *types.Endpoints) error {
  1192  	d.k8sSvcCache.DeleteEndpoints(ep)
  1193  	return nil
  1194  }
  1196  func (d *Daemon) delK8sSVCs(svc k8s.ServiceID, svcInfo *k8s.Service, se *k8s.Endpoints) error {
  1197  	// If east-west load balancing is disabled, we should not sync(add or delete)
  1198  	// K8s service to a cilium service.
  1199  	if option.Config.DisableK8sServices {
  1200  		return nil
  1201  	}
  1203  	// Headless services do not need any datapath implementation
  1204  	if svcInfo.IsHeadless {
  1205  		return nil
  1206  	}
  1208  	scopedLog := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1209  		logfields.K8sSvcName:   svc.Name,
  1210  		logfields.K8sNamespace: svc.Namespace,
  1211  	})
  1213  	repPorts := svcInfo.UniquePorts()
  1215  	frontends := []*loadbalancer.L3n4AddrID{}
  1217  	for portName, svcPort := range svcInfo.Ports {
  1218  		if !repPorts[svcPort.Port] {
  1219  			continue
  1220  		}
  1221  		repPorts[svcPort.Port] = false
  1223  		fe := loadbalancer.NewL3n4AddrID(svcPort.Protocol, svcInfo.FrontendIP, svcPort.Port, loadbalancer.ID(svcPort.ID))
  1224  		frontends = append(frontends, fe)
  1226  		for _, nodePortFE := range svcInfo.NodePorts[portName] {
  1227  			frontends = append(frontends, nodePortFE)
  1228  		}
  1229  	}
  1231  	for _, fe := range frontends {
  1232  		if fe.ID != 0 {
  1233  			if err := service.DeleteID(uint32(fe.ID)); err != nil {
  1234  				scopedLog.WithError(err).Warn("Error while cleaning service ID")
  1235  			}
  1236  		}
  1238  		if err := d.svcDeleteByFrontend(&fe.L3n4Addr); err != nil {
  1239  			l := scopedLog.WithError(err).WithField(logfields.Object, logfields.Repr(fe))
  1240  			msg := "Error deleting service by frontend"
  1241  			if _, ok := err.(*errSVCNotFound); ok {
  1242  				l.Info(msg)
  1243  			} else {
  1244  				l.Warn(msg)
  1245  			}
  1246  			continue
  1247  		} else {
  1248  			scopedLog.Debugf("# cilium lb delete-service %s %d 0", fe.IP, fe.Port)
  1249  		}
  1251  		if err := d.RevNATDelete(loadbalancer.ServiceID(fe.ID)); err != nil {
  1252  			scopedLog.WithError(err).WithField(logfields.ServiceID, fe.ID).Warn("Error deleting reverse NAT")
  1253  		} else {
  1254  			scopedLog.Debugf("# cilium lb delete-rev-nat %d", fe.ID)
  1255  		}
  1256  	}
  1257  	return nil
  1258  }
  1260  func genCartesianProduct(
  1261  	scopedLog *logrus.Entry,
  1262  	fe net.IP,
  1263  	isNodePort bool,
  1264  	ports map[loadbalancer.FEPortName]*loadbalancer.FEPort,
  1265  	bes *k8s.Endpoints,
  1266  ) []loadbalancer.LBSVC {
  1268  	var svcs []loadbalancer.LBSVC
  1270  	for fePortName, fePort := range ports {
  1272  		if fePort.ID == 0 {
  1273  			feAddr := loadbalancer.NewL3n4Addr(fePort.Protocol, fe, fePort.Port)
  1274  			feAddrID, err := service.AcquireID(*feAddr, 0)
  1275  			if err != nil {
  1276  				scopedLog.WithError(err).WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1277  					logfields.ServiceID: fePortName,
  1278  					logfields.IPAddr:    fe,
  1279  					logfields.Port:      fePort.Port,
  1280  					logfields.Protocol:  fePort.Protocol,
  1281  				}).Error("Error while getting a new service ID. Ignoring service...")
  1282  				continue
  1283  			}
  1284  			scopedLog.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1285  				logfields.ServiceName: fePortName,
  1286  				logfields.ServiceID:   feAddrID.ID,
  1287  				logfields.Object:      logfields.Repr(fe),
  1288  			}).Debug("Got feAddr ID for service")
  1289  			fePort.ID = loadbalancer.ServiceID(feAddrID.ID)
  1290  		}
  1292  		var besValues []loadbalancer.LBBackEnd
  1293  		for ip, portConfiguration := range bes.Backends {
  1294  			if backendPort := portConfiguration[string(fePortName)]; backendPort != nil {
  1295  				besValues = append(besValues, loadbalancer.LBBackEnd{
  1296  					L3n4Addr: loadbalancer.L3n4Addr{
  1297  						IP:     net.ParseIP(ip),
  1298  						L4Addr: *backendPort,
  1299  					},
  1300  					Weight: 0,
  1301  				})
  1302  			}
  1303  		}
  1305  		svcs = append(svcs,
  1306  			loadbalancer.LBSVC{
  1307  				FE: loadbalancer.L3n4AddrID{
  1308  					L3n4Addr: loadbalancer.L3n4Addr{
  1309  						IP: fe,
  1310  						L4Addr: loadbalancer.L4Addr{
  1311  							Protocol: fePort.Protocol,
  1312  							Port:     fePort.Port,
  1313  						},
  1314  					},
  1315  					ID: loadbalancer.ID(fePort.ID),
  1316  				},
  1317  				BES:      besValues,
  1318  				NodePort: isNodePort,
  1319  			})
  1320  	}
  1321  	return svcs
  1322  }
  1324  // datapathSVCs returns all services that should be set in the datapath.
  1325  func datapathSVCs(
  1326  	scopedLog *logrus.Entry,
  1327  	svc *k8s.Service,
  1328  	endpoints *k8s.Endpoints) (svcs []loadbalancer.LBSVC) {
  1330  	uniqPorts := svc.UniquePorts()
  1332  	clusterIPPorts := map[loadbalancer.FEPortName]*loadbalancer.FEPort{}
  1333  	for fePortName, fePort := range svc.Ports {
  1334  		if !uniqPorts[fePort.Port] {
  1335  			continue
  1336  		}
  1337  		uniqPorts[fePort.Port] = false
  1338  		clusterIPPorts[fePortName] = fePort
  1339  	}
  1340  	if svc.FrontendIP != nil {
  1341  		dpSVC := genCartesianProduct(scopedLog, svc.FrontendIP, false, clusterIPPorts, endpoints)
  1342  		svcs = append(svcs, dpSVC...)
  1343  	}
  1345  	for fePortName := range clusterIPPorts {
  1346  		for _, nodePortFE := range svc.NodePorts[fePortName] {
  1347  			nodePortPorts := map[loadbalancer.FEPortName]*loadbalancer.FEPort{
  1348  				fePortName: {
  1349  					L4Addr: &nodePortFE.L4Addr,
  1350  				},
  1351  			}
  1352  			dpSVC := genCartesianProduct(scopedLog, nodePortFE.IP, true, nodePortPorts, endpoints)
  1353  			svcs = append(svcs, dpSVC...)
  1354  		}
  1355  	}
  1356  	return svcs
  1357  }
  1359  // hashSVCMap returns a mapping of all frontend's hash to the its corresponded
  1360  // value.
  1361  func hashSVCMap(svcs []loadbalancer.LBSVC) map[string]loadbalancer.L3n4Addr {
  1362  	m := map[string]loadbalancer.L3n4Addr{}
  1363  	for _, svc := range svcs {
  1364  		m[svc.FE.L3n4Addr.SHA256Sum()] = svc.FE.L3n4Addr
  1365  	}
  1366  	return m
  1367  }
  1369  func (d *Daemon) addK8sSVCs(svcID k8s.ServiceID, oldSvc, svc *k8s.Service, endpoints *k8s.Endpoints) error {
  1370  	// If east-west load balancing is disabled, we should not sync(add or delete)
  1371  	// K8s service to a cilium service.
  1372  	if option.Config.DisableK8sServices {
  1373  		return nil
  1374  	}
  1376  	// Headless services do not need any datapath implementation
  1377  	if svc.IsHeadless {
  1378  		return nil
  1379  	}
  1381  	scopedLog := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1382  		logfields.K8sSvcName:   svcID.Name,
  1383  		logfields.K8sNamespace: svcID.Namespace,
  1384  	})
  1386  	svcs := datapathSVCs(scopedLog, svc, endpoints)
  1387  	svcMap := hashSVCMap(svcs)
  1389  	if oldSvc != nil {
  1390  		// If we have oldService then we need to detect which frontends
  1391  		// are no longer in the updated service and delete them in the datapath.
  1393  		oldSVCs := datapathSVCs(scopedLog, oldSvc, endpoints)
  1394  		oldSVCMap := hashSVCMap(oldSVCs)
  1396  		for svcHash, oldSvc := range oldSVCMap {
  1397  			if _, ok := svcMap[svcHash]; !ok {
  1398  				if err := d.svcDeleteByFrontend(&oldSvc); err != nil {
  1399  					scopedLog.WithError(err).WithField(logfields.Object, logfields.Repr(oldSvc)).
  1400  						Warn("Error deleting service by frontend")
  1401  				} else {
  1402  					scopedLog.Debugf("# cilium lb delete-service %s %d 0", oldSvc.IP, oldSvc.Port)
  1403  				}
  1404  			}
  1405  		}
  1406  	}
  1408  	for _, dpSvc := range svcs {
  1409  		if _, err := d.svcAdd(dpSvc.FE, dpSvc.BES, true, dpSvc.NodePort); err != nil {
  1410  			scopedLog.WithError(err).Error("Error while inserting service in LB map")
  1411  		}
  1412  	}
  1413  	return nil
  1414  }
  1416  func (d *Daemon) addIngressV1beta1(ingress *types.Ingress) error {
  1417  	scopedLog := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1418  		logfields.K8sIngressName: ingress.ObjectMeta.Name,
  1419  		logfields.K8sAPIVersion:  ingress.TypeMeta.APIVersion,
  1420  		logfields.K8sNamespace:   ingress.ObjectMeta.Namespace,
  1421  	})
  1422  	scopedLog.Info("Kubernetes ingress added")
  1424  	var host net.IP
  1425  	switch {
  1426  	case option.Config.EnableIPv4:
  1427  		host = option.Config.HostV4Addr
  1428  	case option.Config.EnableIPv6:
  1429  		host = option.Config.HostV6Addr
  1430  	default:
  1431  		return fmt.Errorf("either IPv4 or IPv6 must be enabled")
  1432  	}
  1434  	_, err := d.k8sSvcCache.UpdateIngress(ingress, host)
  1435  	if err != nil {
  1436  		return err
  1437  	}
  1439  	hostname, _ := os.Hostname()
  1440  	dpyCopyIngress := ingress.DeepCopy()
  1441  	dpyCopyIngress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress = []v1.LoadBalancerIngress{
  1442  		{
  1443  			IP:       host.String(),
  1444  			Hostname: hostname,
  1445  		},
  1446  	}
  1448  	_, err = k8s.Client().ExtensionsV1beta1().Ingresses(dpyCopyIngress.ObjectMeta.Namespace).UpdateStatus(dpyCopyIngress.Ingress)
  1449  	if err != nil {
  1450  		scopedLog.WithError(err).WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1451  			logfields.K8sIngress: dpyCopyIngress,
  1452  		}).Error("Unable to update status of ingress")
  1453  	}
  1454  	return err
  1455  }
  1457  func (d *Daemon) updateIngressV1beta1(oldIngress, newIngress *types.Ingress) error {
  1458  	scopedLog := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1459  		logfields.K8sIngressName + ".old": oldIngress.ObjectMeta.Name,
  1460  		logfields.K8sAPIVersion + ".old":  oldIngress.TypeMeta.APIVersion,
  1461  		logfields.K8sNamespace + ".old":   oldIngress.ObjectMeta.Namespace,
  1462  		logfields.K8sIngressName:          newIngress.ObjectMeta.Name,
  1463  		logfields.K8sAPIVersion:           newIngress.TypeMeta.APIVersion,
  1464  		logfields.K8sNamespace:            newIngress.ObjectMeta.Namespace,
  1465  	})
  1467  	if oldIngress.Spec.Backend == nil || newIngress.Spec.Backend == nil {
  1468  		// We only support Single Service Ingress for now
  1469  		scopedLog.Warn("Cilium only supports Single Service Ingress for now, ignoring ingress")
  1470  		return nil
  1471  	}
  1473  	// Add RevNAT to the BPF Map for non-LB nodes when a LB node update the
  1474  	// ingress status with its address.
  1475  	if !option.Config.IsLBEnabled() {
  1476  		port := newIngress.Spec.Backend.ServicePort.IntValue()
  1477  		for _, lb := range newIngress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress {
  1478  			ingressIP := net.ParseIP(lb.IP)
  1479  			if ingressIP == nil {
  1480  				continue
  1481  			}
  1482  			feAddr := loadbalancer.NewL3n4Addr(loadbalancer.TCP, ingressIP, uint16(port))
  1483  			feAddrID, err := service.AcquireID(*feAddr, 0)
  1484  			if err != nil {
  1485  				scopedLog.WithError(err).Error("Error while getting a new service ID. Ignoring ingress...")
  1486  				continue
  1487  			}
  1488  			scopedLog.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1489  				logfields.ServiceID: feAddrID.ID,
  1490  			}).Debug("Got service ID for ingress")
  1492  			if err := d.RevNATAdd(loadbalancer.ServiceID(feAddrID.ID),
  1493  				feAddrID.L3n4Addr); err != nil {
  1494  				scopedLog.WithError(err).WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1495  					logfields.ServiceID: feAddrID.ID,
  1496  					logfields.IPAddr:    feAddrID.L3n4Addr.IP,
  1497  					logfields.Port:      feAddrID.L3n4Addr.Port,
  1498  					logfields.Protocol:  feAddrID.L3n4Addr.Protocol,
  1499  				}).Error("Unable to add reverse NAT ID for ingress")
  1500  			}
  1501  		}
  1502  		return nil
  1503  	}
  1505  	if oldIngress.Spec.Backend.ServiceName == newIngress.Spec.Backend.ServiceName &&
  1506  		oldIngress.Spec.Backend.ServicePort == newIngress.Spec.Backend.ServicePort {
  1507  		return nil
  1508  	}
  1510  	return d.addIngressV1beta1(newIngress)
  1511  }
  1513  func (d *Daemon) deleteIngressV1beta1(ingress *types.Ingress) error {
  1514  	scopedLog := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1515  		logfields.K8sIngressName: ingress.ObjectMeta.Name,
  1516  		logfields.K8sAPIVersion:  ingress.TypeMeta.APIVersion,
  1517  		logfields.K8sNamespace:   ingress.ObjectMeta.Namespace,
  1518  	})
  1520  	if ingress.Spec.Backend == nil {
  1521  		// We only support Single Service Ingress for now
  1522  		scopedLog.Warn("Cilium only supports Single Service Ingress for now, ignoring ingress deletion")
  1523  		return nil
  1524  	}
  1526  	d.k8sSvcCache.DeleteIngress(ingress)
  1528  	// Remove RevNAT from the BPF Map for non-LB nodes.
  1529  	if !option.Config.IsLBEnabled() {
  1530  		port := ingress.Spec.Backend.ServicePort.IntValue()
  1531  		for _, lb := range ingress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress {
  1532  			ingressIP := net.ParseIP(lb.IP)
  1533  			if ingressIP == nil {
  1534  				continue
  1535  			}
  1536  			feAddr := loadbalancer.NewL3n4Addr(loadbalancer.TCP, ingressIP, uint16(port))
  1537  			// This is the only way that we can get the service's ID
  1538  			// without accessing the KVStore.
  1539  			svc := d.svcGetBySHA256Sum(feAddr.SHA256Sum())
  1540  			if svc != nil {
  1541  				if err := d.RevNATDelete(loadbalancer.ServiceID(svc.FE.ID)); err != nil {
  1542  					scopedLog.WithError(err).WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1543  						logfields.ServiceID: svc.FE.ID,
  1544  					}).Error("Error while removing RevNAT for ingress")
  1545  				}
  1546  			}
  1547  		}
  1548  		return nil
  1549  	}
  1551  	return nil
  1552  }
  1554  func (d *Daemon) updateCiliumNetworkPolicyV2AnnotationsOnly(ciliumNPClient clientset.Interface, ciliumV2Store cache.Store, cnp *types.SlimCNP) {
  1556  	scopedLog := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1557  		logfields.CiliumNetworkPolicyName: cnp.ObjectMeta.Name,
  1558  		logfields.K8sAPIVersion:           cnp.TypeMeta.APIVersion,
  1559  		logfields.K8sNamespace:            cnp.ObjectMeta.Namespace,
  1560  	})
  1562  	scopedLog.Info("updating node status due to annotations-only change to CiliumNetworkPolicy")
  1564  	ctrlName := cnp.GetControllerName()
  1566  	// Revision will *always* be populated because importMetadataCache is guaranteed
  1567  	// to be updated by addCiliumNetworkPolicyV2 before calls to
  1568  	// updateCiliumNetworkPolicyV2 are invoked.
  1569  	meta, _ := importMetadataCache.get(cnp)
  1570  	updateContext := &k8s.CNPStatusUpdateContext{
  1571  		CiliumNPClient:              ciliumNPClient,
  1572  		CiliumV2Store:               ciliumV2Store,
  1573  		NodeName:                    node.GetName(),
  1574  		NodeManager:                 d.nodeDiscovery.Manager,
  1575  		UpdateDuration:              spanstat.Start(),
  1576  		WaitForEndpointsAtPolicyRev: endpointmanager.WaitForEndpointsAtPolicyRev,
  1577  	}
  1579  	k8sCM.UpdateController(ctrlName,
  1580  		controller.ControllerParams{
  1581  			DoFunc: func(ctx context.Context) error {
  1582  				return updateContext.UpdateStatus(ctx, cnp, meta.revision, meta.policyImportError)
  1583  			},
  1584  		})
  1586  }
  1588  func (d *Daemon) addCiliumNetworkPolicyV2(ciliumNPClient clientset.Interface, ciliumV2Store cache.Store, cnp *types.SlimCNP) error {
  1589  	scopedLog := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1590  		logfields.CiliumNetworkPolicyName: cnp.ObjectMeta.Name,
  1591  		logfields.K8sAPIVersion:           cnp.TypeMeta.APIVersion,
  1592  		logfields.K8sNamespace:            cnp.ObjectMeta.Namespace,
  1593  	})
  1595  	scopedLog.Debug("Adding CiliumNetworkPolicy")
  1597  	var rev uint64
  1599  	rules, policyImportErr := cnp.Parse()
  1600  	if policyImportErr == nil {
  1601  		policyImportErr = k8s.PreprocessRules(rules, &d.k8sSvcCache)
  1602  		// Replace all rules with the same name, namespace and
  1603  		// resourceTypeCiliumNetworkPolicy
  1604  		rev, policyImportErr = d.PolicyAdd(rules, &AddOptions{
  1605  			ReplaceWithLabels: cnp.GetIdentityLabels(),
  1606  			Source:            metrics.LabelEventSourceK8s,
  1607  		})
  1608  	}
  1610  	if policyImportErr != nil {
  1611  		scopedLog.WithError(policyImportErr).Warn("Unable to add CiliumNetworkPolicy")
  1612  	} else {
  1613  		scopedLog.Info("Imported CiliumNetworkPolicy")
  1614  	}
  1616  	// Upsert to rule revision cache outside of controller, because upsertion
  1617  	// *must* be synchronous so that if we get an update for the CNP, the cache
  1618  	// is populated by the time updateCiliumNetworkPolicyV2 is invoked.
  1619  	importMetadataCache.upsert(cnp, rev, policyImportErr)
  1621  	if !option.Config.DisableCNPStatusUpdates {
  1622  		updateContext := &k8s.CNPStatusUpdateContext{
  1623  			CiliumNPClient:              ciliumNPClient,
  1624  			CiliumV2Store:               ciliumV2Store,
  1625  			NodeName:                    node.GetName(),
  1626  			NodeManager:                 d.nodeDiscovery.Manager,
  1627  			UpdateDuration:              spanstat.Start(),
  1628  			WaitForEndpointsAtPolicyRev: endpointmanager.WaitForEndpointsAtPolicyRev,
  1629  		}
  1631  		ctrlName := cnp.GetControllerName()
  1632  		k8sCM.UpdateController(ctrlName,
  1633  			controller.ControllerParams{
  1634  				DoFunc: func(ctx context.Context) error {
  1635  					return updateContext.UpdateStatus(ctx, cnp, rev, policyImportErr)
  1636  				},
  1637  			},
  1638  		)
  1639  	}
  1641  	return policyImportErr
  1642  }
  1644  func (d *Daemon) deleteCiliumNetworkPolicyV2(cnp *types.SlimCNP) error {
  1645  	scopedLog := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1646  		logfields.CiliumNetworkPolicyName: cnp.ObjectMeta.Name,
  1647  		logfields.K8sAPIVersion:           cnp.TypeMeta.APIVersion,
  1648  		logfields.K8sNamespace:            cnp.ObjectMeta.Namespace,
  1649  	})
  1651  	scopedLog.Debug("Deleting CiliumNetworkPolicy")
  1653  	importMetadataCache.delete(cnp)
  1654  	ctrlName := cnp.GetControllerName()
  1655  	err := k8sCM.RemoveControllerAndWait(ctrlName)
  1656  	if err != nil {
  1657  		log.Debugf("Unable to remove controller %s: %s", ctrlName, err)
  1658  	}
  1660  	_, err = d.PolicyDelete(cnp.GetIdentityLabels())
  1661  	if err == nil {
  1662  		scopedLog.Info("Deleted CiliumNetworkPolicy")
  1663  	} else {
  1664  		scopedLog.WithError(err).Warn("Unable to delete CiliumNetworkPolicy")
  1665  	}
  1666  	return err
  1667  }
  1669  func (d *Daemon) updateCiliumNetworkPolicyV2(ciliumNPClient clientset.Interface,
  1670  	ciliumV2Store cache.Store,
  1671  	oldRuleCpy, newRuleCpy *types.SlimCNP) error {
  1673  	_, err := oldRuleCpy.Parse()
  1674  	if err != nil {
  1675  		log.WithError(err).WithField(logfields.Object, logfields.Repr(oldRuleCpy)).
  1676  			Warn("Error parsing old CiliumNetworkPolicy rule")
  1677  		return err
  1678  	}
  1679  	_, err = newRuleCpy.Parse()
  1680  	if err != nil {
  1681  		log.WithError(err).WithField(logfields.Object, logfields.Repr(newRuleCpy)).
  1682  			Warn("Error parsing new CiliumNetworkPolicy rule")
  1683  		return err
  1684  	}
  1686  	log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1687  		logfields.K8sAPIVersion:                    oldRuleCpy.TypeMeta.APIVersion,
  1688  		logfields.CiliumNetworkPolicyName + ".old": oldRuleCpy.ObjectMeta.Name,
  1689  		logfields.K8sNamespace + ".old":            oldRuleCpy.ObjectMeta.Namespace,
  1690  		logfields.CiliumNetworkPolicyName:          newRuleCpy.ObjectMeta.Name,
  1691  		logfields.K8sNamespace:                     newRuleCpy.ObjectMeta.Namespace,
  1692  		"annotations.old":                          oldRuleCpy.ObjectMeta.Annotations,
  1693  		"annotations":                              newRuleCpy.ObjectMeta.Annotations,
  1694  	}).Debug("Modified CiliumNetworkPolicy")
  1696  	// Do not add rule into policy repository if the spec remains unchanged.
  1697  	if !option.Config.DisableCNPStatusUpdates {
  1698  		if oldRuleCpy.SpecEquals(newRuleCpy.CiliumNetworkPolicy) {
  1699  			if !oldRuleCpy.AnnotationsEquals(newRuleCpy.CiliumNetworkPolicy) {
  1701  				// Update annotations within a controller so the status of the update
  1702  				// is trackable from the list of running controllers, and so we do
  1703  				// not block subsequent policy lifecycle operations from Kubernetes
  1704  				// until the update is complete.
  1705  				oldCtrlName := oldRuleCpy.GetControllerName()
  1706  				newCtrlName := newRuleCpy.GetControllerName()
  1708  				// In case the controller name changes between copies of rules,
  1709  				// remove old controller so we do not leak goroutines.
  1710  				if oldCtrlName != newCtrlName {
  1711  					err := k8sCM.RemoveController(oldCtrlName)
  1712  					if err != nil {
  1713  						log.Debugf("Unable to remove controller %s: %s", oldCtrlName, err)
  1714  					}
  1715  				}
  1716  				d.updateCiliumNetworkPolicyV2AnnotationsOnly(ciliumNPClient, ciliumV2Store, newRuleCpy)
  1717  			}
  1718  			return nil
  1719  		}
  1720  	}
  1722  	return d.addCiliumNetworkPolicyV2(ciliumNPClient, ciliumV2Store, newRuleCpy)
  1723  }
  1725  func (d *Daemon) updatePodHostIP(pod *types.Pod) (bool, error) {
  1726  	if pod.SpecHostNetwork {
  1727  		return true, fmt.Errorf("pod is using host networking")
  1728  	}
  1730  	hostIP := net.ParseIP(pod.StatusHostIP)
  1731  	if hostIP == nil {
  1732  		return true, fmt.Errorf("no/invalid HostIP: %s", pod.StatusHostIP)
  1733  	}
  1735  	podIP := net.ParseIP(pod.StatusPodIP)
  1736  	if podIP == nil {
  1737  		return true, fmt.Errorf("no/invalid PodIP: %s", pod.StatusPodIP)
  1738  	}
  1740  	hostKey := node.GetIPsecKeyIdentity()
  1742  	// Initial mapping of podIP <-> hostIP <-> identity. The mapping is
  1743  	// later updated once the allocator has determined the real identity.
  1744  	// If the endpoint remains unmanaged, the identity remains untouched.
  1745  	selfOwned := ipcache.IPIdentityCache.Upsert(pod.StatusPodIP, hostIP, hostKey, ipcache.Identity{
  1746  		ID:     identity.ReservedIdentityUnmanaged,
  1747  		Source: source.Kubernetes,
  1748  	})
  1749  	if !selfOwned {
  1750  		return true, fmt.Errorf("ipcache entry owned by kvstore or agent")
  1751  	}
  1753  	return false, nil
  1754  }
  1756  func (d *Daemon) deletePodHostIP(pod *types.Pod) (bool, error) {
  1757  	if pod.SpecHostNetwork {
  1758  		return true, fmt.Errorf("pod is using host networking")
  1759  	}
  1761  	podIP := net.ParseIP(pod.StatusPodIP)
  1762  	if podIP == nil {
  1763  		return true, fmt.Errorf("no/invalid PodIP: %s", pod.StatusPodIP)
  1764  	}
  1766  	// a small race condition exists here as deletion could occur in
  1767  	// parallel based on another event but it doesn't matter as the
  1768  	// identity is going away
  1769  	id, exists := ipcache.IPIdentityCache.LookupByIP(pod.StatusPodIP)
  1770  	if !exists {
  1771  		return true, fmt.Errorf("identity for IP does not exist in case")
  1772  	}
  1774  	if id.Source != source.Kubernetes {
  1775  		return true, fmt.Errorf("ipcache entry not owned by kubernetes source")
  1776  	}
  1778  	ipcache.IPIdentityCache.Delete(pod.StatusPodIP, source.Kubernetes)
  1780  	return false, nil
  1781  }
  1783  func (d *Daemon) addK8sPodV1(pod *types.Pod) error {
  1784  	logger := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1785  		logfields.K8sPodName:   pod.ObjectMeta.Name,
  1786  		logfields.K8sNamespace: pod.ObjectMeta.Namespace,
  1787  		"podIP":                pod.StatusPodIP,
  1788  		"hostIP":               pod.StatusHostIP,
  1789  	})
  1791  	skipped, err := d.updatePodHostIP(pod)
  1792  	switch {
  1793  	case skipped:
  1794  		logger.WithError(err).Debug("Skipped ipcache map update on pod add")
  1795  		return nil
  1796  	case err != nil:
  1797  		msg := "Unable to update ipcache map entry on pod add"
  1798  		if err == errIPCacheOwnedByNonK8s {
  1799  			logger.WithError(err).Debug(msg)
  1800  		} else {
  1801  			logger.WithError(err).Warning(msg)
  1802  		}
  1803  	default:
  1804  		logger.Debug("Updated ipcache map entry on pod add")
  1805  	}
  1806  	return err
  1807  }
  1809  func (d *Daemon) updateK8sPodV1(oldK8sPod, newK8sPod *types.Pod) error {
  1810  	if oldK8sPod == nil || newK8sPod == nil {
  1811  		return nil
  1812  	}
  1814  	// The pod IP can never change, it can only switch from unassigned to
  1815  	// assigned
  1816  	d.addK8sPodV1(newK8sPod)
  1818  	// We only care about label updates
  1819  	oldPodLabels := oldK8sPod.GetLabels()
  1820  	newPodLabels := newK8sPod.GetLabels()
  1821  	if comparator.MapStringEquals(oldPodLabels, newPodLabels) {
  1822  		return nil
  1823  	}
  1825  	podNSName := k8sUtils.GetObjNamespaceName(&newK8sPod.ObjectMeta)
  1827  	podEP := endpointmanager.LookupPodName(podNSName)
  1828  	if podEP == nil {
  1829  		log.WithField("pod", podNSName).Debugf("Endpoint not found running for the given pod")
  1830  		return nil
  1831  	}
  1833  	newLabels := labels.Map2Labels(newPodLabels, labels.LabelSourceK8s)
  1834  	newIdtyLabels, _ := labels.FilterLabels(newLabels)
  1835  	oldLabels := labels.Map2Labels(oldPodLabels, labels.LabelSourceK8s)
  1836  	oldIdtyLabels, _ := labels.FilterLabels(oldLabels)
  1838  	err := podEP.ModifyIdentityLabels(newIdtyLabels, oldIdtyLabels)
  1839  	if err != nil {
  1840  		log.WithError(err).Debugf("error while updating endpoint with new labels")
  1841  		return err
  1842  	}
  1844  	log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1845  		logfields.EndpointID: podEP.GetID(),
  1846  		logfields.Labels:     logfields.Repr(newIdtyLabels),
  1847  	}).Debug("Update endpoint with new labels")
  1848  	return nil
  1849  }
  1851  func (d *Daemon) deleteK8sPodV1(pod *types.Pod) error {
  1852  	logger := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
  1853  		logfields.K8sPodName:   pod.ObjectMeta.Name,
  1854  		logfields.K8sNamespace: pod.ObjectMeta.Namespace,
  1855  		"podIP":                pod.StatusPodIP,
  1856  		"hostIP":               pod.StatusHostIP,
  1857  	})
  1859  	skipped, err := d.deletePodHostIP(pod)
  1860  	switch {
  1861  	case skipped:
  1862  		logger.WithError(err).Debug("Skipped ipcache map delete on pod delete")
  1863  	case err != nil:
  1864  		logger.WithError(err).Warning("Unable to delete ipcache map entry on pod delete")
  1865  	default:
  1866  		logger.Debug("Deleted ipcache map entry on pod delete")
  1867  	}
  1868  	return err
  1869  }
  1871  func (d *Daemon) updateK8sV1Namespace(oldNS, newNS *types.Namespace) error {
  1872  	if oldNS == nil || newNS == nil {
  1873  		return nil
  1874  	}
  1876  	// We only care about label updates
  1877  	if comparator.MapStringEquals(oldNS.GetLabels(), newNS.GetLabels()) {
  1878  		return nil
  1879  	}
  1881  	oldNSLabels := map[string]string{}
  1882  	newNSLabels := map[string]string{}
  1884  	for k, v := range oldNS.GetLabels() {
  1885  		oldNSLabels[policy.JoinPath(ciliumio.PodNamespaceMetaLabels, k)] = v
  1886  	}
  1887  	for k, v := range newNS.GetLabels() {
  1888  		newNSLabels[policy.JoinPath(ciliumio.PodNamespaceMetaLabels, k)] = v
  1889  	}
  1891  	oldLabels := labels.Map2Labels(oldNSLabels, labels.LabelSourceK8s)
  1892  	newLabels := labels.Map2Labels(newNSLabels, labels.LabelSourceK8s)
  1894  	oldIdtyLabels, _ := labels.FilterLabels(oldLabels)
  1895  	newIdtyLabels, _ := labels.FilterLabels(newLabels)
  1897  	eps := endpointmanager.GetEndpoints()
  1898  	failed := false
  1899  	for _, ep := range eps {
  1900  		epNS := ep.GetK8sNamespace()
  1901  		if oldNS.Name == epNS {
  1902  			err := ep.ModifyIdentityLabels(newIdtyLabels, oldIdtyLabels)
  1903  			if err != nil {
  1904  				log.WithError(err).WithField(logfields.EndpointID, ep.ID).
  1905  					Warningf("unable to update endpoint with new namespace labels")
  1906  				failed = true
  1907  			}
  1908  		}
  1909  	}
  1910  	if failed {
  1911  		return errors.New("unable to update some endpoints with new namespace labels")
  1912  	}
  1913  	return nil
  1914  }
  1916  // K8sEventProcessed is called to do metrics accounting for each processed
  1917  // Kubernetes event
  1918  func (d *Daemon) K8sEventProcessed(scope string, action string, status bool) {
  1919  	result := "success"
  1920  	if status == false {
  1921  		result = "failed"
  1922  	}
  1924  	metrics.KubernetesEventProcessed.WithLabelValues(scope, action, result).Inc()
  1925  }
  1927  func endpointUpdated(endpoint *types.CiliumEndpoint) {
  1928  	// default to the standard key
  1929  	encryptionKey := node.GetIPsecKeyIdentity()
  1931  	id := identity.ReservedIdentityUnmanaged
  1932  	if endpoint.Identity != nil {
  1933  		id = identity.NumericIdentity(endpoint.Identity.ID)
  1934  	}
  1936  	if endpoint.Encryption != nil {
  1937  		encryptionKey = uint8(endpoint.Encryption.Key)
  1938  	}
  1940  	if endpoint.Networking != nil {
  1941  		if endpoint.Networking.NodeIP == "" {
  1942  			// When upgrading from an older version, the nodeIP may
  1943  			// not be available yet in the CiliumEndpoint and we
  1944  			// have to wait for it to be propagated
  1945  			return
  1946  		}
  1948  		nodeIP := net.ParseIP(endpoint.Networking.NodeIP)
  1949  		if nodeIP == nil {
  1950  			log.WithField("nodeIP", endpoint.Networking.NodeIP).Warning("Unable to parse node IP while processing CiliumEndpoint update")
  1951  			return
  1952  		}
  1954  		for _, pair := range endpoint.Networking.Addressing {
  1955  			if pair.IPV4 != "" {
  1956  				ipcache.IPIdentityCache.Upsert(pair.IPV4, nodeIP, encryptionKey,
  1957  					ipcache.Identity{ID: id, Source: source.CustomResource})
  1958  			}
  1960  			if pair.IPV6 != "" {
  1961  				ipcache.IPIdentityCache.Upsert(pair.IPV6, nodeIP, encryptionKey,
  1962  					ipcache.Identity{ID: id, Source: source.CustomResource})
  1963  			}
  1964  		}
  1965  	}
  1966  }
  1968  func endpointDeleted(endpoint *types.CiliumEndpoint) {
  1969  	if endpoint.Networking != nil {
  1970  		for _, pair := range endpoint.Networking.Addressing {
  1971  			if pair.IPV4 != "" {
  1972  				ipcache.IPIdentityCache.Delete(pair.IPV4, source.CustomResource)
  1973  			}
  1975  			if pair.IPV6 != "" {
  1976  				ipcache.IPIdentityCache.Delete(pair.IPV6, source.CustomResource)
  1977  			}
  1978  		}
  1979  	}
  1980  }