
     2      <h1>FAQ</h1>
     4      <h3>Can I run it on my computer?</h3>
     6      <p>If you're running Linux or OSX, definitely; we actively support both those platforms.<br/>
     7        Installing Please on either is as easy as <code>curl | bash</code>.
     8        Further dependencies shouldn't be necessary after that, assuming you have what you need for
     9        the languages you want to work on (e.g. you'll need a JDK to use Please for Java).</p>
    11      <p>To compile it, one needs Go installed, plus a few other things for various other
    12        builtin tools. On Linux we primarily support Ubuntu;
    13        <a href="">Artful</a> is the easiest to get it working on, but
    14        <a href="">Xenial</a> is supported for most features too.
    15        See <a href="">tools/images/ubuntu</a>
    16        for information and a Dockerfile for setting up a recommended environment.</p>
    18      <p>To build on OSX, you will similarly need to add some extra packages; we recommend using
    19        <a href="">Homebrew</a> to add at least <code>go</code> and <code>python3</code>.
    20        <code>unittest-cpp</code> and <code>nasm</code> will be needed for Please's C++ tests.</p>
    22      <p>It has been built on FreeBSD before, so it should be technically possible; this hasn't
    23        been tested for some time though.</p>
    25      <p>Windows is unfortunately not supported natively, since it's just too different from the
    26        Unix environment Please is designed for. It might well be possible to make it work using
    27        Cygwin or MinGW / MSYS, or the recent Ubuntu on Windows development though. We aren't
    28        doing this work ourselves because we don't have any Windows machines, but we're
    29        happy to accept PRs in that direction.</p>
    32      <h3>What's the licence?</h3>
    34      <p><a href="">Apache 2.0</a></p>
    37      <h3>Why use Please instead of go build / Maven / Gradle?</h3>
    39      <p>Cross-language support is a big advantage; we have four main languages in use at Thought Machine
    40        (Javascript, Python, Java and Go) plus several smaller pieces (some C++ and Thrax grammars) and
    41        having to invoke different compilers and/or test tools for each one would be extremely tiresome.</p>
    43      <p>Please can also integrate many different kinds of build steps; for example a code generation
    44        step using <code>go generate</code> or <code>protoc</code> can be invoked dynamically without
    45        having to check the resulting code into the repository.</p>
    47      <p>We've tried other tools (notably Gradle and Buck) internally and ultimately decided that
    48        we could build something that would either better fit our needs, be considerably faster,
    49        or both.</p>
    52      <h3>Why use Please instead of Bazel, Buck or Pants?</h3>
    54      <p>All four of these systems are quite closely related in the scheme of things, being inspired by
    55        (or in Bazel's case, a direct open sourcing of) Google's Blaze.</p>
    57      <p>Several of us had worked at Google and used Blaze extensively there; we were excited about it being
    58        open sourced as Bazel but by then we were already using Please internally. It's a great system but
    59        we have slightly different goals, specifically we're aiming Please at being lighter weight and
    60        pushing the boundaries of what can be done within the BUILD language. Since Please is written in
    61        Go there's no runtime dependency on the JVM.
    62      </p>
    64      <p>We actually used Buck for some months internally before deciding to write Please and before it
    65        was capable of building our repo. We preferred it to other options available, but again we're
    66        focused on different goals; Please is easier to extend to new languages, has a bunch of features
    67        that we specifically wanted (e.g. test containerisation) and has a stronger focus on BUILD
    68        language correctness. Conversely we have much less support for mobile development.</p>
    70      <p>We're least familiar with Pants; one of our developers briefly tried it and while we liked
    71        many aspects we didn't think it was the ideal fit for us at the time.</p>
    74      <h3>What inspired the design of Please?</h3>
    76      <p>Originally Blaze, since a number of us had used it at Google. More recently we'd used Buck
    77        internally so many things superficially resemble that for compatibility reasons
    78        (e.g. <code>python_binary</code> instead of <code>py_binary</code> etc).</p>
    80      <p>Some of the advanced features are based on things we would have liked to do with Blaze, for example
    81        being able to defer creation of some build rules until they actually need to be built. This is
    82        only really of interest for spectacularly large trees of targets or especially esoteric use
    83        cases though.</p>
    85      <p>Mostly, of course, it was inspired by our fearless leader Paul, specifically the point when
    86        he told us "you absolutely cannot write your own build system". After that it was
    87        really inevitable...</p>
    90      <h3>Why is it so fast?</h3>
    92      <p>Firstly, all the rules explicitly declare their dependencies, so Please can aggressively
    93        parallelise build rules wherever possible. It can also cache & reuse previous outputs when
    94        they haven't changed, and it hashes all input files to make sure it's correct.</p>
    96      <p>Also BUILD files encourage you to break projects into smaller components, which can then
    97        be compiled in parallel. It's still possible to define a project with a single BUILD file
    98        in the traditional Java way that one would use in Gradle etc, and this works fine for
    99        smaller projects, but for larger ones parallelising the compilation can be a big advantage.</p>
   101      <p>There are no separate steps inside Please; parsing BUILD files, building targets and running
   102        tests can all happen simultaneously, so there's no down time waiting for the last thing to
   103        compile before the tests begin. The parsing process is also very fast due to having an
   104        in-process Python interpreter.</p>
   106      <p>It being written in Go and being an entirely native binary means great performance and fast
   107        startup times; internally it's also highly parallelised and can take full advantage of the
   108        underlying hardware.</p>
   110      <p>Finally, the rules themselves are optimised in various ways; for example, the construction of
   111        the final .jar from a <code>java_binary</code> is an efficient concatenation of other .jar
   112        files without any recompression. Similarly the output .pex from a <code>python_binary</code>
   113        is built up piecemeal throughout the <code>python_library</code> rules and assembled at the end
   114        so we don't have to recompress an entire zip file every time you change one .py file.</p>
   117      <h3>How do you parse the BUILD files? What format are they?</h3>
   119      <p>The currently-unnamed BUILD language is a restricted subset of Python; see
   120        <a href="language.html">here</a> for more details, documentation and a formal grammar.</p>
   122      <p>This provides a nice balance between an elegant and powerful language, but also one that can
   123        be interpreted more easily than Python itself, and that is reasonably familiar to many developers.</p>
   125      <p>One downside to this is that the BUILD files are a little hard to automatically edit or
   126        update compared to a data format like XML, Yaml or JSON. We think this is worth the tradeoff
   127        for giving the developer more power and (in our opinion) a significantly nicer format.<br/>
   128        A couple of Please features can help with updating BUILD files; see <a href="commands.html#gc">plz gc</a>
   129        and <a href="commands.html#hash">plz hash --update</a> for more info.</p>
   131      <p>We suggest investigating <a href="">buildifier</a>
   132        if you'd like a pretty-printer / autoformatter for them.</p>
   135      <h3>Okay, but what exactly are you using to parse the files?</h3>
   137      <p>The built-in parser is an internal pure Go implementation. It's evolved through several implementations
   138        over time; ultimately this provides maximum control and performance (because we are not subject to
   139        Python's GIL, or cgo calling overhead).</p>
   142      <h3>How does Please build itself? Do I need Please to build Please?</h3>
   144      <p>Please bootstraps itself using <code>go build</code> to build a temporary version of itself,
   145        which is then used to rebuild itself using its own BUILD rules. This requires a little
   146        duplication between the initial bootstrap script and the BUILD rules but obviously we
   147        can't rely on anyone building it already having a version of it installed.</p>
   149      <p>Fortunately the process is pretty fast since Go is fast to compile.</p>
   152      <h3>Why write it in Go?</h3>
   154      <p>We excluded most other languages that any of us were familiar with through a process
   155        of elimination; JVM languages were ruled out from a concern about startup overhead,
   156        we were concerned about Python's threading performance for an inherently parallel system
   157        and felt C++ was too fiddly and lacked a strong standard library. Rust was still pre-1.0
   158        at the time (although that didn't take long, as it turned out) so we felt it was a bit
   159        early to leap into that.</p>
   161      <p>It also turned out to be a really useful way of learning the language; the project is
   162        about the right size to explore it properly and sufficiently self-contained not to
   163        affect other parts of our repo until we were sure Go was a language we wanted to do more of.</p>
   165      <p>We're very happy with the results; the performance of native binaries is excellent,
   166        the language was easy to become productive with and has great support for all the things
   167        we needed to do with it. Our early concerns (e.g. the classic &quot;no generics!&quot;)
   168        turned out to be a lot less problematic than we expected.</p>
   170      <p>An alternative explanation is that the original high-level design meeting for Please was
   171        an impromptu discussion in a pub one Friday evening, where we thought it would be a neat
   172        language to try despite none of us having any real experience with it.</p>
   175      <h3>Is this the primary repo, or do you have a secret internal version too?</h3>
   177      <p>This is the only repository; all development is done here. Initially we had an internally
   178        hosted repo but transferred the project to Github in preparation for open sourcing it.
   180      <p>We've got some build rules in our internal repo that aren't built into Please yet.
   181        We intend to open source as we can, but the ones left aren't easy to genericise
   182        for various reasons.</p>
   184      <p>There are some additional rules available at
   185        <a href=""></a>,
   186        which we either do not want to guarantee compatibility for, are still experimental, or are
   187        sufficiently esoteric that we don't want the build process for Please to require them.</p>
   190      <h3>How does the versioning scheme work? What are the compatibility guarantees?</h3>
   192      <p>We are using <a href="">semantic versioning</a> so essentially:
   193        <ul>
   194          <li>Changes to the major version number mean you might have to make an active change
   195            to your BUILD files or project config.</li>
   196          <li>Changes to the minor version number indicate additional features that shouldn't
   197            require any changes on your part.</li>
   198          <li>Changes to the patch version number are bugfixes.</li>
   199        </ul>
   200      </p>
   202      <p>These rules apply to the "public parts" of the project; specifically the command-line interface and flags,
   203        the config file format and the BUILD file format and builtins are essentially the API
   204        and so we take significantly more care about compatibility around those.<br/>
   205        The interface to the various sub-tools invoked by Please we consider an implementation
   206        detail and those might change more aggressively (although in practice they rarely do).</p>
   208      <p>Things whose behaviour is not explicitly specified might change with less notice,
   209        because of course you shouldn't have been relying on it anyway. This includes the exact
   210        hash generation method - if it becomes necessary to change that for a bugfix it may force
   211        apparently unnecessary rebuilds after an update. We try to avoid that as much as possible
   212        since it's aggravating (for us too!) but since it doesn't affect eventual correctness
   213        it can change in minor releases.</p>
   215      <p>The versions don't apply to the code interfaces themselves, since we don't expect
   216        this to see wide use as a library. If some part of it becomes popular in that way we'll
   217        likely split it out to a separate repository and version it separately.</p>
   220      <h3>What does it look like when I'm running it?</h3>
   222      <p>Like this:</p>
   224      <asciinema-player src=""></asciinema-player>
   226      <p>The appearance is somewhat inspired by Buck, although we have put some of our own
   227        spin on it as well.</p>
   229      <h3>What do the colours in the console output mean?</h3>
   231      <p>They change based on the type of rule that's being built:</p>
   233      <ul>
   234        <li>Yellow: Go</li>
   235        <li>Green: Python</li>
   236        <li>Red: Java</li>
   237        <li>Blue: Javascript</li>
   238        <li>Cyan: Parsing a BUILD file</li>
   239        <li>Magenta: Third party dependencies</li>
   240        <li>White: Anything else.</li>
   241      </ul>
   243      <p>Libraries are normal weight, binaries (including tests) are bold.</p>
   245      <p>There is absolutely no significance to the choice of colours beyond arbitrary choice
   246        when that code was originally written.</p>
   249      <h3>Why's it called Please?</h3>
   251      <p>Because we liked the idea of sounding polite when typing "plz build", "plz test", etc.<br/>
   252        Also we chose the domain name before almost anything else (priorities!).</p>