
     1  # Knit 🧶
     3  ![Test Workflow](
     4  [![Go Reference](](
     5  [![Go Report Card](](
     6  [![MIT License](](
     8  Knit is a build tool inspired by Make and Plan9 Mk. You define rules with a
     9  Make-like embedded syntax within a Lua program. Rules can be passed around as
    10  Lua objects, and generated by Lua code. You can use the Lua module system to
    11  make reusable modules for building any kind of source code. Knit combines the
    12  readability of a Make-style rules language will the power and expressiveness of
    13  Lua. If you are familiar with Make, you can learn Knit very quickly.
    15  Knit tracks more of your build to give you better incremental builds. For
    16  example, Knit automatically adds an implicit dependency on a rule's recipe, so
    17  if you change a recipe (either directly or through a variable change), Knit
    18  will automatically re-run all rules that were affected. Knit will also skip
    19  build steps dynamically if it can determine that they will be unchanged from
    20  the previous run (even if earlier dependencies were changed).
    22  Knit has support for namespaced sub-builds that execute relative to their
    23  directory, but Knit avoids build fragmentation because sub-builds don't rely on
    24  spawning build sub-processes. No more `make -C` to do sub-builds! Everything is
    25  tracked by the root Knitfile, but you can still make directory-specific rules.
    27  Knit's rules language is heavily inspired by [Plan9
    28  Mk]( In some ways, Knit can be considered a
    29  modern version of Mk with a Lua meta-programming system built on top of it
    30  (there are some differences compared to Mk).
    32  Why make yet another build system? Because it's fun and useful to me! Maybe it
    33  will be useful to you too. Everyone hates something about their build system so
    34  if you have feedback or a request, let me know! The project is new enough that
    35  your feedback may be seriously taken into account.
    37  **Articles**: I have written two articles with more details about Knit
    38  [here]( and
    39  [here]( (this
    40  article is specifically about D, but the optimization Knit applies is general
    41  and not tied to D specifically).
    43  # Features
    45  * Knit uses Lua for customization. This makes it possible to write reusable
    46    build libraries, and in general makes it easier to write powerful and
    47    expressive builds.
    48  * Knit has built-in syntax for a rules language inspired by Make and Plan9 Mk.
    49    This makes it very familiar to anyone who has used Make/Mk.
    50  * Knit has direct support for sub-builds (compared to Make, which usually
    51    involves spawning a separate make sub-process to perform a sub-build).
    52  * Knit can hash files to determine if they are out-of-date, rather than just
    53    relying on file modification times.
    54      * Knit additionally uses hashes for "dynamic task elision": if Knit can
    55        dynamically determine that a prerequisite that was rebuilt actually
    56        changed nothing, it won't re-run the dependent build step, allowing for
    57        even better incremental builds compared to timestamp-based approaches
    58        (Make, Ninja, etc.).
    59  * Knit tracks recipe changes, so if you update a variable (in the Knitfile or
    60    at the command-line), any dependent rules will be automatically rebuilt.
    61  * Knit supports `%` meta-rules and regular expression meta-rules.
    62  * Knit uses rule attributes instead of using targets such as `.SECONDARY` to
    63    indicate special processing.
    64  * Knit supports virtual rules that are independent of the file system.
    65  * Knit uses sane variable names like `$input`, `$output`, and `$match` instead
    66    of Make's `$^`, `$@`, and `$*`.
    67  * Knit supports rules with multiple outputs, and treats them like Make's group
    68    targets by default.
    69  * Knit supports sub-tools that implement various build utilities including:
    70      * Generating a graph visualization using graphviz (dot).
    71      * Showing build status information (whether targets are out-of-date and
    72        why).
    73      * Exporting a compile commands database for use with a language server.
    74      * Automatically cleaning all build outputs.
    75      * Converting your build into a shell script, Makefile, or Ninja file.
    76  * Knit will search up the directory hierarchy for a Knitfile, allowing you
    77    to run your build from anywhere in your project.
    78  * Knit supports parallel builds and uses all cores by default.
    79  * Cross-platform support (Windows support is still experimental).
    80      * Knit uses a shell to execute commands. By default, Knit searches for `sh`
    81        on your system and uses that. If it cannot find `sh`, it uses an internal
    82        (cross-platform) shell.
    84  # Example Knitfile
    86  Here is a very basic Knitfile for building a simple C project.
    88  ```lua
    89  return b{
    90      $ hello: hello.o
    91          cc -O2 $input -o $output
    92      $ %.o: %.c
    93          cc -O2 -c $input -o $output
    94  }
    95  ```
    97  The syntax for rules is nearly the same as Make, and Knit supports `%`
    98  meta-rules just like Make. However, rather than using a custom language
    99  to configure the build, Knit uses Lua.
   101  Here is a more complex example Knitfile used for building a simple C project.
   102  This time the Knitfile supports various configurations (changing `cc` and
   103  enabling debug flags), and automatically detects the source files.
   105  ```lua
   106  local knit = require("knit")
   108  local conf = {
   109      cc = or "gcc",
   110      debug = tobool(cli.debug) or false,
   111  }
   113  local cflags := -Wall
   115  if conf.debug then
   116      cflags := $cflags -Og -g
   117  else
   118      cflags := $cflags -O2
   119  end
   121  local src = knit.glob("*.c")
   122  local obj = knit.extrepl(src, ".c", ".o")
   123  local prog := hello
   125  return b{
   126      $ build:VB: $prog
   128      $ $prog: $obj
   129          $( $cflags $input -o $output
   130      $ %.o:D[%.d]: %.c
   131          $( $cflags -MMD -c $input -o $output
   132  }
   133  ```
   135  Running `knit hello` would build all the necessary `.o` files and then link
   136  them together. Running `knit hello debug=1` would change the flags and re-run
   137  the affected rules. Running `knit build` will build `hello` (effectively an
   138  alias for `knit hello`).  The `VB` attributes on the build rule means that it
   139  is virtual (not referring to a file on the system), and should always be built
   140  (out-of-date).
   142  Running `knit -t clean` will run a sub-tool that automatically removes all
   143  generated files.
   145  Header dependencies are automatically handled by using the `-MMD` compiler flag
   146  with the `D[%.d]` attribute. To explicitly name the dependency file (e.g., to
   147  put it in a `.dep` folder), you could instead use:
   149  ```
   150  $ %.o:D[.dep/%.dep]: %.c
   151      $( $cflags -MMD -MF $dep -c $input -o $output
   152  ```
   154  Note that Knitfiles are Lua programs with some modified syntax: special syntax
   155  using `$` for defining rules, and special syntax using `:=` for defining raw
   156  strings (no quotes) with interpolation.
   158  See the [docs](./docs/ for more information.
   160  See [examples](./examples) for a few examples, and see this repository's
   161  Knitfile and the tests for even more examples.
   163  # Installation
   165  Prebuilt binaries are available from the [release page](
   167  You can install one automatically using [eget](
   169  ```
   170  eget zyedidia/knit
   171  ```
   173  Or you can build from source (requires Go 1.19):
   175  ```
   176  go install
   177  ```
   179  # Experimental or future possible features
   181  * Ninja to Knit converter (for compatibility with cmake, and for benchmarking).
   182    See [knitja]( for the converter tool.
   183  * Performance optimizations.
   184      * Knit can already be used to build large projects, such as CVC5 (using the
   185        knitja converter). For massive builds though, like LLVM, Knit suffers
   186        from some performance problems that could be improved.
   187  * Better support for dynamic dependencies. Currently it is possible to handle
   188    dynamic dependencies by generating rules, but I would like to explore the
   189    possibility of a more clean and cohesive solution.
   190      * Ptrace enabled automatic dependency discovery (Linux-only feature).
   191        See the [xkvt]( project for some
   192        experiments on this front.
   193  * Global build file cache (similar to `ccache`, but for every command that is
   194    executed).
   195  * A restrictive mode for build sandboxing.
   197  # Feedback
   199  It is always useful useful to get feedback from others to improve Knit. If you
   200  have feedback, or questions about how to use it, please open a discussion. It
   201  would be great to discuss the good and bad parts of the current design, and how
   202  it can be improved.
   204  # Usage
   206  ```
   207  Usage of knit:
   208    knit [TARGETS] [ARGS]
   210  Options:
   211    -B, --always-build        unconditionally build all targets
   212        --cache string        directory for caching internal build information (default ".")
   213        --cpuprofile string   write cpu profile to 'file'
   214    -D, --debug               print debug information
   215    -C, --directory string    run command from directory
   216    -n, --dry-run             print commands without actually executing
   217    -f, --file string         knitfile to use (default "knitfile")
   218        --hash                hash files to determine if they are out-of-date (default true)
   219    -h, --help                show this help message
   220        --keep-going          keep going even if recipes fail
   221    -q, --quiet               don't print commands
   222        --shell string        shell to use when executing commands (default "sh")
   223    -s, --style string        printer style to use (basic, steps, progress) (default "basic")
   224    -j, --threads int         number of cores to use (default 8)
   225    -t, --tool string         subtool to invoke (use '-t list' to list subtools); further flags are passed to the subtool
   226    -u, --updated strings     treat files as updated
   227    -v, --version             show version information
   228  ```
   230  Available sub-tools (`knit -t list`):
   232  ```
   233  list - list all available tools
   234  graph - print build graph in specified format: text, tree, dot, pdf
   235  clean - remove all files produced by the build
   236  targets - list all targets (pass 'virtual' for just virtual targets)
   237  compdb - output a compile commands database
   238  commands - output the build commands (formats: knit, json, make, ninja, shell)
   239  status - output dependency status information
   240  ```
   242  # Contributing
   244  If you find a bug or have a feature request please open an issue for
   245  discussion. I am sometimes prone to being unresponsive to pull requests, so I
   246  apologize in advance. Please ping me if I forget to respond. If you have a
   247  feature you would like to implement, please double check with me about the
   248  feature before investing lots of time into implementing it.
   250  If you have a question or feedback about the current design, please open a
   251  discussion.