
     1  deck:
     2    rerun_auth_configs:
     3      '*':
     4        allow_anyone: true
     6  sinker:
     7    resync_period: 5s
     8    max_prowjob_age: 48h
     9    max_pod_age: 48h
    10    terminated_pod_ttl: 30m
    12  horologium:
    13    tick_interval: 1s
    15  prowjob_namespace: default
    16  pod_namespace: test-pods
    17  log_level: debug
    19  prowjob_default_entries:
    20    - cluster: '*'
    21      repo: 'testRepo'
    22      config:
    23        tenant_id: 'tester'
    24    - cluster: '*'
    25      repo: "https://fakegitserver.default/repo/some/org/gangway-test-repo-1"
    26      config:
    27        tenant_id: 'well-behaved-tenant-for-gangway'
    29  gerrit:
    30    tick_interval: 1s
    31    org_repos_config:
    32    - org: http://fakegerritserver
    33      repos:
    34      - gerrit-test-infra-0
    35      - gerrit-test-infra-1
    36      - gerrit-test-infra-2
    38  plank:
    39    default_decoration_config_entries:
    40    - config:
    41        timeout: 2h
    42        grace_period: 15s
    43        utility_images:
    44          clonerefs: localhost:5001/clonerefs-ssl-disabled:latest
    45          # By default, use the version of initupload that has
    46          # STORAGE_EMULATOR_HOST set to fakegcsserver.
    47          initupload: localhost:5001/initupload-fakegcsserver:latest
    48          entrypoint: localhost:5001/entrypoint:latest
    49          sidecar: localhost:5001/sidecar:latest
    50        gcs_configuration:
    51          bucket: "bucket-foo"
    52          path_strategy: "legacy"
    53          default_org: "org-foo"
    54          default_repo: "repo-foo"
    56  # fakepubsub will read this config and create all necessary subscriptions.
    57  pubsub_subscriptions:
    58    "project1":
    59    - "subscription1" # Subscribed to "topic1".
    61  in_repo_config:
    62    enabled:
    63     "org1/repo1": true
    64     "fakegitserver.default/repo/repo2": true
    65     "fakegitserver.default/repo/repo3": true
    66     "fakegitserver.default/repo/org1/repo4": true
    67     "fakegitserver.default/repo/org1/repo5": true
    68     "fakegitserver.default/repo/org1/repo6": true
    69     "fakegitserver.default/repo/org1/repo7": true
    70     "fakegitserver.default/repo/some/org/gangway-test-repo-1": true
    71     "fakegitserver.default/repo/moonraker-burst": true
    72     "fakegitserver.default/repo/moonraker-update-base-branch": true
    74  # Allowlist of Prow API clients.
    75  gangway:
    76    allowed_api_clients:
    77    - gcp:
    78        # This translates to the expected `x-endpoint-api-consumer-type` HTTP
    79        # metadata header.
    80        endpoint_api_consumer_type: "PROJECT"
    81        # This translates to the expected `x-endpoint-api-consumer-number` HTTP
    82        # metadata header.
    83        endpoint_api_consumer_number: "123"
    85      # We don't want this client to be able to trigger *all* jobs. So instead we
    86      # limit its scope to only certain jobs defined for specific subsets of jobs.
    87      allowed_jobs_filters:
    88      - tenant_id: "well-behaved-tenant-for-gangway"