
     1  #!/usr/bin/env bash
     2  # Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors.
     3  #
     4  # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  # You may obtain a copy of the License at
     7  #
     8  #
     9  #
    10  # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  # limitations under the License.
    16  # Set up the KIND cluster.
    18  set -o errexit
    19  set -o nounset
    20  set -o pipefail
    22  SCRIPT_ROOT="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)"
    23  source "${SCRIPT_ROOT}"/
    25  function usage() {
    26    >&2 cat <<EOF
    27  Set up the KIND cluster. Ultimately, this results in the running of 2 docker containers, called kind-prow-integration-control-plane and kind-prow-integration-registry.
    29  Usage: $0 [options]
    31  Examples:
    32    # Setup the KIND cluster with default settings (this is what you want when you
    33    # are running this script manually for debugging).
    34    $0
    36    # Use a different node port (32222) for the KIND cluster than the default
    37    # 30303 one. This port is used by fakepubsub. Note that the port must be in
    38    # the range 30000-32767.
    39    $0 -fakepubsub-node-port=32222
    41  Options:
    42      -fakepubsub-node-port='':
    43          Make the fakepubsub service use the provided node port (default 30303).
    45      -help:
    46          Display this help message.
    47  EOF
    48  }
    50  function main() {
    51    local fakepubsub_node_port
    52    fakepubsub_node_port=30303
    53    # If we abort the setup script with Ctrl+C, delete the cluster because the
    54    # setup process was interrupted.
    55    # shellcheck disable=SC2064
    56    trap "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/ -kind-cluster" SIGINT SIGTERM
    58    if [[ -z "${HOME:-}" ]]; then
    59      HOME="$(cd ~ && pwd -P)"
    60      export HOME
    61    fi
    63    for arg in "$@"; do
    64      case "${arg}" in
    65        -fakepubsub-node-port=*)
    66          fakepubsub_node_port="${arg#-fakepubsub-node-port=}"
    67          ;;
    68        -help)
    69          usage
    70          return
    71          ;;
    72        --*)
    73          echo >&2 "cannot use flags with two leading dashes ('--...'), use single dashes instead ('-...')"
    74          return 1
    75          ;;
    76      esac
    77    done
    79    # The KIND cluster is configured to use a special local docker registry; this
    80    # registry must exist before we bring up the cluster. See for more information.
    81    setup_local_docker_registry
    83    # Required for some tests (e.g., horologium_test.go) that use a dummy image.
    84    #
    85    # TODO(listx): Move this code to horologium_test.go, as it is orthogonal to
    86    # KIND cluster setup.
    87    populate_registry alpine:latest
    89    if cluster_running; then
    90      log "Using existing KIND cluster"
    91    else
    92      "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/" -kind-cluster
    93      create_cluster "${fakepubsub_node_port:-30303}"
    94    fi
    95    setup_cluster
    97    # Use nginx as a reverse proxy and load balancer for the cluster. We don't
    98    # wait for it here in this script because it can take a while to finish. We do
    99    # wait for it in the script.
   100    log "Installing nginx ingress controller on KIND cluster"
   101    do_kubectl apply -f "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/config/nginx.yaml"
   102  }
   104  function cluster_running() {
   105    local running
   106    running="$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Running}}' "${_KIND_CLUSTER_NAME}-control-plane" 2>/dev/null || true)"
   107    [[ "${running}" == "true" ]]
   108  }
   110  # Create a cluster with the local registry enabled in containerd,
   111  # as well as configure node-labels and extraPortMappings for ingress.
   112  # See:
   113  function create_cluster() {
   114    log "Creating KIND cluster"
   116    local fakepubsub_node_port
   117    fakepubsub_node_port="${1:-30303}"
   119    cat <<EOF | kind create cluster --name "${_KIND_CLUSTER_NAME}" --config=-
   120  kind: Cluster
   121  apiVersion:
   122  containerdConfigPatches:
   123  - |-
   124    [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".registry.mirrors."localhost:${LOCAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY_PORT}"]
   125      endpoint = ["http://${LOCAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY_NAME}:5000"]
   126  nodes:
   127  - role: control-plane
   128    kubeadmConfigPatches:
   129    - |
   130      kind: InitConfiguration
   131      nodeRegistration:
   132        kubeletExtraArgs:
   133          node-labels: "ingress-ready=true"
   134    extraPortMappings:
   135    - containerPort: 80
   136      hostPort: 80
   137      protocol: TCP
   138    - containerPort: 443
   139      hostPort: 443
   140      protocol: TCP
   141    - containerPort: 32000
   142      hostPort: 32000
   143      protocol: TCP
   144    - containerPort: ${fakepubsub_node_port}
   145      hostPort: ${fakepubsub_node_port}
   146      protocol: TCP
   147  EOF
   149  }
   151  # Connect the registry to the cluster network.
   152  function setup_cluster() {
   153    log "Setting up local registry for cluster"
   154    # Ignore the error, as the network may already be connected.
   155    docker network connect "kind" "${LOCAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY_NAME}" 2>/dev/null || true
   157    cat <<EOF | do_kubectl apply -f -
   158  apiVersion: v1
   159  kind: ConfigMap
   160  metadata:
   161    name: local-registry-hosting
   162    namespace: kube-public
   163  data:
   164    localRegistryHosting.v1: |
   165      host: "localhost:${LOCAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY_PORT}"
   166      help: ""
   167  EOF
   169  }
   171  function setup_local_docker_registry() {
   172    # Create registry container unless it already exists.
   173    running="$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Running}}' "${LOCAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY_NAME}" 2>/dev/null || true)"
   174    if [[ "${running}" == 'true' ]]; then
   175      log "Local registry localhost:${LOCAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY_PORT} already exists"
   176    else
   177      log "Creating docker container for hosting local registry localhost:${LOCAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY_PORT}"
   178      "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/" -local-registry
   179      docker run \
   180        -d --restart=always -p "${LOCAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY_PORT}:5000" --name "${LOCAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY_NAME}" \
   181        registry:2
   182    fi
   183  }
   185  function populate_registry() {
   186    local src
   187    local dest
   189    src="${1:-}"
   190    dest="${2:-}"
   191    dest="localhost:${LOCAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY_PORT}/${dest}"
   192    log "Push ${src} to registry as ${2}"
   193    docker pull "${src}"
   194    docker tag "${src}" "${dest}"
   195    docker push "${dest}"
   196  }
   198  main "$@"