
     1  #!/usr/bin/env bash
     2  # Copyright 2021 The Kubernetes Authors.
     3  #
     4  # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  # You may obtain a copy of the License at
     7  #
     8  #
     9  #
    10  # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  # limitations under the License.
    16  # Delete the KIND cluster used for integration tests.
    18  set -o errexit
    19  set -o nounset
    20  set -o pipefail
    22  SCRIPT_ROOT="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)"
    23  source "${SCRIPT_ROOT}"/
    25  function usage() {
    26    >&2 cat <<EOF
    27  Tear down resources created by the integration tests.
    29  Usage: $0 [options]
    31  Examples:
    32    # Tear down all resources (KIND cluster and local Docker registry).
    33    $0 -all
    35    # Tear down only the KIND cluster.
    36    $0 -kind-cluster
    38    # Tear down only the local Docker registry.
    39    $0 -local-registry
    41    # Save KIND logs (these can be verbose) to directory "./logs".
    42    $0 -save-logs=logs
    44  Options:
    45      -all:
    46          Delete both the KIND cluster and local Docker registry. These two
    47          resources are ultimately just Docker containers. You can check if these
    48          have been deleted by watching "docker ps -a" output.
    50      -kind-cluster:
    51          Only delete the KIND cluster (container named "${_KIND_CLUSTER_NAME}-control-plane").
    53      -local-registry:
    54          Only delete the local Docker registry (container named
    55          "${LOCAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY_NAME}").
    57      -save-logs='':
    58          Save KIND cluster logs to the given directory before tearing anything
    59          down. This saves all log output of all containers in all namespaces.
    61          This flag gets implied if the ARTIFACTS environment variable is set.
    63      -help:
    64          Display this help message.
    65  EOF
    66  }
    68  function main() {
    69    local artifacts_dir
    70    declare -a teardown_args
    72    if ! (($#)); then
    73      echo >&2 "teardown: missing flag: must provide one of -all, -kind-cluster, or -local-registry"
    74      return 1
    75    fi
    77    for arg in "$@"; do
    78      case "${arg}" in
    79        -all)
    80          teardown_args+=(-kind-cluster)
    81          teardown_args+=(-local-registry)
    82          ;;
    83        -kind-cluster)
    84          teardown_args+=("${arg}")
    85          ;;
    86        -local-registry)
    87          teardown_args+=("${arg}")
    88          ;;
    89        -save-logs=*)
    90          artifacts_dir="${arg#-save-logs=}"
    91          ;;
    92        -help)
    93          usage
    94          return
    95          ;;
    96        --*)
    97          echo >&2 "cannot use flags with two leading dashes ('--...'), use single dashes instead ('-...')"
    98          return 1
    99          ;;
   100      esac
   101    done
   103    if [[ -n "${artifacts_dir:-}" ]]; then
   104      save_logs "${artifacts_dir}"
   105    fi
   107    if [[ -n "${teardown_args[*]}" ]]; then
   108      if [[ " ${teardown_args[*]} " =~ " -kind-cluster " ]]; then
   109        teardown_kind_cluster
   110      fi
   111      if [[ " ${teardown_args[*]} " =~ " -local-registry " ]]; then
   112        teardown_local_registry
   113      fi
   114    fi
   115  }
   117  function save_logs() {
   118    local log_dir
   119    log_dir="${1:-}"
   121    # Grab KIND logs. KIND does a thorough job of exporting all logs from all pods
   122    # across all namespaces, including previously deleted (failed) containers, so
   123    # this is much better than what we can manually collect with kubectl.
   124    #
   125    # TODO(listx): Make horologium_test.go delete the 1-minute periodic job as
   126    # part of cleanup.
   127    # TODO(listx): Make horologium_test.go name its jobs after its test name.
   128    log "Saving logs to ${log_dir}"
   129    kind export logs --name "${_KIND_CLUSTER_NAME}" "${log_dir}" || true
   130  }
   132  function teardown_kind_cluster() {
   133    log "Tearing down the KIND cluster"
   134    kind delete cluster --name "${_KIND_CLUSTER_NAME}" || true
   135  }
   136  function teardown_local_registry() {
   137    log "Deleting local registry (if any)"
   138    docker stop "${LOCAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY_NAME}" 2>/dev/null || true
   139    docker rm -f "${LOCAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY_NAME}" 2>/dev/null || true
   140  }
   142  main "$@"