(about) 1 // Add the deprecated IE-specific clipboardData to Window. 2 interface Window { 3 clipboardData?: { 4 setData: (format: "Text" | "URL", data: string) => boolean, 5 getData: (format: "Text" | "URL") => string, 6 clearData: (format: "Text" | "URL" | "File" | "HTML" | "Image") => boolean, 7 }; 8 } 9 10 // Needed for mysterious reasons, otherwise ts doesn't understand this is a module 11 declare module 'dialog-polyfill'; 12 13 declare let componentHandler: any; 14 15 // Enough typing for the Material Design library to be usable. 16 interface MaterialSnackbarOptionsNoAction { 17 message: string; 18 timeout?: number; 19 } 20 21 interface MaterialSnackbarOptionsWithAction { 22 actionHandler: (event: Event) => null; 23 actionText: string; 24 } 25 26 type MaterialSnackbarOptions = MaterialSnackbarOptionsNoAction | MaterialSnackbarOptionsWithAction; 27 28 interface MaterialSnackbar { 29 showSnackbar(options: MaterialSnackbarOptions): void; 30 } 31 32 type SnackbarElement<T extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement> = T & {MaterialSnackbar: MaterialSnackbar};