
     1  const addSectionExpanders = (): void => {
     2    const expanders = document.querySelectorAll<HTMLTableRowElement>('tr.section-expander');
     3    for (const expander of Array.from(expanders)) {
     4      expander.onclick = () => {
     5        const tbody = expander.parentElement.nextElementSibling;
     6        const icon = expander.querySelector('i')!;
     7        if (tbody.classList.contains('hidden-tests')) {
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    10        } else {
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    12          icon.innerText = 'expand_more';
    13        }
    14        spyglass.contentUpdated();
    15      };
    16    }
    17  };
    19  const addTestExpanders = (): void => {
    20    const rows = document.querySelectorAll<HTMLTableRowElement>('.failure-name,.flaky-name');
    21    for (const row of Array.from(rows)) {
    22      row.onclick = () => {
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    30          icon.innerText = 'expand_more';
    31        }
    32        spyglass.contentUpdated();
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    37  const addStdoutStderrOpeners = (): void => {
    38    const links = document.querySelectorAll<HTMLAnchorElement>('');
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    40      link.onclick = (e) => {
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    43        const blob = new Blob([`
    44        <head>
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    46          <title>Logs</title>
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    48        <body style="background-color: #303030; color: white; font-family: monospace; white-space: pre-wrap;">${text}</body>`], {type: 'text/html'});
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    54  const loaded = (): void => {
    55    addTestExpanders();
    56    addStdoutStderrOpeners();
    57    addSectionExpanders();
    58  };
    60  window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', loaded);