
     1  apiVersion: apps/v1
     2  kind: Deployment
     3  metadata:
     4    name: sub
     5    namespace: default
     6    labels:
     7      app: sub
     8  spec:
     9    replicas: 1
    10    selector:
    11      matchLabels:
    12        app: sub
    13    template:
    14      metadata:
    15        labels:
    16          app: sub
    17      spec:
    18        terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 120
    19        serviceAccountName: sub
    20        containers:
    21        - name: sub
    22          image: localhost:5001/sub
    23          args:
    24          - --config-path=/etc/config/config.yaml
    25          - --job-config-path=/etc/job-config
    26          - --grace-period=110s
    27          - --dry-run=false
    28          - --moonraker-address=http://moonraker.default
    29          ports:
    30          - name: http
    31            containerPort: 80
    32          - name: metrics
    33            containerPort: 9090
    34          volumeMounts:
    35          - name: config
    36            mountPath: /etc/config
    37            readOnly: true
    38          - name: job-config
    39            mountPath: /etc/job-config
    40            readOnly: true
    41          resources:
    42            requests:
    43              cpu: "1"
    44              memory: "2Gi"
    45          env:
    46          # Make sub use the Pub/Sub emulator running in the fakepubsub service.
    47          - name: PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST
    48            value: fakepubsub.default:80
    49        volumes:
    50        - name: config
    51          configMap:
    52            name: config
    53        - name: job-config
    54          configMap:
    55            name: job-config
    56        tolerations:
    57        - key: "prowcomponent"
    58          operator: "Equal"
    59          value: "true"
    60          effect: "NoSchedule"
    61  ---
    62  apiVersion: v1
    63  kind: Service
    64  metadata:
    65    name: sub
    66    namespace: default
    67  spec:
    68    selector:
    69      app: sub
    70    ports:
    71    - port: 80
    72      targetPort: 80
    73      protocol: TCP
    74    type: NodePort
    75  ---
    76  apiVersion: v1
    77  kind: ServiceAccount
    78  metadata:
    79    name: sub
    80    namespace: default
    81  ---
    82  kind: Role
    83  apiVersion:
    84  metadata:
    85    name: sub
    86    namespace: default
    87  rules:
    88    - apiGroups:
    89        -
    90      resources:
    91        - prowjobs
    92      verbs:
    93        - create
    94        - get
    95        - list
    96        - update
    97  ---
    98  kind: RoleBinding
    99  apiVersion:
   100  metadata:
   101    name: sub
   102    namespace: default
   103  roleRef:
   104    apiGroup:
   105    kind: Role
   106    name: sub
   107  subjects:
   108  - kind: ServiceAccount
   109    name: sub